EDSG :: Volume #15

#1487: Bites the soul

Heavenly Law is limitless!” 天道无极!” Borders on the life and death edge, the emperor extinguished day Venerable has also gone all out, did not give a thought to the body damage, will count big Spirit Level Dao Chart to deduce the pinnacle, rumbled Heavenly Law to be limitless, the bang killed to Ye Chenfeng. 濒临生死边缘,帝灭天尊也拼命了,不顾身体损伤,将数大灵级道图推演到极致,轰出天道无极,轰杀向了叶晨风 The chain of fearful Heavenly Law rule grazes on, is blocking the entire space, wants the Ye Chenfeng annihilation in the endless Heavenly Law rule. 可怕的天道规则之链飞掠而上,封锁着整个空间,想要将叶晨风湮灭在无尽的天道规则中。 Ye Chenfeng fully realizes this move of fearfulness, when the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable to display Heavenly Law raids limitless, he decisively hid in Universe Realm, taking advantage of the defense of Universe Realm, resisted the Heavenly Law limitless bang to kill. 叶晨风深知这一招的可怕,在帝灭天尊施展天道无极袭来时,他果断的躲进了乾坤境中,借乾坤境的防御,抵挡住了天道无极的轰杀。 Hateful!” “可恶!” Displays Heavenly Law to be twice limitless continuously, hid in Universe Realm by Ye Chenfeng, the emperor of air/Qi extinguishes the day Venerable to fly into a rage, wants to spit blood. 连续施展两次天道无极,都被叶晨风躲进乾坤境中,气的帝灭天尊暴跳如雷,直想吐血。 However this time his injury is serious, within the body the strength of seal is several recent news completely, this makes him not dare to wait for a long time, hides while Ye Chenfeng in the Universe Realm opportunity, flies to the spirit deep pool, wants to move the reinforcement, captures Ye Chenfeng and the others. 不过此时的他伤势严重,体内的封印之力更是几近耗尽,这让他不敢久待,趁着叶晨风躲在乾坤境的时机,向灵潭之上飞去,想要出去搬救兵,擒拿叶晨风等人。 Now wants to run, late!” “现在想跑,晚了!” Ye Chenfeng left Universe Realm rapidly, treadons the sword step to pursue the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable, not to the opportunity that he leaves. 叶晨风迅速离开了乾坤境,脚踏剑步追击帝灭天尊,不给他离开的机会。 Sword wing, gives me to break!” “剑翅,给我破!” Speed extremely quick departs spirit deep pool, the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable the fast fanning sword wing, interweaves the massive sword shades, attacked has obstructed the day chart to the banned space antiquity, wanting the powerful to tear to pieces to obstruct the day chart. 速度极快的飞出灵潭,帝灭天尊快速的扇动剑翅,交织出大量的剑影,攻击向了禁制空间的上古遮天图,想要强势撕破遮天图。 But the antiquity obstructed the day chart to be quenchinged by Ye Chenfeng, refine 10,000 Top Grade cornerstones friendly, the might was enormous, withstood the attack of sword wing hardly. 但上古遮天图被叶晨风淬炼一番,融炼进10000颗极品阵基石,威力极大,硬硬承受住了剑翅的攻击。 But at this time, Ye Chenfeng pursued, controls four big Top Grade Saint treasures, shelled on the sword wing, aggravated the emperor to extinguish the body injury that the day Venerable by the sword wing. 而这时,叶晨风追了上来,控制四大极品圣宝,轰击在了剑翅上,透过剑翅加重着帝灭天尊的身体伤势。 Bloodlines, perfect combustion!” “血脉,完全燃烧!” Strength of several near strength within the body seal use up, the emperor extinguishes the strength that the day Venerable to start to abate, unavoidablily, he can only the maximum degree combustion day revere the bloodlines, transfers the strength of formidable day to melt the body, attack of firmly resist Ye Chenfeng above spirit deep pool. 体内封印之力几近力竭,帝灭天尊的实力开始消退,不得已,他只能最大程度燃烧天尊血脉,调动强大的天之力融进身体,在灵潭之上硬憾叶晨风的攻击。 Emperor extinguishes, do not do senselessly has struggled, obediently accepts fate!” “帝灭,你不要做无谓的挣扎了,乖乖认命吧!” Felt that the emperor extinguishes the strength that the day Venerable to drop rapidly, Ye Chenfeng actually fiercely competes and successfully competes, suppressed his fierce offensive completely, continuously stimulated his innermost feelings in the spoken language. 感觉到帝灭天尊的实力急速下降,叶晨风却越战越勇,完全压制住了他凶猛的攻势,不断用言语刺激他的内心。 You should better not to compel me, my card in a hand has not used, if I use, you must die without doubt!” “你最好不要逼我,我还有一个底牌没有动用,如果我动用,你必死无疑!” Could not resist the Ye Chenfeng fierce attack faintly, the escape route is obstructed the day chart to block by the antiquity, this made the emperor extinguish the day Venerable to have the thought of use God projection. 隐隐抵挡不住叶晨风凶猛的攻击,退路又被上古遮天图封死,这让帝灭天尊产生了动用天帝投影的念头。 Today who cannot save you.” “今天谁来都救不了你。” Ye Chenfeng cannot summon demon ba, is guards against the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable the use God projection, once he uses the God projection, Ye Chenfeng can only summon demon ba to pester him, leaves the creation opportunity to oneself. 叶晨风迟迟未能召唤魔魃,就是提防帝灭天尊动用天帝投影,一旦他动用天帝投影,叶晨风只能召唤魔魃纠缠他,给自己离开创造机会。 The God projection is the Nine Heavens god country biggest card in a hand, has the Nine Heavens god country bitter experience demise crisis to use. 天帝投影是九天神国最大的底牌,只有九天神国遭遇灭亡危机才能动用。 But the God projection can only use one time, thinks that consequence of use God projection, the emperor extinguished the day Venerable hesitant. 而天帝投影只能动用一次,想到动用天帝投影的后果,帝灭天尊犹豫了。 When holds the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable to hesitate, Ye Chenfeng continuously to four big Top Grade Saint treasures gushes in the formidable essence and blood, is stimulating four big Top Grade Saint treasures Artifact Spirit, the maximum degree promoted four big Top Grade Saint treasures the might, the bang to kill to the emperor extinguished the day Venerable. 抓住帝灭天尊迟疑之际,叶晨风连续向四大极品圣宝中喷入强大的精血,激发着四大极品圣宝的器灵,最大程度提升四大极品圣宝的威力,轰杀向了帝灭天尊。 Gives me to break to pieces!” “给我碎!” The emperor of recovering extinguishes the day Venerable, grasps two big Top Grade Saint fierce attacks, depends upon the absolute strength and attack, crushes kills the crazy dragon that nine have raided certainly, with increases unceasingly, is sparkling the dazzling blood light, inspires the vitality tumbling the blood demon mountain to hit together. 回过神来的帝灭天尊,手持两大极品圣器凶猛攻击,依靠绝对的实力和攻击,粉碎了九条袭来的绝杀狂龙,与不断变大,闪耀着刺目血光,引动气血翻滚的血魔山撞击在一起。 Extinguishes the day Venerable to grasp two big Top Grade Saint when the emperor, resists the blood demon mountain, was reappearing purple pupil profound rhinocero soul the hit of monster emperor furnace heavily in the blood demon mountain, has had a more terrorist strength, reached the emperor to extinguish in the both arms that the day Venerable by two big Top Grade Saint, shook covered with blood his both arms. 在帝灭天尊手持两大极品圣器,抵御住血魔山时,浮现着紫眸玄犀魂的妖帝炉重重的撞击在了血魔山中,产生了更加恐怖的力量,透过两大极品圣器传进了帝灭天尊的双臂中,将他双臂震得血肉模糊。 „The hand of real demon!” “真魔之手!” The skill in Daoist cultivation that the Ye Chenfeng respite one breath, within the body gushes out poured into the hand of real demon, escaped into to the space trajectory, extinguished the day Venerable to start most fatally to the emperor struck. 叶晨风喘息一口气,体内喷薄而出的道力注入到了真魔之手中,遁入到空间轨迹,向帝灭天尊发动最致命的一击。 Sword wing, defends!” “剑翅,防御!” The critical time, the emperor extinguished the day Venerable the control sword wing to protect the body, the attack of hand of firmly resist real demon. 危急时刻,帝灭天尊控制剑翅护住了身体,硬憾真魔之手的攻击。 „The sea of Dao Intent!” 道意之海!” When Ye Chenfeng is withstanding the heavy pressure and emperor extinguishes the day Venerable intensely to reprimanding, has not taken back four big Top Grade Saint, but deduces the pinnacle three big Spirit Level Dao Chart, turned into the sea of Dao Intent with the boundless skill in Daoist cultivation, continuous injects the skill in Daoist cultivation to four big Top Grade Saint treasures, controls they attack emperors to extinguish the day Venerable. 叶晨风承受着重压与帝灭天尊激烈对斥时,没有收回四大极品圣器,而是将三大灵级道图推演到极致,与磅礴的道力化成了道意之海,源源不断的向四大极品圣宝中注入道力,控制他们一次次的攻击帝灭天尊。 Mother, why this is, why the skill in Daoist cultivation of his within the body not uses up!” “妈的,这是为什么,为什么他体内的道力是无竭的!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable unable to believe, Ye Chenfeng has not uses up the skill in Daoist cultivation, has exploded the thick mouth directly, bites jaw insistence with hardship tightly. 帝灭天尊无法相信,叶晨风拥有无竭道力,直接爆了粗口,紧咬牙关苦苦的坚持。 „The Nine Heavens imperial jade seal, extinguishes to me!” 九天玉玺,给我灭!” The emperor extinguishes the day the instance that Venerable the strength in within the body seal to exhaust, he controls the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal to change to a golden light, hit to the head of Ye Chenfeng, wanted to interrupt his attack forcefully. 帝灭天尊体内封印之力耗尽的瞬间,他控制九天玉玺化作道道金光,撞击向了叶晨风的脑袋,想要强行打断他的攻击。 Demon ba, comes out!” “魔魃,出来!” Facing the attack of Nine Heavens imperial jade seal, Ye Chenfeng has not dodged, but will hide in final demon ba summoned, making him grasp the attack of bronze ancient coffin firmly resist Nine Heavens imperial jade seal. 面对九天玉玺的攻击,叶晨风没有闪躲,而是将隐藏在最后的魔魃召唤了出来,让他手持青铜古棺硬憾九天玉玺的攻击。 Bang!” “轰!” Bronze ancient Guan and Nine Heavens imperial jade seal hits together, has the formidable impact immediately, will hit to fly directly bronze ancient Guan, pounded to demon ba. 青铜古棺与九天玉玺撞击到一起,立即产生强大的撞击力,直接将撞飞了青铜古棺,砸向了魔魃。 However demon ba has the body of demon emperor, the body defense is extremely terrifying, bronze ancient Guan who withstands out-of-control attacks, although was shaken flies, but the body has not actually been injured, carried the heaven-shaking demon air/Qi to kill, firmly resist Nine Heavens imperial jade seal. 不过魔魃拥有魔帝之躯,身体防御极其恐怖,承受失控的青铜古棺攻击,虽被震飞,但身体却没有受伤,携带惊天魔气又杀了过来,硬憾九天玉玺。 „The king of corpse, ba! Who he is, could it be he came from Heaven Territory.” “僵尸之王,魃!他到底是什么人,难道他来自于天域。” The experience to Ye Chenfeng all sorts of methods, emperor extinguished the day Venerable to the Ye Chenfeng status has had the suspicion, drawing back intent in heart was stronger. 见识到叶晨风种种手段,帝灭天尊对叶晨风的身份产生了怀疑,心中的退意更强。 But Ye Chenfeng attacks continuously, four big Top Grade Saint treasure attacks are getting stronger and stronger, keeping him from leaving, is unable to divert attention. 叶晨风攻击持续不断,四大极品圣宝攻击越来越强,让他无法抽身,更无法分心。 This time he, even to use the God projection not to be good, because he did not have the ample force to untie the God projection the seal. 此时的他,就算想要动用天帝投影都不行了,因为他已经没有余力解开天帝投影的封印。 Old, hot Qilin, Primordial Chaos Divine Beast...... Comes out to me!” “苍老,火麒麟,混沌神兽……都给我出来!” Emperor firmly resist extinguishes the going all out attack that the day Venerable, Ye Chenfeng is also bearing the huge pressure, his within the body the strength of life is the consumption of extremely fast, to suppress the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable smoothly, he wholeheartedly multipurpose, summoned from Universe Realm all helpers, attacked the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable together. 硬憾帝灭天尊的拼命攻击,叶晨风也承受着巨大的压力,他体内的生命之力更是极速的消耗,为了顺利镇压帝灭天尊,他一心多用,将所有的帮手从乾坤境中召唤出来,一起攻击帝灭天尊。 Although dark green Kun Wu and the others attacks, are unable to extinguish the day Venerable to cause mortally injured to the emperor, but their attacks unceasingly disperse the emperor to extinguish the energy that the day Venerable, is disintegrating his innermost feelings. 虽然苍昆吾等人的攻击,无法对帝灭天尊造成致命伤害,但他们的攻击还是不断地分散帝灭天尊的精力,瓦解着他的内心。 First Heavenly Sword embryo, Primordial Chaos Divine Wood, attack!” “先天剑胎,混沌神木,攻击!” Felt the sign that Primordial Chaos Blood abates, Ye Chenfeng does not give a thought to the consumption of soul, summoned two big cards in a hand, full power attacked the emperor to extinguish the body that the day Venerable. 感觉鸿蒙之血又消退的迹象,叶晨风不顾灵魂的消耗,又召唤出两大底牌,全力攻击帝灭天尊的身体。 Finally, in Ye Chenfeng and the others under the attack, the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable unable to insist continuously again, the defense of sword wing disintegrates, four big Top Grade Saint treasure bombardments with irresistible force on his body, rumble to fly him directly, hits maliciously, in the antiquity has obstructed in the day chart, human body several near collapses, the soul was also damaged. 终于,在叶晨风等人持续不断的攻击下,帝灭天尊再也坚持不住,剑翅的防御瓦解,四大极品圣宝势如破竹的轰击在他身体上,直接将他轰飞,狠狠地撞在了上古遮天图上,肉体几近崩溃,灵魂也受到了损伤。 God Devouring Child Brain , control!” 噬神子脑,控制!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable to struggle is wanting to set out, when uses the God projection reckless, Ye Chenfeng approached him, summoned to bite the soul child brain, according, in he has covered entirely the fissure on the head. 帝灭天尊挣扎着想要起身,不顾一切动用天帝投影时,叶晨风靠近了他,召唤出了噬魂子脑,按在了他布满裂痕的脑袋上。 No, what is this?” “不,这是什么?” Encounters bites the soul child brain corrosion, the emperor extinguished the day Venerable frightened, both hands covered the head, panic-stricken big shouting, will want to bite the soul child brain to compel. 遭到噬魂子脑侵蚀,帝灭天尊恐惧了,双手捂头,惊恐的大喊道,想要将噬魂子脑逼出来。 How, he is injured too heavily, bites the soul child brain extremely to go against heaven's will. 奈何,他受伤太重,噬魂子脑又极其逆天。 Under biting soul child brain corrosion, his brain consciousness presented one to lose, the strength of revolt was getting more and more heavy. 在噬魂子脑侵蚀下,他大脑意识出现了一丝迷失,反抗之力越来越重。 Gradually, his brain and soul were bitten the soul child brain to corrode completely, at the scene faint in the past. 渐渐地,他的大脑和灵魂被噬魂子脑完全侵蚀,当场昏厥了过去。
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