EDSG :: Volume #15

#1482: The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable

Emperor is old, did the thing of my needing bring?” “帝老,我需要之物都带来了吗?” Ye Chenfeng looked at complexion to be somewhat unusual, pupil micro emperor Nine Heavens, opened the mouth to ask. 叶晨风看了一眼脸色有些异常,瞳孔微缩的帝九天,开口问道。 Ye Shao, the Saint sword is extremely precious, I used the status to search for the entire Nine Heavens god country hidden treasure palace, altogether looked for five Middle Grade Saint swords to you, 42 low grade Saint swords!” Emperor Nine Heavens said: 10,000 Top Grade cornerstones that you need I brought to you.” “叶少,圣剑太过珍贵,我利用身份搜遍了整个九天神国藏宝殿,一共给你找来五把中品圣剑,42把下品圣剑!”帝九天说道:“不过你需要的10000颗极品阵基石我都给你带来了。” Except for these, I gave back to you to bring the Zengshou fruits of two mature periods, the places of two mature periods assigned the fruit, an enchanted fruit, a might was not small the rupturing bead.” “除了这些,我还给你带来了两颗成熟期的增寿果,两颗成熟期的地命果,一颗疯魔果实,一颗威力不小得爆裂珠。” Was very good, had these things, we should have opportunity Emperor heavy injury to extinguish the day with joint forces Venerable!” “很好,有了这些东西,我们合力应该有机会重创帝灭天尊!” Received treasure that emperor Nine Heavens handed over, Ye Chenfeng has confessed several, started to close up, in the inheritance according to Devouring God Brain remembers that refine the antiquity to obstruct in the day chart these 10,000 Top Grade cornerstones friendly, promoted to obstruct the day chart the might. 接过帝九天递来的宝物,叶晨风交代了几句,又开始闭关,按照噬神脑中的传承记忆,将这10000颗极品阵基石融炼进上古遮天图中,提升着遮天图的威力。 When Ye Chenfeng full power quenchings the antiquity obstructed the day chart, Primordial Chaos Divine Wood successfully refining up to melt the first Heavenly Sword embryo, making the first Heavenly Sword embryo the treasure of Ye Chenfeng second largest this life. 叶晨风全力淬炼上古遮天图时,混沌神木成功炼化了先天剑胎,让先天剑胎成为了叶晨风第二大本命之宝。 Does not know that silver Sword Soul fuses with the Heavenly Sword embryo first, the striking power may be the what kind degree!” Ye Chenfeng muttered, eliminated distracting thoughts, continued to quenching the antiquity to obstruct the day chart. “不知道白银剑魂与先天剑胎融合,攻击力可达到何等程度!”叶晨风喃喃自语道,摒除了杂念,继续淬炼上古遮天图。 Does not know in him exhaustedly, under times quenching, 10,000 Top Grade cornerstones refine the antiquity to obstruct in the day chart completely friendly, further promoted the antiquity to obstruct the day chart the might. 在他不知疲惫,一次次淬炼下,10000颗极品阵基石全部融炼进了上古遮天图中,进一步提升了上古遮天图的威力。 To the antiquity obstruct day chart at present the might, should be able to surround the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable more than double-hour.” “以目前上古遮天图的威力,应该可以困住帝灭天尊一个多时辰吧。” Ye Chenfeng will quenching a new antiquity to obstruct the day chart to take in the body, has controlled one's breathing simply a meeting, received the antiquity remnant chart, found has calmly repaired the waiting emperor Nine Heavens. 叶晨风将淬炼一新的上古遮天图收进了身体中,简单调息了一会,收起了上古残图,找到了静修等待的帝九天 Was good, we go to emperor to extinguish the day Venerable the place of deep sleep!” Ye Chenfeng said. “好了,我们去帝灭天尊沉睡之地吧!”叶晨风说道。 Good!” “好!” Emperor Nine Heavens does not dare to violate the order of Ye Chenfeng, steels one's heart to nod to say. 九天不敢违背叶晨风的命令,一横心点了点头道。 Walks!” “走吧!” Ye Chenfeng entered in Universe Realm, making emperor Nine Heavens bring Universe Realm, leaves cave mansion that he has practiced, went to Spirit Mountain most deep place, a piece deeply did not see the bottom spirit deep pool. 叶晨风进入到了乾坤境中,让帝九天带着乾坤境,离开了他修炼的洞府,前往了灵山最深处,一片深不见底的灵潭处。 But this spirit deep pool, is Nine Heavens god country control, the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable the place of deep sleep truly. 而这处灵潭,正是九天神国真正的掌控者,帝灭天尊沉睡之地。 First ancestor, how you came!” “始祖,您老人家怎么来了!” Two wear the ash-gray long gown, aura and space merges into one organic whole, does not need the naked eye to look that is unable to realize the old man who they have opened the double pupil, saw that emperor Nine Heavens arrived suddenly, has revealed the color of surprise. 两名身穿灰色长袍,气息与空间融为一体,不用肉眼看,根本无法察觉他们存在的老者睁开了双眸,看到帝九天突然到来,露出了诧异之色。 What's wrong, do I come to here also to need to you to report?” The emperor Nine Heavens complexion sinks, dignified asked. “怎么,我来这里还需要向你们禀告吗?”帝九天脸色一沉,威严的质问道。 First ancestor appeases anger, we are not this meaning!” “始祖息怒,我们不是这个意思!” Although two grey clothes old man qualifications are extremely old, the strength achieves the Nirvana day boundary, but Venerable in front of emperor Nine Heavens in the day, actually does not dare hurriedly. 虽然两名灰衣老者资历极老,实力达到涅槃天境,但在天尊帝九天面前,却不敢造次。 I must see the emperor to extinguish day Venerable, you fast open the spirit deep pool ban!” Order that emperor Nine Heavens does not allow to resist said. “我要见帝灭天尊,你们速速打开灵潭禁制!”帝九天不容抗拒的命令道。 „This, the day Venerable the life, only if my Nine Heavens god country faces the life and death crisis, otherwise anybody can not disturb his deep sleep!” Two grey clothes old men terrified answered. “这这,天尊有命,除非我九天神国濒临生死危机,否则任何人不得打扰他老人家沉睡!”两名灰衣老者惶恐的解释道。 It seems like you only recognize the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable, did not recognize my this day Venerable!” “看来你们只认帝灭天尊,不认我这个天尊了!” Emperor Nine Heavens has shown the aggression of if I can not do it , who can, Dao Chart of two multiplication appear his body, under the two grey clothes old man panic-stricken vision gazes , the bombardment has approached them. 九天透出了舍我其谁的霸气,两道繁衍的道图浮现出他的身体,在两名灰衣老者惊恐的目光注视下,轰击向了他们。 Although two grey clothes old men want to dodge, but the emperor Nine Heavens strength strong they too many have been too many, does not wait for them to make the secondary reaction, two big Dao Chart have hit their bodies, rumbles them instantaneously broken, turned into two groups of blood fog. 虽然两名灰衣老者想要闪躲,但帝九天的实力强过他们太多太多,不等他们做出第二反应,两大道图就击中了他们的身体,瞬间将他们轰碎,化成了两团血雾。 Antiquity obstructed the day chart, banned spatially!” “上古遮天图,禁空!” When the emperor Nine Heavens powerful strikes kills two grey clothes old men, the antiquity obstructs the day chart to reappear Universe Realm, under the Ye Chenfeng thought control, was banning the entire space, has blocked around the spirit deep pool the surrounding area several li (0.5km). 九天强势击杀两名灰衣老者时,上古遮天图浮现出乾坤境,在叶晨风意念控制下,禁制着整个空间,封死了灵潭周围方圆数里。 When the space the antiquity obstructs day of chart ban, emperor Nine Heavens summons the Top Grade Saint sovereign extremely sword that must come from emperor blade nobility there forcefully, grasps cutting that the sovereign sword makes an effort extremely to seal spirit deep pool's ban. 空间被上古遮天图禁制时,帝九天召唤出从帝刀爵那里强行要来的极品圣器皇极剑,手持皇极剑用力的斩向了封印灵潭的禁制。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” The spirit deep pool banned that encounters emperor Nine Heavens full power to strike, fierce shivers, massive Array Talisman(s) appear in void, inspired the entire space to have the intense fluctuation. 灵潭禁制遭到帝九天全力一击,剧烈的颤抖起来,大量的阵纹浮现在虚空中,引动着整个空间发生了强烈的波动。 However the spirit deep pool banned that stems from the emperor to extinguish the hand of day Venerable, the might is enormous, by the emperor Nine Heavens strength, is unable to strike it breaks. 不过灵潭禁制出自帝灭天尊之手,威力极大,以帝九天的实力,也无法一击将其破开。 Devouring Void Insect, swallows to ban!” 噬空虫,吞禁!” Ye Chenfeng has not made emperor Nine Heavens continue broken to ban forcefully, will be swallowing the Saint beast essence and blood, Devouring Void Insect of slow transformation summoned, ordering it to swallow the ban outside spirit deep pool. 叶晨风没有让帝九天继续强行破禁,将正吞噬圣兽精血,缓慢蜕变的噬空虫召唤了出来,命令其吞噬灵潭外的禁制。 As Devouring Void Insect swallows the Saint beast essence and blood unceasingly, it bites to ban the ability to be getting stronger and stronger, under it swallows, the spirit deep pool banned that presented the gap. 随着噬空虫不断地吞食圣兽精血,它噬禁能力越来越强,在它吞噬下,灵潭禁制出现了缺口。 About about three days, formidable ban of Devouring Void Insect outside the spirit deep pool bit open half person of high gap, the emperor Nine Heavens regard moved, bringing Devouring Void Insect to enter icy coldly piercing, was flooding in the formidable day spiritual energy spirit deep pool. 大约三天左右,噬空虫将灵潭外强大的禁制咬开了半人多高的缺口,帝九天心意一动,带着噬空虫进入到了冰凉刺骨,充斥着强大天灵气的灵潭之中。 Emperor Nine Heavens, saw that the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable, according to planning to handle affairs, do not make him look at the terminal to doubt.” The Ye Chenfeng regard passes on the tone channel. “帝九天,见到帝灭天尊,按计划行事,不要让他看出端疑。”叶晨风心意传音道。 I understand!” “我明白!” Emperor Nine Heavens has adjusted a next in breath, is tearing ice-cold deep water, swims away to the deep pool bottom at the extremely quick speed. 九天调整了一下内息,撕裂着冰冷的潭水,以极快的速度向潭底游去。 Quick, changed to remnant shade emperor Nine Heavens to swim the jet black deep pool bottom together, saw portrays the massive innate marks, was sending out the dawn light jade, above the jade, lay down a whole body to cover the man in black light. 很快,化作一道残影的帝九天游到了漆黑的潭底,看到了一座刻画着大量先天之纹,散发着蒙蒙亮光的玉石,在玉石之上,躺着一名全身笼罩在黑光中的男子。 Emperor extinguishes the day Venerable, I came back!” “帝灭天尊,我回来了!” Looks at Nine Heavens god country truly control, the strength is by far his emperor to extinguish the day Venerable, emperor Nine Heavens is a little unavoidably afraid, sound low and deep saying. 看着九天神国真正的掌控者,实力远胜他的帝灭天尊,帝九天难免有点心虚,声音低沉的说道。 Emperor Nine Heavens, you have not died unexpectedly, these many years, where you went to!” “帝九天,你竟然没有死,这么多年,你去了哪里!” Is feeling the emperor Nine Heavens familiar aura, covered the man in black light has opened the double pupil of shutting tightly, was together vigorous, the permanent ancient sound sent out in his mouth, shakes the deep water fierce tumbling. 感受着帝九天熟悉的气息,笼罩在黑光中的男子睁开了紧闭的双眸,一道浑厚,恒古的声音在他嘴巴中发出,震得潭水剧烈的翻滚。 I was stranded in strategic place, few days ago just got out of trouble!” Emperor Nine Heavens thinks that good excuse said. “我被人困在了一处险地,前些日子才刚刚脱困!”帝九天将想好的说词道了出来。 Emperor did Nine Heavens, who have the strength to be stranded your these many people of years is?” The emperor extinguished the day Venerable to sit slowly, has revealed about 40 years old ages, seemed like the somewhat ordinary face. “帝九天,有实力困了你这么多岁月之人到底是谁?”帝灭天尊缓缓地坐了起来,露出了40岁左右年纪,看似有些普通的脸。 That person of status I am not clear, but that person of strength was too terrorist, I just like a child before him, does not have the strength of struggling!” Emperor Nine Heavens continues to narrate. “那人的身份我不清楚,但那人的实力太恐怖了,我在他面前犹如孩童,,毫无挣扎之力!”帝九天继续讲述道。 Since that person so fierce, why he suppresses you merely, but doesn't kill you?” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable asking of suspicion. “既然那人如此的厉害,那他为何仅仅将你镇压,而不将你杀死?”帝灭天尊怀疑的问道。 This I am not clear!” Emperor Nine Heavens ambiguous saying, genuine and fake make people not good to estimate. “这我就不清楚了!”帝九天含糊的说道,真真假假让人不好揣摩。 Emperor Nine Heavens, do you forgive my deep sleep today, what behavior?” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable saying: I think that you should not be talk about old days.” “帝九天,你今日饶我沉睡,所为何事?”帝灭天尊道:“我想你应该不是来叙旧的吧。” I look for you today, really has very important matter, discussed with you!” Emperor Nine Heavens said: Days before, Eight Majestic Divine Kingdom horizontally had been pushed, the antiquity demon Venerable to regain consciousness had not tried to take advantage, but that pushed the person of Eight Majestic Divine Kingdom horizontally, now comes to my Nine Heavens imperial palace to disturb, has killed grey Tiansheng.” “我今天来找你,确实有很重要的事,与你商量!”帝九天说道:“前几日,八岐神国被人横推了,上古魔尊苏醒都没有讨得便宜,而那个横推八岐神国之人,如今又来我九天皇宫捣乱,杀死了灰天圣。” Finally, my make a move captures alive him, but his status is a little special, I do not know how should handle, therefore looks for under your discussion!” “最终,我出手将他生擒,但他身份有点特殊,我不知道该如何处置,所以找你商议下!” His what status?” The emperor extinguished the day Venerable to ponder, asked. “他什么身份?”帝灭天尊沉思了一下,问道。 He has the relations with the Human Race genuine person probably secretly!” Emperor Nine Heavens said. “他好像与人族真正的幕后之人有关系!”帝九天说道。 Human Race that person of finally make a move!” The emperor extinguished the day Venerable to reveal the dignified color: Emperor Nine Heavens, brings to see me that person, I want to see him!” 人族那人终于出手了!”帝灭天尊露出了凝重之色道:“帝九天,将那人带来见我,我想要见见他!” I have brought him!” “我已经将他带来了!” Saying, twined Ye Chenfeng of formidable banned shackles to leave Universe Realm, lay down extinguished the day Venerable the front in the strength immeasurably deep emperor. 说着,缠绕住强大禁制枷锁的叶晨风离开了乾坤境,躺在了实力深不可测的帝灭天尊面前。
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