EDSG :: Volume #15

#1484: Comprehensive suppression

Emperor extinguishes nine swords!” “帝灭九剑!” Emperor Nine Heavens saw Ye Chenfeng injured, grazed in the midair, was blending the strength of fearful day, was deducing Spirit Level Dao Chart, extinguished the day Venerable to cut nine swords to the emperor, wanted to interrupt his attack. 九天看到叶晨风受伤了,飞掠到半空中,交融着可怕的天之力,推演着灵级道图,冲着帝灭天尊斩出了九剑,想要打断他的攻击。 How the emperor to extinguish strength that the day Venerable to be too terrorist, under the Dao Intent defense of his extremely fast deduction, the emperor who emperor Nine Heavens cuts extinguishes nine swords unable to injure his slightest, was depended upon the absolute strength to break off by him unceasingly. 奈何帝灭天尊的实力太恐怖,在他极速推演的道意防御下,帝九天斩出的帝灭九剑根本无法伤害他分毫,不断被他依靠绝对的力量折断。 Finished!” “结束了!” Resists the attack of emperor Nine Heavens, the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable to appear above the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal, is stimulating the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal strongest attack, is suppressing side Heaven and Earth, let fall the Grand Dao rule, the bang is killing to Ye Chenfeng. 抵挡住帝九天的攻击,帝灭天尊出现在九天玉玺之上,激发着九天玉玺最强的攻击,镇压着一方天地,垂落着条条大道规则,轰杀向了叶晨风 Bang!” “轰!” The space dent that Ye Chenfeng is, Ye Chenfeng has annihilated the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal this fatally to strike. 叶晨风所在的空间塌陷了,叶晨风更是湮灭着九天玉玺这致命一击下。 Un, this is......” “嗯,这是……” Controls the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal to start fatally strikes, the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable not happily counter- startled, he discovered the final time, Ye Chenfeng disappeared strangely, the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal has not attacked his body. 控制九天玉玺发动致命一击,帝灭天尊不喜反惊,他发现最后时刻,叶晨风诡异的消失了,九天玉玺并未攻击到他的身体。 Emperor extinguishes, today's loser, being doomed is you!” “帝灭,今天的失败者,注定是你!” When the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable to take back the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal, when vision projection to collapse space, Ye Chenfeng was full of the aggressive sound sound. 当帝灭天尊收回九天玉玺,将目光投射向塌陷空间时,叶晨风充满霸气的声音响了起来。 Good high level space treasure.” “好高级的空间宝物。” The emperor extinguished the day Venerable to reveal the color of accident, accident Ye Chenfeng the treasure of space has encountered the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal attack, was unexpectedly perfect, has not received a damage. 帝灭天尊露出了意外之色,意外叶晨风的空间之宝遭到九天玉玺攻击,竟然完好无损,没有受到一点损伤。 „The hand of real demon, blood demon mountain, monster emperor furnace, presently!” “真魔之手,血魔山,妖帝炉,现!” The Ye Chenfeng thought moved, left Universe Realm, four big Top Grade Saint treasures in this moment, reappeared his body, divulged is letting the strength of destruction the person was afraid. 叶晨风意念一动,离开了乾坤境,四大极品圣宝在这一刻,浮现出他的身体,宣泄着让人不寒而栗的毁灭之力。 Snort, by your strength, but also wants to control four big Top Grade Saint treasure attacks? You were too rather naive.” “哼,以你的实力,还想控制四大极品圣宝攻击?你未免太天真了。” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable to fully realize that control Saint treasure attack, the consumption is the what kind terror, even if he, only dares to control a big Top Grade Saint treasure attack. 帝灭天尊深知控制圣宝攻击,消耗是何等的恐怖,就算是他,也只敢操控一大极品圣宝攻击。 Naive?” Ye Chenfeng smiled saying: Perhaps.” “天真?”叶晨风笑了笑说道:“也许吧。” Saying, Ye Chenfeng was injecting in the skill in Daoist cultivation in within the body non- using up four big Top Grade Saint treasures separately, was promoting the attacks of four mahatma treasures, shelled extinguished the day Venerable to the emperor. 说着,叶晨风将体内无竭的道力分别注入到了四大极品圣宝中,提升着四大圣宝的攻击,轰击向了帝灭天尊。 Nine Heavens imperial jade seal, day striking of character.” 九天玉玺,‘天’字之击。” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable does not believe that Ye Chenfeng has the strength simultaneously to control four big Top Grade Saint treasure attacks, immediately controls the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal to move forward to meet somebody, ancient seal characters day character maps the destruction skylight, crushes nine to kill the crazy dragon certainly. 帝灭天尊绝不相信,叶晨风有实力同时控制四大极品圣宝攻击,立即控制九天玉玺迎了上去,古篆体‘天’字映射出毁灭天光,粉碎着九条绝杀狂龙。 When Nine Heavens imperial jade seal powerful breaks the Nine Dragons Jade Annulus attack, the hand of real demon turned into has obstructed the huge hand imprint, has crushed the destruction skylight. 九天玉玺强势破掉九龙玉璧攻击时,真魔之手化成了遮天大手印,粉碎了毁灭天光。 Had the monster emperor furnace of greatly strengthened impact, the blood demon mountain hits one after another on the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal, the fearful impact shook the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal directly draws back. 紧接着,拥有极强撞击力的妖帝炉,血魔山接连撞击在了九天玉玺上,可怕的撞击力直接将九天玉玺震退。 Nine Heavens imperial jade seal, striking of Nine Heavens!” 九天玉玺,九天之击!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable the complexion slightly changes, controls the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal constantly to change, maps the destruction skylight unceasingly, shells Top Grade Saint treasure that each article is raiding, intense battle that does not show weakness. 帝灭天尊脸色微微一变,控制九天玉玺不断地变化,不断地映射毁灭天光,轰击着一件件袭来的极品圣宝,毫不示弱的激烈厮杀。 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” Five big Top Grade Saint treasure attacks, formed the terror fresh breeze, heaven-shaking moved the place the explosion acoustic shock to pierce the ears the membrane, vibrated Nine Heavens. 五大极品圣宝攻击,形成了恐怖的劲风,惊天动地的爆炸声震穿耳膜,震动九天 Emperor extinguishes nine swords!” “帝灭九剑!” When Ye Chenfeng controls four big Top Grade Saint treasure and emperor extinguishes the day Venerable the drive to slaughter, emperor Nine Heavens grasps the sovereign extremely sword, cuts to escape into the sword glow of space trajectory, is attacking his body unceasingly, is involving his energy, is damaging his body, keeping him from full power attacking Ye Chenfeng. 叶晨风控制四大极品圣宝与帝灭天尊激励厮杀时,帝九天手持皇极剑,斩出一道道遁入空间轨迹的剑芒,不断地攻击着他的身体,牵扯着他的精力,损伤着他的身体,让他无法全力攻击叶晨风 First the Heavenly Sword embryo, cuts!” “先天剑胎,斩!” Ye Chenfeng has not uses up the skill in Daoist cultivation, disregards the consumption of skill in Daoist cultivation completely, while his full power controls four big Top Grade Saint treasure attacks, wholeheartedly multipurpose, the control the Heavenly Sword embryo cut first to the emperor extinguished the day Venerable. 叶晨风拥有无竭道力,根本无视道力的消耗,在他全力操控四大极品圣宝攻击的同时,一心多用,控制先天剑胎斩向了帝灭天尊。 A sword cuts, Heaven and Earth is turbulent. 一剑斩出,天地动荡。 Enormous and powerful sword intent twines in the Heavenly Sword embryo first, fearful sword makes the scorching sun dim, nobody may keep off. 浩浩荡荡的剑意在先天剑胎中缠绕,可怕的剑威让骄阳都为之黯淡,无人可挡。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable to evolve the Dao Intent curtain wall that Spirit Level Dao Chart forms to be pierced by the Heavenly Sword embryo first, the fearful first Heavenly Sword embryo stabbed the emperor to extinguish the main body that the day Venerable, has left behind a deeply sword mark in his chest. 帝灭天尊演化灵级道图形成的道意幕墙被先天剑胎洞穿,可怕的先天剑胎刺中了帝灭天尊的本体,在他胸口留下了一道深深地剑痕。 Person unites!” “人器合一!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable by the instance that the Heavenly Sword embryo wounds first, emperor Nine Heavens and sovereign sword merges into one organic whole extremely, is having first Heavenly Law mark of multiplication, divided maliciously to the emperor extinguished the head that the day Venerable, making him have to divert attention the defense. 帝灭天尊被先天剑胎击伤的瞬间,帝九天与皇极剑融为一体,带着繁衍的先天道纹,狠狠地劈向了帝灭天尊的脑袋,让他不得不分心防御。 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable diverts attention, the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal by the blood demon mountain, the monster emperor furnace was hit to fly immediately, nine killed the crazy dragon and real demon hand of certainly flies to raid to the emperor extinguished the day Venerable, forcing him to fend to the one side. 帝灭天尊一分心,九天玉玺立即被血魔山,妖帝炉撞飞,九条绝杀狂龙与真魔之手飞袭向了帝灭天尊,逼迫他不得不向一旁闪避。 Four big Top Grade Saint treasures, give me to rumble to kill!” “四大极品圣宝,给我轰杀!” Holds the emperor to extinguish the instance that the day Venerable to fend, Ye Chenfeng controls four big Top Grade Saint treasure fierce attacks, does not give him a respite the opportunity. 抓住帝灭天尊闪避的瞬间,叶晨风控制四大极品圣宝凶猛的攻击,不给他一丝喘息的机会。 How possible, by his strength, how possibly simultaneously to control four big Top Grade Saint treasure attacks not to present the strength to use up, how he achieves.” “怎么可能,以他的实力,怎么可能同时控制四大极品圣宝攻击而不出现力竭,他到底是怎么做到的。” The offensive was limited, the emperor extinguished day Venerable to reveal the inconceivable color, is unable to accept this fact. 攻势被限制,帝灭天尊露出了不可思议之色,根本无法接受这个事实。 Emperor Nine Heavens, the full power attack, gets sick while him, wants him to assign!” “帝九天,全力攻击,趁他病,要他命!” Ye Chenfeng controls four big Top Grade Saint treasure attacks at the same time, Nine Heavens passes message to the emperor. 叶晨风控制四大极品圣宝攻击的同时,给帝九天传音。 However the emperor extinguishes strength that the day Venerable to be immeasurably deep, the inside story is the terror, although falls leeward, but he is not flurried, uses the formidable going against heaven's will method unceasingly, is resisting the attacks of four big Top Grade Saint treasure as well as emperor Nine Heavens. 不过帝灭天尊的实力深不可测,底蕴更是恐怖,虽然落入下风,但他并不慌乱,不断施展强大的逆天手段,抵挡着四大极品圣宝以及帝九天的攻击。 Old, fast comes out to help me!” “苍老,速速出来助我!” Attacks painstakingly fruitless, Ye Chenfeng summoned dark green Kun Wu of 5-Star Saint boundary, making him help, to suppress the emperor to extinguish the day together Venerable. 苦攻无果,叶晨风五星道圣境界的苍昆吾召唤出来,让他一起帮忙,压制着帝灭天尊。 Desolate of furnace day!” “天之荒炉!” The body injury aggravates gradually, the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable immediately the incarnation fearful wild furnace, the massive first Heavenly Law marks in the wild furnace surface flow, welcomed to four big Top Grade Saint treasures. 身体伤势逐渐加重,帝灭天尊立即化身可怕的荒炉,大量的先天道纹在荒炉表面流动,迎向了四大极品圣宝。 Bang!” “轰!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable the incarnation the Desolate of furnace day to hit in four big Top Grade Saint treasures together, fierce shivered to explode. 帝灭天尊化身的天之荒炉与四大极品圣宝撞击在一起,剧烈的颤抖一下爆开了。 Dies!” “去死吧!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable the offensive broken instance, he does not give a thought to the body injury, displays strange divine ability, compressed a line the entire body, attacked to Ye Chenfeng, wanted to strike to pierce the body of Ye Chenfeng, struck to kill him. 帝灭天尊攻势被破的瞬间,他不顾身体伤势,施展一种诡异的神通,将整个身体压缩成了一条线,突袭向了叶晨风,想要一击洞穿叶晨风的身体,将他击杀。 The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable this to strike is very sudden, but under the Devouring God Brain deduction, Ye Chenfeng had a premonition ahead of time the danger, has displayed the time rule, sped up two times of time speeds of flow, treadonned the sword step to fend the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable this to deliberately plan struck. 帝灭天尊这一击可谓十分突然,但在噬神脑推演下,叶晨风提前预感到了危险,施展时间规则,加快了两倍时间流速,脚踏剑步闪避开了帝灭天尊这处心积虑的一击。 Universe Sword Array, cuts!” 乾坤剑阵,斩!” Then, Ye Chenfeng controls the swords of 256 universe to fuse in together, is traversing the space, a sword cut to the emperor extinguished the day Venerable, has interrupted his sustained attack stiffly. 接着,叶晨风控制256把乾坤之剑融合在一起,横断着空间,一剑斩向了帝灭天尊,硬生生打断了他持续攻击。 „The Nine Heavens imperial jade seal, day character strikes.” 九天玉玺,‘天’字击。” In passively, the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable replies on the strength of Nine Heavens imperial jade seal immediately, maps day character light symbol, resists the Ye Chenfeng three people of attacks forcefully. 处于被动,帝灭天尊立即借助九天玉玺的力量,映射‘天’字光符,强行抵挡叶晨风三人的攻击。 Although the might of Nine Heavens imperial jade seal surpasses the Ye Chenfeng control four big Top Grade Saint treasures, but Ye Chenfeng may simultaneously control four mahatma treasures also to attack, the sole Nine Heavens imperial jade seal cannot resist. 虽然九天玉玺的威力超过叶晨风掌控的四大极品圣宝,但叶晨风可同时操控四大圣宝同时攻击,单单九天玉玺根本抵挡不住。 Under four big Top Grade Saint treasure attacks, the day character light symbol broke, is suppressing side Heaven and Earth, before isolating the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable , the space Nine Heavens imperial jade seal to be shaken again flies, making the emperor extinguish the day Venerable is withstanding the destruction attack unceasingly, is aggravating the body injury. 在四大极品圣宝攻击下,天字光符破碎了,镇压着一方天地,隔绝着帝灭天尊身前空间的九天玉玺再一次被震飞,让帝灭天尊不断承受着毁灭攻击,加重着身体伤势。 Monster emperor furnace, blood demon mountain, dual suppression!” “妖帝炉,血魔山,双重镇压!” Extinguishes the day Venerable when the emperor, grasps two big shapes to be strange, resembles Top Grade Saint of blade sword, hand of attack firmly resist Nine Dragons Jade Annulus and real demon, the monster emperor furnace and blood demon mountain overlaps in the same place, dual suppresses, the emperor who will dodge directly extinguished the day Venerable the suppression to cover entirely the fissure the deep pool bottom. 就在帝灭天尊,手持两大形态怪异,似刀似剑的极品圣器,硬憾九龙玉璧和真魔之手攻击时,妖帝炉和血魔山重叠在一起,双重镇压下来,直接将闪躲不及的帝灭天尊镇压在了布满裂痕的潭底。
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