EDSG :: Volume #15

#1492: The status was discovered

Ayauta, the taking a bath water has put away, you come!” “绫歌,洗澡水放好了,你过来吧!” Ye Chenfeng closed eyes maintained mental tranquility to rest a meeting, sword natural beauty that somewhat was slightly raw and cold, made the Ye Chenfeng innermost feelings surge to make a debut the sound of ripples to resound in the bath room. 叶晨风闭目养神休息了一会,剑天姿那略微有些生冷,却让叶晨风内心激荡出道道涟漪的声音在浴房中响起。 Yeah!” “哎!” Ye Chenfeng sighed gently, knows that today cannot hide. 叶晨风轻轻叹息一声,知道今天是躲不过去了。 Is good is beautiful because of sword natural beauty fresh side, the makings are unique, the stature is also perfect, bathes Ye Chenfeng not to repel with her together at heart. 好在剑天姿生的极美,气质独特,身材又完美无瑕,与她一同沐浴叶晨风心里并不排斥。 Entered to flutter the light steam bath room, Ye Chenfeng innermost feelings, the throat cannot help but was rolling. 走进飘荡着淡淡热气的浴房,叶晨风内心一荡,喉咙不由得滚动了一下。 He saw that the sword natural beauty had already taken off all clothes, standing of scarlet fruits is waiting for itself in the bath barrel. 他看到,剑天姿早已脱掉了身上所有的衣服,正赤果果的站在浴桶边等待着自己。 She flood on cheek of blushing, has not been revealing a shyly and shy color slightly, the stance toxicant of arousing is nibbling the Ye Chenfeng psychological defense line likely generally. 她微微泛着红晕的脸蛋上,没有流露出一丝扭捏和害羞之色,撩人的姿态像毒药一般蚕食着叶晨风的心理防线。 Ayauta, are you also gawking doing? Has not come!” “绫歌,你还愣着干什么?还不过来!” The sword natural beauty looks that is looking at own Ye Chenfeng, bold saying. 剑天姿看着愣愣望着自己的叶晨风,大胆的说道。 gu, good!” “咕,好!” The Ye Chenfeng throat get lost, walked slowly, under the sword natural beauty begins personally, has taken off the clothes of whole body, soaks with her in fluttering continuously in the lukewarm water of steam. 叶晨风喉咙一滚,缓缓地走了过去,在剑天姿亲自动手下,脱掉了全身的衣服,与她浸泡在飘荡着缕缕热气的温水之中。 When bathes, two people repeatedly are having the intimate body contact, the sword natural beauty smooth flexible skin, has slid on Ye Chenfeng unceasingly, surges to make a debut a electric current, scurries about in the Ye Chenfeng body, is igniting the flame in his heart. 沐浴时,二人不断发生着亲密的身体接触,剑天姿光滑富有弹性的皮肤,不断在叶晨风身上滑过,激荡出道道电流,在叶晨风身体中乱窜,引燃着他心中的火焰。 Ayauta, you so were when honest, didn't you already want me?” Sword natural beauty spirit snake general winding on the Ye Chenfeng body, looks likely expression some unnatural Ye Chenfeng said. “绫歌,你什么时候这么老实了,你不是早就想要了我吗?”剑天姿像灵蛇一般缠绕在叶晨风身体上,看着表情有些不自然的叶晨风道。 Natural beauty, my this time comes out is comes informed and experienced, is not enjoys happiness, I feared that the master knows will blame me!” Diligently the flame that Ye Chenfeng suppresses the innermost feelings, answered. “天姿,我这次出来是来历练的,不是来享福的,我怕师傅知道会责怪我!”叶晨风努力压制内心的火焰,解释道。 „Are you Ayauta?” “你是绫歌吗?” The sword natural beauty looks at the eye of Ye Chenfeng near at hand, suddenly asked. 剑天姿近在咫尺看着叶晨风的眼睛,突然问道。 Yes!” “是啊!” Ye Chenfeng really does not want to injure sword natural beauty, restrains itself diligently. 叶晨风实在不想伤害剑天姿,努力地克制自己。 If you are really Ayauta, you will not reject my!” Saying that the sword natural beauty is unforgiving: Wants me.” “如果你真是绫歌,你是不会拒绝我的!”剑天姿不依不饶的说道:“要我。” Yeah!” “哎!” Ye Chenfeng helpless sighed in the heart, he knows that something could not hide, has not hugged a body of sword natural beauty slight defect on own initiative in the bosom, kissed her moist lip. 叶晨风无奈的在心中叹息一声,他知道有些东西躲不过去了,主动将剑天姿没有一丝瑕疵的身子搂在了怀中,吻上了她湿润的嘴唇。 The quick, intermittent water splash sputtering splutters in the bath barrel. 很快,阵阵水花溅射在浴桶中溅射出来。 The enthusiasm of sword natural beauty has been above the imagination of Ye Chenfeng, is lighting Ye Chenfeng, is climbing the happy peak. 剑天姿的热情超乎了叶晨风的想象,点燃着叶晨风,攀登着愉快的巅峰。 Un, is not right, you are not Ayauta!” “嗯,不对,你不是绫歌!” When a pure energy enters to the sword natural beauty body, small mouth micro, the complexion is tender and beautiful, the smooth skin passed the pink sword natural beauty to open both eyes suddenly, felt that the end has doubted, gets angry the sound track. 当一股精纯的能量进入到剑天姿身体时,小嘴微张,脸色娇艳,光滑皮肤透着粉红色的剑天姿突然睁大了双眼,感觉到了端疑,怒声道。 Natural beauty, you how?” “天姿,你怎么了?” Looks the sword natural beauty that turns hostile suddenly, in the Ye Chenfeng mind flashes through several thoughts, on the face tranquil asking. 看着突然变脸的剑天姿,叶晨风脑海中闪过数个念头,脸上平静的问道。 „Who you are, why pretends Ayauta!” “你到底是什么人,为何假冒绫歌!” Swift and fierce sword intent jumps to shoot in the angry sword natural beauty smooth body, turned into invincible sword light, cut near at hand to Ye Chenfeng. 一股凌厉的剑意在愤怒的剑天姿光滑的身子中迸射出来,化成了无敌剑光,近在咫尺斩向了叶晨风 Natural beauty, how you, have sent any insanity!” “天姿,你到底怎么了,发什么疯!” The Ye Chenfeng big hand wields, is flowing the formidable skill in Daoist cultivation, breaks invincible sword light that the sword natural beauty has cut, where cannot find out itself to expose weaknesses. 叶晨风大手一挥,流动着强大的道力,震碎了剑天姿斩来的无敌剑光,想不出自己哪里露出了破绽。 Mean villain, how you Ayauta, you why camouflaged his appearance to deceive me!” “卑鄙的小人,你到底将绫歌怎么样了,你为什么伪装成他的样子欺骗我!” The sword natural beauty is about to have been wild with rage, she has not thought that with have the intimate relation is not emperor Ayauta, but has other people. 剑天姿真快气疯了,她万万没有想到,与自己发生亲密关系的不是帝绫歌,而是另有他人。 I am emperor Ayauta!” Ye Chenfeng braces oneself to say. “我就是帝绫歌啊!”叶晨风硬着头皮道。 I am familiar with the skill in Daoist cultivation of Ayauta within the body, is entirely different from the skill in Daoist cultivation of your within the body. In addition you just unusual performance, I can affirm that you absolutely are not Ayauta!” “我熟悉绫歌体内的道力,与你体内的道力截然不同。再加上你刚刚反常的表现,我敢肯定,你绝对不是绫歌!” The sword natural beauty rapid has put out the black cloak from universe ring, covers up the attractive spring scenery, grasps Divine Brilliance mother sword, the sword refers to Ye Chenfeng saying: Who are you?” 剑天姿迅速从乾坤戒指中拿出了黑色披风,遮掩住诱人的春光,手持神煌母剑,剑指叶晨风道:“你到底是谁?” Yeah, since had been seen through an affair by you, I do not conceal!” Ye Chenfeng knows that concealed the truth, sighed gently a sound track: You said right, I am not emperor Ayauta.” “哎,既然被你拆穿了,我也不隐瞒了!”叶晨风知道瞒不过了,轻轻叹息一声道:“你说的没错,我不是帝绫歌。” You, the villain in your this mean and shameless lower reaches, I have killed you!” “你,你这个卑鄙无耻下流的小人,我杀了你!” The sword natural beauty is unable to accept this fact, is burning the formidable bloodlines, activated the first Heavenly Sword embryo, insane started the fiercest style to Ye Chenfeng generally, wants to strike to kill him, a scrubbing shame. 剑天姿根本无法接受这个事实,燃烧着强大的血脉,激活了先天剑胎,疯了一般向叶晨风发动最凶猛的招式,想要将他击杀,一洗刷耻辱。 Bang!” “轰!” Swift and fierce attack also not near body that the sword natural beauty starts, the strength of dizziness surpassed her to imagine rumbles in her soul sea, making her soul tremble, a brain blank. 剑天姿发动的凌厉攻击还未近身,一股超出她想象的眩晕之力轰进了她魂海之中,让她灵魂一颤,大脑一片空白。 The next quarter, Ye Chenfeng erupts the formidable skill in Daoist cultivation, breaks sword glow that a [say / way] has cut, circled the sword natural beauty behind, a palm stunned her, wears the clothes, leading her to enter in Universe Realm. 下一刻,叶晨风爆发强大的道力,震碎了道道斩来的剑芒,绕到了剑天姿身后,一掌将她震晕,穿好衣服,带着她进入到了乾坤境中。 Was awakened in Universe Realm by Ye Chenfeng, the sword natural beauty does not give a thought to the huge strength disparity , to continue taking advantage of the Heavenly Sword embryo first to Ye Chenfeng launches the attack. 叶晨风乾坤境中唤醒,剑天姿不顾巨大的实力差距,借先天剑胎继续向叶晨风发动攻击。 „The strength of universe, suppression!” “乾坤之力,镇压!” In Universe Realm, Ye Chenfeng is the absolute control, he controls the strength of fearful universe, crushes attack that the sword natural beauty launched, suppressed her stiffly same place. 乾坤境中,叶晨风就是绝对的主宰,他控制可怕的乾坤之力,粉碎了剑天姿发动的攻击,硬生生将她镇压在了原地。 Sword natural beauty, first should not be excited!” Looks at the double pupil torching, the sword natural beauty that the anger soars to the heavens, Ye Chenfeng somewhat helpless shaking the head of said: I know you to be annoyed, you are angry, but all these are not I create, I do not let you, repeatedly three rejections, are your initiatives, has initiated this series of matters.” “剑天姿,你先不要激动!”看着双眸喷火,怒火冲天的剑天姿,叶晨风有些无奈的摇了摇头道:“我知道你恼火,你愤怒,但这一切并非我造成的,我不让你跟着,又屡次三番拒绝,是你一次次主动,引发了这一系列事情。” Actually, if did not have just matter, you discovered that my status secret, you died!” “其实,如果不是发生刚刚的事,你发现我身份秘密,你已经死了!” Said that I should thank the villain in your this mean and shameless lower reaches!” Sword natural beauty annoyed saying. “这么说,我应该感谢你这个卑鄙无耻下流的小人了!”剑天姿恼火的说道。 Yeah, how you made me say!” Ye Chenfeng sighed gently a sound track. “哎,你让我怎么说!”叶晨风轻轻叹息一声道。 „Who are you?” The sword natural beauty looks angrily is winning Ye Chenfeng of his pure body, saying of clenching jaws. “你到底是什么人?”剑天姿怒视着夺走他清白身子的叶晨风,咬牙切齿的说道。 You thought that who I am?” “你觉得我是谁?” Ye Chenfeng looks struggles diligently, is looking angrily at own sword natural beauty, asked. 叶晨风看着努力挣扎,怒视着自己的剑天姿,反问道。 You, your could it be is Ye Chenfeng!” “你,你难道叶晨风!” Suddenly, a form appears in her mind, she calls out in alarm unrestrainedly said. 突然,一个身影浮现在她脑海中,她情不自禁的惊呼道。 Good, is I!” “不错,是我!” Saying, Ye Chenfeng was restoring the real appearance. 说着,叶晨风恢复了真实容貌。 You Ayauta how?” “你将绫歌怎么样了?” The sword natural beauty has not thought that Ye Chenfeng has not died unexpectedly, but also has the relations with emperor Nine Heavens, felt surprised to his status, the safety in emperor Ayauta felt worried. 剑天姿没想到叶晨风竟然没死,还和帝九天有关系,对他身份感到了惊疑,更为帝绫歌的安危感到了担忧。 He must die! Ok, I forgive your life!” “本来他是要死的!算了,我饶你们一命吧!” Looks at sword natural beauty angry elegant face, Ye Chenfeng some does not endure suddenly, changed the mind, decides to let off emperor Ayauta, the regard moves, summoned from the Universe Realm 2-layer space him. 看着剑天姿愤怒的俏脸,叶晨风突然有些不忍,改变了主意,决定放过帝绫歌,心意一动,将他从乾坤境二重空间召唤了过来。 Was good, your here will be treating from now on, when I stilled the central world, has destroyed three big alien race foundations, you will be free!” “好了,你们俩个今后就在这里待着吧,等我平定了中央世界,摧毁了三大异族根基,自会还你们自由!” Saying, Ye Chenfeng has not been waiting for a long time in Universe Realm, the regard moved, appears outside. 说着,叶晨风没有在乾坤境中久待,心意一动,出现在了外面。
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