EDSG :: Volume #15

#1488: Rich repayment

Shouted, finally succeeded!” “呼,终于成功了!” The feeling bit the soul child brain to corrode the emperor to extinguish the brain consciousness that the day Venerable successfully, the injury was extremely serious, Ye Chenfeng that almost could not support long breathed a sigh of relief, soft pouring in has covered entirely the fissure spirit lakeside, the big mouth puffs, does not want to move again. 感觉噬魂子脑成功侵蚀了帝灭天尊的大脑意识,伤势极重,几乎支撑不住的叶晨风长舒了一口气,软绵绵的倒在了布满裂痕的灵潭边,大口喘着粗气,不想再动一下。 About after more than three double-hour, under Ye Chenfeng in the spirit of bead living nourishes, has cured the body severe wound, sits to set out slowly, awakens the emperor who fell into the stupor to extinguish the day Venerable. 大约三个多时辰后,叶晨风在生之灵珠滋养下,治愈了身体重伤,缓缓地坐起身来,唤醒了陷入昏迷的帝灭天尊。 Emperor extinguishes, gives me God projection!” “帝灭,将天帝投影给我!” Ye Chenfeng looks at the vision to be defeated and dispersed, the emperor who is unable to accept the reality extinguishes the day Venerable, the order that does not allow to resist said. 叶晨风看着目光溃散,无法接受现实的帝灭天尊,不容抗拒的命令道。 Yes!” “是!” Was bitten the soul child brain control brain consciousness, the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable unable to violate the order of Ye Chenfeng, will protect does not know that the God projections of many years took, has given Ye Chenfeng. 被噬魂子脑控制大脑意识,帝灭天尊无法违背叶晨风的命令,将守护了不知道多少岁月的天帝投影拿了出来,交给了叶晨风 This is the God projection!” “这就是天帝投影!” Looks that the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable to hand over, the seal black scroll of heavily ban, Ye Chenfeng was asking in a low voice. 看着帝灭天尊递来,封印着重重禁制的黑色卷轴,叶晨风低声问道。 Un, this is the projection that the Heaven Clan God leaves behind, is my Nine Heavens god country biggest card in a hand, may summon the 1-Star God projection fight!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable to nod to say. “嗯,这就是天族天帝留下的投影,是我九天神国最大的底牌,可召唤一星天帝投影战斗!”帝灭天尊点了点头道。 Good, on this day emperor projected to give me!” Ye Chenfeng took in the Universe Realm middle course the God projection: „The sword wing, the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal, as well as in your hand Top Grade Saint of these two blade swords also gives me.” “好,这天帝投影给我了!”叶晨风将天帝投影收进了乾坤境中道:“将剑翅,九天玉玺,以及你手中这两把似刀似剑的极品圣器也给我。” Yes!” “是!” Although the emperor extinguishes heart that the day Venerable in the drop blood, but most precious four big most precious objects on him has given Ye Chenfeng. 虽然帝灭天尊的心在滴血,但还是将他身上最珍贵的四大至宝送给了叶晨风 Emperor extinguishes, I know that you now are very aggrieved, is not willing to submit to me.” Ye Chenfeng looks at the vision to be gloomy, the innermost feelings not tranquil emperor extinguishes the day Venerable to say extremely: I can you a commitment, wait for some day me to step the summit of Martial Dao, my you will be free.” “帝灭,我知道你现在很憋屈,不愿意臣服于我。”叶晨风看着目光灰暗,内心极不平静的帝灭天尊道:“不过我可以给你一个承诺,等有朝一日我踏上武道之巅,我就会还你自由。” „The summit of Martial Dao!” 武道之巅!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable the innermost feelings to shake, looked that had the subtle change to the Ye Chenfeng look. 帝灭天尊内心一震,看向叶晨风的眼神发生了微妙的变化。 You can not believe me, so long as you follow side me, I will make you witness the miracle.” Ye Chenfeng has shown if I can not do it , who can said aggressively: Was good, do not revolt, I lead you to go to Universe Realm!” “你可以不相信我,但只要你跟在我身边,我会让你见证奇迹。”叶晨风透出了舍我其谁的霸气道:“好了,你不要反抗,我带你去乾坤境中!” Good rich day spiritual energy!” Enters Universe Realm, feels in Universe Realm the rich day spiritual energy, the emperor is extinguishing the day Venerable to be able not help took a deep breath, in the world by Universe Realm was regretted: Ye Shao, this is the space treasure of any rank.” “好浓郁的天灵气!”进入乾坤境,感受着乾坤境中浓郁的天灵气,帝灭天尊情不自禁深吸一口气,被乾坤境中的世界所憾:“叶少,这到底是什么级别的空间宝物。” „The rank of Universe Realm I am not clear, because of by my current strength, only opened two spaces!” Ye Chenfeng shook the head saying: Was good, from now on you here will practice, has the need I naturally to subpoena you.” 乾坤境的等级我也不清楚,因为以我目前的实力,只打开了两层空间!”叶晨风摇了摇头道:“好了,今后你就在这里修炼吧,有需要我自然会传唤你。” Then, Ye Chenfeng arrived at the place of emperor Nine Heavens therapy, visited to help his busy emperor Nine Heavens. 说完,叶晨风来到了帝九天疗伤之地,探望帮了他大忙的帝九天 „The side effect of enchanted fruit is really fearful.” “疯魔果的副作用果然可怕。” Arrives at emperor Nine Heavens to cure the sores, Ye Chenfeng discovered that his physical state is not very optimistic, the meridians of whole body by looking awful that the enchanted fruit nibbles, the whole person gets sick dispiritedly weak incomparable, within the body vitality presented the retrogression. 来到帝九天疗伤处,叶晨风发现他身体情况很不乐观,全身的经脉被疯魔果蚕食的不成样子,整个人病怏怏的虚弱无比,体内生机更是出现了消退。 Emperor is old, this time many thanks to you!” “帝老,这次多亏你了!” The performance of Ye Chenfeng to emperor Nine Heavens is very satisfied, if no him to attack boldly, involves the emperor to extinguish the energy that the day Venerable, consumes his energy, oneself are unlikely hard to suppress the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable. 叶晨风对帝九天的表现很满意,如果没有他奋不顾身的攻击,牵扯帝灭天尊的精力,消耗他的能量,自己恐怕难以镇压帝灭天尊。 This is I should do!” “这都是我应该做的!” Complexion wax yellow emperor Nine Heavens has opened exhausted both eyes, weak saying. 脸色蜡黄的帝九天睁开了疲惫的双眼,虚弱的说道。 Emperor is old, you do not need to worry that my injury, I have the means to cure you!” “帝老,你无需担心自己的伤势,我有办法将你治愈!” Moves the emperor Nine Heavens low-spirited look, the Ye Chenfeng regard moves, exceeds for hundred years a year, had the day spirit black bamboo of strength of bringing back to life to summon. 触碰到帝九天黯然的眼神,叶晨风心意一动,将一株年份超过百年,拥有起死回生之力的天灵紫竹召唤了出来。 This is...... The day spirit black bamboo, Ye Shao, you have this unexpectedly and other strange Wu!” “这是……天灵紫竹,叶少,你竟有这等奇物!” Looks to send out the rich intelligence, more than one meter high, covered entirely the day spirit black bamboo of bamboo node, the emperor Nine Heavens gloomy eye has shone immediately, said excitedly. 看着散发着浓郁灵性,一米多高,布满竹节的天灵紫竹,帝九天灰暗的眼睛顿时亮了起来,兴奋地说道。 Un, on this day the spirit black bamboo is I obtains under the chance coincidence, gave to you!” Ye Chenfeng nodded, the incomparably precious day spirit black bamboo will have given the emperor Nine Heavens. “嗯,这天灵紫竹是我在机缘巧合下得到的,送给你了!”叶晨风点了点头,将无比珍贵的天灵紫竹送给了帝九天 Thanks Ye Shao!” “谢谢叶少!” Emperor Nine Heavens fully realized that the value of day of spirit black bamboo, has a day of spirit black bamboo, he not only can cure the body severe wound, may draw support from the huge intelligence of day spirit black bamboo 1 million years of breeding, is nourishing, further promotes the strength. 九天深知天灵紫竹的价值,拥有天灵紫竹,他不但可以治愈身体重伤,更有可能借助天灵紫竹1000000年孕育的庞大灵性,滋养身体,进一步提升实力。 Emperor is old, well therapy, now we have controlled the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable, have you to act, should be able to order the Nine Heavens god country to launch the country war to Eight Majestic Divine Kingdom.” Ye Chenfeng said in a low voice. “帝老,好好疗伤吧,如今我们已经控制了帝灭天尊,有你们二人出面,应该可以命令九天神国向八岐神国发动国战吧。”叶晨风低声道。 Un, is extinguished the day Venerable to act by me and emperor, truly can the verbal command Nine Heavens god country launch the country war, even if emperor Profound Heaven regained consciousness unable to change anything.” Emperor Nine Heavens nodded saying: Ye Shao, start country pre-war, we should take action with just reasons, this did not look at the terminal to doubt easily.” “嗯,由我和帝灭天尊出面,确实能号令九天神国发动国战,就算帝玄天尊苏醒也改变不了什么。”帝九天点了点头道:“不过叶少,发动国战前,我们是不是应该师出有名,这样不容易被人看出端疑。” This, when you restore injury, you emperor Ayauta will shout that receives him for the disciple in the presence of everyone, decides him for the Nine Heavens god country new emperor. Then I control him, ordering him to go to a Qilin god country, finding the way to initiate the Nine Heavens god country and contradiction between Qilin god countries.” Ye Chenfeng pondered to say. “这样,等你恢复伤势,你将帝绫歌喊来,当众收他为徒,定他为九天神国新天子。然后我将他控制,命令他去一趟麒麟神国,想办法引发九天神国与麒麟神国之间的矛盾。”叶晨风沉思了一下说道。 „This actually great idea!” Emperor Nine Heavens nodded to say. “这倒是一个好主意!”帝九天点了点头道。 Discussed with emperor Nine Heavens a meeting, Ye Chenfeng no longer disturbed him therapy, arrived at a day spiritual energy rich place, has put out two Zengshou fruits, restored to display Life Soul Technique, 20,000 years of life of combustion consumption, will suppress the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable, two big Top Grade Saint treasured sword wings and Nine Heavens imperial jade seals that obtained took, dropped the blood to recognize the Lord, took in within the body to refine. 与帝九天商议了一会,叶晨风不再打扰他疗伤,来到了一处天灵气浓郁之处,拿出了两颗增寿果,恢复了施展命魂术,燃烧消耗的20000年寿元,将镇压帝灭天尊,得到的两大极品圣宝剑翅和九天玉玺拿了出来,滴血认主,收进了体内炼化。 Quick, five days of time passed by. 很快,五天时间过去了。 In these five days, Ye Chenfeng with the aid of Primordial Chaos Divine Wood formidable refining up the strength, refine to melt the Top Grade Saint treasured sword wing and Nine Heavens imperial jade seal successfully, strengthened the inside story. 在这五天中,叶晨风借助混沌神木强大的炼化力,成功炼化了极品圣宝剑翅和九天玉玺,增强了底蕴。 Also extinguishes the day Venerable there from the emperor, obtained more than 40 low grade Saint swords, collected the swords of 300 universe, has further promoted the Universe Sword Array might. 又从帝灭天尊那里,得到了40余把下品圣剑,凑齐了300把乾坤之剑,进一步提升了乾坤剑阵的威力。 But emperor Nine Heavens refine to melt the day spirit black bamboo, was harmed the serious body to be cured by the enchanted fruit basically, own strength has also striven. 而帝九天炼化了天灵紫竹,被疯魔果破坏严重的身体基本被治愈,自身的实力也有所精进。 Chenfeng, what words did you have to me say?” 晨风,你是不是有什么话要对我说?” In Ye Chenfeng examined the Universe Sword Array might, the stature black fine silks long skirt, in the enchanting body is passing the fatal temptation strength, charming moving Shui Hanyan had found Ye Chenfeng, the attractive red lip goes up slightly, sound charming saying. 就在叶晨风检验了乾坤剑阵的威力时,身材黑色绫罗长裙,妖娆的身子中透着致命诱惑力,妩媚动人的水寒烟找到了叶晨风,诱人的红唇微微上翘,声音娇媚的说道。 Smoke, you say the language beautiful matter!” “烟儿,你是说语嫣的事吧!” Ye Chenfeng looks at Shui Hanyan to disguise the elegant face of vitality/angry, smiled to say. 叶晨风看着水寒烟假装生气的俏脸,笑了笑说道。 Yes, I am with trepidation for you in Universe Realm, worried that your safety, you actually carry me and she are affectionate, happy. What should you compensate my?” Shui Hanyan has curled up a long hair with the tall and slender finger, before having arrived at the Ye Chenfeng body, visits him to say near at hand. “是啊,我在乾坤境中为你提心吊胆,担心你的安危,你却背着我和她卿卿我我,甜甜蜜蜜。你是不是应该补偿我些什么?”水寒烟用细长的手指卷起了一根长发,走到了叶晨风身前,近在咫尺看着他说道。 What do you want to compensate?” Ye Chenfeng has rubbed the nose, was welcoming the Shui Hanyan charming eye, helpless saying. “你想要什么补偿?”叶晨风揉了揉鼻子,迎着水寒烟妩媚的眼睛,无奈的说道。 Here accompanies my three days, these three days you are only me!” Shui Hanyan rubs the silver tooth saying: Old lady I must press out to do you, to release the heart only to hate.” “在这里陪我三天,这三天你只属于我!”水寒烟磨着银牙说道:“老娘我要榨干你,以泄心头只恨。” ...... …… Clings to for dear life in Shui Hanyan overcomes rottenly, Ye Chenfeng has compromised reluctantly, arrived at a spiritual energy rich cave mansion with Shui Hanyan, clenches teeth, is gruff the bone, is enduring her brutal devastation, is writing the moving chapter with the sweat...... 水寒烟死缠烂打下,叶晨风无奈的妥协了,跟着水寒烟来到了一处灵气浓郁的洞府,咬着牙,倔着骨,忍受着她惨无人道的摧残,用汗水谱写着动人的篇章……
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