EDSG :: Volume #15

#1485: Bloody battle

Nine Dragons Jade Annulus , the hand of real demon, four heavy attacks!” 九龙玉璧,真魔之手,四重攻击!” The success the emperor will extinguish the day Venerable suppression in the deep pool bottom, Ye Chenfeng controls another two big Top Grade Saint treasures to suppress, wanting Emperor heavy injury to extinguish the day Venerable at one fell swoop, making him lose the battle efficiency. 成功将帝灭天尊镇压在潭底,叶晨风控制另外两大极品圣宝镇压下来,想要一举重创帝灭天尊,让他失去战斗力。 „To kill me, you miss is too far!” “想要杀我,你差的太远!” The whole body is the blood, the body of day cracks, the emperor who encounters four big Top Grade Saint treasure fatal attacks extinguishes the day Venerable to call out one, has untied the seal in body. 浑身是血,天之体崩裂,遭到四大极品圣宝致命攻击的帝灭天尊暴吼一声,解开了身体中的封印。 The strength that surpasses Ye Chenfeng and the others to imagine erupts in his body, pours into to his whole body instantaneously, promoting his strength to increase successively. 一股超出叶晨风等人想象的力量在他身体中爆发,瞬间灌入到他全身,推动他实力节节攀升。 Gives me to break!” “给我破!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable to call out one, grasps two big Top Grade Saint, the attack of full power suppresses his four big Top Grade Saint treasures, is crushing four heavy destruction attacks. 帝灭天尊暴吼一声,手持两大极品圣器,全力的攻击镇压他的四大极品圣宝,粉碎着四重毁灭攻击。 Sword wing!” “剑翅!” A pair comprised of the innumerable light swords, reaches the Top Grade Saint treasure rank the wing to reappear the emperor to extinguish the body that the day Venerable, interweaves ten thousand sword glow, has broken through the attacks of four big Top Grade Saint treasures stiffly, appears in the midair. 一对由无数光剑组成,达到极品圣宝等级的翅膀浮现出帝灭天尊的身体,交织出万道剑芒,硬生生冲破了四大极品圣宝的攻击,出现在半空中。 Junior, I looked down on your method, has not thought that you compelled my two big cards in a hand unexpectedly!” “小辈,我真的小瞧你的手段了,没想到你竟然逼出了我两大底牌!” The whole body is the blood, the quite distressed emperor extinguishes the day Venerable cold Shi Ye Chenfeng, he discovered that after just intense battle, Ye Chenfeng actually did not have a strength to use up, wants to know that on very much him is hiding any secret. 浑身是血,颇为狼狈的帝灭天尊冷视着叶晨风,他发现经过刚刚激烈的厮杀,叶晨风竟然没有一丝力竭,很想知道他身上到底隐藏着什么秘密。 What's wrong, can two big cards in a hand give you so formidable confidence?” Ye Chenfeng fearless saying: This sword wing is good, I like very much, might as well give me it.” “怎么,两大底牌就能给了你如此强大的信心?”叶晨风无畏的说道:“不过这剑翅不错,我很喜欢,不如将它给我吧。” Saying, the skill in Daoist cultivation of Ye Chenfeng within the body was turning into the boundless sea, controlled four big Top Grade Saint treasures to continue to kill extinguished the day Venerable to the emperor. 说着,叶晨风体内的道力化成了无边的海洋,控制四大极品圣宝继续袭杀向了帝灭天尊。 Emperor extinguishes nine swords!” “帝灭九剑!” Day dark green Secret Art!” “天苍诀!” When Ye Chenfeng full power attack, emperor Nine Heavens, dark green Kun Wu shows the might enormous Saint technique in pairs, the bang kills the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable, is diverting his energy. 叶晨风全力攻击时,帝九天,苍昆吾双双施展威力极大的圣技,轰杀着帝灭天尊,分散着他的精力。 Courts death!” “找死!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable back sword wing one leaf, the entire body changes to together extremely fast sword light, has torn to pieces the spaces of four big Top Grade Saint treasure blockades, is welcoming the Saint technique that emperor Nine Heavens and dark green Kun Wu show to rush. 帝灭天尊背后剑翅一扇,整个身子化作一道极速剑光,撕破了四大极品圣宝封锁的空间,迎着帝九天和苍昆吾施展的圣技冲了上去。 The attack that under Top Grade Saint treasured sword wing attack, emperor Nine Heavens two people of launches was broken instantaneously, suddenly, the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable to appear before the dark green Kun Wu body of having a big shock, starts fatally to him strikes. 极品圣宝剑翅攻击下,帝九天二人发动的攻击瞬间被破,眨眼之间,帝灭天尊出现在大惊失色的苍昆吾身前,向他发动致命一击。 Old, comes back!” “苍老,回来!” Summoned the sword wing, the emperor extinguishes the traveling speed that the day Venerable to exceed the imagination, under the Devouring God Brain deduction, Ye Chenfeng can catch his attacking track, ahead of time transmitted in dark green Kun Wu Universe Realm, avoided the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable fatally strikes. 召唤出剑翅,帝灭天尊的移动速度超出想象,不过在噬神脑推演下,叶晨风还是能捕捉到他的攻击轨迹,提前将苍昆吾传送回了乾坤境中,躲避开了帝灭天尊致命一击。 Bang!” “轰!” The space that dark green Kun Wu is was hit hard, immediately presented fearful space black hole, the massive sword glow such as the sword rain sweeps across the entire spirit deep pool generally. 苍昆吾所在的空间遭到重击,立即出现了一个可怕的空间黑洞,大量的剑芒如剑雨一般席卷整个灵潭。 I must have a look but actually, you can dodge my several attacks!” “我倒要看看,你们能闪躲我几次攻击!” The attack failure, the emperor extinguished the day Venerable the vision projection to emperor Nine Heavens, was bringing dazzling sword light, launched the attack to him. 攻击失败,帝灭天尊将目光投射向了帝九天,带着一道道刺目的剑光,向他发动攻击。 Person unites, the emperor extinguishes nine swords!” “人器合一,帝灭九剑!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable to raid, emperor Nine Heavens fuses without hesitation extremely in the sovereign sword together, with the body imperial sword, cut nine to destroy the Heaven and Earth sword glow, Emperor firmly resist extinguishes the attack that the day Venerable. 帝灭天尊袭来,帝九天毫不犹豫与皇极剑融合在一起,以身御剑,斩出了九道毁灭天地的剑芒,硬憾帝灭天尊的攻击。 But Ye Chenfeng also at this time, controlled four big Top Grade Saint treasure bombardments to extinguish the day Venerable to the emperor, is reducing the emperor Nine Heavens pressure. 叶晨风也在这时,控制四大极品圣宝轰击向了帝灭天尊,减轻着帝九天的压力。 „!” “咻!” Dazzling sword light has delimited together, the emperor who emperor Nine Heavens chops extinguished nine sword as if glass fragments to break generally, emperor with irresistible force extinguished the day Venerable the powerful to break nine to kill the attack of crazy dragon certainly, interwove the endless sword glow attack to approach emperor Nine Heavens. 一道刺目的剑光划过,帝九天劈出的帝灭九剑仿佛碎玻璃一般破碎了,势如破竹的帝灭天尊强势震碎九条绝杀狂龙的攻击,交织着无尽的剑芒攻击向了帝九天 !” “噗!” Although emperor Nine Heavens is the 1-Star day Venerable peak expert, but he and emperor extinguish the day Venerable the strength disparity to be too big, Emperor firmly resist extinguishes the day Venerable fatally strikes, his body defense breaks immediately, the entire body was divided to fly by the endless sword glow, splatters the massive blood. 九天虽然是一星天尊巅峰高手,但他与帝灭天尊之间的实力差距太大,硬憾帝灭天尊致命一击,他的身体防御立即破碎,整个身子更是被无尽的剑芒劈飞,喷溅出大量的鲜血。 Emperor Nine Heavens, this enchanted fruit gives you!” “帝九天,这疯魔果给你!” Emperor Nine Heavens is injured, Ye Chenfeng controlled Nine Dragons Jade Annulus to isolate the space rapidly, appeared side injury extremely heavy emperor Nine Heavens, has given him the enchanted fruit. 九天受伤,叶晨风迅速控制九龙玉璧隔绝了空间,出现在伤势极重的帝九天身旁,将疯魔果交给了他。 Although emperor Nine Heavens fully realized, under clothing/taking the side effect what kind fearfulness of enchanted fruit, possibly causes the damage that is unable to cure. 虽然帝九天深知,服下疯魔果的副作用何等的可怕,更可能造成无法治愈的损伤。 But cannot allow him to hesitate at this moment, swallowed in the enchanted fruit the stomach rapidly, a fearful enchanted strength erupted in his body, was suppressing his body injury, was promoting his strength. 但此时此刻容不得他犹豫,迅速将疯魔果吞到了肚中,一股可怕的疯魔之力在他身体中爆发出来,压制着他身体伤势,提升着他的实力。 At this time, the emperor extinguished the day Venerable the eruption formidable attack, drove out to separate the space stiffly Nine Dragons Jade Annulus , continued launches the fatal attack to Ye Chenfeng and emperor Nine Heavens. 这时,帝灭天尊爆发强大的攻击,硬生生轰开隔断空间的九龙玉璧,继续向叶晨风和帝九天发动致命攻击。 Insists, so long as exhausts the strength of his within the body seal, his within the body severe wound will recur, at the appointed time we can suppress him!” “坚持住,只要耗尽他体内封印的力量,他体内重伤就将复发,到时我们就能镇压他!” Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, continuous injects the skill in Daoist cultivation to four big Top Grade Saint treasures, is stimulating the attacks of four big Top Grade Saint treasures, resists the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable the single layer high the attack of single layer. 叶晨风深吸一口气,源源不断的向四大极品圣宝中注入道力,激发着四大极品圣宝的攻击,抵御帝灭天尊一重高过一重的攻击。 When four big Top Grade Saint treasures are blocking the space, the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal of gold dragon winding hits, has cracked the space bang of four big Top Grade Saint treasure blockades stiffly a gap. 四大极品圣宝封锁着空间时,金龙缠绕的九天玉玺撞击过来,硬生生将四大极品圣宝封锁的空间轰裂了一道缺口。 The next quarter, the emperor extinguishes day Venerable the fast fanning sword wing, penetrated this gap, launches the fatal attack to Ye Chenfeng and emperor Nine Heavens. 下一刻,帝灭天尊快速的扇动剑翅,穿透了这道缺口,向叶晨风和帝九天发动致命攻击。 First Heavenly Sword embryo, certainly sword Black Dragon!” “先天剑胎,绝剑黑龙!” Devouring God Brain of extremely fast deduction locked emperor to extinguish the attacking track that the day Venerable, Ye Chenfeng grasps the first Heavenly Sword embryo, divided such as Black Dragon born general Dao Intent sword light to move forward to meet somebody. 极速推演的噬神脑锁定了帝灭天尊的攻击轨迹,叶晨风手持先天剑胎,劈出了如黑龙降世一般的道意剑光迎了上去。 Ka ka ka!” “咔咔咔!” Sword Black Dragon chops certainly when the emperor extinguishes the day on the sword wing that Venerable the extremely fast to fan, immediately was twisted by the sharp incomparable sword wing broken, is unable to injure his slightest. 绝剑黑龙劈在帝灭天尊极速扇动的剑翅上时,立即被锐利无比的剑翅绞碎,根本无法伤害他分毫。 Primordial Chaos Divine Wood!” 混沌神木!” The emperor extinguished the day Venerable with the instance of heaven-shaking murderous aura near body, treasure of Primordial Chaos Divine Wood Ye Chenfeng this life has spent his body, was dragging Primordial Chaos five lines of light, with sharp incomparable, cut the space sword wing to clash the same place, resisted the attack of sword wing. 帝灭天尊携惊天杀气近身的瞬间,叶晨风本命之宝混沌神木破出了他的身体,摇曳着混沌五行之光,与锋利无比,切割着空间的剑翅对撞到一起,抵挡住了剑翅的攻击。 The next quarter, Ye Chenfeng displays the time rule suddenly, the first Heavenly Sword embryo in hand changes to together the sword glow, to surmount two times of time speeds of flow, penetrated the slit between sword wings, the thorn extinguished the chest that the day Venerable to the emperor. 下一刻,叶晨风突然施展时间规则,手中的先天剑胎化作一道剑芒,以超越两倍的时间流速,穿透剑翅间的缝隙,刺向了帝灭天尊的胸口。 Falls into the enchanted condition, emperor Nine Heavens that only the knowledge slaughters also at this time, fused in the sovereign extremely sword together, a sword appeared, the heavenly bodies were gloomy, such as swept across the Nine Heavens ten places the Divine sword, cut extinguished the day Venerable to the emperor. 陷入疯魔状态,只知杀戮的帝九天也在这时,与皇极剑融合在一起,一剑横空出世,日月星辰为之暗淡,如席卷九天十地的神剑,斩向了帝灭天尊。 Rumbling!” “轰轰!” The attack bombardment that Ye Chenfeng and emperor Nine Heavens starts one after another in the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable on the body, the fearful attack shakes him stiffly draws back, continuously the blood flows on the first Heavenly Sword embryo sword. 叶晨风与帝九天接连发动的攻击轰击在帝灭天尊身体上,可怕的攻击硬生生将他震退,缕缕鲜血在先天剑胎剑上流淌出来。 Four big Top Grade Saint treasures, give me to rumble!” “四大极品圣宝,给我轰!” Holds the emperor to extinguish the opportunity that the day Venerable is shaken draws back, Ye Chenfeng three big Spirit Level Dao Chart deduces the pinnacle, controls boundless soul power to pour into to four big Top Grade Saint treasures, connected the bombardment to extinguish the day Venerable to the emperor. 抓住帝灭天尊被震退的机会,叶晨风将三大灵级道图推演到极致,控制磅礴的魂力注入到四大极品圣宝中,接连轰击向了帝灭天尊。 Although the emperor extinguished the day Venerable taking advantage of the Top Grade Saint treasured sword wing to resist four big Top Grade Saint treasure continuous attacks, but he was still drawn back by overawing of fearful Saint treasure, the entire body was shaken to fly. 虽然帝灭天尊借极品圣宝剑翅抵挡住了四大极品圣宝连续攻击,但他依然被可怕的圣宝之威震退,整个身躯被震飞了出去。 Shakes the flying emperor to extinguish the day Venerable successfully, Ye Chenfeng and emperor Nine Heavens follows up a victory with hot pursuit, wants to suppress his offensive while this opportunity, consumes his within the body the strength of seal. 成功震飞帝灭天尊,叶晨风与帝九天乘胜追击,想要趁此机会压制他的攻势,消耗他体内的封印之力。 Heavenly Law is limitless!” 天道无极!” The emperor who four big Top Grade Saint treasures, as well as emperor Nine Heavens displays extinguishes nine swords to raid, the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable took a deep breath, does not give a thought to the body damage, has displayed big killing move. 四大极品圣宝,以及帝九天施展的帝灭九剑袭来,帝灭天尊深吸一口气,不顾身体损伤,施展了大杀招 The strength of endless day shoots up to the sky, the innumerable Dao Intent principles constituted the regular chapter, the strength and the Dao Intent principle same day blended when the same place, the entire world shivered, the fearful strength as if may extinguish kills all lives, drove out four big Top Grade Saint treasures, the bang has broken to pieces the emperor to extinguish nine swords, instantaneously annihilated Ye Chenfeng and emperor Nine Heavens. 无尽的天之力冲天而起,无数的道意法则构成了规则篇章,当天之力与道意法则交融在一起时,整个世界都为之颤抖,可怕的力量仿佛可灭杀一切生灵,轰开了四大极品圣宝,轰碎了帝灭九剑,瞬间将叶晨风和帝九天湮灭了。
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