EDSG :: Volume #16

#1513: Hits to explode the puppet

Saw that Ye Chenfeng by this bayonet, is moved by the Ye Chenfeng body that the massive illusions confuse suddenly, changes to together the remnant shade, making red armor man bayonet empty. 眼看叶晨风被这一枪刺中,被大量幻象迷惑的叶晨风身子突然动了,化作一道残影,让红甲男子这一枪刺空了。 You had not been confused by the illusion unexpectedly!” “你竟然没有被幻象迷惑!” The red armor man has revealed the color of accident, was startled Ye Chenfeng to scatter the illusion influence unexpectedly instantaneously, dodged itself fatally to strike. 红甲男子露出了意外之色,吃惊叶晨风竟然瞬间驱散了幻象影响,闪躲开了自己致命一击。 This illusion might, although is strong, but is for me useless!” “这幻象威力虽强,但对我来说无用!” Ye Chenfeng cultivates imaginary Spirit Level Dao Chart, the control illusion corrodes sufficiently, let alone Ye Chenfeng also having Devouring God Brain this greatly kills, the illusion that on the lake surface floods does not threaten to him. 叶晨风修炼成幻之灵级道图,足以控制幻象侵蚀,更何况叶晨风还有噬神脑这个大杀器,湖面上充斥的幻象对他毫无威胁可言。 Good, you are very good!” Red armor man indifferent saying of: Defeats me, through test that the master leaves behind, that True Spirit Saint technique was your.” “不错,你很不错!”红甲男子冷漠的说道:“击败我,通过主人留下的考验,那真灵圣技就是你的了。” True Spirit Saint technique!” 真灵圣技!” The Ye Chenfeng brow raises, in the heart has raised the dreadful rough seas. 叶晨风眉头一掀,心中掀起了滔天大浪。 Has Devouring God Brain, Ye Chenfeng knew about Heaven Territory very that knows the True Spirit Saint technique is to surmount existence of Top Grade Saint technique, has the unimaginable might. 拥有噬神脑,叶晨风天域十分了解,知道真灵圣技是超越极品圣技的存在,拥有不可想象的威力。 If he can grasp True Spirit Saint technique, the attack might that he shows will surmount Top Grade Saint, becomes he most fearful Assassin's mace. 而如果他能掌握真灵圣技,那他施展出的攻击威力将超越极品圣器,成为他最可怕的杀手锏。 This Tianwaitian worthily is the central world first strategic place, inside really has the True Spirit Saint technique to exist!” “这天外天不愧是中央世界第一险地,里面竟然有真灵圣技存在!” Ye Chenfeng has borne excitement in heart, has approached the red armor man the vision projection again. 叶晨风忍住了心中的激动,重新将目光投射向了红甲男子。 Because he is clear, although True Spirit Saint technique is precious, but wants to obtain is not easy, oneself must defeat the red armor man to be good first. 因为他清楚,真灵圣技虽然珍贵,但想要得到也不容易,自己必须要先击败红甲男子才行。 „The 1-Star [say / way] Venerable the peak!” 一星道尊巅峰!” Ye Chenfeng controlled Devouring God Brain as if to induce the strength of red armor man, relaxed secretly, the strength of red armor man completely in he controlled, wanted to defeat him not to be difficult. 叶晨风控制噬神脑仿佛感应了一下红甲男子的实力,暗自松了一口气,红甲男子的实力完全在他掌控中,想要击败他不难。 Universe Sword Array!” 乾坤剑阵!” The Ye Chenfeng thought moves, the swords of 300 universe have spent his body, turned into the mysterious universe sword chart in his top of the head, the turnover the formidable sword prestige, is locking the red armor man. 叶晨风意念一动,300把乾坤之剑破出了他的身体,在他头顶化成了玄奥的乾坤剑图,吞吐着让人生畏的剑威,锁定着红甲男子。 Drinks!” “喝!” The red armor man explodes drinks one, the fearful sound ate delicacies to shake has dispersed locking of sword prestige, he grasped the flame color, seemed beating the long gun|spear of flame, a bayonet to thorn to Ye Chenfeng. 红甲男子爆喝一声,可怕的声啸震散了剑威的锁定,他手持火红色,仿佛跳动着火焰的长枪,一枪刺向了刺向了叶晨风 Universe Sword Array, kills!” 乾坤剑阵,袭杀!” Ye Chenfeng intends to probe the strength of red armor man, controls Universe Sword Array to attack, a handle handle flows the sword glow of strength of universe to fly to raid, changes to the endless sword rain, swallowed to the red armor man. 叶晨风有意试探红甲男子的实力,操控乾坤剑阵进行攻击,一柄柄流动着乾坤之力的剑芒飞袭而下,化作无尽的剑雨,吞噬向了红甲男子。 Spear|Gun like dragon, glow like wind!” “枪如龙,芒如风!” The red armor man disregards the Universe Sword Array attack, the red long gun|spear extremely fast in hand revolves, turned into a power and influence astonishing fire dragon volume, is rolling up and pushing along void, broke the sword shade that flies to raid to come, broke the attack of Universe Sword Array. 红甲男子无视乾坤剑阵攻击,手中的红色长枪极速回旋起来,化成了一条威势惊人的火龙卷,卷动着虚空,破掉了飞袭而来的剑影,破掉了乾坤剑阵的攻击。 Good strength attack, the striking power of red armor man surpassed the 1-Star [say / way] Venerable the limit absolutely, achieved the 2-Star [say / way] Venerable the standard!” “好强的攻击,红甲男子的攻击力绝对超过了一星道尊极限,达到了二星道尊水准!” The experience to the strength of red armor man, Ye Chenfeng the thought controls Universe Sword Array to combine immediately in together, turned into a handle invincible great sword, is blending over 1 billion jin (0.5 kg) strength, a sword has broken the fire dragon volume, shook has drawn back the red armor man. 见识到红甲男子的实力,叶晨风立即意念控制乾坤剑阵组合在一起,化成了一柄无敌的巨剑,交融着超过1000000000斤的力量,一剑破开了火龙卷,震退了红甲男子。 Striking power is good, but wants to defeat me, but also is worse!” “攻击力不错,不过想要击败我,还差一些!” Red armor male spigot spits the criticism, grasps the flame long gun|spear, continued to attack to approach Ye Chenfeng. 红甲男子口吐人言,手持火红色长枪,继续攻击向了叶晨风 Superhuman!” “三头六臂!” The Ye Chenfeng thought moved, changes the ultimate shape, grasped six big Top Grade Saint soldiers, welcomed to the red armor man, battled with him. 叶晨风意念一动,变化成了终极形态,手持六大极品圣兵,迎向了红甲男子,与他激战起来。 Although the striking power of red armor man is strong, but Ye Chenfeng near body attacks is more fearful. 红甲男子的攻击力虽强,但叶晨风近身攻击更可怕。 Two people to hit quickly quickly, fights by, intense battle above the illusion heavily lake, is without making any mutual concessions. 二人以快打快,以强战强,在幻象重重地湖泊之上激烈的厮杀,互不相让。 First Heavenly Sword embryo, silver Sword Soul, friendly!” “先天剑胎,白银剑魂,融!” When battles to the superheating stage, the Ye Chenfeng thought moves, silver Sword Soul and Heavenly Sword embryo has spent his body first, the fast fusion, cut to the red armor man, was dispersing his attack. 激战到白热化阶段时,叶晨风意念一动,白银剑魂和先天剑胎破出了他的身体,快速的融合,斩向了红甲男子,分散着他的攻击。 When red armor man full power resistance first Heavenly Sword embryo attack, the spirit of bead Ye Chenfeng right hand and dying fuses in together, a fist bombardment to the chest of red armor man, the strength of fearful death broke his body directly, is destroying the mark of his within the body. 当红甲男子全力抵御先天剑胎攻击时,叶晨风右手和死之灵珠融合在一起,一拳轰击向了红甲男子的胸口,可怕的死亡之力直接破进了他的身体,破坏着他体内的印记。 Un, this is any strength!” “嗯,这是什么力量!” The red armor man has revealed the color of being startled, he discovered that the mark of own within the body was being disintegrated by strength of the death. 红甲男子露出了吃惊之色,他发现自己体内的印记正在被一股死亡之力瓦解。 Town Dragon Zhuang!” “镇龙桩!” Held red armor man to explain the opportunity of strength of death, Ye Chenfeng deduces the pinnacle three big Spirit Level Dao Chart, turned into nine town Dragon Zhuang to drop from the clouds baseless, connects the bombardment on the body of red armor man, the fearful strength pounded to fall him stiffly to the lake surface. 抓住红甲男子破解死亡之力的时机,叶晨风将三大灵级道图推演到极致,凭空化成了九根镇龙桩从天而降,接连轰击在了红甲男子的身体上,可怕的力量硬生生将他砸落向湖面。 Wrath of God Punishment!” 神罚之怒!” Red armor man full power punctures a spear|gun, when town dragon piles puncture, Ye Chenfeng controls Wrath of God Punishment to collect in the right fist, rumbled a fist to his chest. 红甲男子全力刺出一枪,将一根根镇龙桩刺破时,叶晨风控制神罚之怒汇集在右拳中,冲着他的胸口轰出了一拳。 A over 1 billion jin (0.5 kg) strength as well as Wrath of God Punishment also erupt, is shelling the body of red armor man maliciously, is shelling his being repulsed successively. 超过1000000000斤的力量以及神罚之怒同时爆发,狠狠地轰击着红甲男子的身体,轰击着他节节的败退。 Universe Sword Array, the universe strikes!” 乾坤剑阵,乾坤一击!” Shakes the red armor man successfully draws back, Ye Chenfeng follows up a victory with hot pursuit, cuts to fall Universe Sword Array, while the strength of spirit of bead dying will display the pinnacle, does not give a red armor man respite the opportunity. 成功将红甲男子震退,叶晨风乘胜追击,一边斩落着乾坤剑阵,一边将死之灵珠的力量发挥到极致,不给红甲男子一丝喘息的机会。 Melts Dragon Qiang!” “化龙枪!” The red armor man defensive power is greatly strengthened, encounters the Ye Chenfeng tidal offensive, receives the minor wound merely, depends upon the formidable defense to withstand the attack, the red armor man in the red long gun|spear with hand fuses rapidly in together, turned into the big dragon long gun|spear, was howling the thorn to Ye Chenfeng. 红甲男子防御力极强,遭到叶晨风潮水般的攻势,也仅仅受到轻伤,依靠强大的防御承受住攻击,红甲男子迅速与手中的红色长枪融合在一起,化成了巨龙般的长枪,呼啸着刺向了叶晨风 First Heavenly Sword embryo, friendly!” “先天剑胎,融!” Facing red armor man spear|gun, Ye Chenfeng has not flinched, but is the Heavenly Sword embryo fuses first in together, turned into a handle invincible Divine sword, moved forward to meet somebody by the most tyrannical stance. 面对红甲男子这一枪,叶晨风没有退缩,而是与先天剑胎融合在一起,化成了一柄无敌神剑,以最强横的姿态迎了上去。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The Divine sword and Dragon Qiang hit in together, erupts heaven-shaking to move the place instantaneously the strength, has raised the dreadful strength above the lake surface, vibrated the lake surface to raise the heavily rough sea waves, the entire space fell into to the confusion. 神剑和龙枪撞击在一起,瞬间爆发出惊天动地的力量,在湖面之上掀起了滔天之力,震动着湖面掀起了重重巨浪,整个空间陷入到混乱中。 1 billion jin (0.5 kg) strength erupts!” “1000000000斤力量爆发!” Withstands to make the heavy pressure that the person is unable to imagine, Ye Chenfeng the human body strength display the pinnacle, is deducing three big Spirit Level Dao Chart, does not make concessions. 承受着让人无法想象的重压,叶晨风将肉体力量发挥到极致,推演着三大灵级道图,毫不退让。 Two people such as two meteorites, in void intense to reprimanding. 二人如两颗陨石,在虚空中激烈的对斥。 With the lapse of time, Ye Chenfeng endured compared with the human body of Middle Grade Saint presented a fissure, the situation of red armor man was not good, scarlet fought armor to burst unceasingly, flows the garnet blood. 随着时间的推移,叶晨风堪比中品圣器的肉体出现了道道裂痕,红甲男子的情况也不好,身上的血色战甲不断地破裂,流淌出了暗红色的血液。 Silver Sword Soul, broken!” “白银剑魂,破!” Holds the opportunity that the red armor man body bursts, Ye Chenfeng controls silver Sword Soul to break his body, is destroying his physical strength mark crazily, is weakening his attack. 抓住红甲男子身体破裂的机会,叶晨风控制白银剑魂破进了他的身体,疯狂的破坏着他体力的印记,削弱着他的攻击。 Finally, two people are facing the time of reprimanding has burnt a joss stick, the red armor man was gradually weak, was divided to fly by a Ye Chenfeng sword, pounding of heavily mighty waves turbulent lake surface. 终于,二人正面对斥了一炷香的时间,红甲男子渐渐不支,被叶晨风一剑劈飞了出去,重重的砸进了波涛汹涌的湖面。 You are very good, frontal attack can wound me unexpectedly!” The red armor man has spent the lake surface, in the profound double pupil jumps shoots to make a debut a fine ecliptic: Meets my last spear|gun, if you can receive, you have the opportunity to obtain the True Spirit Saint technique that the master leaves behind.” “你很不错,正面攻击竟能击伤我!”红甲男子破出了湖面,深邃的双眸中迸射出道道精光道:“接我最后一枪,如果你能接下,那你就有机会得到主人留下的真灵圣技。” Good, come!” “好,来吧!” The whole body is the blood, injury heavy Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, fearless saying. 浑身是血,伤势不轻的叶晨风深吸一口气,无所畏惧的说道。 Certainly spear|gun!” “绝枪!” The red armor man explodes drinks one, suddenly exploded own body, turned into the endless energy, melted in the red long gun|spear, started this to strike finally. 红甲男子爆喝一声,突然爆开了自己的身体,化成了无尽的能量,融进了红色长枪中,发动了这最后一击。 A bayonet leaves, the entire space seemed torn, fearful spear|gun made Ye Chenfeng smell the thick death threat. 一枪刺出,整个空间仿佛都被撕裂,可怕的枪威让叶晨风嗅到了浓浓的死亡威胁。 Universe Sword Array!” 乾坤剑阵!” Certainly sword Black Dragon!” “绝剑黑龙!” ancient sword song!” “古剑歌!” Space fold!” “空间褶皱!” Felt that the fearfulness of red armor man this spear|gun, Ye Chenfeng has put forth the skills full power attack last, is weak the might of this spear|gun. 感觉到红甲男子这最后一枪的可怕,叶晨风使出了浑身解数全力攻击,虚弱着这一枪的威力。 Finally, after Ye Chenfeng a series of fierce attacks, the prestige of spear|gun was weakened certainly largely, Ye Chenfeng grasps the first Heavenly Sword embryo, resisted the attack of this spear|gun furiously. 终于,经过叶晨风一系列凶猛的攻击,绝枪之威被大幅削弱,叶晨风手持先天剑胎,奋力抵御住了这一枪的攻击。 The black long gun|spear was shattered, Ye Chenfeng was also shaken flew several kilometers far, pounded maliciously in the fierce tumbling lake. 黑色长枪破碎,叶晨风也被震飞了数千米远,狠狠地砸在了剧烈翻滚的湖中。
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