EDSG :: Volume #15

#1486: The life , to continue to burn

Un, disappears!” “嗯,又不见了!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable to rumble Heavenly Law to be limitless, annihilates the Ye Chenfeng two people of instances, vanished his sensation to Ye Chenfeng and emperor Nine Heavens in pairs, the brow closely twisted in one. 帝灭天尊轰出天道无极,湮灭叶晨风二人的瞬间,他感知到叶晨风和帝九天双双消失了,眉头紧紧地拧在了一起。 He like Ye Chenfeng, does not have Primordial Chaos Blood, can the release skill in Daoist cultivation of non- using up. 他不像叶晨风,拥有鸿蒙之血,可以无竭的释放道力。 Displays Heavenly Law to be limitless, uses the Top Grade Saint treasure attack, by his current strength, the consumption is still huge, the strength in within the body de-archiving has consumed one-third. 施展天道无极,动用极品圣宝攻击,以他目前的实力,依然消耗巨大,体内解封的力量更是消耗了1。 Once the strength of his within the body de-archiving vanishes, his situation will become the danger. 一旦他体内解封的力量消失,那他的处境将变得危险。 In there!” “在那里!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable the profound double pupil back and forth to take a fast look around, locks the space that Universe Realm has hidden away, controlled the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal to attack, wanted to depend upon the absolute attack, broke the defense of Universe Realm, entered, struck to kill Ye Chenfeng and the others. 帝灭天尊深邃的双眸来回扫视,锁定了乾坤境隐遁的空间,控制九天玉玺攻击了上去,想要依靠绝对的攻击,破开乾坤境的防御,进入到里面,击杀叶晨风等人。 Bang!” “轰!” The Nine Heavens imperial jade seal hit maliciously on Universe Realm, the fearful strength shook void entire presented a fissure, actually cannot shake the Universe Realm slightest. 九天玉玺狠狠地撞击在了乾坤境上,可怕的力量震得整个虚空出现了道道裂痕,却未能撼动乾坤境分毫。 This is the space treasure of any rank!” “这到底是什么等级的空间宝物!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable the brow to raise, is startled the defense of Universe Realm, in the profound eye has shown the color of burning hot. 帝灭天尊眉头一掀,吃惊乾坤境的防御,深邃的眼睛中透出了炙热之色。 „The Nine Heavens imperial jade seal , to continue to attack to me!” 九天玉玺,给我继续攻击!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable took a deep breath, continuous injects the formidable skill in Daoist cultivation to the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal, is promoting the striking power of Nine Heavens imperial jade seal, times hit Universe Realm, must break the defense of Universe Realm inevitably, strikes to kill Ye Chenfeng and the others, captures space treasure that this makes him be jealous. 帝灭天尊深吸一口气,源源不断的向九天玉玺中注入强大的道力,提升着九天玉玺的攻击力,一次次撞击乾坤境,势必要破开乾坤境的防御,击杀叶晨风等人,夺得这让他眼红的空间宝物。 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” Deafening demolition sound resounds bottom of the spirit deep pool unceasingly, fearful strength times are destroying the spirit deep pool base space, but is actually not able to shake Universe Realm, is unable to tear to pieces the defense of Universe Realm. 震耳欲聋的爆破声不断在灵潭底部响起,可怕的力量一次次摧毁着灵潭底部空间,但却无法撼动乾坤境,更无法撕破乾坤境的防御。 The time of probably burning a joss stick, emperor extinguished the day Venerable the strength in within the body seal to consume much, but Universe Realm was actually entirely still, this made him reveal the dignified color. 大约一炷香的时间,帝灭天尊体内封印之力又消耗了不少,而乾坤境却纹丝不动,这让他露出了凝重之色。 Because the time drags for a long time, is more disadvantageous to him, if he is unable the defense of rumbling broken Universe Realm, when the strength of his within the body seal exhausts, his situation will become very dangerous. 因为时间拖得越久,对他越不利,如果他迟迟无法轰破乾坤境的防御,等他体内封印之力耗尽,那他的处境将变得十分危险。 Sword wing, gives me to break!” “剑翅,给我破!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable does not want to let off Ye Chenfeng, wants to capture Universe Realm, does not hesitate the price the control two big Top Grade Saint treasures to attack Universe Realm. 帝灭天尊并不想放过叶晨风,更想夺得乾坤境,不惜代价的控制两大极品圣宝攻击乾坤境 Finally, with his continuous effort, the defense of Universe Realm presented a breakage, the fearful strength is vibrating Universe Realm fiercely shivers. 终于,在他持续不断的努力下,乾坤境的防御出现了一丝破裂,可怕的力量震动着乾坤境剧烈的颤抖起来。 Ye Shao, we kill!” “叶少,我们杀出去吧!” The whole body is filling the strength of insanity, both eyes blood red, the imposing manner such as emperor Nine Heavens of rushing sea general tumbling exclaimed loudly. 全身弥漫着疯魔之力,双眼血红,气势如澎湃大海一般翻滚的帝九天大声吼道。 No, waits again!” “不,再等等!” Although the Universe Realm defense bursts, but Ye Chenfeng felt that extinguishes the strength that the day Venerable by the emperor, wants to break the defense of Universe Realm not to be easy forcefully, he took value not poor Heaven and Earth Spirit Grass, the fast restoration body injury, was waiting for patiently. 虽然乾坤境防御破裂,但叶晨风感觉,以帝灭天尊的实力,想要强行破开乾坤境的防御并不容易,他服下了一株价值不菲的天地灵草,快速的恢复身体伤势,耐心的等待着。 Also more than one double-hour, the emperor had extinguished the day Venerable the strength in within the body seal to consume two-thirds, but the defense of Universe Realm was attacked by him continuously, flaws of tearing. 又过了大约一个多时辰,帝灭天尊体内封印之力消耗了2,而乾坤境的防御被他持续不断的攻击,撕裂的千疮百孔。 Felt that the Universe Realm defense momentarily along with carving will be broken through, Ye Chenfeng knows that cannot in waiting , the thought moved, brings emperor Nine Heavens that the strength of insanity is starting to abate, left Universe Realm, appears in covering entirely the space fissure spirit deep pool. 感觉到乾坤境防御随时随刻会被攻破,叶晨风知道,不能在等待下去了,意念一动,带着疯魔之力开始消退的帝九天,离开了乾坤境,出现在布满空间裂痕的灵潭之中。 You are willing to come out finally, I think that you hide in inside wait for death, does not dare to come out.” “你终于肯出来了,我以为你躲在里面等死,不敢出来了。” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable in the eye to jump projects just likes the essence pupil light, has locked Ye Chenfeng and emperor Nine Heavens, dense saying. 帝灭天尊眼睛中迸射出犹如实质的眸光,锁定了叶晨风和帝九天,森然的说道。 Emperor extinguishes, I think your within the body the strength of consumption of seal similar, among us should also decide a victory and defeat!” Ye Chenfeng sound tranquil saying, cannot see a flurry on his face. “帝灭,我想你体内的封印之力消耗的差不多了吧,我们之间也该分出个胜负了!”叶晨风声音平静的说道,在他脸上看不出一丝慌乱。 By your present strength, but also wants to defeat me, you were too rather naive!” “以你如今的实力,还想战胜我,你未免太天真了!” Felt that the Ye Chenfeng strength dropped to a 6-Star Saint, the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable to reveal the color of disdaining. 感觉到叶晨风的实力跌落到六星道圣,帝灭天尊露出了不屑之色。 Right?” “是吗?” Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, did not hesitate the combustion of price once more ten thousand years of life, the strength of fearful life erupted in his body instantaneously, pours into his whole body, promoting his own strength to increase successively, surmounted a 6-Star Saint instantaneously, achieved the 1-Star [say / way] Venerable the boundary of peak. 叶晨风深吸一口气,再次不惜代价的燃烧了万年寿元,可怕的生命之力瞬间在他身体中爆发,灌入他的全身,推动他自身的实力节节攀升,瞬间跨越了六星道圣,达到了一星道尊巅峰之境。 This, this is any divine ability!” “这,这到底是什么神通!” Life Soul Technique surpassed the emperor to extinguish the cognition category that day Venerable completely, he first time saw that sustainable surmounted boundary divine ability unceasingly continuously. 命魂术完全超出了帝灭天尊的认知范畴,他还是第一次见到,可持续不断连续跨越境界的神通 Primordial Chaos Bloodline, combustion!” 鸿蒙血脉,燃烧!” Strength of complete explosion ten thousand years of life, Ye Chenfeng did not hesitate the price to burn Primordial Chaos Blood, further promoted the strength, achieved the 2-Star [say / way] Venerable the peak, summoned four big Top Grade Saint treasures, the bang killed to the emperor extinguished the day Venerable. 万年生命之力完全爆发,叶晨风又不惜代价燃烧了鸿蒙之血,进一步提升实力,达到了二星道尊巅峰,召唤出了四大极品圣宝,轰杀向了帝灭天尊。 Emperor Nine Heavens also at this time, fused in the sovereign extremely sword together, cutting that the person united extinguished the day Venerable to the emperor, wants before the enchanted fruit strength vanished, the maximum degree consumes the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable within the body the strength of seal. 九天也在这时,与皇极剑融合在一起,人器合一的斩向了帝灭天尊,想要趁疯魔果力量消失前,最大程度消耗帝灭天尊体内的封印之力。 I, no matter you have many methods, you must die today!” “我不管你有多少手段,你今天都要死!” The experience to the method that Ye Chenfeng goes against heaven's will, the emperor extinguished the day Venerable in the heart to produce a restlessness, controlled the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal to move forward to meet somebody, shakes the Top Grade Saint treasure that four speedboats shot to come. 见识到叶晨风逆天的手段,帝灭天尊心中产生了一丝不安,控制九天玉玺迎了上去,撼动四大飞射而来的极品圣宝。 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” Five big Top Grade Saint treasures hit together, the eruption strength is destroying side Heaven and Earth, if not in the spirit deep pool bans heavily, the antiquity obstructed the day chart also to hold the seal, the entire spirit deep pool was already destroyed, razes. 五大极品圣宝撞击到一起,爆发的力量摧毁着一方天地,如果不是灵潭中禁制重重,上古遮天图又加持了封印,整个灵潭早就被摧毁,夷为平地。 Sword wing, ten thousand swords fire!” “剑翅,万剑齐发!” When the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal was hit by four big Top Grade Saint treasures of Ye Chenfeng control flies, the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable the body to dodge, passed through the destruction storm, interweaves ten thousand sword glow, the sword rain that such as moves mountains, swept across to Ye Chenfeng. 九天玉玺被叶晨风控制的四大极品圣宝撞飞之际,帝灭天尊身子一闪,穿越了毁灭风暴,交织出万道剑芒,如排山倒海的剑雨,席卷向了叶晨风 Universe Sword Array, stegosaurus volume!” 乾坤剑阵,剑龙卷!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable control sword wing to raid, Ye Chenfeng summoned the swords of 256 universe immediately, turns into the stegosaurus volume that has eaten delicacies crazily to move forward to meet somebody. 帝灭天尊控制剑翅袭来,叶晨风立即召唤出256把乾坤之剑,化成了狂啸的剑龙卷迎了上去。 After Universe Sword Array fused massive Saint swords, the might further promoted, has surpassed general Top Grade Saint. 乾坤剑阵融合了大量的圣剑后,威力进一步升级,超过了一般的极品圣器。 In addition silver Sword Soul amplifying, Ye Chenfeng full power controls the Universe Sword Array attack, the short time resisted the attack of sword wing. 再加上白银剑魂振幅,叶晨风全力控制乾坤剑阵攻击,短时间抵挡住了剑翅的攻击。 [Say / Way] of plate day!” “天之道盘!” Emperor who the strength of whole body day fills extinguishes the day Venerable the both hands fast agitation, transfers the strength of fearful day, formed one round to cover nearly one li (0.5km) space, such as the [say / way] of plate black hole general day, the bang killed to Ye Chenfeng. 全身天之力弥漫的帝灭天尊双手快速的搅动,调动可怕的天之力,形成了一轮笼罩近一里空间,如黑洞一般的天之道盘,轰杀向了叶晨风 Emperor extinguishes nine swords, gives me to break!” “帝灭九剑,给我破!” When the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable to interweave the day of [say / way] plate raids, emperor Nine Heavens appears in the midair, deduces the pinnacle the strength of Dao Intent, divided nine to extinguish the sword of world instantaneously, cut on the [say / way] of plate day, was shaking the [say / way] of plate day. 帝灭天尊交织天之道盘袭来时,帝九天出现在半空中,将道意之力推演到极致,瞬间劈出了九道灭世之剑,斩在了天之道盘上,撼动着天之道盘。 After nine swords, emperor Nine Heavens does not hesitate the continuation attack of ample force. 九剑过后,帝九天不惜余力的继续攻击。 Under his attack, the emperor extinguished the [say / way] of plate that day the day Venerable to interweave to break continuously, cannot attack Ye Chenfeng. 在他持续不断的攻击下,帝灭天尊交织的天之道盘破碎了,未能攻击到叶晨风 „The hand of real demon, escapes spatially!” “真魔之手,遁空!” At this time, the blood demon mountain and monster emperor furnace joint effort, suppressed the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal, Ye Chenfeng has controlled the hand of real demon to escape into to the space trajectory in immediately, Palm Seal extinguished the back that the day Venerable to the emperor. 这时,血魔山与妖帝炉合力,镇压住了九天玉玺,叶晨风立即控制真魔之手遁入到空间轨迹中,一掌印向了帝灭天尊的后背。 The critical time, the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable the fast fanning sword wing, transforms together the remnant shade in void, fended the hand of real demon escaped spatially strikes, appears in the midair. 危急时刻,帝灭天尊快速的扇动剑翅,在虚空中幻化出一道残影,闪避开了真魔之手的遁空一击,出现在半空中。 Nine Dragons Jade Annulus , separates the space!” 九龙玉璧,隔断空间!” The emperor extinguishes fending speed that the day Venerable is extremely quick, but he moves the path actually to be deduced by Devouring God Brain, Ye Chenfeng made ahead of time sentences in advance, controls Nine Dragons Jade Annulus to separate the space, condensed nine to kill the crazy dragon bombardment to approach him certainly. 帝灭天尊的闪避速度可谓是极快,但他移动轨迹却被噬神脑推演出来,叶晨风提前做出预判,控制九龙玉璧隔断了空间,凝聚出九条绝杀狂龙轰击向了他。 Although the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable the dependence absolute strength and formidable method, the bang broke to pieces nine to kill the crazy dragon stiffly certainly, but his within the body the strength of seal further consumed, this made in his heart first time sprout has drawn back intent. 虽然帝灭天尊依靠绝对的实力和强大的手段,硬生生轰碎了九条绝杀狂龙,但他体内的封印之力进一步消耗,这让他心中第一次萌生了退意。 When he has flinched, binocular blood red emperor Nine Heavens near body, did not give a thought to own safety, grasped the sovereign extremely sword, attacked near at hand to the emperor extinguished the day Venerable, with his near body preying. 在他有所退缩时,双眼血红的帝九天近身了,不顾自身的安危,手持皇极剑,近在咫尺攻击向了帝灭天尊,与他近身搏杀。 Dies to me!” “给我死!” The emperor extinguished the day Venerable to call out one, in the hand two big Top Grade Saint mappings endless Daoguang, the powerful has crushed the attack of emperor Nine Heavens, rumbled to fly him, the massive blood splattered his body. 帝灭天尊暴吼一声,手中两大极品圣器映射出无尽的道光,强势粉碎了帝九天的攻击,将他轰飞了出去,大量的鲜血喷溅出他的身体。 „It is not good!” “不好!” When the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable Emperor heavy injury Nine Heavens, his keen sensation strength suddenly had a premonition danger, instinct fended to the one side, dodges to escape into space the hand of attack of real demon. 帝灭天尊重创九天时,他敏锐的感知力突然预感到了危险,本能的向一旁闪避,闪躲开了遁入空间的真魔之手攻击。 ancient Jiange, sword heart passes the bright moonlight!” “古剑歌,剑心通明月!” Ye Chenfeng already in advance sentenced the emperor to extinguish the attacking track that the day Venerable, appears side him instantaneously, grasps to fuse first Heavenly Sword embryo of silver Sword Soul, turned into one round to flow the first bright moonlight of Heavenly Law mark, cut maliciously on his body, a sword cut to fly him. 叶晨风早就预判到帝灭天尊的攻击轨迹,瞬间出现在他身旁,手持融合白银剑魂的先天剑胎,化成了一轮流动着先天道纹的明月,狠狠地斩在了他的身体上,一剑将他斩飞了出去。 Vitality combustion, the emperor extinguishes nine swords!” “气血燃烧,帝灭九剑!” When the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable injured to fall down, emperor Nine Heavens of human body several near collapses have burnt the massive vitalities, started to strike finally, cuts to destroy the Heaven and Earth nine swords, cut on his body, further aggravated his body injury. 帝灭天尊受伤坠地时,肉体几近崩溃的帝九天燃烧了大量的气血,发动了最后一击,斩出了毁灭天地的九剑,斩在了他的身体上,进一步加重了他身体伤势。 Emperor is old, comes back!” “帝老,回来!” Ye Chenfeng saw that emperor Nine Heavens could not support, transmits him to Universe Realm in rapidly, grasps the first Heavenly Sword embryo, with two big Top Grade Saint treasures, attacked to the emperor extinguished the day Venerable, wants in one vigorous effort its heavy injury, the suppression. 叶晨风看到帝九天支撑不住了,迅速将他传送到乾坤境中,手持先天剑胎,携两大极品圣宝,攻击向了帝灭天尊,想要一鼓作气将其重创,镇压。
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