EDSG :: Volume #15

#1495: Sowing dissension

Courts death!” “找死!” Ye Chenfeng soul what kind great strength, there is a Devouring God Brain protection soul sea, in universe ring jumps Soul Power that shoots unable to him to constitute the injury. 叶晨风灵魂何等的强大,又有噬神脑守护魂海,乾坤戒指中迸射的灵魂力无法对他构成伤害。 Devouring God Brain changes to the black hole, when has swallowed the might not small Soul Power attack, the Ye Chenfeng five big hole hole strengths erupt, over 300 million jin (0.5 kg) strength pours into his whole body, crushes fearful attack that have raided, welcomed directly to has done the great wild goose king. 噬神脑化作黑洞,吞噬了威力不小的灵魂力攻击时,叶晨风五大穴窍力量爆发,超过300000000斤的力量灌入他全身,粉碎了一道道袭来的可怕攻击,正面迎向了乾鸿王。 Real Qilin seal!” “真麒麟印!” Does the great wild goose king not to think that Ye Chenfeng was attacked by the dark hand, is all right unexpectedly, the strength of whole body bloodlines erupted, turned into a military might uncommon big hand imprint, the Qilin that such as ate delicacies crazily, howled the hit to approach Ye Chenfeng. 乾鸿王没想到叶晨风遭到暗手攻击,竟然没事,全身血脉之力爆发,化成了一只威武不凡的大手印,如狂啸的麒麟,呼啸着撞击向了叶晨风 Broken!” “破!” Ye Chenfeng calls out one, over 300 million jin (0.5 kg) strength collects instantaneously, is vibrating the space, by the most tyrannical stance, broke real Qilin seal, shook has drawn back the dry great wild goose king of Nirvana day boundary. 叶晨风暴吼一声,超过300000000斤的力量瞬间汇集,震动着空间,以最强横的姿态,破掉了真麒麟印,震退了涅槃天境的乾鸿王。 You want to go!” “你想去哪!” Then, the Ye Chenfeng right hand like the electricity, caught has done the floating blood neck that wanted to escape, the fearful strength suppressed the skill in Daoist cultivation that his within the body has welled up crazily instantaneously, mentioned in him the midair. 接着,叶晨风右手如电,卡住了想要逃跑的乾飘血脖子,可怕的力量瞬间压制了他体内狂涌的道力,将他提到了半空中。 Has put the floating blood!” “放了飘血!” Does the great wild goose king not to think, the plan fail that oneself deliberately plan, the more surprised Ye Chenfeng fearful strength, was looking angrily at him, exclaimed lowly. 乾鸿王没想到,自己处心积虑的计划失败了,更吃惊叶晨风可怕的实力,怒视着他,低吼道。 Deceit that yeah, you really should not renege on a promise I!” “哎,你们实在不应该出尔反尔的欺骗我!” Ye Chenfeng sighed gently, killing intent that indifferent saying, the body filled let do the floating blood to be scared. 叶晨风轻轻叹息一声,冷漠的说道,身上弥漫出的杀意让乾飘血吓破了胆。 No, do not kill me!” Does the floating blood not to die, struggles loudly is exclaiming: Sovereign uncle, you also waits for anything, has not given him 10,000 Sky grade crystals.” “不,不要杀我!”乾飘血不想死,挣扎着大吼道:“皇叔,你还等什么,还不将10000下品天晶给他。” Was too late, 10,000 Sky grade crystals could not save you!” “太晚了,10000下品天晶救不了你了!” Ye Chenfeng shook the head, covers to do the hand of floating blood neck to catch up suddenly, the fearful strength direct crumb his neck, has shaken has dispersed his soul, strikes to kill him at the scene. 叶晨风摇了摇头,扣住乾飘血脖子的手突然发力,可怕的力量直接捏碎了他的脖子,震散了他的灵魂,将他当场击杀。 Floating blood!” “飘血!” Feels to do the vitality of floating blood to vanish instantaneously, soars to the heavens the anger in doing great wild goose King Shenti erupts, he has a dream has not thought that the courage of Ye Chenfeng is so big, struck to kill in the presence of everyone has done the floating blood. 感受到乾飘血的生机瞬间消失,一股冲天怒火在乾鸿王身体中爆发出来,他做梦也没有想到,叶晨风的胆子这么大,当众击杀了乾飘血。 What's wrong, is very angry?” Ye Chenfeng will do the corpse of floating blood to throw to trade has done the great wild goose kingly way: When you plan me, was equal to that has pushed to the hell him.” “怎么,很愤怒?”叶晨风将乾飘血的尸体扔换给了乾鸿王道:“在你们算计我时,就等于将他推向了地狱。” Prince, lets obsolete make a move, seizes him, brings back to the imperial palace to hand over by the god sovereign handles!” “王爷,让老朽出手,将他擒下,带回皇宫交由神皇陛下处置吧!” Wears the homespun cloth long gown, tall and powerfully built big, the cheeks mark the Qilin mark, the flame long hair chaotic dance, the old man of Nirvana day boundary, is staring the copper bell big eye to look angrily at Ye Chenfeng to say with the wind. 一名身穿粗布长袍,身材魁梧高大,脸颊纹着麒麟纹,火红色长发随风乱舞,涅槃天境的老者,瞪着铜铃大眼怒视着叶晨风道。 Good!” “好!” Did the great wild goose king to beckon, assigns the person to block the entire space, did not give the opportunity that Ye Chenfeng left. 乾鸿王一招手,命人封锁了整个空间,不给叶晨风离开的机会。 Has killed three imperial princes, you wait to pay with a life!” “杀了三皇子,你就等着偿命吧!” The red hair old man summoned a long sword of handle low grade Saint rank, was pointing at Ye Chenfeng, combative saying. 红发老者召唤出了一柄下品圣器等级的长剑,指着叶晨风,杀气腾腾的说道。 Kills me? Perhaps you are unable to achieve wishes!” “杀我?恐怕你们无法如愿了!” Saying, Ye Chenfeng was summoning the antiquity to obstruct the day chart, covered up the entire architectural complex, will do great wild goose king and the others to be stranded, in has obstructed in the day chart. 说着,叶晨风召唤出了上古遮天图,遮掩住了整个建筑群,将乾鸿王等人困在了遮天图中。 What's wrong, do you also want to kill us?” “怎么,你还想将我们全都杀死了?” Did the great wild goose king to see Ye Chenfeng this act, the brow closely walks in one, smelled a restless aura. 乾鸿王看到叶晨风此举,眉头紧紧地走在了一起,嗅到了一丝不安的气息。 Death!” “死!” Ye Chenfeng banned that the space the instance, in the red hair old man body appears three big Dao Chart, the boundless skill in Daoist cultivation integrates his body, he grasps the low grade Saint sword, cuts the mercury flowed swiftly a sword, separates the space, cut to Ye Chenfeng. 叶晨风禁制空间的瞬间,红发老者身体中浮现出三大道图,磅礴的道力融入他身体,他手持下品圣剑,斩出了水银泻地般的一剑,分隔开空间,斩向了叶晨风 Yeah, your this grade of attack was also too weak!” “哎,你这等攻击也太弱了!” Blocked has done great wild goose king and the others the escape routes, Ye Chenfeng in concealing the strength, he extended the right hand gently, under the people surprised vision gaze, the heavily racket to a sword that the red hair old man has cut. 封死了乾鸿王等人的退路,叶晨风不在隐瞒实力,他轻轻伸出右手,在众人吃惊的目光注视下,重重的拍向了红发老者斩出的一剑。 The red hair old man is the Nirvana day boundary big energy, but he grasps the low grade Saint sword, this sword might, breaks out the mountain sufficiently, the instant kill Nirvana boundary big energy. 红发老者乃是涅槃天境大能,而他又手持下品圣剑,这一剑威力之强,足以劈开山岳,秒杀涅槃地境大能。 But the palm of Ye Chenfeng flesh and blood pats when this might enormous sword glow, the fearful strength has broken off the sword glow directly, is almost startled the eyeballs of all people. 叶晨风血肉之掌拍在这道威力极大的剑芒上时,可怕的力量直接折断了剑芒,差点惊掉所有人的眼珠子。 You, who are you?” “你,你到底是什么人?” Does one that great wild goose king unable to believe has at present, more surprised Ye Chenfeng fearful strength. 乾鸿王无法相信眼前发生的一幕,更吃惊叶晨风可怕的战力。 Who you look at me are!” “你看我是谁!” Saying, Ye Chenfeng was changing the touching type of emperor Ayauta. 说着,叶晨风变化成了帝绫歌的摸样。 Emperor Ayauta, you are Nine Heavens emperor's clan emperor emperor Ayauta, rapidness that such how your strength can promote!” “帝绫歌,你是九天皇族天子帝绫歌,你的实力怎么会提升的这么快!” Recently emperor Ayauta as the person who the central world wielded great power with great arrogance, does great wild goose king and the others to be quite familiar with him, looks at the face that he is familiar with, did the brow of great wild goose king closely to twist in one. 帝绫歌作为最近中央世界最炙手可热的人,乾鸿王等人对他极为熟悉,看着他熟悉的面孔,乾鸿王的眉头紧紧地拧在了一起。 My master is the day Venerable expert, your this grade of ants are can it be that conceivable!” Ye Chenfeng imitates emperor Ayauta speech expression intentionally, said proudly. “我师傅乃是天尊高手,岂是你们这等蝼蚁可以想象的!”叶晨风故意模仿帝绫歌说话语气,傲然地说道。 Emperor Ayauta, do not think that you did obeisance the day Venerable for the master, can massacre my Qilin god country imperial prince recklessly, and others did not pay attention to me, your Nine Heavens god state-owned day Venerable, my Qilin god country also had the monster Venerable, has enraged us, did not have the advantage to your Nine Heavens god country!” “帝绫歌,不要以为你拜了天尊为师,就可以肆意残杀我麒麟神国皇子,不将我等放在眼里,你九天神国有天尊,我麒麟神国也有妖尊,激怒了我们,对你九天神国没有好处!” Does the great wild goose king to look at swollen with arrogance Ye Chenfeng, the innermost feelings annoyed, the warning of coldly said. 乾鸿王看着气焰嚣张的叶晨风,内心大为恼火,冷冷的警告道。 Has killed you, who will know this matter!” Ye Chenfeng shows a faint smile, killing intent imposing saying. “杀了你们,谁会知道这件事!”叶晨风微微一笑,杀意凛然的说道。 Well good, today under this King Dao must ask for advice, the Nine Heavens first ancestor has given you any card in a hand, making you so extremely arrogant boundless, is supercilious!” “好好好,今天本王倒要领教下,九天始祖到底给了你什么底牌,让你这般狂妄无边,目中无人!” Did the great wild goose king to be enraged completely, has caused a meaningful glance to the red hair old man, collaborated to attack to approach Ye Chenfeng with him. 乾鸿王被完全激怒了,向红发老者使了一个眼色,与他联手攻击向了叶晨风 You will know immediately!” “马上你就会知道了!” Saying, Ye Chenfeng was summoning emperor Nine Heavens to grant the emperor in the presence of everyone the high-grade Saint treasure 6-Star plate of Ayauta, combustion Primordial Chaos Blood, continuous injected the skill in Daoist cultivation of non- using up to the 6-Star plate, controlled the 6-Star plate to map the dazzling star light, six star chess shot at like meteor flying have done the great wild goose king two people. 说着,叶晨风召唤出了帝九天当众赐予帝绫歌的上品圣宝六星盘,燃烧鸿蒙之血,源源不断的向六星盘中注入无竭的道力,控制六星盘映射出刺目的星光,六颗星棋如流星般飞射向了乾鸿王二人。 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” Six deafening demolition sounds get up. 六道震耳欲聋的爆破声响起。 Does the great wild goose king two people, although broke six star chess attacks with joint forces, but the 6-Star plate is the high-grade Saint treasure, the might is enormous, they were also shaken the vitality to tumble, pain. 乾鸿王二人虽然合力震碎了六颗星棋攻击,但六星盘乃是上品圣宝,威力极大,他们二人也被震得气血翻滚,痛苦不已。 [Say / Way] of plate day! „ “天之道盘!“ Ye Chenfeng follows up a victory with hot pursuit, the skill in Daoist cultivation of whole body fast collected in his top of the head, turned into such as the [say / way] of plate space black hole general day, was swaying from side to side the formidable strength, released the endless skill in Daoist cultivation, the bang is killing to has done the great wild goose king two people, suppressed their offensive comprehensively. 叶晨风乘胜追击,全身的道力快速在他头顶汇集,化成了如空间黑洞一般的天之道盘,扭动着强大的力量,释放着无尽的道力,轰杀向了乾鸿王二人,全面压制他们二人的攻势。 When Ye Chenfeng two fights vigorously the dry great wild goose King He red hair old man by an enemy, Qilin god country many people have put out the pass on message bead, had the matter that to transmit the Qilin emperor's clan here, has started the great unrest. 叶晨风以一敌二力战乾鸿王和红发老者时,麒麟神国不少人拿出了传讯珠,将这里发生的事传送回了麒麟皇族,掀起了轩然大波。 Anything, the floating blood died, kills his is Nine Heavens god country emperor emperor Ayauta!” “什么,飘血死了,杀他的是九天神国天子帝绫歌!” This emperor Ayauta has killed the floating blood, but also wants to doing great wild goose king and the others eliminated a potential informant!” “这帝绫歌杀了飘血,还想对乾鸿王等人灭口!” Knew that this news, the Qilin god country god sovereign does the red flame to fly into a rage, a palm broke the shining dragon seat arm rest, the anger of body sending out has shaken the entire main hall to shiver. 得知这一消息,麒麟神国神皇乾红炎勃然大怒,一掌震碎了金灿灿的龙椅扶手,身体散发的怒气震得整个大殿都颤抖起来。 Goes too far, this emperor Ayauta goes too far, he thinks really did obeisance the day Venerable for the master, can act in a self-serving manner!” Does the red flame to be infuriated: Passes on me to order, not to hesitate price to capture alive emperor Ayauta, how I must have a look at the emperor blade nobility to give this sovereign confession but actually.” “欺人太甚,这帝绫歌欺人太甚,他真以为拜了天尊为师,就可以为所欲为了!”乾红炎火冒三丈道:“传我命令,不惜代价生擒帝绫歌,我倒要看看帝刀爵如何给本皇一个交代。”
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