EDSG :: Volume #15

#1491: Also comes to settle it

Speed remnant shade, was just the speed remnant shade!” “速度残影,刚刚是速度残影!” The sword natural beauty as if forgot Divine Brilliance mother sword by the matter that Ye Chenfeng won, in the mind is flashed before unceasingly just stabbed of Ye Chenfeng body. 剑天姿仿佛忘了神煌母剑被叶晨风夺走的事情,脑海中不断地闪现刚刚刺中叶晨风身体的一幕。 Her unable to believe, in the time that this is written in water, Ye Chenfeng transformed the speed remnant shade to deceive her unexpectedly. 无法相信,在这转瞬即逝的时间中,叶晨风竟然幻化出速度残影骗过了她。 Good natural beauty, you go back, I walked!” “好了天姿,你回去吧,我走了!” Divine Brilliance mother sword who Ye Chenfeng will claim has given back to the absent-minded sword natural beauty, jumped to leap, meets above the fine horse to leave. 叶晨风将夺走的神煌母剑还给了失神的剑天姿,纵身一跃,遇到了龙马之上就要离开。 Ayauta, have you forgotten among us the agreement?” “绫歌,你忘了我们之间的约定了吗?” Recovering sword natural beauty received Divine Brilliance mother sword, looks at the makings to have the enormous change, lets Ye Chenfeng that she somewhat could not completely understand, suddenly bloomed the charming smiling face. 回过神来的剑天姿收起了神煌母剑,看着气质发生极大变化,让她有些看不透的叶晨风,突然绽放出迷人的笑容。 Agreement?” “约定?” A Ye Chenfeng brow wrinkle, the rapid search soul remembers slightly. 叶晨风眉头微微一皱,迅速的搜索灵魂记忆。 I said that so long as you can defeat me open and aboveboard, I was your person!” A sword natural beauty not coyness, bold saying: Now I lost, you can marry me at any time.” “我说了,只要你能堂堂正正击败我,我就是你的人了!”剑天姿没有一丝扭捏,豪放的说道:“如今我输了,你可以随时娶我。” Good, you in my mansion medium me, when I according to master's request, complete the life and death to whet, comes back to look for you, marries passing through the gate you open and aboveboard!” “好,那你在我府中等我,等我按照师傅的要求,完成生死磨砺,就回来找你,堂堂正正将你娶进门!” Ye Chenfeng disguised to reveal excited color, the promise said in the presence of everyone. 叶晨风假装露出了激动之色,当众许诺道。 No, I suddenly do not want to separate with you now!” The sword natural beauty shook the head saying: Which you go, I go.” “不,我现在突然不想与你分开了!”剑天姿摇了摇头道:“你去哪,我去哪。” ...... …… Natural beauty, my this is goes informed and experienced, does not enjoy the beauties of nature, you keep my side not to be convenient!” “天姿,我这是去历练,不是游山玩水,你留在我身边不方便!” Ye Chenfeng does not want to injure the innate skill extremely high sword natural beauty, if looked at the terminal to doubt by her, to plan, Ye Chenfeng can only remove her. 叶晨风并不想伤害天赋极高的剑天姿,如果被她看出端疑,为了计划,叶晨风只能将她除掉。 Why they can follow side you, I actually cannot!” Sword natural beauty stubborn saying: Body leaps, draws an elegant arc in midair, rode above the fine horse, both hands closely have held in the arms the waist of Ye Chenfeng.” “他们为什么能跟在你身边,我却不能!”剑天姿倔强的说道:“身子一跃,在半空中划出一道优美的弧线,骑在了龙马之上,双手紧紧地搂住了叶晨风的腰。” Was good, did not require the delaying time, we walked!” “好了,不要耽搁时间了,我们走吧!” Closely is hugging Ye Chenfeng, feels the male character that on him is sending out, the sword natural beauty enjoys this feeling suddenly very much, on the fine cheek has shown the smiling face, urged. 紧紧搂着叶晨风,感受着他身上散发出的阳刚之气,剑天姿突然很享受这种感觉,精致的脸蛋上露出了浅浅的笑容,催促道。 Natural beauty, this line of informed and experienced a narrow escape, do not regret!” Is feeling behind two groups of soft, Ye Chenfeng innermost feelings, the helpless reminder said. “天姿,此行历练九死一生,你可不要后悔!”感受着身后两团柔软,叶晨风内心一荡,无奈的提醒道。 What's wrong, you thought that I will implicate you?” Saying that sword natural beauty some are not convinced: Do not think to defeat me, you can look down upon me, I ensure previous one step steps into the Nirvana boundary compared with you.” “怎么,你觉得我会拖累你?”剑天姿有些不服气的说道:“不要以为战胜我,你就能瞧不起我,我保证比你早先一步踏入涅槃地境。” Yeah, good, we walk!” “哎,那好吧,我们走!” Ye Chenfeng saw that the sword natural beauty regard has decided that knows that continues to persuade not to have what significance, is controlling the blood relationship extremely pure fine horse, in two Nirvana boundaries can under the protection, rush to the Qilin god country greatly. 叶晨风看到剑天姿心意已决,知道继续劝说也没有什么意义,驾驭着血统极纯的龙马,在两名涅槃地境大能守护下,向麒麟神国奔去。 Ayauta, what divine ability does the Nine Heavens first ancestor teach your is? Why virtually impossible to guard against, isn't the soul able the accurate sensation?” “绫歌,九天始祖传授你的到底是什么神通?为何防不胜防,灵魂根本无法准确感知?” The sword natural beauty closely is hugging the Ye Chenfeng strong waist, pastes the head after him carries on the back, passes message asks. 剑天姿紧紧地搂着叶晨风强壮的腰肢,将脑袋贴在他后背上,传音问道。 That is the time rule and space rule!” Ye Chenfeng passes message to respond: These two rules are extremely mysterious, but the time that I contact was still short, but grasped the superficial knowledge.” “那是时间规则和空间规则!”叶晨风传音回应道:“不过这两道规则太过玄奥,而我接触的时间尚短,只是掌握了皮毛。” This is in the legend, abstrusest two big rules!” The sword natural beauty stared in a big way both eyes, revealed to be charmed the color: Ayauta, when we get married, whether you said to the Nine Heavens first ancestor, making me have the opportunity to contact these two big rules.” “这就是传说中,最深奥的两大规则!”剑天姿瞪大了双眼,流露出神往之色道:“绫歌,等我们成亲,你可否向九天始祖说说,让我也有机会接触这两大规则。” Does not have the issue!” Ye Chenfeng very happy complying said. “没问题!”叶晨风十分痛快的答应道。 Thanks!” The sword natural beauty is quite affected: Right Ayauta, informed and experienced where do this line of Nine Heavens first ancestors make you go?” “谢谢!”剑天姿颇为感动:“对了绫歌,此行九天始祖让你去哪里历练?” He makes me go to Qilin god country wanderer, rushes out the fame to come back again!” Ye Chenfeng passes on the tone channel, is controlling to run quickly of fine horse extremely fast. “他让我去麒麟神国闯荡一番,闯出名气再回来!”叶晨风传音道,驾驭着龙马极速的奔驰。 The control three blood relationship pure fine horses that about five days time, Ye Chenfeng four people of watching, surmounted the extremely vast area, entered in the Qilin god country, has spent more than for two days the time, at dusk, arrived at the Qilin god country famous city, outside the day monster capital city. 大约五天左右时间,叶晨风四人不眠不休的驾驭三匹血统纯正的龙马,跨越了极其辽阔的面积,进入到了麒麟神国中,又花了两天多时间,在傍晚时分,来到了麒麟神国著名的城池,天妖都城外。 Walks, I think that everybody was tired, we go to the day monster capital city recuperation one!” “走吧,我想大家都累了,我们去天妖都城休整一番吧!” Camouflages Ye Chenfeng one line, rode the fine horse to enter prosperously bountiful, the sounds of people bustling day monster capital city, was admitted to the city a scale to be enormous, constructs in a lake edge, in the enchanting scenery inn. 伪装一番的叶晨风一行人,骑着龙马进入到了繁荣富饶,人声熙攘的天妖都城,住进了城中一座规模极大,修建在一座湖泊边缘,景色宜人的客栈中。 Ayauta, tonight I and you live!” “绫歌,今晚我和你住!” Although Ye Chenfeng intends to make the sword natural beauty live alone, but she actually insists on living in a room with Ye Chenfeng, right now directly jabbed into the Ye Chenfeng death hole. 虽然叶晨风有意让剑天姿独住,但她却执意和叶晨风住一个房间,这下子直接刺进了叶晨风的死穴。 What's wrong, don't you think?” Looks at the pupil micro, expression somewhat unusual Ye Chenfeng, the sword natural beauty provoked a sagging to say in the hair of cheeks: „Didn't you wait to be very long on this day?” “怎么,你不想吗?”看着瞳孔微缩,表情有些异样的叶晨风,剑天姿拨弄了一下垂在脸颊的头发道:“你不等这一天很久了吗?” Natural beauty, I thought that the most precious thing, will keep the night of getting married to be quite good!” The Ye Chenfeng somewhat helpless persuasion said. “天姿,我觉得还是将最珍贵的东西,留在成亲之夜比较好!”叶晨风有些无奈的劝说道。 Ayauta, when did you become such stodgy?” The sword natural beauty thinks otherwise saying: Walks, we go to room.” “绫歌,你什么时候变得这么迂腐了?”剑天姿不以为然道:“走吧,我们回房间。” Saying, the sword natural beauty was drawing the big hand of Ye Chenfeng forcefully, arrived at them to rent, the area was enormous, in the side building that had it all. 说着,剑天姿强行拉着叶晨风的大手,来到了他们租住,面积极大,一应俱全的厢房中。 Ayauta, I discovered that you somewhat did change?” Has closed the door, the sword natural beauty personally was Ye Chenfeng but actually one cup of spirit sados: Makes me suspect that you are others camouflage.” “绫歌,我发现你有些变了?”关上了房门,剑天姿亲自为叶晨风倒了一杯灵茶道:“让我怀疑,你是不是别人伪装的。” Why said?” “为什么这么说?” The Ye Chenfeng innermost feelings slightly shakes, on the face has not actually revealed heterochrosis. 叶晨风内心微震,脸上却没有流露出一丝异色。 Stems from a feeling!” The sword natural beauty said: Originally, you want to obtain me urgently, but I plunge into the bosom now on own initiative, you are actually evasive.” “源于一种感觉!”剑天姿说道:“原来,你是那么迫切想要得到我,可如今我主动跳入怀抱,你却躲躲闪闪。” Natural beauty, I am not evasive, but is the master tells me, wants to pursue unsurpassed Grand Dao, must eliminate the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, will concentrate on to practicing, otherwise I unsuccessfully life!” In the Ye Chenfeng mind the train of thought revolved rapidly, carries out emperor Nine Heavens to answer. “天姿,我不是躲躲闪闪,而是师傅告诉我,想要追求无上大道,就要摒除七情六欲,将所有的精力投入到修行之中,不然我将碌碌无为一生!”叶晨风脑海中思绪飞转,搬出了帝九天解释道。 You have become aware finally, I think that you will be hoodwinked both eyes by the authority ambition for a lifetime, cannot completely understand the road of path of cultivation!” “你终于悟了,我以为你一辈子会被权力野心蒙蔽双眼,看不透修道之路!” Listens to the explanation of Ye Chenfeng, on the sword natural beauty elegantly beautiful face to reappear the charming smiling face, firmly holds the Ye Chenfeng big hand [say / way]: On the road that from now on practices you will not be lonely, have I accompanied you?” 听完叶晨风的解释,剑天姿冷艳的脸上浮现出迷人的笑容,紧紧抓住叶晨风的大手道:“今后修行的路上你不会孤单,我会一直陪伴你?” Natural beauty, I discovered that your change is very similarly big?” The sword natural beauty looks that the sword natural beauty pretty cheek said: You so were when driving.” “天姿,我发现你的变化同样很大?”剑天姿看着剑天姿娇俏的脸蛋道:“你什么时候这般主动了。” That is because you have become aware, has defeated me!” Sword natural beauty look charming saying: My sword natural beauty effective and influential word, since you defeat me, I was your person, let alone, I liked you.” “那是因为你悟了,又击败了我!”剑天姿神色迷人的说道:“我剑天姿一言九鼎,既然你击败我,我就是你的人了,更何况,我喜欢你。” ...... …… Hears sword natural beauty vindicating, Ye Chenfeng was bigger, he will have a feeling, the sword natural beauty will perhaps advance himself tonight. 听到剑天姿一番表白,叶晨风头更大了,他有一种感觉,剑天姿今晚说不定会推到自己。 Ayauta, I think that you were tired, I go to put the taking a bath water to you now, served you to bathe!” The sword natural beauty as if changed a person, becomes the gentle person, saying that sympathizes. “绫歌,我想你累了吧,我现在去给你放洗澡水,伺候你沐浴!”剑天姿仿佛变了一个人,变得温婉可人,体贴的说道。 No, we first exit to eat a thing, strolls!” Ye Chenfeng closely grabs the sword natural beauty smooth small hand to say. “不,我们还是先出去吃点东西,逛逛吧!”叶晨风紧紧抓着剑天姿光滑的小手道。 First takes a bath, is exiting to stroll!” Saying of sword natural beauty powerful, was Ye Chenfeng prepares the taking a bath water personally. “先洗澡,在出去逛!”剑天姿强势的说道,亲自为叶晨风准备洗澡水去了。 Yeah, comes to settle it!” “哎,既来之则安之!” Looks that the sword natural beauty is full of the different kind character and style the back, Ye Chenfeng sighs in the heart gently. 看着剑天姿充满别样风情的背影,叶晨风轻轻在心中叹息一声。 He knows that wants to hide at this moment had not given a pretext, that should come comes. 他知道,此时此刻想躲已经没有借口,该来的那就来吧。
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