EDSG :: Volume #15

#1490: The challenge of sword natural beauty

After ten day, Ye Chenfeng camouflages emperor Ayauta, left the emperor Nine Heavens cave mansion, found the emperor blade nobility, made a false report that must go out informed and experienced. 十日后,叶晨风伪装成帝绫歌,离开了帝九天的洞府,找到帝刀爵,谎称要外出历练。 Regarding this, the emperor blade nobility had not suspected that his words, agreed he goes out the informed and experienced request, and sent two Nirvana boundaries to protect him greatly, left the Nine Heavens imperial palace together. 对此,帝刀爵没有怀疑他的话,同意了他外出历练的要求,并派了两名涅槃地境大能保护他,一同离开了九天皇宫。 Emperor Ayauta, I go with you together informed and experienced!” “帝绫歌,我跟你一起去历练!” When the Ye Chenfeng control fine horse, leaves Nine Heavens Imperial city, wears the black tight-fitting Martial Dao clothing/taking, the slender physique will outline sends concave-convex, the both legs are slender, in the foreheads passed a heroic spirit sword natural beauty suddenly to appear, intercepts him. 叶晨风驾驭龙马,离开九天皇城时,一名身穿黑色紧身武道服,将修长的身姿勾勒的凹凸有致,双腿修长有力,眉宇间透着一股英气的剑天姿突然出现,拦截住了他。 Natural beauty, the master this time makes me alone informed and experienced, you keep Nine Heavens Imperial city.” “天姿,师傅这次让我单独历练,你就留在九天皇城吧。” Although the flawlessness of Ye Chenfeng camouflage, Emperor even/including the blade nobility has not seen the flaw, but emperor Ayauta and sword natural beauty relations are significant, if makes the sword natural beauty follow in the side, is constantly together, is very likely to make her see the flaw. 虽然叶晨风伪装的天衣无缝,连帝刀爵都没有看出破绽,但帝绫歌与剑天姿关系匪浅,如果让剑天姿跟在身边,朝夕相处,极有可能让她看出破绽。 Good, wants to make me stay behind, but you must defeat me!” “好,想让我留下也可以,但你必须要击败我!” Saying, in the sword natural beauty body divulges infinite sword intent, collected in her top of the head fast, turned into a handle invincible Divine sword, cut to break the heavily air, cut to Ye Chenfeng. 说着,剑天姿身体中宣泄出无穷的剑意,快速在她头顶汇集,化成了一柄无敌神剑,斩破着重重地空气,斩向了叶晨风 Yeah, the temperament of this sword natural beauty is really unpredictable!” “哎,这剑天姿的脾气真是捉摸不定!” Ye Chenfeng sighed gently, the dragon tiger double play blade appears in his hands, he was imitating the transporting merit way of emperor Ayauta, separated to cut a blade spatially, cut to break to pieces the Divine sword that invincible sword intent turned into directly. 叶晨风轻轻叹息一声,龙虎双杀刀出现在他手中,他模仿着帝绫歌的运功方式,隔空斩出了一刀,直接斩碎了无敌剑意化成的神剑。 „Under today makes me ask for advice, you with the Nine Heavens first ancestor, have studied anything!” “今天就让我领教下,你跟着九天始祖,到底学了些什么!” Saying, low grade Saint Divine Brilliance mother sword was appearing in the sword natural beauty hand, her sword from out of the blue, was bringing the grating sword whining noise, a sword thorn to has ridden Ye Chenfeng above fine horse. 说着,下品圣器神煌母剑出现在剑天姿手中,她一剑破空,带着刺耳的剑鸣声,一剑刺向了骑在龙马之上的叶晨风 This emperor Ayauta anything taste!” “这帝绫歌什么口味!” Although the sword natural beauty fresh side is beautiful, the makings of being in sole possession of add several points of charm, but her irritable temperament makes the person not dare to think highly, looks that her sword punctures, Ye Chenfeng jumps from the fine horse high, own strength suppression to a 1-Star Saint, effort has shot the dragon tiger double play blade. 虽然剑天姿生的极美,独有的气质又平添几分魅力,但她火爆的脾气却让人不敢恭维,看着她一剑刺来,叶晨风从龙马之上高高跃起,将自身的实力压制到一星道圣,用力的掷出了龙虎双杀刀。 Whiz whiz!” “嗖嗖!” The sword natural beauty wrist|skill shakes, the sharp Divine Brilliance mother sword turnover the large snake sword glow, a sword was swinging the attack of dragon tiger double play blade, such as wiped to cut the cold star of vault of heaven, the chest of straight thrust Ye Chenfeng. 剑天姿手腕一抖,锋利的神煌母剑吞吐着长蛇般的剑芒,一剑荡开了龙虎双杀刀的攻击,如一抹划破苍穹的寒星,直刺叶晨风的胸口。 Blue sky seal!” “青天印!” A sword natural beauty sword punctures, Ye Chenfeng both hands tie seal fast, inspires the strength of formidable day to integrate in both hands, condenses as if to breed a side Heaven and Earth blue sky seal baseless, easily accomplished crushes the swift and fierce sword glow that the sword natural beauty punctured. 剑天姿一剑刺来,叶晨风双手快速的结印,引动强大的天之力融入到双手之间,凭空凝聚出仿佛孕育着一方天地的青天印,摧枯拉朽般粉碎了剑天姿刺来的凌厉剑芒。 Kills to say!” “杀道!” Attacks is broken, the sword natural beauty deduces to kill to say immediately that the amplification the striking power, is continue Ye Chenfeng launches the fierce attack, wants to suppress his offensive. 攻击被破,剑天姿立即推演杀道,增幅着攻击力,继续向叶晨风发动凶猛的攻击,想要压制他的攻势。 [Say / Way] of plate day!” “天之道盘!” Although Ye Chenfeng camouflages emperor Ayauta to be lifelike, but he is unable in the short time achieving mastery through a comprehensive study emperor Ayauta becoming famous style, only to display three big killing move that the blue sky Secret Art evolves to meet the approaching enemy. 叶晨风虽然伪装帝绫歌惟妙惟肖,但他无法在短时间融会贯通帝绫歌成名招式,只能施展青天诀演变的三大杀招进行迎击。 Space trajectory!” “空间轨迹!” When the space black hole is common, when twists the [say / way] of plate void day to resist the sword natural beauty deduction to kill a sword attacks, Ye Chenfeng suddenly escapes into to the space trajectory, changes wipes the remnant shade, appears in the sword natural beauty behind, has printed out three palms to her back. 当空间黑洞一般,扭曲着虚空的天之道盘抵挡住剑天姿推演杀道的一剑攻击时,叶晨风突然遁入到空间轨迹中,化作一抹残影,出现在剑天姿身后,冲着她的后背印出了三掌。 Speed has promoted much, but wants to defeat me, but also difference is too far!” “速度提升了不少,但想要击败我,还差的太远!” Felt that the back presented the danger, the sword natural beauty slender body extremely fast revolved, made dozens times exquisite organizing in the flash, fends three palms that Ye Chenfeng has printed out, was interweaving such as the lotus flower petal sword glow, strangled to death Ye Chenfeng. 感觉到后背出现了危险,剑天姿修长的身子极速回旋起来,在一瞬间做出数十次精妙的腾挪,闪避开了叶晨风印出的三掌,交织着如莲花瓣的剑芒,绞杀叶晨风 Desolate of furnace day!” “天之荒炉!” Ye Chenfeng has not dodged the attack of sword natural beauty, Dao Chart of his full power deduction day, the incarnation flows Heavenly Law mark the Desolate of furnace of day to move forward to meet somebody first, with lotus flower sword glow that the sword natural beauty cuts intense to reprimanding. 叶晨风没有闪躲剑天姿的攻击,他全力推演天之道图,化身流动着先天道纹的天之荒炉迎了上去,与剑天姿斩出的莲花剑芒激烈的对斥。 Running water kills the sword!” “流水杀剑!” When the lotus flower sword glow the Desolate of furnace Ye Chenfeng incarnation day breaks off the smashing forcefully, in Divine Brilliance mother sword flows to make a debut a watermark, turned into such as the running water to be ordinary, floods is letting the sword glow that the person was afraid , a sword cut to break the Desolate of furnace day, will suppress the boundary strength diligently, restrained own Ye Chenfeng to cut to draw back several steps. 道道莲花剑芒被叶晨风化身天之荒炉强行折断粉碎时,神煌母剑中流动出道道水纹,化成了如流水一般,充斥着让人不寒而栗的剑芒,一剑斩破了天之荒炉,将努力压制境界实力,克制自己的叶晨风斩退了数步。 Emperor Ayauta, you are such weak!” “帝绫歌,你还是这么弱!” Looks at the arm to flow continuously Ye Chenfeng of blood, the sword natural beauty follows up a victory with hot pursuit, wants to defeat him in one vigorous effort. 看着手臂流淌出缕缕鲜血的叶晨风,剑天姿乘胜追击,想要一鼓作气击败他。 Saw that the sword natural beauty punctures, such as the sword of Nine Heavens startling thunderclap stabs the throat of Ye Chenfeng, the Ye Chenfeng pupil shrinks, fended the attacking track of this sword instantaneously. 眼看剑天姿刺出,如九天惊雷的一剑刺中叶晨风的喉咙,叶晨风瞳孔一缩,瞬间闪避开了这一剑的攻击轨迹。 The next quarter, Ye Chenfeng has displayed the time acceleration rule, sped up two times of time speeds of flow instantaneously, stretched out a direction to approach the sword natural beauty chest. 下一刻,叶晨风施展了时间加速规则,瞬间加快了两倍时间流速,伸出一指点向了剑天姿的胸口。 Un......” “嗯……” The sword natural beauty roars stuffily, had been stabbed the chest by Ye Chenfeng sharp finger glow, refers to the sword flooding over hundred million jin (0.5 kg) strength the strength to puncture her defense, poured into her body, making her have a feeling of whole body charging, a blood almost seized the mouth. 剑天姿闷吼一声,被叶晨风锋利的指芒刺中了胸口,指剑中充斥超过亿斤之力的力量刺破她的防御,注入到了她的身体,让她有一种全身过电的感觉,一口鲜血差点夺口而出。 In sword natural beauty depresses the blood that this will soon spout furiously, Ye Chenfeng continues to display the time acceleration rule, is attacking the sword natural beauty body with the hand blade, the fearful palm blade divided to fly her stiffly. 就在剑天姿奋力压下这口即将喷出的鲜血时,叶晨风继续施展时间加速规则,以手化刀攻击着剑天姿的身体,可怕的掌刀硬生生将她劈飞了出去。 This, this is any divine ability!” “这,这是什么神通!” The sword natural beauty has been shocked by the time acceleration rule that Ye Chenfeng displayed, she felt that own soul has locked the attack of Ye Chenfeng, but the flash of Ye Chenfeng attack, has actually deceived the soul sensation, making her inconceivable. 剑天姿被叶晨风施展的时间加速规则惊呆了,她感觉自己灵魂已经锁定了叶晨风的攻击,但叶晨风攻击的一刹那,却骗过自己灵魂感知,让她不可思议。 You defeated me, I told you!” “等你战胜我,我就告诉你!” Ye Chenfeng smiled, escapes into the space trajectory, displays the time acceleration rule, launches the fierce attack to the sword natural beauty, the attack of being dazzled makes her virtually impossible to guard against. 叶晨风笑了笑,一手遁入空间轨迹,一手施展时间加速规则,向剑天姿发动凶猛的攻击,眼花缭乱的攻击让她防不胜防。 !” “噗!” A blood sprays in sword natural beauty mouth, encounters the Ye Chenfeng tidal attack continuously, she cannot support again, by Ye Chenfeng Palm Seal on the left shoulder, the entire body such as the kite of line, had been flown upside down. 一口鲜血在剑天姿嘴巴中喷洒出来,连续遭到叶晨风潮水般的攻击,她再也支撑不住,被叶晨风掌印在了左肩上,整个身子如断了线的风筝,倒飞了出去。 Natural beauty, but can also continue to be inferior?” “天姿,还要继续比下去吗?” Looks at heavily to pound in the ground sword natural beauty, Ye Chenfeng has not followed up a victory with hot pursuit, light asking. 看着重重砸在地上的剑天姿,叶晨风没有乘胜追击,淡淡的问道。 Emperor Ayauta, cultivated tople days with the Nine Heavens first ancestor, you have really stiffened much, if you can meet my last sword directly, this competition you won!” “帝绫歌,跟着九天始祖修炼这些日子,你果然变强了不少,如果你能正面接我最后一剑,这场比试就算你赢了!” Sword natural beauty took a deep breath, has cleaned the blood of corners of the mouth, stands up slowly, somewhat stubborn saying. 剑天姿深吸一口气,擦拭了一下嘴角的鲜血,缓缓地站起身来,有些倔强的说道。 Good, come!” “好,来吧!” Ye Chenfeng nodded, happy complying said. 叶晨风点了点头,痛快的答应道。 Emperor Ayauta, you really changed, becomes does not fear the hand to fear the foot, is not loathful!” “帝绫歌,你真的变了,变得不畏手畏脚,不令人讨厌了!” Looks that is tall and straight and vertical, fearless Ye Chenfeng, in the sword natural beauty attractive pupil jumps shoots to make a debut a brilliance, was outlined a beautiful arc by the blood incarnadine lip. 看着挺拔而立,无所畏惧的叶晨风,剑天姿漂亮的眸子中迸射出道道光彩,被鲜血染红的嘴唇勾勒出一道美丽的弧线。 Kills the sword!” “杀剑!” Dao Intent that the sword natural beauty will comprehend deduces the pinnacle, fused fearful killing saying that the entire body and Divine Brilliance mother sword fused in together, divided to Ye Chenfeng. 剑天姿将领悟的道意推演到极致,融合了可怕的杀道,整个身子与神煌母剑融合在一起,劈向了叶晨风 A sword cuts, the sword is the person, the person is the sword, the sword person unites, may be called perfect. 一剑斩出,剑便是人,人便是剑,剑人合一,堪称完美。 Good move!” “好招!” The Ye Chenfeng pupil shrinks, selected nine fingers under the Devouring God Brain deduction instantaneously, the point to the killing sword that the sword natural beauty punctured, was weakening the might of this sword forcefully. 叶晨风瞳孔一缩,在噬神脑推演下瞬间点出了九指,点向了剑天姿刺出的杀剑,强行削弱着这一剑的威力。 Scoffs!” “嗤嗤嗤!” finger glow were broken, a sword natural beauty sword with irresistible force pierces void, fearful sword makes the vault of heaven change color. 一道道指芒被破,剑天姿势如破竹的一剑洞穿虚空,可怕的剑芒让苍穹都为之变色。 Fierce!” “厉害!” Ye Chenfeng cannot help but acclaimed the might of sword natural beauty sword. 叶晨风不由得赞叹剑天姿这一剑的威力。 However he has not dodged, but welcomed this sword to rush, the bold action made the sword natural beauty complexion change. 不过他没有闪躲,而是迎着这一剑冲了上去,大胆的举动让剑天姿脸色微变。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” Killed the heartless killing sword to puncture the Ye Chenfeng body certainly, in the sword natural beauty innermost feelings trembled with fear, she felt suddenly a big hand has caught her wrist|skill, the fearful strength won from her hand the Divine Brilliance female sword stiffly. 绝杀无情的杀剑刺破了叶晨风身体,就在剑天姿内心惊颤时,她突然感觉一只大手卡住了她的手腕,可怕的力量硬生生将神煌母剑从她手中夺走了。
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