EDSG :: Volume #15

#1496: Turns the hand for the cloud turning over the palm is the rain

Purple beginning Saint thunder, gives me to break!” “紫初圣雷,给我破!” Ye Chenfeng has not prevented the people to subpoena notifies, after they subpoenaed, Ye Chenfeng that slaughtered intensely, released beginning several thousand might enormous purple the spirit snake that the Saint thunder, such as waved, attacked to the pass on message bead in people hand, 11 crushed them. 叶晨风没有阻止众人传讯报信,等他们传讯之后,激烈厮杀的叶晨风,释放出数千道威力极大的紫初圣雷,如舞动的灵蛇,攻击向了众人手中的传讯珠,将他们11击碎了。 When Ye Chenfeng diverts attention attacks the pass on message bead in people hand, does the great wild goose King He red hair old man, displays might enormous killing move in pairs, attacked to Ye Chenfeng, wanted while this opportunity, captured alive his heavy injury. 叶晨风分心攻击众人手中的传讯珠时,乾鸿王和红发老者,双双施展威力极大的杀招,攻击向了叶晨风,想要趁此机会,将他重创生擒。 If perpetual flow long-range raid killing move, Ye Chenfeng has not dodged, he rumbled rapidly two fists, two big Spirit Level Dao Chart revolved in his palm, the amplification he was attacking the prestige, broke directly has done great wild goose king two people of killing move. 如长河奔袭般的杀招袭来,叶晨风没有闪躲,他迅速轰出了两拳,两大灵级道图在他手掌心回旋,增幅着他攻击之威,直接破掉了乾鸿王二人的杀招 Hundred blade edge blades, give me to break!” “百刃刀,给我破!” When the space has the box-up, does great wild goose King Lingkong to jump, controls the low grade Saint treasure hundred blade edge blades, interweaves instantaneously hundred overlapped blade glow, cut to Ye Chenfeng. 空间发生大混乱时,乾鸿王凌空跃起,控制下品圣宝百刃刀,瞬间交织出百道重叠刀芒,斩向了叶晨风 Snort, trivial low grade Saint wants to injure me!” “哼,区区下品圣器就想伤我!” Crushed the pass on message bead of people, Ye Chenfeng not in the hideaway strength, over 900 million jin (0.5 kg) strength eruptions, the fearful strength is tearing the space, will cut hundred blade edge blades that falls to shake to fly directly, a fissure spreads in hundred blade edge blade surfaces. 击碎了众人的传讯珠,叶晨风不在隐藏实力,超过900000000斤的力量爆发,可怕的力量撕裂着空间,直接将斩落的百刃刀震飞了出去,道道裂痕在百刃刀表面蔓延。 Anything!” “什么!” Witnesses Ye Chenfeng to concussion burst one of the low grade Saint treasure hundred blade edge blades, the heart play that does the great wild goose king trembled, associated to Ye Chenfeng again just crushed the people to subpoena one of the bead, not a good thought reappeared his mind. 目睹叶晨风撞裂下品圣宝百刃刀的一幕,乾鸿王的心剧颤了一下,再联想到叶晨风刚刚击碎众人传讯珠的一幕,一个不好的念头浮现出他的脑海。 You, you are not emperor Ayauta!” “你,你不是帝绫歌!” Thinks that emperor Ayauta goes against heaven's will again, impossible in short ten long time time , to promote to so the strength, shatters the low grade Saint treasure, does the great wild goose king to feel one fall into a huge plot probably. 想到帝绫歌再逆天,也不可能在短短十多日时间内,提升到这般实力,震裂下品圣宝,乾鸿王感到自己好像落入到一个巨大的阴谋中。 You are not silly!” Ye Chenfeng showed the light smiling face to say. “你还不傻!”叶晨风露出了淡淡的笑容道。 You, who you are, do you want to do?” “你,你到底是谁,你想要干什么?” The determination present person is not emperor Ayauta, did the great wild goose king scared. 确定眼前之人不是帝绫歌,乾鸿王恐慌了起来。 The matter that because just the people had here, the pass on message gave has done the red flame to enrage him, if this matter processing were not good, was very likely to trigger the conflicts between two big god countries. 因为刚刚众人已经将这里发生的事,传讯给了乾红炎将他激怒,如果这件事处理不好,极有可能引发两大神国之间的争端。 Deceased person does not need to know that who I was!” Ye Chenfeng overbearing incomparable saying. “死人就无须知道我是谁了!”叶晨风霸道无匹的说道。 When Ye Chenfeng speech, the red hair old man has put out the pass on message bead in secret, wants to tell this vital information does the red flame, making him not want the intermediate total. 叶晨风说话时,红发老者暗中拿出了传讯珠,想要将这重要消息告诉乾红炎,让他不要中计。 Suddenly, the dazzling silver sword glow has delimited in him together at present, the Ye Chenfeng formidable soul catches his petty action, summoned the silver Sword Soul attack to approach him. 突然,一道刺目的银色剑芒在他眼前划过,叶晨风强大的灵魂捕捉到他的小动作,召唤出白银剑魂攻击向了他。 Smelled the death threat, dodging of red hair old man instinct, but the silver Sword Soul attack speed was too fast, suddenly has broken his defense, pierced his head, cleft in two his entire body, pours passed away in the pool of blood. 嗅到死亡威胁,红发老者本能的闪躲,但白银剑魂的攻击速度太快,眨眼之间破开了他的防御,洞穿了他的脑袋,将他整个身子劈成了两半,倒在血泊中命丧黄泉。 gu!” “咕!” Witnesses the Ye Chenfeng instant kill Nirvana day boundary to be able greatly, does the great wild goose king to have one type by the feeling of liking a sudden thunderclap, the whole body is trembled, from head to foot an icy coldness. 目睹叶晨风秒杀涅槃天境大能的一幕,乾鸿王有一种被五雷轰顶的感觉,全身一颤,从头到脚一阵冰凉。 You, you are that Ye Chenfeng!” “你,你是那叶晨风!” Looks at silver Sword Soul of instant kill red hair old man, does in great wild goose King Naohai to reappear immediately a person, calling out in alarm of being able not help said. 看着秒杀红发老者的白银剑魂,乾鸿王脑海中立即浮现出一个人,情不自禁的惊呼道。 Who finally remembered me is!” “终于想起我是谁了!” Ye Chenfeng has not hidden own identity, said confidently. 叶晨风没有隐瞒自己的身份,坦然地说道。 Ye Chenfeng, you want to do, your could it be must provoke three big god country civil wars to be inadequate!” 叶晨风,你想要干什么,你难道要挑起三大神国内战不成!” Thinks that Ye Chenfeng pushes Eight Majestic Divine Kingdom horizontally, starts the reactionary reign of terror in eight Qi Imperial city, did the great wild goose king to feel the gravity of situation. 想到叶晨风横推八岐神国,在八岐皇城掀起血雨腥风的一幕,乾鸿王感到了事态的严重性。 Is and is not, had nothing to do with you!” The Ye Chenfeng speech voice transfers suddenly coldly: Makes me deliver you to return to the western paradise.” “是与不是,都与你们无关了!”叶晨风说话声音骤然间转冷:“让我送你们归西吧。” Saying, Ye Chenfeng was summoning dark green Kun Wu, the thunder hundred million, the hot Qilin, Primordial Chaos Divine Beast they, killed to just liked Qilin emperor's clan expert of frightened person. 说着,叶晨风召唤出了苍昆吾,雷亿,火麒麟,混沌神兽他们,袭杀向了犹如惊弓之鸟的麒麟皇族高手 The entire space was obstructed day chart to block by the antiquity, Qilin god country expert does not have the escape route, but dark green Kun Wu and the others the strengths terroristly are too by far they, cannot resist them to attack fierce. 整个空间被上古遮天图封死,麒麟神国高手没有退路,而苍昆吾等人的实力太恐怖远胜他们,根本抵挡不住他们凶猛的攻击。 Less than ten breath, dozens Qilin god country expert were killed, turned into a place broken corpse, poured passed away in the pool of blood. 不到十个呼吸,数十名麒麟神国高手被杀,化成了一地碎尸,倒在了血泊中命丧黄泉。 Puts, lets off me, so long as you are willing to let off me, I can accept your any request!” “放,放过我,只要你肯放过我,我可以答应你任何的要求!” Listens sad and shrill pitiful yell sound that ear bank is resounding unceasingly, experience to dark green Kun Wu and the others terror strength, the body of desperate dry great wild goose king cannot help but trembles, heart like dying embers. 听着耳畔不断响起的凄厉惨叫声,见识到苍昆吾等人恐怖的实力,绝望的乾鸿王的身子不由得颤栗起来,心如死灰。 This time he, simply does not have courage to begin, to maintain a livelihood, he has abandoned the dignity, begging for mercy that does not live in said. 此时的他,根本没有勇气动手,为了活命,他抛弃了尊严,不住的求饶道。 Does not need!” “不需要!” Ye Chenfeng sneers, to doing great wild goose King explosion a fist. 叶晨风冷笑一声,冲着乾鸿王轰出了一拳。 Ka ka ka!” “咔咔咔!” In the life and death crisis, did great wild goose king to stimulate the potential of whole body, went all out to defend, how the might of Ye Chenfeng this fist to be too terrorist, over 900 million jin (0.5 kg) strength easily accomplished has crushed his defense, a fist bombardment on his chest, has crushed his breastbone, flew his fist bang. 生死危机中,乾鸿王激发了全身的潜力,拼命地防御,奈何叶晨风这一拳的威力太恐怖,超过900000000斤的力量摧枯拉朽般粉碎了他的防御,一拳轰击在了他的胸口上,粉碎了他的胸骨,将他一拳轰飞了出去。 The next quarter, in the Ye Chenfeng brain Soul Power erupts, forms has moved mountains the dizziness strength, rumbled to do in the soul sea of great wild goose king, directly flaws of his soul sea tearing, heavy injury his soul, pain his faint in the past. 下一刻,叶晨风脑中灵魂力爆发,形成了排山倒海般的眩晕力,轰进了乾鸿王的魂海中,直接将他魂海撕裂的千疮百孔,重创了他的灵魂,疼的他昏厥了过去。 Imaginary Spirit Level Dao Chart, control!” “幻之灵级道图,控制!” heavy injury has done the soul and human body of great wild goose king, Ye Chenfeng summons imaginary Spirit Level Dao Chart, releases fearful imaginary Dao Intent, rumbled in his torn to pieces soul sea, in a short time has controlled his brain consciousness. 重创了乾鸿王的灵魂和肉体,叶晨风召唤出了幻之灵级道图,释放出可怕的幻之道意,轰进了他支离破碎的魂海中,短时间内控制了他的大脑意识。 Does the great wild goose king, according to me said that doing the red flame subpoenaed, had the matter that here, told him!” “乾鸿王,按照我说的,给乾红炎传讯,将这里发生的事,告诉他!” In order to stimulate to do a red flame bigger anger, provoked fights between two big god countries, Ye Chenfeng to doing great wild goose King Hunhai has conveyed many information, ordering him to give to do the red flame pass on message. 为了激发乾红炎更大的怒火,挑起两大神国之间的战斗,叶晨风向乾鸿王魂海中传达了不少信息,命令他给乾红炎传讯。 Anything, goes to rescue the person of floating blood almost to be annihilated, emperor Ayauta behind had the antiquity Tiansheng expert protection!” Knew that this news, did the red flame the lung to be about to explode with rage, roared loudly in the palace: Emperor blade nobility, today this matter, if you do not give me a satisfactory answer, that do not blame me to launch the country war.” “什么,前去救援飘血的人几乎全军覆没,那帝绫歌身后有上古天圣高手保护!”得知这一消息,乾红炎的肺都快气炸了,在金殿之中大声咆哮道:“帝刀爵,今天这件事,如果你不给我一个满意的答复,那就别怪我发动国战。” Bang!” “嘭!” After the pass on message, the Ye Chenfeng right hand caught up slightly, pinches to explode has done the head of great wild goose king, twisted to break to pieces his soul, struck to kill him. 传讯之后,叶晨风右手微微发力,捏爆了乾鸿王的脑袋,绞碎他的灵魂,将他击杀。 Then, the Ye Chenfeng release burns day ceremonial fire, a fire lit the entire architectural complex, fires the ashes the Qilin god country expert corpse completely. 接着,叶晨风释放焚天圣火,一把火点燃了整个建筑群,将麒麟神国高手的尸体全部烧成灰烬。 After destroying the corpse and leave no trace, Ye Chenfeng transmits Universe Realm the people, received the antiquity to obstruct the day chart, arrived in the inn, found is stunned by him, has fallen into the stupor two Nine Heavens god country Nirvana boundary big energies. 毁尸灭迹之后,叶晨风将众人传送回来乾坤境,收起了上古遮天图,来到了客栈中,找到了被他震晕,一直陷入昏迷的两名九天神国涅槃地境大能。 One's old tricks heavy, Ye Chenfeng with the aid of imaginary Spirit Level Dao Chart, has controlled their brain consciousness, ordering them to give the emperor the blade nobility to subpoena, emperor Ayauta is passed to the emperor blade nobility ear by the news that Qilin god country expert will kill, and will add inflammatory details to denounce severely the atrocity of Qilin emperor's clan. 故技重施,叶晨风借助幻之灵级道图,控制了他们二人的大脑意识,命令他们给帝刀爵传讯,将帝绫歌被麒麟神国高手杀死的消息传到了帝刀爵耳中,并添油加醋痛斥麒麟皇族的暴行。 Although Ye Chenfeng this plan cannot withstand to deliberate, but he believes that has emperor Nine Heavens, the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable in the back adds fuel to the flames, even if the emperor blade nobility smelled the end to doubt also uselessly, the country fought irresistibly. 虽然叶晨风这个计划经不起推敲,但他相信,有帝九天,帝灭天尊在背后推波助澜,就算帝刀爵嗅到了端疑也没用,国战不可阻挡。 And other central world chaos, three big god domestic wartime, enter the Tianwaitian best opportunity.” “等中央世界大乱,三大神国内战时,就是进入天外天最好的机会。” Ye Chenfeng struck to kill the Nine Heavens god country two big Nirvana boundary big energies, quietly without interest left the day of monster city, went to Tianwaitian to be at the ancient day celestial mountain that the preparation enters the central world first strategic place Tianwaitian, revealed the secret of Tianwaitian. 叶晨风击杀了九天神国两大涅槃地境大能,悄然无息的离开了天妖城,前往了天外天所在的古天仙山,准备进入中央世界第一险地天外天,揭开天外天的秘密。
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