EDSG :: Volume #15

#1494: Does the great wild goose king

Bold, your live is impatient, fast has put three imperial princes, if three imperial princes have been short of a hair, my Qilin god nationally established extinguishes your nine generations!” “大胆,你活的不耐烦了,还不速速放了三皇子,如果三皇子少了一根头发,我麒麟神国定灭你九族!” Several Qilin god country expert, saw that does the floating blood to be in danger, was scared immediately, is looking angrily at Ye Chenfeng, the loud threat said. 数名麒麟神国高手,看到乾飘血有生命危险,顿时慌了神,怒视着叶晨风,大声威胁道。 Right?” “是吗?” Ye Chenfeng increased the strength of sole, stepped on little cracks has done the head of floating blood, the massive blood have flowed, incarnadine his eye. 叶晨风加大了脚底的力量,一点点踩裂了乾飘血的脑袋,大量的鲜血流淌了出来,染红了他的眼睛。 I have killed you!” “我杀了你!” As the Qilin god country three imperial princes, does the floating blood to receive this grade of great shame, he roared angrily, within the body Dao Intent gushed out, the attack has approached Ye Chenfeng. 作为麒麟神国三皇子,乾飘血何等受过这等奇耻大辱,他愤怒的咆哮一声,体内道意喷薄而出,攻击向了叶晨风 Is dishonest!” “还不老实!” Ye Chenfeng cut a blade rapidly, flooded 200 million jin (0.5 kg) strength blade glow to break out two big Dao Chart directly, cut maliciously, in has done on the chest of floating blood, has damaged his heart lineage/vein, the massive blood such as the fountain gushed out his body generally. 叶晨风迅速斩出了一刀,充斥着200000000斤力量的刀芒直接劈开了两大道图,狠狠地斩在了乾飘血的胸口上,损伤了他的心脉,大量的鲜血如喷泉一般涌出了他的身体。 Stop, you fast stop!” “住手,你速速住手!” Looks that Ye Chenfeng heavy injury does floating blood in the presence of everyone, several Qilin god country expert were scared, if does the floating blood to have an accident, they will be able hardly absolve, will encounter the Qilin emperor's clan severe punishment inevitably, may lose the life. 看着叶晨风当众重创乾飘血,数名麒麟神国高手慌了神,如果乾飘血出事,他们将难辞其咎,势必会遭到麒麟皇族严惩,更有可能丢掉性命。 „To make me put him also!” Ye Chenfeng has shown an ice-cold smiling face: But you must put out to make my satisfactory ransom money good, otherwise he must die without doubt.” “想让我放了他也可以!”叶晨风露出了一丝冰冷的笑容道:“但你们必须拿出让我满意的赎金才行,否则他必死无疑。” „Who you are, you may know that offends the consequence of my Qilin god country's!” “你到底是什么人,你可知道得罪我麒麟神国的后果!” Is seriously injured, did the floating blood to be honest, was suppressing the pain, asked in a low voice. 身受重伤,乾飘血老实了,强忍着痛楚,低声问道。 Who I am unimportant, more importantly, in three day, your Qilin emperor's clan is unable to send 10,000 Sky grade crystals, you must die without doubt!” Ye Chenfeng does not bring saying of sentiment. “我是谁不重要,重要的是,三日之内,你麒麟皇族无法送来10000下品天晶,你必死无疑!”叶晨风不带一丝感情的说道。 Good, I now on relation Qilin god country expert!” “好,我现在就联系麒麟神国高手!” The development exceeds the imagination, several Qilin god country expert do not dare to make a decision without authorization, immediately through the pass on message bead, the relation Qilin emperor's clan big energy, will do the matter of floating blood distress to pass to the imperial palace. 事态发展超出想象,数名麒麟神国高手不敢擅作主张,立即通过传讯珠,联系麒麟皇族大能,将乾飘血遇险之事传到了皇宫之中。 Young Master, the Qilin emperor's clan is not affable, was inferior that you have put him, fast leaves, because of today's this matter, do not lose the life innocently!” “公子,麒麟皇族不好惹,不如你还是放了他,速速离开吧,不要因为今天这事,无辜丢了性命!” The flower rains has not thought that Ye Chenfeng blackmails the Qilin emperor's clan unexpectedly in the presence of everyone, admires his balls color at the same time, worries about his safety. 花落雨没想到叶晨风竟然当众讹诈麒麟皇族,佩服他胆色的同时,担忧起他的安危。 Relax, trivial Qilin emperor's clan I have not paid attention to!” Ye Chenfeng has shown the self-confident smiling face: Actually miss, do not wait for a long time here, fast leaves.” “放心吧,区区麒麟皇族我还没放在眼里!”叶晨风露出了自信的笑容道:“倒是姑娘,还是不要在这里久待,速速离开吧。” Young Master whether to tell me honored name, came the date I to repay the young master surely!” The flower rains deeply Wang Ze yu Chenfeng, wants to know his status very much. “公子可否告诉我尊姓大名,来日我定报答公子!”花落雨深深地王泽宇晨风,很想知道他的身份。 Has the opportunity, I will go to a day of dark green palace to look for the miss!” Ye Chenfeng ambiguous saying: Good miss, here danger, you fast leave.” “有机会,我会去天苍宫找姑娘的!”叶晨风含糊的说道:“好了姑娘,这里危险,你还是速速离开吧。” Good, I wait for the young master in the day dark green palace your honorable self!” The flower rains to nod saying: All careful.” “好,那我就在天苍宫等候公子大驾!”花落雨点了点头道:“一切小心。” Then, the flower rains accompanied by Cuier, left the chaotic hall, vanishes in the dark night. 说完,花落雨在翠儿陪同下,离开了混乱的大厅,消失在黑夜中。 Does the floating blood, you said that the Qilin emperor's clan is willing to take 10,000 Sky grade crystals, received exchange for your life?” “乾飘血,你说麒麟皇族愿意拿10000下品天晶,换取你的性命吗?” After the flower rains leaves, Ye Chenfeng receives the dragon tiger double play blade, sat cross-legged to sit was seriously injured, poured in the pool of blood did side the floating blood, asking that intended. 花落雨离开后,叶晨风收起了龙虎双杀刀,盘膝坐在了身受重伤,倒在血泊中的乾飘血身边,有意的问道。 Relax, my father sovereign will certainly rescue my!” “放心,我父皇一定会救我的!” Although does the floating blood to wish one could Ye Chenfeng to be cut to pieces, but the Ye Chenfeng strength is too terrorist, making him have scruples, can only endure the severe pain, bites the tooth to swallow toward the belly. 虽然乾飘血恨不得将叶晨风千刀万剐,但叶晨风的实力太恐怖,让他顾忌不已,只能忍着剧痛,咬碎牙往肚子里咽。 Hope, if cannot attain 10,000 Sky grade crystals, I can only deliver you to return to the western paradise!” Ye Chenfeng spoke with confidence: By that time, hopes that do not hate me, after all I am also compel to have no other choice.” “希望吧,如果拿不到10000下品天晶,我只能送你归西了!”叶晨风侃侃而谈:“到那时,希望你不要恨我,毕竟我也是逼不得已。” Does the floating blood: „......” 乾飘血:“……” Whiz whiz whiz!” “嗖嗖嗖!” And does floating blood such as the old friend to be ordinary in Ye Chenfeng, by when spoke together, a big energy of Nirvana person boundary, used the chaotic crowd, suddenly approached Ye Chenfeng, wants rescued to be seriously injured to do the floating blood. 就在叶晨风和乾飘血如老朋友一般,靠在一起说话时,一名涅槃人境的大能,利用混乱的人群,突然逼近了叶晨风,想要救走身受重伤的乾飘血。 Courts death!” “找死!” The Nirvana person boundary can the instance of near body, the strength eruption of Ye Chenfeng whole body, over 200 million jin (0.5 kg) strength fly to project his body greatly, is having the unequalled constriction and destructive power, shells to the Nirvana person boundary big energy, flew his fist bang. 涅槃人境大能近身的瞬间,叶晨风全身的力量爆发,超过200000000斤力量飞射出他的身体,带着无与伦比的压迫感和破坏力,轰击向涅槃人境大能,将他一拳轰飞了出去。 Bang!” “嘭!” When he of body out-of-control, hits on a thick coiled dragon stone column, his pain whins, the entire body exploded suddenly, turned into one group of blood fog, was killed violently at the scene. 当身体失控的他,撞击在一根粗大的蟠龙石柱上时,他痛苦的哀嚎一声,整个身体突然爆开了,化成了一团血雾,当场毙命。 Witnessed a Ye Chenfeng fist bang explodes a Nirvana person boundary to be able greatly, was startled in a big way does the floating blood to stare both eyes, entire body inexplicable trembled, in the heart has filled restlessly. 目睹叶晨风一拳轰爆一名涅槃人境大能的一幕,惊得乾飘血瞪大了双眼,整个身子莫名的颤栗起来,心中充满了不安。 At this time, the experience to the Ye Chenfeng ruthless spicy method, he has a feeling, if the Qilin emperor's clan does not bring 10,000 Sky grade crystals to arrive, Ye Chenfeng may strike to kill itself. 此时,见识到叶晨风狠辣的手段,他有一种感觉,如果麒麟皇族不带10000下品天晶到来,叶晨风真的有可能击杀自己。 Does the floating blood to be passed to the Qilin emperor's clan in the news that the day monster city holds under duress, has started the great unrest, makes the Qilin god country god sovereign do the red flame to fly into a rage, immediately transfers dozens strength uncommon Nirvana boundary big energies, is bringing 10,000 Sky grade crystals, rushed to the day of monster city, rescues to do the floating blood. 乾飘血被人在天妖城挟持的消息传到麒麟皇族,掀起了轩然大波,更让麒麟神国神皇乾红炎勃然大怒,立即调动数十名实力不凡的涅槃境大能,带着10000下品天晶,赶往了天妖城,营救乾飘血。 Three days, the people of your Qilin emperor's clan had not come, it seems like they gave up you!” “三天了,你麒麟皇族的人还没来,看来他们放弃你了!” Ye Chenfeng waited for patiently three days of time, could not wait for the person of Qilin emperor's clan, this made him lose the patience gradually, ice-cold saying. 叶晨风耐心等待了三天时间,迟迟等不了麒麟皇族的人,这让他渐渐失去了耐心,冰冷的说道。 „, Do not be anxious, my Qilin Imperial city distance day monster city is far, I estimated that today the people of my Qilin emperor's clan can redeem my!” “别别,你别急,我麒麟皇城距离天妖城较远,我估计今天我麒麟皇族的人一定会来赎我的!” Feels murderous aura on Ye Chenfeng sending out, does restless intense, panic-stricken saying in red flame heart. 感受着叶晨风身上散发的杀气,乾红炎心中的不安更加的强烈,惊恐的说道。 Good, looked, in you also calculate that in honest share, I wait for quite a while the time again, if quite a while the time the people of your Qilin emperor's clan do not come, do not blame my heavy hand being heartless!” The Ye Chenfeng coldly warning said. “好吧,看在你还算老实的份上,我再等半天时间,半天时间如果你麒麟皇族的人不来,别怪我辣手无情!”叶晨风冷冷地警告道。 Stares is making anything, has not urged to me, could it be you must think that I die am happy!” Does the red flame to shout, shouts from these several Qilin emperor's clan expert greatly. “都愣着做什么,还不给我催,难道你们要看着我死才开心!”乾红炎扯着嗓子,从这数名麒麟皇族高手大喊道。 Yes, yes, my this relates!” “是,是,我这就联系!” A white hair old man has put out the pass on message bead, is in front of Ye Chenfeng, the relation Qilin emperor's clan high level. 一名白发老者拿出了传讯珠,当着叶晨风的面,联系麒麟皇族高层。 Quick, he obtains the news, the people of Qilin emperor's clan on the road that marches on, it is estimated that most double-hour, they will catch up! 很快,他得到讯息,麒麟皇族的人正在赶来的路上,估计最多一个时辰,他们就会赶来! Time one minute one second winds through, in the suffering, a double-hour passed by extremely. 时间一分一秒流过,在极其煎熬中,一个时辰过去了。 In innermost feelings more and more anxious does the red flame, when entire heartbeat to throat, dozens formidable aura appeared. 就在内心越来越紧张的乾红炎,整颗心跳到嗓子眼时,数十股强大的气息出现了。 Came, finally came!” “来了,终于来了!” Felt that the Qilin emperor's clan expert aura, does the red flame whole person to fall into to the wild with joy color, spins in his eye socket that the tears do not make every effort to succeed. 感觉到麒麟皇族高手的气息,乾红炎整个人陷入到狂喜之色,眼泪更是不争气的在他眼眶打转。 This time he, one types re-enters the feeling of world from the hell, is hoping the people of Qilin emperor's clan fast saved the birth day him. 此时的他,有一种从地狱重回人间的感觉,期盼着麒麟皇族的人速速将他救出生天。 „The Qilin god sovereign who three Nirvana day boundary big energies, it seems like you save likes!” “三名涅槃天境大能,看来你省的麒麟神皇喜欢啊!” Felt that the outside presented three Nirvana day boundary big energies, eight Nirvana boundaries, more than ten Nirvana person boundary big energies, Ye Chenfeng has shown the light smiling face. 感觉到外界出现了三名涅槃天境大能,八名涅槃地境,十多名涅槃人境大能,叶晨风露出了淡淡的笑容。 Uncle Wang, saves me!” “王叔,救我!” Looks, wears the Qilin mark long gown, is bringing the Purple gold crown, the impressive middle-aged man, did the floating blood as if to see the Savior, shouted excitedly loudly. 看着走进来,一名身穿麒麟纹长袍,带着紫金冠,气度不凡的中年男子,乾飘血仿佛看到了救世主,激动地放声大喊。 Has put the floating blood.” “放了飘血。” The Qilin god country prince, the dry great wild goose king of Nirvana day boundary looked at an injury heavily does the floating blood, to has sat cross-legged Ye Chenfeng that the vision projection sits, the order that does not allow to resist said. 麒麟神国王爷,涅槃天境的乾鸿王看了一眼伤势不轻的乾飘血,将目光投射向了盘膝而坐的叶晨风,不容抗拒的命令道。 „Did 10,000 Sky grade crystal zones come?” “10000下品天晶带来了吗?” Ye Chenfeng has opened the eye, looks at the dry great wild goose king, saying that does not show weakness. 叶晨风睁开了眼睛,看着乾鸿王,毫不示弱的说道。 „Can your excellency really with my Qilin emperor's clan irreconcilable until death?” Does great wild goose King Youxie annoyed saying. “阁下真的要与我麒麟皇族不死不休?”乾鸿王有些恼火的说道。 I did not like speaking the idle talk, if did not have 10,000 Sky grade crystals, you waited to gather up dead bodies to him!” Saying of Ye Chenfeng coldly. “我这个人不喜欢说废话,如果没有10000下品天晶,你们就等给他收尸吧!”叶晨风冷冷的说道。 Good, these 10,000 Sky grade crystals, this king gives!” Did great wild goose King Fangfo to look at several Ye Chenfeng, has put out universe ring, threw said to Ye Chenfeng: 10,000 Sky grade crystals in inside, now you whether to have put the floating blood.” “好,这10000下品天晶,本王给!”乾鸿王仿佛看了几眼叶晨风,拿出了一枚乾坤戒指,扔给了叶晨风道:“10000下品天晶就在里面,现在你可否放了飘血。” I inspect first, these 10,000 Sky grade crystals did not have the issue to say again!” “等我先检查一下,这10000下品天晶没有问题再说!” Saying, Ye Chenfeng releases formidable soul power, seeped in universe ring. 说着,叶晨风释放强大的魂力,渗透进了乾坤戒指中。 Buzz humming sound!” “嗡嗡嗡!” But his soul seeps the universe ring instance, a fearful Soul Power quantity erupts in the ring, the direct bombardment has approached his soul sea. 但他灵魂渗透进乾坤戒指的瞬间,一股可怕的灵魂力量在戒指中爆发出来,直接轰击向了他的魂海。 Life-saving!” “救人!” The next quarter, headed by doing great wild goose King Qilin emperor's clan expert, the make a move attack to Ye Chenfeng, wanted to capture him in abundance, rescues is seriously injured does the floating blood. 下一刻,以乾鸿王为首的麒麟皇族高手,纷纷出手攻击向了叶晨风,想要擒拿他,救出身受重伤的乾飘血。
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