EDSG :: Volume #15

#1483: Fights the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable

5-Star Saint!” 五星道圣!” Felt that the Ye Chenfeng boundary, emperor extinguished the day Venerable the eye to shine immediately. 感觉到叶晨风的境界,帝灭天尊眼睛顿时亮了起来。 He fully realized that transfers the difficulty of boundary of path of cultivation Saint in Battle Soul Continent, does not have the big chance or the strong background, is impossible to break the world shackles, cultivates boundary of the Saint. 他深知在斗魂大陆修道圣之境的难度,没有大机缘或者强大背景,绝不可能打破世界枷锁,修炼到道圣之境。 Un, this person has the possibility, has the relations with the Human Race person secretly!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable saying: Gives me him, I come to carry on to search for the soul to him, having a look on him to hide any secret.” “嗯,此人真的有可能,与人族幕后之人有关系!”帝灭天尊道:“把他交给我吧,我来对他进行搜魂,看看他身上到底隐藏着什么秘密。” Good!” “好!” Emperor Nine Heavens nodded, mentioned Ye Chenfeng single-handed, very happy threw Ye Chenfeng to the emperor extinguished the day Venerable. 九天点了点头,单手提起叶晨风,十分痛快的将叶晨风扔向了帝灭天尊。 When the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable to put out a hand to grasp to Ye Chenfeng that passing through deep water flies, his keen sensation strength smelled a dangerous aura suddenly. 就在帝灭天尊伸手抓向穿过潭水飞来的叶晨风时,他敏锐的感知力突然嗅到了一丝危险气息。 Floods the crystal stone of strength of destruction to spend the Ye Chenfeng body, flew to shoot at him at the extremely quick speed. 一颗充斥着毁灭之力的晶石破出叶晨风身体,以极快的速度飞射向了他。 Bang!” “轰!” Flooded the rupturing crystal stone of strength of destruction to explode, the strength of fearful destruction such as the volcano of eruption, the emperor will extinguish the day Venerable to swallow instantaneously. 充斥着毁灭之力的爆裂晶石爆炸了,可怕的毁灭之力如喷发的火山,瞬间将帝灭天尊吞噬了。 But Ye Chenfeng in the instance that the rupturing crystal stone explodes, hid in Universe Realm. 叶晨风在爆裂晶石爆炸的瞬间,躲进了乾坤境中。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Emperor Nine Heavens make a move, he has grasped the Top Grade Saint sovereign extremely sword, is blending the strength of formidable day, cut a sword to the explosion center of getting stronger and stronger, when divided to cut maliciously to the emperor extinguished the day Venerable, wanted while his general idea, him wounds, weakens his strength. 九天出手了,他手持极品圣器皇极剑,交融着强大的天之力,冲着愈演愈烈的爆炸中心斩出了一剑,狠狠地劈斩向了帝灭天尊,想要趁他大意之际,将他击伤,削弱他的战力。 Emperor Nine Heavens, your big courage, dares to betray my Heaven Clan, sneak attacks the main body!” The arm is extinguished the day Venerable the violent anger by extremely the emperor who the sovereign sword divided wound: Main body defeats the bone to raise the ash you today surely.” “帝九天,你好大的胆子,竟敢背叛我天族,偷袭本尊!”手臂被皇极剑劈伤的帝灭天尊暴怒了:“本尊今天定将你挫骨扬灰。” Perhaps you do not have this opportunity!” “你恐怕没有这个机会!” Restored free Ye Chenfeng to leave Universe Realm, fused the town day bead and holy blood bead, the rising suddenly strength of extremely fast. 恢复自由的叶晨风离开了乾坤境,融合了镇天珠和圣血珠,极速的暴涨实力。 Life Soul Technique!” 命魂术!” When he taking advantage of two mahatma beads, own strength promotion to a 6-Star Saint, he has burnt decisively ten thousand years of life, with the strength of boundless life, the cross-domain the Saint limit, has achieved the 1-Star [say / way] Venerable the boundary of peak. 当他借两大圣珠,将自身的实力提升到六星道圣时,他果断的燃烧了万年寿元,借磅礴的生命之力,跨域了道圣极限,达到了一星道尊巅峰之境。 Then, he among the combustion universes most formidable bloodlines Primordial Chaos Blood, surmounted the [say / way] Venerable the peak, had was not weak Emperor in to extinguish the boundary of 2-Star [say / way] Venerable the day Venerable. 接着,他又燃烧宇宙间最强大的血脉鸿蒙之血,跨越了道尊巅峰,拥有了不弱于帝灭天尊的二星道尊之境。 Un, interesting, has not thought that you are actually grasping this grade of divine ability.” “嗯,有意思,没想到你竟然掌握着这等神通。” The emperor who the arm bleeds extinguishes the day Venerable to tear to pieces the strength of destruction profoundly, the vision looks at Ye Chenfeng, has revealed color of the accident. 手臂流血的帝灭天尊撕破了毁灭之力,目光深邃的看着叶晨风,露出了一丝意外之色。 Although he is Nine Heavens god country control, is grasping many formidable cards in a hand, but to Ye Chenfeng this, surmounts boundary divine ability continuously, he hears something never heard of before, has never seen. 虽然他是九天神国掌控者,掌握着不少强大的底牌,但向叶晨风这等,连续跨越境界的神通,他闻所未闻,从未见过。 Emperor is old, I immediately!” “帝老,我马上!” The Life Soul Technique amplifying strength is limited, Ye Chenfeng does not have the delaying time, summoned the might drastically to promote, to endure compared with Top Grade Saint treasure Universe Sword Array, with emperor Nine Heavens that the innermost feelings shook greatly, one on the left and other on the right killed to the emperor extinguished the day Venerable. 命魂术振幅实力有限,叶晨风没有耽搁时间,召唤出威力大幅提升,堪比极品圣宝的乾坤剑阵,与内心巨震的帝九天,一左一右杀向了帝灭天尊。 Blue sky seal!” “青天印!” Ye Chenfeng and emperor Nine Heavens, the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable both hands fast swaying from side to side, transfers the strength of fearful day to collect before the body, formed the might to be enormous, seemed breeding a side Heaven and Earth blue sky seal, has hit. 叶晨风与帝九天袭来,帝灭天尊双手快速的扭动,调动可怕的天之力汇集在身前,形成了威力极大,仿佛孕育着一方天地的青天印,撞击了上去。 Gives me to break!” “给我破!” Ye Chenfeng attack today we are no longer as we have been, under his thought control, the Universe Sword Array fast congealment, has formed an invincible universe great sword, a sword has torn to pieces ice-cold deep water, cut to break the might to be enormous, sufficiently destruction mountain blue sky seal. 叶晨风攻击今非昔比,在他意念控制下,乾坤剑阵快速的凝结,形成了一把无敌的乾坤巨剑,一剑撕破了冰冷的潭水,斩破了威力极大,足以毁灭山岳的青天印。 Blue sky seal was shattered, attack speed extremely quick emperor Nine Heavens divided nine swords in the flash, the swords of nine killing escaped certainly into nine different paths, blocked the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable all fending spaces, making him evade not to be possible to evade, can only full power meet the approaching enemy. 青天印破碎,攻击速度极快的帝九天在一瞬间劈出了九剑,九道绝杀之剑遁入九道不同的轨迹中,封死了帝灭天尊所有的闪避空间,让他避无可避,只能全力迎击。 Emperor Nine Heavens, by your strength, could not injure me!” “帝九天,以你的实力,伤不了我!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable big hand void one stroke, the strength of fearful day has formed light screens, nine swords that Emperor firmly resist Nine Heavens cuts. 帝灭天尊大手虚空一划,可怕的天之力形成了一片光幕,硬憾九天斩出的九剑。 When the swords of nine killing tear to pieces the light screen certainly, the emperor extinguished the day Venerable already to escape several hundred meters, slaughtered with chasing after and never giving up Ye Chenfeng in the same place. 当九道绝杀之剑撕破光幕时,帝灭天尊早已遁出了数百米,与穷追不舍的叶晨风厮杀在一起。 Strength broken ten thousand laws!” “一力破万法!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable deduction formidable Dao Intent, when restrains the attack of Ye Chenfeng unceasingly, the Ye Chenfeng eruption surpasses 1 billion jin (0.5 kg) strength, such as an antiquity of resurrecting was beastly, by the absolute strength, the bang broke Dao Intent that before the emperor extinguished the day Venerable body to deduce, hit to approach his body maliciously. 帝灭天尊推演强大的道意,不断地克制叶晨风的攻击时,叶晨风爆发超过1000000000斤的力量,如一只复活的上古蛮兽,以绝对的力量,轰破了在帝灭天尊身前推演的道意,狠狠地撞击向了他的身体。 Big strength!” “好大的力量!” Feels the Ye Chenfeng instantaneous explosive force, emperor is extinguishing the day Venerable the complexion slightly changes, both hands fast swaying, has printed out five palms in the flash, overlaps is resisting Ye Chenfeng fearfully fierce hits. 感受着叶晨风瞬间爆发力,帝灭天尊脸色微微一变,双手快速的拂动,在一瞬间印出了五掌,重叠着抵御叶晨风可怕的凶猛一撞。 Ka ka ka!” “咔咔咔!” Five fearful big hand imprint bombardments when the Ye Chenfeng body, were erupted to surpass 1 billion jin (0.5 kg) strength to crack-up by his body in immediately. 五道可怕的大手印轰击在叶晨风身体上时,立即被他身体中爆发超过1000000000斤力量撞碎了。 Ye Chenfeng and emperor who then, the power and influence does not reduce extinguish the body that the day Venerable to hit together, erupts the heaven-shaking demolition sound. 接着,威势不减的叶晨风与帝灭天尊的身体撞击到一起,爆发出惊天爆破声。 This fierce was hit in two people, when hits in pairs, the first Heavenly Sword embryo and silver Sword Soul graze the Ye Chenfeng body, the instantaneous fusion, such as wipes the cold star, chops extinguishes the day Venerable to the emperor who has dodged. 就在二人被这凶猛一撞,双双撞开时,先天剑胎和白银剑魂飞掠出叶晨风身体,瞬间融合,如一抹寒星,劈向了闪躲不及的帝灭天尊。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” The emperor extinguishes the body that the day Venerable to defend by the Heavenly Sword embryo is broken out first, invincible sword intent that silver Sword Soul divulges has lacerated his skin directly, injured his main body, the massive blood seeped. 帝灭天尊的身体防御被先天剑胎劈开,白银剑魂宣泄出的无敌剑意直接割破了他的皮肤,伤到了他的本体,大量的鲜血渗透了出来。 First the Heavenly Sword embryo, silver Sword Soul, has not thought of your method these many!” “先天剑胎,白银剑魂,没想到你的手段这么多!” The emperor extinguished the day Venerable has stroked gently by the first chest that the Heavenly Sword embryo divided the wound, has cured the injury instantaneously, in within the body formidable bloodlines also burnt in this moment. 帝灭天尊轻轻抚摸了一下被先天剑胎劈伤的胸口,瞬间治愈了伤势,体内强大的血脉也在这一刻燃烧了。 Is circling three gold dragon, portrays ancient seal characters day ancient seal of character to reappear his body, is suppressing side Heaven and Earth. 一枚盘旋着三条金龙,刻画着古篆体‘天’字的古印浮现出他的身体,镇压着一方天地 Nine Heavens imperial jade seal, my Nine Heavens god country first Saint treasure really in your hand!” 九天玉玺,我九天神国第一圣宝果然在你手上!” Looks that circles extinguishes the day Venerable the top of the head in the emperor, released the imperial jade seal of fearful pressure, emperor Nine Heavens has cannot help but been revealing the dignified color. 看着盘旋在帝灭天尊头顶,释放着可怕威压的玉玺,帝九天不由得露出了凝重之色。 He fully realized that the fearfulness of Nine Heavens imperial jade seal, this imperial jade seal true might, is in the Top Grade Saint treasure is absolutely topest, the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable to have him to fight vigorously the 3-Star day Venerable, but undefeated. 他深知九天玉玺的可怕,这枚玉玺真正的威力,绝对是极品圣宝中最顶尖的,帝灭天尊拥有他可力战三星天尊而不败。 Emperor Nine Heavens, I do not know that Human Race allow your anything advantage, making you choose the betrayal, but you betray since my Heaven Clan that moment, you should prepare death!” The emperor extinguished the day Venerable to reveal the fierce and ambitious true colors, dense saying. “帝九天,我不知道人族许你什么好处,让你选择背叛,但你背叛我天族的那一刻起,你就应做好死亡的准备!”帝灭天尊露出了枭雄本色,森然的说道。 Who will be the winner, discusses now also too early!” “鹿死谁手,现在谈论还太早了!” Saying, Ye Chenfeng was summoning Nine Dragons Jade Annulus , was isolating the space before body, with the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal in void to reprimanding. 说着,叶晨风召唤出了九龙玉璧,隔绝着身前的空间,与九天玉玺在虚空中对斥。 Un, Dragon Clan Saint treasure?” “嗯,龙族圣宝?” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable from Heaven Territory, once had contacted Dragon Clan, feels the Dragon Clan aura that in Nine Dragons Jade Annulus is flooding, his brow closely twisted in one. 帝灭天尊来自于天域,曾接触过龙族,感受着九龙玉璧中充斥的龙族气息,他眉头紧紧地拧在了一起。 could it be this world, does Dragon Clan meddle?” Not a good thought appears in his mind. 难道这个世界,还有龙族插手其中?”一个不好的念头浮现在他脑海中。 Has not thought that your secret are many, it seems like needed to capture alive you!” “没想到你身上的秘密还不少,看来有必要活捉你了!” Saying, the emperor was extinguishing the day Venerable within the body to erupt the strength of boundless day, poured into to the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal, three gold dragon of making threatening gestures reappeared the imperial jade seal, howled the attack to approach Ye Chenfeng. 说着,帝灭天尊体内爆发出磅礴的天之力,灌入到九天玉玺中,三条张牙舞爪的金龙浮现出玉玺,呼啸着攻击向了叶晨风 Nine dragons kills certainly!” “九龙绝杀!” Three gold dragon that in the Nine Heavens imperial jade seal appears raids, Ye Chenfeng controls the skill in Daoist cultivation of non- using up to pour into to Nine Dragons Jade Annulus in immediately, is stimulating the Nine Dragons Jade Annulus strongest striking power, condenses nine to kill the crazy dragon to move forward to meet somebody certainly. 九天玉玺中浮现的三条金龙袭来,叶晨风立即控制无竭的道力灌入到九龙玉璧中,激发着九龙玉璧最强的攻击力,凝聚出九条绝杀狂龙迎了上去。 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” Attack that two big Top Grade Saint treasures form intense to reprimanding, has torn the spirit deep pool space directly, spirit deep water at the naked eye obvious speed, flowed in the space fissure, fast reduction. 两大极品圣宝形成的攻击激烈的对斥,直接撕裂了灵潭空间,灵潭水以肉眼可见的速度,流进了空间裂痕中,快速的减少。 Bang!” “轰!” Suddenly Nine Heavens imperial jade seal fast hits, the fearful strength cracked-up nine to kill the crazy dragon directly certainly, brought to exterminate all strengths, hit maliciously on Nine Dragons Jade Annulus , has formed the strength of formidable counter- shaking, poured into to the Ye Chenfeng body, shook the wound him, in the mouth flows wisp of bright red blood. 突然九天玉玺快速的撞来,可怕的力量直接撞碎了九条绝杀狂龙,带着灭绝一切的力量,狠狠地撞击在了九龙玉璧上,形成了强大的反震之力,灌入到叶晨风身体中,将他震伤,嘴巴中流淌出了一缕鲜红的血液。
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