EDSG :: Volume #15

#1489: From heaven to hell

Three days later, the face whiten, some both legs felt weak Ye Chenfeng left has been flooding yi. Air/Qi of ni cave mansion. 三天后,脸色苍白,双腿有些发虚的叶晨风离开了充斥着旖.旎之气的洞府。 Ye Chenfeng, this time has forgiven you, carries other old ladies and women again is affectionate, the old lady makes you crawl exiting!” The cheeks are ruddy, the vision was blurred, reclines a Shui Hanyan red lip on soft animal skin to curl upwards, has shown the smiling face of victor. 叶晨风,这次饶了你,再背着老娘和其他女人卿卿我我,老娘让你爬着出去!”脸颊红润,目光迷离,横卧在一张柔软兽皮上的水寒烟红唇微翘,露出了胜利者的笑容。 Leaves the cave mansion, as if pulled out spatial Ye Chenfeng to control one's breathing simply a meeting, had found emperor Nine Heavens, left Universe Realm with him, arrived has covered entirely the fissure, outside almost destroyed spirit deep pool, took away the antiquity to obstruct the day chart, quietly return of without interest to emperor Nine Heavens practice cave mansion. 离开洞府,仿佛被掏空的叶晨风简单调息了一会,找到了帝九天,与他离开了乾坤境,来到了布满裂痕,几乎被毁灭的灵潭外,收走了上古遮天图,悄然无息的返回到了帝九天修炼的洞府中。 Emperor is old, according to our plan conduct!” Ye Chenfeng said: I wait for you here.” “帝老,按照我们的计划行事!”叶晨风道:“我在这里等你。” Good!” “好!” Emperor Nine Heavens nodded, according to with Ye Chenfeng discussed that good plan, had found the god Emperor blade nobility, will prepare to receive emperor Ayauta to tell him for the matter of disciple. 九天点了点头,按照与叶晨风商议好的计划,找到了神皇帝刀爵,将准备收帝绫歌为徒的事告诉了他。 Anything, the first ancestor must receive me for the disciple!” “什么,始祖要收我为徒!” How is calculating with hardship to capture emperor Ayauta of position of emperor, knew that emperor Nine Heavens must receive him for the news of disciple, the whole person was ignorant, during fell into to be wild with joy. 正苦苦盘算着如何夺得天子之位的帝绫歌,得知帝九天要收他为徒的消息,整个人懵了,紧接着陷入到了狂喜之中。 Backs on emperor Nine Heavens this big tree, the position of emperor will become his it's in the bag, he can through emperor Nine Heavens, obtain the practice resources that he does not dare to imagine, will step the Nirvana day boundary is the matter of being settled. 背靠帝九天这棵大树,天子之位将成为他囊中之物,他更能通过帝九天,得到他原来不敢想象的修炼资源,踏上涅槃天境将是板上钉钉的事情。 Big imperial prince, under your preparation, after three day, the first ancestor will receive you for the disciple officially, the god sovereign also on that day, decides you for the Nine Heavens god country new emperor, the summons world!” “大皇子,你准备下,三日后,始祖将正式收你为徒,神皇陛下也将在那一日,定你为九天神国新天子,号召天下!” Wears Preceptor of Qilin long gown to look to be difficult to cover the happy expression emperor Ayauta, has thought highly of several, set out to leave. 身穿麒麟长袍的国师看着难掩喜色的帝绫歌,恭维了几句,起身离开了。 Last Tianyou I, was really last Tianyou I.” “上天佑我,真是上天佑我。” Emperor Ayauta has one type to be pounded the dizzy feeling by meat pie, the innermost feelings are unable to be calm for a very long time, unable to believe all these real. 帝绫歌有一种被馅饼砸晕的感觉,内心久久无法平静,无法相信这一切是真的。 Emperor Ayauta, does your this designate the strength?” “帝绫歌,你就这点定力吗?” Calmly sits in sword natural beauty at the same time, looks unable to suppress the excitement emperor Ayauta, attacks him gratefully. 静静坐在一边的剑天姿,看着无法抑制激动心情的帝绫歌,毫不客气的打击他。 Natural beauty, you must know that the emperor is a crown prince, when I take advantage of master big tree, steps the Nirvana day boundary, has the opportunity becomes the god sovereign in Nine Heavens god country's, but you are the empress in Nine Heavens god country's, was respected by the person absolutely, the Nine Heavens god country will be our.” “天姿,你要知道,天子就是储君,等我依仗师傅这株大树,踏上涅槃天境,就有机会成为九天神国的神皇,而你就是九天神国的皇后,受万万人敬仰,九天神国将是我们的了。” Emperor Ayauta had become confused pleasantly surprised, started the satisfactory illusion to get up. 帝绫歌被惊喜冲昏了头,已经开始美美的幻象起来。 You have the strength to defeat me, wants to marry my matter again!” Sword natural beauty gratefully has thrown trough cold water to emperor Ayauta. “等你真有实力击败我,再想娶我的事吧!”剑天姿毫不客气的向帝绫歌泼了一盆冷水。 I believe that on this day will arrive quickly!” “我相信,这一天会很快到来!” Looks at the sword natural beauty fine cheek, the slender physique, passed the different kind makings, in the emperor Ayauta eye has been emitting the color of burning hot, wished one could to obtain his body immediately, must recompense to hope. 看着剑天姿精致的脸蛋,修长的身姿,透着别样的气质,帝绫歌眼睛中冒出了炙热之色,恨不得立即得到他的身子,得偿所愿。 Emperor Nine Heavens must receive emperor Ayauta for the matter of disciple, passed on like the wind generally, has started the great unrest in the Nine Heavens emperor's clan, suddenly emperor Ayauta became the focal point that all people discussed that some countless people envied his luck. 九天要收帝绫歌为徒的事,像风一般传了出去,在九天皇族中掀起了轩然大波,一时间帝绫歌成为了所有人谈论的焦点,更有无数人羡慕他的运气。 But the feeling of attracting much attention, making the emperor Ayauta whole person have self-satisfied, feeling that flies to ascend the sky. 而备受瞩目的感觉,让帝绫歌整个人有一种飘飘然,飞上天的感觉。 At this time, his heart of hearts, some gratitude have Ye Chenfeng to come, if were not Ye Chenfeng strikes to kill the emperor to fly upwards in the presence of everyone, has given this day carrying the opportunity that was difficult to meet, he possibly flew upwards to press by the emperor for a lifetime, could not stand up from failure. 此时,他内心深处,有些感激起叶晨风来,如果不是叶晨风当众击杀了帝飞扬,给了他这个天载难逢的机会,他一辈子都可能被帝飞扬压着,翻不了身。 Three days later, the grand receiving disciple ceremony started. 三天之后,盛大的收徒仪式开始了。 But on this day, emperor Ayauta is a focus of public attention, was respected by the person absolutely, but he has a feeling of feeling proud and elated, hid inflates the limit in the ambition of heart of hearts. 而这一日,帝绫歌万众瞩目,受万万人敬仰,而他更是有一种扬眉吐气的感觉,隐藏在内心深处的野心膨胀到了极限。 Emperor Nine Heavens receives emperor Ayauta after the disciple in the presence of everyone, the emperor blade nobility also in the presence of everyone announced that sets up emperor Ayauta is the Nine Heavens god country new emperor, pushed up the peak of life him directly. 九天当众收帝绫歌为徒后,帝刀爵又当众宣布,立帝绫歌为九天神国新天子,直接将他推上了人生的巅峰。 Ayauta, recently, you follow me to practice, when you inherited my mantle, exits informed and experienced.” Emperor Nine Heavens has donated an emperor Ayauta high-grade Saint treasure, serious saying: You must remember, the flower of greenhouse, cannot withstand the wind and rain, only then the experience life and death test, can grow truly.” “绫歌,最近一段时间,你就跟随我修炼,等你继承了我的衣钵,就出去历练一番。”帝九天赠予了帝绫歌一件上品圣宝,严肃的说道:“你要记住,温室的花,经不起风雨,只有经历生死考验,才能真正的成长。” Is the master, disciple sincerely the words of master!” The emperor Ayauta knees kneel, said respectfully. “是师傅,徒儿谨记师傅的话!”帝绫歌双膝跪地,恭敬地说道。 Blade nobility, I carried off Ayauta.” Emperor Nine Heavens looks at the innermost feelings to be excited, is difficult to cover the happy expression emperor Ayauta, sets out to say slowly. “刀爵,我将绫歌带走了。”帝九天看着内心激动,难掩喜色的帝绫歌,缓缓地起身道。 Many thanks first ancestor!” The emperor blade nobility nodded, grateful saying. “多谢始祖!”帝刀爵点了点头,感激的说道。 In his opinion, emperor Ayauta can follow emperor Nine Heavens, is his good fortune, somewhat envies the luck in emperor Ayauta including him, but he actually does not know that in his eyes regards as Spiritual God emperor Nine Heavens, is actually true Death God. 在他看来,帝绫歌能跟随帝九天,是他的福气,连他都有些羡慕帝绫歌的运气,但他却不知道,在他眼中视为神灵的帝九天,却是真正的死神 Walks!” “走吧!” After receiving the disciple ceremony, emperor Nine Heavens has not waited for a long time, brings the cave mansion that emperor Ayauta was returning to him to practice. 收徒仪式之后,帝九天没有久待,带着帝绫歌返回到了他修炼的洞府。 Buzz humming sound!” “嗡嗡嗡!” Just entered the cave mansion, emperor Nine Heavens started the cave mansion ban immediately, the seal the entire space. 刚刚走进洞府,帝九天立即开启了洞府禁制,封印了整个空间。 Master, what needs me to make?” Asking that an emperor Ayauta face flatters. “师傅,需要我做些什么?”帝绫歌一脸讨好的问道。 You do not need to make anything!” “你不需要做什么!” Suddenly, the vigorous sound such as the Nine Heavens startling thunderclap, resounds in the emperor Ayauta ear bank together. 突然,一道浑厚的声音如九天惊雷,在帝绫歌耳畔响起。 The next quarter, the eye of emperor Ayauta more stares is bigger, more stares is bigger, in the look as if saw the ghost is common, can not help call out in alarm said: You, you how in this?” 下一刻,帝绫歌的眼睛越瞪越大,越瞪越大,眼神中仿佛看到了鬼一般,情不自禁惊呼道:“你,你怎么会在这?” Why can't I here?” Ye Chenfeng smiled saying: You can Emperor Bai always be a master, should thank me to be right, without my words, the emperor old can manage your this waste?” “我为什么不能在这里?”叶晨风笑了笑说道:“你能拜帝老为师,应该谢谢我才对,没有我的话,帝老会理你这个废物?” Master, Master, how is this matter?” “师,师傅,这到底是怎么一回事?” In the emperor Ayauta heart produced the thick restlessness, on the forehead has emitted beads of sweat, looked to look solemn emperor Nine Heavens, the speech voice shivered. 帝绫歌心中产生了浓浓的不安,额头上更是冒出了颗颗汗珠,望向了神色冷峻的帝九天,说话声音都颤抖起来。 Has any words, your submit for correction are few!” “有什么话,你问叶少吧!” Emperor Nine Heavens indifferent looks that falls into the hell from heaven, emperor Ayauta that the body trembles inexplicably, does not bring saying of sentiment. 九天冷漠的看着从天堂跌入地狱,身子莫名颤栗的帝绫歌,不带一丝感情的说道。 Leaf, the leaf few......” the emperor Ayauta soul trembles, cannot believe words that one hear: What did this exactly have? Why does the master so respect him?” “叶,叶少……”帝绫歌灵魂一颤,不敢相信自己听到的话:“这到底发生了什么?师傅为何如此的尊重他?” When emperor Ayauta is surprised, Ye Chenfeng moves sideways to appear before him, put out a hand to grasp to his neck. 帝绫歌惊疑之际,叶晨风一个闪身出现在他面前,伸手抓向了他的脖子。 Gives me dead!” “给我去死!” Ye Chenfeng near body, the combustion of emperor Ayauta instinct the strength of formidable bloodlines, summoned emperor Nine Heavens to donate his high-grade Saint treasure, flowed the fearful first Heavenly Law mark, the bang is killing to Ye Chenfeng. 叶晨风近身,帝绫歌本能的燃烧了强大的血脉之力,召唤出帝九天赠予他的上品圣宝,流动着可怕的先天道纹,轰杀向了叶晨风 „!” “咻!” The high-grade Saint treasure raids, in the Ye Chenfeng body flies to project together flowing light, was just refine by him, melts the sword wing of body to fly to shoot, is fanning the fearful sword glow, the high-grade Saint treasure that will rumble directly divided to fly. 上品圣宝袭来,叶晨风身体中飞射出一道流光,刚刚被他炼化,融进身体的剑翅飞射而出,扇动着可怕的剑芒,直接将轰来的上品圣宝劈飞了出去。 Then, Ye Chenfeng flooded the big hand of hundred million jin (0.5 kg) strength to catch his neck, mentioned from the ground him the midair stiffly. 接着,叶晨风充斥着亿斤之力的大手卡住了他的脖子,硬生生将他从地面提到了半空中。 No, do not kill me, Ye Shao, so long as you let off me, I can make your dog, you make me bite anyone, I bite who!” “不,不要杀我,叶少,只要你放过我,我可以做你的一条狗,你让我咬谁,我就咬谁!” Moved Ye Chenfeng to be full of the killing intent look, the scant of breath, the life hangs an emperor Ayauta to fear, struggled is begging for mercy to say. 触碰着叶晨风充满杀意的眼神,呼吸困难,命悬一线的帝绫歌恐惧了,挣扎着求饶道。 Relax, you currently have the use value, I will not kill you!” Ye Chenfeng has shown the indifferent smiling face, with the aid of the Devouring God Brain strength, carries on to search for the soul to emperor Ayauta forcefully. “放心,你现在还有利用价值,我不会杀你!”叶晨风露出了冷漠的笑容,借助噬神脑的力量,强行对帝绫歌进行搜魂。 The next quarter, under the emperor Ayauta panic-stricken vision gaze, the Ye Chenfeng appearance is having the change fast, changed him. 下一刻,在帝绫歌惊恐的目光注视下,叶晨风样貌快速的发生着变化,变化成了他。 „Do you, you want to do?” “你,你到底想要干什么?” Looks to camouflage own Ye Chenfeng, emperor Ayauta fear, the surface like the dying embers, from day to a foot icy coldness. 看着伪装成自己的叶晨风,帝绫歌更加的恐惧,面如死灰,从天到脚一阵冰凉。 Bang!” “嘭!” Ye Chenfeng had not replied that the emperor the words of Ayauta, a palm of the hand stuns him, took in him Universe Realm. 叶晨风没有回答帝绫歌的话,一巴掌将他震晕,将他收进了乾坤境中。 ps: Likes the whole wide world Sword God friend, additional micro letter public number ylty83, can the reading character original map. ps:喜欢八荒剑神的朋友,加微信公众号ylty83,可以看本书人物原图。
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