EDSG :: Volume #15

#1493: Also sees the flower to rain

Yeah, this anything matter!” “哎,这都什么事啊!” Ye Chenfeng shook the head, quietly without interest arrives at two Nine Heavens god country Nirvana boundaries to be able greatly the room, stuns them, transforms the touching type of emperor Ayauta, left the inn, is treading the gloomy light, tours on the day monster capital city ancient street. 叶晨风摇了摇头,悄然无息的来到两名九天神国涅槃地境大能房间,将他们二人震晕,幻化成帝绫歌的摸样,离开了客栈,踏着灰暗的灯光,在天妖都城古老的街道上游逛。 The day monster capital city is the Qilin god country famous city, very lively lively, on the street often sees the Nirvana boundary to be able greatly with the beautiful woman of causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman. 天妖都城是麒麟神国著名的城池,十分的繁华热闹,街道上不时见到涅槃境大能和倾国倾城的美人。 However the Ye Chenfeng attention on them, he does not release the formidable soul, has covered the vast region, seeks is shouldering the opportunity of conflict. 不过叶晨风的注意力不在她们身上,他释放强大的灵魂,覆盖了辽阔的区域,寻找着挑起争端的机会。 Suddenly, the melodious tweedle was induced together by Soul Power of Ye Chenfeng release, the vision cannot help but looked to the Northwest. 突然,一道悠扬的琴声被叶晨风释放的灵魂力感应到,目光不由得看向了西北方。 „The sound of Grand Dao, does the could it be flower rain here?” 大道之音,难道花落雨在这里?” Ye Chenfeng muttered, following tweedle that the sound of Grand Dao evolved, walked toward the day monster west, arrived at a construction just like palace error is ordinary, beyond brilliantly illuminated architectural complex. 叶晨风喃喃自语道,顺着大道之音演化的琴声,向天妖城西北方走去,来到了一座修建的宛如宫阙一般,灯火通明的建筑群外。 Really, the flower rains here!” “果然,花落雨在这里!” The Ye Chenfeng formidable soul realized in architectural complex the aura that the flower rains, showed the light smiling face, the body dodged, the ghosts and demons entered in the architectural complex generally, following a long corridor, went to a resplendent in gold and jade green hall. 叶晨风强大的灵魂在建筑群中察觉到花落雨的气息,露出了淡淡的笑容,身子一闪,鬼魅一般进入到了建筑群内,顺着一条长长的走廊,来到了一座金碧辉煌的大厅中。 At this time, wears five color skirts, light Tu Danzhuang, is elegant, such as the fairy maiden common flower rains is sitting above the stage, is moving the string with the tall and slender finger gently, is playing fire imagination, individually uncorrectable melody. 此时,身穿五色彩裙,轻涂淡妆,气质高雅,如仙子一般的花落雨正坐在高台之上,用细长的手指轻轻拨动着琴弦,演奏着让人神往,不可自拔的旋律。 For several years has not seen, this flower rained to the comprehension of sound of Grand Dao improved several levels, perhaps the so wonderful zither music, can let get a new lease on life!” “数年未见,这花落雨对大道之音的领悟又提高了几个层次,如此美妙的琴音,恐怕可以让枯木逢春!” Ye Chenfeng sat in corner, has closed the eye, the static listening attentively flower rained the tweedle of performance, was sublimating own soul. 叶晨风坐在了角落处,闭上了眼睛,静静的倾听花落雨演奏的琴声,升华着自己的灵魂。 On this only Yingtian had, the world can result in several chapters to hear! The good tune, is really the good tune!” Relinquishes, wears the dark golden Qilin long gown, the surface, if the jade pendant adorning a hat, has a blood red long hair, the body sends out the man who is working off anger lightly, received the jade fan in hand, stood up to say slowly: Does the floating blood below, the Qilin god country three imperial princes, I like the zither rhyme of miss very much, does not know that can become friends with the miss?” “此曲只应天上有,人间能得几回闻!好曲,真是好曲!”一曲作罢,一名身穿暗金色麒麟长袍,面若冠玉,拥有一头血红色长发,身上散发着淡淡杀气的男子,收起了手中的玉扇,缓缓地站起身来道:“在下乾飘血,麒麟神国三皇子,我很喜欢姑娘的琴韵,不知能和姑娘交个朋友吗?” Three imperial princes hello!” The flower rains stands up slowly, is revealing the charming smiling face, neither arrogant nor servile saying. “三皇子你好!”花落雨缓缓地站起身来,露着迷人的笑容,不亢不卑的说道。 Miss, here person of many mixed, do not know whether we chatted alone, had many words to the miss to say below!” Does the floating blood vision burning hot looks that the makings unique flower rains to say. “姑娘,这里人多口杂,不知我们可否单独谈谈,在下有不少话想要对姑娘说!”乾飘血目光炙热的看着气质独特的花落雨道。 Embarrassed three imperial princes, I was a little tired, had any words to say now!” The flower rains the tactful rejection to say. “不好意思三皇子,我有点累了,有什么话现在说吧!”花落雨委婉的拒绝道。 Good, I spoke frankly, I to the miss love at first sight, want to accept the miss am a concubine, does not know whether the miss wanted!” Does floating blood overbearing saying. “那好,那我就直说吧,我对姑娘一见倾心,很想纳姑娘为妾,不知姑娘可否愿意!”乾飘血霸道的说道。 Excuse me, three imperial prince requests, I am unable to comply.” The flower rains to shake the head, the direct rejection said. “不好意思,三皇子这个要求,恕我无法答应。”花落雨摇了摇头,直接拒绝道。 „Doesn't miss, consider really? Followed me, you riches and honors life.” Does the floating blood not to lose heart , to continue to say. “姑娘,真的不好好考虑一下吗?跟了我,你将荣华富贵一生。”乾飘血并不死心,继续说道。 Cuier, we go back!” “翠儿,我们回去吧!” The flower rains has not spoken again, hugs is covering entirely the ancient zither Yun guqin, in wears under the emerald green long skirt maidservant accompaniment to leave. 花落雨没有再多说话,抱着布满古老琴韵的古琴,在一名身穿翠绿长裙丫鬟陪同下就要离开。 Walks? Permits without me, you walk?” “走?没有我允许,你走的了吗?” Does the floating blood to see that the flower rains to go ahead, the big hand wields, several strength uncommon Qilin god country expert have stood, blocks road that the flower has rained to leave. 乾飘血看到花落雨说走就走,大手一挥,数名实力不凡的麒麟神国高手站了起来,封死了花落雨离开的路。 Bold, our young ladies are the day of dark green palace saintesses, anyone of you dares to act unreasonably, my day dark green palace could not forgive him!” “大胆,我们小姐乃是天苍宫圣女,你们谁敢乱来,我天苍宫饶不了他!” Cuier kept off before flowered raining body, was staring the attractive big eye, was looking angrily at famous Qilin god country expert, berated loudly. 翠儿挡在了花落雨身前,瞪着漂亮的大眼睛,怒视着一名名麒麟神国高手,大声喝斥道。 I said miss how fresh so attractive, originally is the day of dark green palace saintess!” Did the smiling face on floating blood face to be thicker: Now I changed paid attention, if the miss is willing to entrust the body in me, I have rested my main room immediately, married you for the wife.” “我说姑娘怎么生的如此的漂亮,原来是天苍宫圣女!”乾飘血脸上的笑容更浓了:“现在我改变注意了,如果姑娘肯委身于我,我立即休了我正房,娶你为妻。” Your excellency too looked at himself high!” The flower rains to look unceasingly pesters does the floating blood, the complexion also gradually transfers coldly, saying of vitality/angry: Makes way, makes not to be good to anyone.” “阁下是不是太高瞧自己了!”花落雨看着不断纠缠的乾飘血,脸色也逐渐转冷,生气的说道:“让开吧,闹下去对谁都不好。” I, if doesn't let?” “我如果不让呢?” Does the floating blood more to look that the flower rains is more excited, but the day dark green palace is the central world hidden world influence, the overall strength is greatly strengthened, but compared with Qilin god country, enormously strength disparity. 乾飘血越看花落雨越心动,而天苍宫虽然是中央世界隐世势力,整体实力极强,但与麒麟神国相比,还有极大地实力差距。 Yeah, sees has not been concerned about face, has not seen has such not been concerned about face!” “哎,见过不要脸的,没见过这么不要脸的!” Suddenly, the sigh broke the tension-filled atmosphere together, transformed personal appearance appearance Ye Chenfeng to stand up slowly, the ridicule said. 突然,一道叹息声打破了紧张的气氛,幻化了身形样貌的叶晨风缓缓地站起身来,讥讽道。 Un, interesting! Also really has the hero to rescue beautiful?” Did the floating blood to show the ice-cold smiling face: Also is gawking doing, breaks his four limbs to me, making him know that the hero rescues the beautiful fate.” “嗯,有意思!还真有英雄救美的?”乾飘血露出了冰冷的笑容道:“还愣着干什么,给我打断他的四肢,让他知道英雄救美的下场。” Yes, three imperial princes!” “是,三皇子!” Two Level 6 Battle Beast Sovereign Realm Qilin god country expert obeys orders saying that immediately has encircled, wants to teach Ye Chenfeng, has abandoned his four limbs. 两名六级战兽皇境界的麒麟神国高手从命道,立即围了过去,想要教训叶晨风,废了他的四肢。 Depends on you!” “就凭你们!” Ye Chenfeng revealed one to disdain, the body dodged, two sharp sword glow split in his body, did not wait for two Qilin god country expert to make the secondary reaction, their bodies were broken out by these two sharp incomparable sword glow, the massive blood have splattered place. 叶晨风露出了一丝不屑,身子一闪,两道锋利的剑芒在他身体中分裂出来,不等两名麒麟神国高手做出第二反应,他们二人的身体就被这两道锐利无比的剑芒劈开,大量的鲜血喷溅了一地。 „......” “啊啊……” This sudden, has shocked many people, making many timid people scream panic-stricken. 这突如其来的一幕,惊呆了不少人,让不少胆小之人惊恐的尖叫起来。 Mother, your big dog balls, dares to kill the person of my Qilin emperor's clan!” “妈的,你好大的狗胆,竟敢杀我麒麟皇族的人!” Does the floating blood not to think that the Ye Chenfeng courage is so big, strikes to kill his subordinate in the presence of everyone, immediately was angry, summoned a scarlet long gun|spear of handle accurate Saint rank, was interweaving scarlet Dao Intent, a bayonet has approached Ye Chenfeng. 乾飘血没想到叶晨风胆子这么大,当众击杀他的手下,顿时愤怒了,召唤出了一柄准圣器等级的血色长枪,交织着猩红色的道意,一枪刺向了叶晨风 Killed was also what kind of?” “杀了又怎样?” Ye Chenfeng will not let off this and other day carrying the opportunity that is difficult to meet, grasps the dragon tiger double play blade to move forward to meet somebody, with doing the floating blood battled in the resplendent in gold and jade green hall in one. 叶晨风绝不会放过这等天载难逢的机会,手持龙虎双杀刀迎了上去,与乾飘血在金碧辉煌的大厅中激战在了一起。 Young lady, we do not pay attention to them, we walk!” “小姐,我们不要理会他们了,我们走吧!” Cuier does not have a sentiment looks is slaughtering Ye Chenfeng that intensely and does the floating blood, said low voice. 翠儿不带一丝感情的望着激烈厮杀的叶晨风和乾飘血,小声说道。 „It is not anxious, waits again!” “不急,再等等!” The flower rains to shake the head, profound vision has been locking Ye Chenfeng, why does not know, when she looks to Ye Chenfeng, feeling of seeming to have met before. 花落雨摇了摇头,深邃的目光一直锁定着叶晨风,不知为何,她看向叶晨风时,有一种似曾相识的感觉。 Stares is making anything, has not given me on together, has killed him!” “都愣着做什么,还不给我一起上,杀了他!” Does the floating blood not to think that Ye Chenfeng strength such terror, oneself and he battles several hundred moves, is not only unable to suppress his offensive, retreating in defeat again and again that but also was forced by him, the order of becoming angry out of shame said. 乾飘血没想到叶晨风的实力如此的恐怖,自己与他激战数百招,不但无法压制他的攻势,还被他逼迫的节节败退,恼羞成怒的命令道。 Yes, three imperial princes!” “是,三皇子!” Famous Qilin god country expert obeys orders saying that summoned the respective [say / way] treasure, the bang killed to Ye Chenfeng. 一名名麒麟神国高手从命道,纷纷召唤出各自的道宝,轰杀向了叶晨风 „Is person useful?” “人多有用吗?” Ye Chenfeng own strength promotion to 200 million jin (0.5 kg), shook suddenly flew each article treasure, grasped the dragon tiger double play blade, continuously to doing the floating blood launched the fierce attack, the fearful strength unceasing earthquake did the scarlet long gun|spear in floating blood hand curved, cut to fly him. 叶晨风突然将自身的力量提升到200000000斤,震飞了一件件道宝,手持龙虎双杀刀,连续向乾飘血发动凶猛的攻击,可怕的力量不断地震弯乾飘血手中的血色长枪,将他斩飞了出去。 When the whole body as if disperses general, the mouth spits the blood when does the floating blood to struggle to crawl, Ye Chenfeng suddenly appears before him, a foot stepped in his face, hung the dragon tiger double play blade on his neck said: Does not think him dead, gives me honestly, otherwise I cut his dog head immediately.” 当全身仿佛散架一般,口吐鲜血的乾飘血挣扎着爬起来时,叶晨风突然出现在他面前,一脚踩在了他的脸上,将龙虎双杀刀悬在了他脖子上道:“不想他死,都给我老实点,否则我立即斩掉他的狗头。” ps: Waits for friend to add the micro letter public number: ylty83, has pleasantly surprised yo! ps:等更的朋友加微信公众号:ylty83,有惊喜呦!
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