EDSG :: Volume #15

#1499: Who is controls

Receives!” “收!” The powerful struck to kill the 5-Star monster Saint boundary monster cow, Ye Chenfeng has taken away its precious monster pill and high-grade Saint treasure Wan Shepan immediately, the body dodges, passed through the space of collapse, continued flies to the ancient day celestial mountain deep place. 强势击杀了五星妖圣境界的妖牛,叶晨风立即收走了它珍贵的妖丹和上品圣宝万蛇盘,身子一闪,穿越了塌陷的空间,继续向古天仙山深处飞去。 How long not to have flown, Ye Chenfeng feels clearly that several formidable aura have locked themselves, but these aura, have all surpassed the Battle Soul Continent limit. 没飞多久,叶晨风清晰地感觉到,数股强大的气息锁定了自己,而这些气息,全都超越了斗魂大陆极限。 Has not thought of three big god country many antiquity big energies, not in war of deep sleep god country, but has been protecting the secret of Tianwaitian, it seems like three big alien races are very big to this Tianwaitian interest!” “没想到三大神国不少上古大能,并不在神国之战沉睡,而是一直守护着天外天的秘密,看来三大异族对这天外天兴趣很大!” Felt a famous monster Saint, the demon Saint, the aura of Tiansheng is locking itself, Ye Chenfeng cannot help but revealed the dignified color. 感受着一名名妖圣,魔圣,天圣的气息锁定自己,叶晨风不由得流露出凝重之色。 Although by the Ye Chenfeng present strength and inside story, can definitely cut to kill any boundary monster Saint, demon Saint, Tiansheng, but his feelings, in ancient day celestial mountain perhaps the Venerable level big energies of three big god countries'. 虽然以叶晨风如今的实力和底蕴,完全可以斩杀任何境界的妖圣,魔圣,天圣,但他有一种感觉,古天仙山中说不定有三大神国的尊级大能。 If the bitter experience Venerable the level big energy, can only display Life Soul Technique by his strength, burns the formidable life to resist. 如果遭遇尊级大能,以他的实力只能施展命魂术,燃烧强大的寿元进行对抗。 Humanity, here is not the place that you should come, fast departs, if leads the way again, do not blame the old man to lose your life!” “人类,这里不是你应该来的地方,速速离去吧,如果再进行前行,别怪老夫夺你性命!” Ye Chenfeng when banning the heavily ancient day celestial mountain flies, slowly approaches Tianwaitian, another deep sleep in celestial mountain can regain consciousness greatly, the fearful sound such as the Nine Heavens startling thunderclap, resounds in the Ye Chenfeng ear bank, shakes his ear bank to send the drum. 叶晨风独自一人在禁制重重的古天仙山中飞行,慢慢靠近天外天时,又一尊沉睡在仙山中的大能苏醒了,可怕的声音如九天惊雷,在叶晨风耳畔响起,震得他耳畔发鼓。 Here is my Human Race world, why I cannot come!” The Ye Chenfeng overbearing response said. “这里本就是我人族的世界,我为何不能来!”叶晨风霸道的回应道。 Yeah, Human Race so is forever stupid!” The old sound resounds once more: This world, already was my Heaven Clan world, if were not some of your Human Race also values, already perished.” “哎,人族永远都这般愚蠢!”苍老的声音再次响起:“这个世界,早就是我天族的世界了,如果不是你们人族还有些价值,早就灭亡了。” Right?” “是吗?” The Ye Chenfeng pupil shrinks, the profound pupil light has locked the Northwest, his fist rumbles, the big piece frail space broke, the fearful fist glow is towing the long tail, a fist bang broke to pieces one to flood the mountain wall of formidable ban, revealed has worn the seal brown long gown, the snow white long hair let fall the waist, Lian Po was old man. 叶晨风瞳孔一缩,深邃的眸光锁定了西北方,他一拳轰出,大片脆弱的空间破碎了,可怕的拳芒拖曳着长长的尾巴,一拳轰碎了一座充斥着强大禁制的山壁,露出了身穿深褐色长袍,雪白长发垂落到腰部,廉颇老矣的老者。 Un, 5-Star Saint?” Felt that the Ye Chenfeng boundary, Heaven Clan can reveal the color of accident greatly: Your could it be is the Human Race protector.” “嗯,五星道圣?”感觉到叶晨风的境界,天族大能露出了意外之色:“你难道人族守护者。” Deceased person does not need to know that who I was!” “死人就无需知道我是谁了!” Saying, Ye Chenfeng foot pedal sword step, is tearing to pieces the collapse space, interwove ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) sword shade, the attack has been approaching the Heaven Clan big energy. 说着,叶晨风脚踏剑步,撕破着塌陷空间,交织着万丈剑影,攻击向了天族大能。 Ka ka ka!” “咔咔咔!” Ye Chenfeng approaches rapidly, Heaven Clan can in the pupil of pollution jump greatly projects also wants the dazzling ray compared with Sun, the expert who as he covers entirely the wrinkle wields gently, the space before his body had the fold, formed the strength of formidable space, the attack has approached Ye Chenfeng. 叶晨风急速靠近,天族大能浑浊的眸子中迸射出比太阳还要刺目的光芒,随着他布满皱纹的老手轻轻一挥,他身前的空间发生了褶皱,形成了强大的空间之力,攻击向了叶晨风 Gives me to break to pieces!” “给我碎!” The space fold raids, Ye Chenfeng has not dodged, his within the body five big hole hole strengths erupt, the spirit of bead fusion dying rumbled a fist, a fist has broken to pieces the fold space bang, approached the Heaven Clan big energy that the complexion changed with irresistible force. 空间褶皱袭来,叶晨风没有闪躲,他体内五大穴窍力量爆发,融合死之灵珠轰出了一拳,一拳将褶皱空间轰碎了,势如破竹般逼近了脸色微变的天族大能。 Big strength!” Heaven Clan can greatly saying of accident: When small and weak Human Race had the so formidable human body.” “好大的力量!”天族大能意外的说道:“弱小的人族何时拥有这般强大的肉体了。” Holy blood Zhu, town day bead, friendly!” “圣血珠,镇天珠,融!” Present Heaven Clan can be 6-Star Tiansheng peak expert greatly, does not dare to be negligent facing his Ye Chenfeng, fused two mahatma treasures decisively, with the strength of formidable Saint treasure, own boundary promotion to a 6-Star Saint, can start the fierce attack to Heaven Clan stiffly greatly. 眼前的天族大能乃是六星天圣巅峰高手,面对他叶晨风不敢大意,果断融合了两大圣宝,借强大的圣宝之力,硬生生将自身的境界提升到六星道圣,向天族大能发动凶猛的攻击。 When the fist and Heaven Clan when Ye Chenfeng rumbles can the old palm move greatly together, over 300 million jin (0.5 kg) strength erupted, crushes the strength of day Heaven Clan can the palm gush out greatly. 叶晨风轰出的拳头与天族大能苍老的手掌触碰到一起时,超过300000000斤的力量爆发了,粉碎着天族大能掌心喷薄而出的天之力。 Silver Sword Soul, cuts!” “白银剑魂,斩!” When firmly resist strikes does not know one's place, the Ye Chenfeng thought moves, summons silver Sword Soul, turned into the Milky Way sword glow, without a peer cutting to the Heaven Clan big energy, forced his instinct to the one side has fended. 硬憾一击不分上下时,叶晨风意念一动,召唤出了白银剑魂,化成了银河般的剑芒,不可匹敌的斩向了天族大能,逼迫他本能的向一旁闪避。 Sword wing!” “剑翅!” The instance that Heaven Clan can fend greatly, Ye Chenfeng behind sparkles to make a debut the dazzling sword glow, is constituted the sword wing that to spend his body by several thousand Divine sword, has delimited in frail void. 天族大能闪避的瞬间,叶晨风身后闪耀出道道刺目的剑芒,由数万道神剑构成的剑翅破出他的身体,在脆弱的虚空中划过。 Un, the sword wing......” looks at the Top Grade Saint treasured sword wing that Ye Chenfeng summoned, Heaven Clan can reveal the color of accident greatly: How emperor extinguishes the Saint treasure that the day Venerable on you.” “嗯,剑翅……”看着叶晨风召唤出的极品圣宝剑翅,天族大能露出了意外之色:“帝灭天尊的圣宝怎么会在你身上。” Naturally is he gives to me!” “当然是他送给我的!” Saying, Ye Chenfeng was summoning three big Spirit Level Dao Chart, turned into the endless [say / way] sea, has spilled into the sword wing, interwove the endless sword glow, the attack has approached the Heaven Clan big energy. 说着,叶晨风召唤出三大灵级道图,化成了无尽的道海,涌进了剑翅中,交织出无尽的剑芒,攻击向了天族大能。 Heaven Clan can greatly the strength, although is strong, but he does not have the Top Grade Saint treasure, facing the attack of sword wing, his offensive was suppressed instantaneously, the sharp sword wing tears to pieces his defense unceasingly, is attacking his mortal body. 天族大能实力虽强,但他并没有极品圣宝,面对剑翅的攻击,他的攻势被瞬间压制,锋利的剑翅不断地撕破他的防御,攻击着他的肉身。 [Say / Way] of plate day!” “天之道盘!” The offensive was suppressed, retreating in defeat again and again Heaven Clan can burn greatly the strength of formidable bloodlines, the strength of day the control rolling wells up turned into the [say / way] of plate space black hole day, the bang has killed to Ye Chenfeng. 攻势被压制,节节败退的天族大能燃烧了强大的血脉之力,控制滚滚涌来的天之力化成了空间黑洞般的天之道盘,轰杀向了叶晨风 Blood demon mountain, broken!” “血魔山,破!” Does not wait for [say / way] of plate bang day to come, Ye Chenfeng summoned the second largest Top Grade Saint treasure, controlled the blood light blood demon mountain recklessly to pound maliciously on the [say / way] of plate day, the powerful broke big killing move that Heaven Clan has been able to display greatly, the suppression has approached his main body. 不等天之道盘轰来,叶晨风召唤出了第二大极品圣宝,控制血光肆意的血魔山狠狠地砸在了天之道盘上,强势破掉了天族大能施展的大杀招,镇压向了他的本体。 When Heaven Clan can full power dodge the blood demon mountain suppression greatly, dazzling sword light flashes through in him together at present, silver Sword Soul and Heavenly Sword embryo fuses first in together, changes to together the dazzling asterism, a sword divided in Heaven Clan has been able greatly on body, divided to fly his sword, the massive blood spurted crazily in the midair. 天族大能全力闪躲血魔山镇压时,一道刺目的剑光在他眼前闪过,白银剑魂和先天剑胎融合在一起,化作一道刺目的星芒,一剑劈在了天族大能的身体上,将他一剑劈飞了出去,大量的鲜血狂喷在了半空中。 Ka!” “咔咔!” The experience to the fearfulness of Ye Chenfeng, Heaven Clan can the rapid crumb two clear stones, produce strange energy ripple greatly all over the body, integrates in the ancient day celestial mountain. 见识到叶晨风的可怕,天族大能迅速捏碎了两颗通体晶莹的石头,产生了一道道奇异的能量波纹,融入到古天仙山中。 The next quarter, two were not weak in the aura of old man regained consciousness in the ancient day celestial mountain, was mixing the fearful aura, flew to here at the extremely quick speed. 下一刻,两股不弱于老者的气息在古天仙山中苏醒了,搅动着可怕的气息,以极快的速度向这边飞来。 Humanity, I, no matter your anything status, extinguishes the day Venerable anything to relate with the emperor, you must die today!” “人类,我不管你什么身份,和帝灭天尊什么关系,你今天都要死!” The old men are covering by the first chest that the Heavenly Sword embryo chops the wound, is looking angrily at Ye Chenfeng, dense saying. 老者捂着被先天剑胎劈伤的胸口,怒视着叶晨风,森然的说道。 What's wrong, came two helpers, made you forget oneself?” Ye Chenfeng sneers, haughty saying: Today, I will make you know that this world, who is the absolute control.” “怎么,来了两个帮手,就让你忘乎所以了?”叶晨风冷笑一声,狂傲的说道:“今天,我会让你知道,这个世界,谁才是绝对的主宰。” When speech, two big grating sounds from out of the blue get up, a beautiful woman of old yet still graceful, a reputation like the drum, the stature extremely fat man appears side the old man greatly. 说话之际,两大刺耳的破空声响起,一名风韵犹存的美妇,一名头大如鼓,身材臃肿的男子出现在老者身边。 Bai was old man, you injured?” “白翁,你受伤了?” Looks at the sword mark of old man chest, a plentiful beautiful woman brow slightly wrinkle, accidental saying. 看着老者胸口的剑痕,丰腴美妇眉头微微一皱,意外的说道。 This Human Race boy is talented, is grasping two big Top Grade Saint treasures, we struck to kill him to say first with joint forces again!” “这人族小子实力不俗,掌握着两大极品圣宝,我们先合力击杀他再说!” Bai the old man took a Saint pill, suppressed the body injury, said in a low voice. 白翁服下了一颗圣丹,压制住身体伤势,低声说道。 Two big Top Grade Saint treasures!” “两大极品圣宝!” The eyes of plentiful beautiful woman and obese man have shone immediately, looks to Ye Chenfeng look burning hot even more. 丰腴美妇和肥胖男子的眼睛顿时亮了起来,看向叶晨风的眼神越发的炙热。 But the next quarter, their expressions coagulated. 但下一刻,他们三人的表情凝固了。 They see, five big Top Grade Saint treasures float in the Ye Chenfeng top of the head, in addition spends the sword wing of Ye Chenfeng body, he is grasping six big Top Grade Saint treasures. 他们看到,五大极品圣宝悬浮在了叶晨风头顶,再加上破出叶晨风身体的剑翅,他一人就掌握着六大极品圣宝。 Since the person has arrived in full, makes me deliver you to start off together!” “既然人到齐了,就让我送你们一起上路吧!” Saying, Ye Chenfeng has been burning Primordial Chaos Blood, own strength is increased once more, the skill in Daoist cultivation of non- using up spends his body, pours into to six big Top Grade Saint treasures. 说着,叶晨风燃烧了鸿蒙之血,自身的实力再次提升,无竭的道力破出他的身体,注入到六大极品圣宝中。 He prepared by the most tyrannical stance, the bang to kill three Tiansheng, weakened the Heaven Clan strength. 他准备以最强横的姿态,轰杀三大天圣,削弱天族的力量。
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