EDSG :: Volume #15

#1481: Time rule

Ye Shao, can you extinguish the day Venerable really to start to the emperor first?” “叶少,你真的要先对帝灭天尊下手?” Listens to the plan of Ye Chenfeng, the brow of emperor Nine Heavens closely twisted in one, saying that worried about. 听完叶晨风的计划,帝九天的眉头紧紧地拧在了一起,担忧的说道。 Although he and emperor extinguish the day Venerable only miss the Level 1 boundary, but the boundary is higher, the strength disparity of each level of boundary is bigger. 虽然他与帝灭天尊仅差一级境界,但境界越高,每级境界的实力差距越大。 Moreover the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable is Nine Heavens god country truly control, is grasping many unknown cards in a hand, the Nine Heavens god country most fearful God projection controls in his hands, wants to control difficultly him such as to ascend to heaven. 而且帝灭天尊是九天神国真正的掌控者,掌握着不少不为人知的底牌,还有九天神国最可怕天帝投影就掌控在他手中,想要将他控制难如登天。 Un, if I begin to emperor Profound Heaven first, extinguishes the strength that the day Venerable by the emperor, is very likely to realize that causes the major difficulty!” Ye Chenfeng nodded saying: With its this, might as well extinguish the day Venerable to begin to the strength strongest emperor first.” “嗯,如果我先们对帝玄天尊动手,以帝灭天尊的实力,极有可能察觉到,造成更大的困难!”叶晨风点了点头道:“与其这样,不如先对实力最强的帝灭天尊动手。” But, by your my strength, at all isn't the emperor extinguishes the match who the day Venerable?” Emperor Nine Heavens lacks confidence saying. “可是,以你我的实力,根本不是帝灭天尊的对手?”帝九天信心不足的说道。 Relax, my innate discretion, you only need according to prepare, we who I said certainly can control the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable!” Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath said. “放心吧,我自有分寸,你只需按照我说的去准备,我们就一定能控制帝灭天尊!”叶晨风深吸一口气道。 Good, I the thing that prepares the leaf to be short of you to need!” “好吧,我去准备叶少你需要的东西!” Saw that the Ye Chenfeng regard has decided that emperor Nine Heavens has not said anything again, went to the Nine Heavens god country hidden treasure palace directly, takes advantage of the status of first first ancestor, seeks for Ye Chenfeng in the treasure palace the thing. 看到叶晨风心意已决,帝九天没有再多说什么,直接前往了九天神国藏宝殿,依仗第一始祖的身份,在宝殿中寻找叶晨风所需之物。 Primordial Chaos Divine Wood, refining up the first Heavenly Sword embryo!” 混沌神木,炼化先天剑胎!” When emperor Nine Heavens leaves, Ye Chenfeng the Heavenly Sword embryo will take first, summoned Primordial Chaos Divine Wood, has swallowed the first Heavenly Sword embryo, carried on to refine in the tree body. 九天离开时,叶晨风将先天剑胎取了出来,召唤出混沌神木,吞噬了先天剑胎,在树体中进行炼化。 If refine to melt the first Heavenly Sword embryo, Ye Chenfeng were many a big card in a hand, the first Heavenly Sword embryo and silver Sword Soul fused, may display the silver Sword Soul strongest attack completely, becomes Assassin's mace that Ye Chenfeng strove to turn the tide. 如果炼化了先天剑胎,叶晨风就多了一大底牌,先天剑胎与白银剑魂融合,可完全发挥白银剑魂最强的攻击,成为叶晨风力挽狂澜的杀手锏。 Took in within the body Primordial Chaos Divine Wood, Ye Chenfeng took the branch of doubtful time Divine Wood, controlled the Devouring God Brain extremely fast deduction, seeped not any trace, seemed like in Ping Bai not wonderful branch, sensed the secret in branch. 混沌神木收进体内,叶晨风又将疑似时间神木的树枝取了出来,控制噬神脑极速推演,渗透进没有任何纹路,看似平白无奇的树枝中,感悟树枝中的秘密。 Several thousand amplifying induces every second after Devouring God Brain, continuously Soul Power seeped black branch most deep place, sensed in the branch the time speed of flow and outside is entirely different. 经过噬神脑每秒数万次振幅感应,缕缕灵魂力渗透进了黑色树枝最深处,感悟到了树枝中时间流速与外界截然不同。 At this time, Ye Chenfeng felt that in black branch seems breeding side Heaven and Earth, but this side Heaven and Earth time speed of flow, has been over two times of outside. 此时,叶晨风感觉,黑色树枝中仿佛孕育着一方天地,而这方天地的时间流速,超过了外界的两倍。 My feeling really not wrong, this is the branch of time Divine Wood.” “我的感觉果然没有错,这就是时间神木的树枝。” Determined that the origin of this branch, Ye Chenfeng revealed the thick excited color, the regard moved, enters to Universe Realm, perceives through meditation time rule that in the branch contained. 确定这树枝的来历,叶晨风露出了浓浓的激动之色,心意一动,进入到乾坤境中,参悟起树枝中蕴含的时间规则。 The time rule is more mysterious than the space rule, is divided into the time to accelerate, the time slows down with the time static tertiary boundary. 时间规则比空间规则还要玄妙,分为时间加速,时间减缓和时间静止三重境界。 Although time regular boundary are few, but wants to understand the time rule difficultly such as to ascend to heaven, even if big energy in Void God, few people understand the time rule completely. 虽然时间规则境界较少,但想要参透时间规则难如登天,就算虚神界中的大能,也没有几人完全参透时间规则。 Is good undergoes transformations because of Devouring God Brain, the deduction strength becomes goes against heaven's will extremely, in Devouring God Brain deduces under the fumble unceasingly, the comprehension of Ye Chenfeng to time rule is getting deeper and deeper. 好在噬神脑经过一次次蜕变,推演力变得极其逆天,在噬神脑不断地推演摸索下,叶晨风对时间规则的领悟越来越深。 ...... …… „Hasn't father sovereign, this seven days, why the first ancestor given us to handle that Ye Chenfeng?” “父皇,这都七天了,始祖为何还不将那叶晨风交给我们处置?” Emperor blade nobility and the others waited for patiently seven day time, actually cannot wait for emperor Nine Heavens, this made the emperor blade nobility smell a unusual aura. 帝刀爵等人耐心等待了七日时间,却迟迟未能等来帝九天,这让帝刀爵嗅到了一丝不寻常的气息。 Yeah, the thoughts of first ancestor I cannot guess!” Emperor day Yang sighed gently a sound track: That Ye Chenfeng secret are too perhaps many, the first ancestor suddenly could not digest, has not given us to handle him.” “哎,始祖的心思我揣测不到!”帝天央轻轻叹息一声道:“也许那叶晨风身上的秘密太多,始祖一时间消化不了,才迟迟没有将他交给我们处置。” Father sovereign, you said on that Ye Chenfeng to hide any secret, why the short several years time, he rises suddenly, amazes the world with a single brilliant feat, we by far are not his match!” “父皇,你说那叶晨风身上到底隐藏着什么秘密,为何短短数年时间,他突然崛起,一鸣惊人,就连我们都远远不是他的对手!” The emperor blade nobility also wants to obtain Ye Chenfeng secret, breaks the boundary shackles, broke through to the boundary of 4-Star Tiansheng. 帝刀爵也想得到叶晨风身上的秘密,打破境界的枷锁,突破到四星天圣之境。 This Ye Chenfeng should have the relations with the Goddess of Luoshui River!” Emperor day Yang guessed. “这叶晨风应该与洛神有关系!”帝天央猜测道。 Father sovereign, you were said that this Ye Chenfeng was the Goddess of Luoshui River apprentice?” The emperor blade nobility knows the Goddess of Luoshui River status, asking of brow tight wrinkle. “父皇,你是说这叶晨风是洛神的徒弟?”帝刀爵知道洛神的身份,眉头紧皱的问道。 No!” Emperor day Yang shook the head saying: Goddess of Luoshui River strength, although is strong, but did not have to teaching this apprentice who formidable went against heaven's will, I think that this Ye Chenfeng is secretly related with the Goddess of Luoshui River person.” “不!”帝天央摇了摇头道:“洛神实力虽强,但还没有强大到教出这等逆天的徒弟,我想这叶晨风与洛神幕后之人有关。” Goddess of Luoshui River secretly person!” The emperor blade nobility holds breath a cool gas channel: Father sovereign, you were said that the Goddess of Luoshui River also had the Human Race big energy secretly.” “洛神幕后之人!”帝刀爵倒吸一口凉气道:“父皇,你是说洛神幕后还有人族大能。” If behind the Goddess of Luoshui River nobody, he already died, the inheritance of Human Race also extinguished!” Emperor day Yang said: „But who behind the Goddess of Luoshui River the person is, two big days revere are not clear, why this is also three big god countries not to the real cause that Human Race is ruthless.” “如果洛神背后没有人,他早就死了,人族的传承也就灭了!”帝天央说道:“但洛神背后之人是谁,就连两大天尊也不清楚,这也是为何三大神国没有对人族赶尽杀绝的真正原因。” Father sovereign, if this world also has the Human Race big energy that the Goddess of Luoshui River is more formidable , the situations in our three big god countries' are very dangerous!” Saying that the emperor blade nobility somewhat worries about. “父皇,如果这个世界还有比洛神强大的人族大能,那我们三大神国的处境岂不是很危险!”帝刀爵有些担忧的说道。 In the past our three clans put to death the Human Race big energy, the true goal wants to draw out the Human Race genuine protector to eradicate him secretly, but does not know that stemming from the what kind reason, that person has not come, I think that person of situation was not good, or had scruples.” Emperor day Yang analyzes saying: This Ye Chenfeng strange rising, is very unusual, I thought Human Race secretly that person of make a move.” “当年我们三族诛杀人族大能,真正的目的是想引出人族幕后真正的守护者将他铲除,但不知出于何等原因,那人迟迟未曾现身,我想那人的处境也不好,或者有所顾忌。”帝天央分析道:“不过这叶晨风诡异的崛起,很不寻常,我想人族幕后那人出手了。” My Nine Heavens god country strikes to kill that person of spokesman, can the Nine Heavens god country bring to me greatly troublesome!” Listens to emperor day Yang to analyze, emperor blade nobility worry. “那我九天神国击杀那人的代言人,会不会给我九天神国带来大麻烦!”听完帝天央分析,帝刀爵更加的担心。 Relax, my Nine Heavens god country is not the soft persimmon, if borders on to cut off the foundation inheritance really the crisis, some people will rescue our.” Emperor day Yang knows many secrets, will not be the future of Nine Heavens god country's was worried. “放心吧,我九天神国不是软柿子,如果真的濒临断绝根基传承的危机,会有人救我们的。”帝天央知道不少秘密,并不为九天神国的未来担心。 Father sovereign, you were said that......” emperor blade nobility eye one bright, has thought of an important information. “父皇,你是说……”帝刀爵眼睛一亮,想到了一个重要的信息。 „The Heaven Territory front door is my Heaven Clan seal, can say that all of central world in the line of sight of my Heaven Clan, why this is also my Nine Heavens god country is three big god countries' the real cause of eminent!” Emperor day Yang disclosed an important information to emperor blade nobility. 天域大门是我天族封印的,可以说中央世界的一切都在我天族的视线中,这也是为何我九天神国一直是三大神国的翘楚的真正原因!”帝天央向帝刀爵透露了一个重要的信息。 But as a result of emperor Nine Heavens early by the Ye Wuji seal, the Heaven Territory front door was afterward by Heaven Clan greatly can the seal, therefore he did not know this secret. 而由于帝九天早早被叶无极封印,天域大门又是后来被天族大能封印的,所以他并不知道这个秘密。 Also about the time, Ye Chenfeng such as the sculpture will be ordinary in seven days, sits in same place motionless, under the Devouring God Brain extremely fast deduction, full power understands the time rule of time Divine Wood branch implication. 又过了七天左右时间,叶晨风如雕塑一般,坐在原地一动不动,在噬神脑极速推演下,全力参透时间神木树枝蕴含的时间规则。 After perceiving through meditation of half a month time, Ye Chenfeng had certain comprehension to the time rule, his body surrounding space had the subtle confusion, the time speed of flow sped up one time. 经过近半个月时间的参悟,叶晨风对时间规则有了一定的领悟,他身体周围的空间更是发生了微妙的错乱,时间流速加快了一倍。 Shouted, finally grasped a time of time speed of flow, according to this speed, it is estimated that again had half a month, I should be able to understand two times of time speed of flow of time branch implication, Primordial Chaos Divine Wood should also be able to refine the first Heavenly Sword embryo completely!” “呼,终于掌握了一倍时间流速,照这个速度,估计再有半个月,我应该就能参透时间树枝蕴含的两倍时间流速了,混沌神木应该也能完全炼化先天剑胎了!” Felt that the body surrounding time speed of flow change and change of Heavenly Sword embryo, Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, has closed the eye first, controls Devouring God Brain to continue to deduce to understand the time rule. 感觉到身体周围的时间流速变化和先天剑胎的变化,叶晨风深吸一口气,闭上了眼睛,控制噬神脑继续推演参透时间规则。 In these days of Ye Chenfeng practice, the emperor Nine Heavens use status, looked everywhere Nine Heavens god country Hidden treasure house, collected Ye Chenfeng basically the thing, in the cave mansion waited for patiently Ye Chenfeng goes out. 叶晨风修炼的这些天中,帝九天利用身份,找遍了九天神国藏宝库,基本凑齐了叶晨风所需之物,在洞府中耐心等待叶晨风出关。 When several nearly one month, banned that the space the antiquity remnant chart vanished, wears the white long gown, bursting with life Ye Chenfeng walked. 在几近一个月时间时,禁制空间的上古残图消失了,身穿白色长袍,神采奕奕的叶晨风走了出来。 Although the Ye Chenfeng boundary has not changed, when emperor Nine Heavens looks to him, actually felt that his makings had not the small change, seems inspiring a change of Heaven and Earth rule, the innermost feelings somewhat are slightly surprised. 虽然叶晨风境界没有变化,但帝九天看向他时,却感觉他气质发生了不小的变化,举手投足间仿佛引动着一种天地规则的变化,内心微微有些吃惊。
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