EDSG :: Volume #15

#1480: Emperor nine days of thoughts of returning home

Emperor blade nobility, you have anything to take advantage, fast shouted, otherwise do not blame me to destroy your Nine Heavens imperial palace!” “帝刀爵,你还有什么依仗,速速喊出来吧,否则别怪我摧毁了你九天皇宫!” The powerful struck to kill the 6-Star Tiansheng, Ye Chenfeng has taken away his relic, was pale to the complexion the vision projection, on the forehead emitted beads of sweat the emperor blade nobility, overbearing incomparable saying. 强势击杀了六星天圣,叶晨风收走了他的遗物,将目光投射向了脸色铁青,额头上冒出颗颗汗珠的帝刀爵,霸道无匹的说道。 This time emperor blade nobility, still one types are in the feeling in dreamland, until his still unable to believe, Ye Chenfeng unexpectedly struck to kill the protector of his Nine Heavens emperor's clan at this moment, 6-Star Tiansheng boundary big energy. 此时的帝刀爵,依然有一种身在梦境中的感觉,直到此时此刻他依然无法相信,叶晨风竟然击杀了他九天皇族的守护者,六星天圣境界的大能。 God sovereign, the first ancestor does not come, we awaken the deep sleep two big days Venerable the first ancestor!” “神皇陛下,始祖迟迟不现身,我们是不是唤醒沉睡的两大天尊始祖!” Wears the dark golden flood dragon imperial robe, keeps Nine Heavens god country Preceptor of wisp of long fine beard to send greetings to being utterly confused emperor blade nobility said. 身穿暗金色蛟龙袍,留着一缕长髯的九天神国国师传音给心乱如麻的帝刀爵道。 Also can only so!” “也只能如此了!” The emperor blade nobility resents stared Ye Chenfeng, clenches teeth to prepare to awaken the two big days of deep sleep in imperial palace forbidden area Venerable the first ancestor, strikes to kill Ye Chenfeng, flies upwards for the emperor, the 6-Star Tiansheng revenged. 帝刀爵愤恨的瞪了一眼叶晨风,一咬牙就准备唤醒沉睡在皇宫禁区中的两大天尊始祖,击杀叶晨风,为帝飞扬,六星天圣报仇。 Buzz humming sound!” “嗡嗡嗡!” Suddenly, the horizon space of distant place had moving restlessly, the big hand that strength of the day condenses raids like the long line, grasping of blocking the sky has approached Ye Chenfeng. 突然,远处的天边空间发生了躁动,一只天之力凝聚的大手如长龙般袭来,遮天蔽日的抓向了叶晨风 Demon ba, comes back!” “魔魃,回来!” Obstructs the day big hand to hold Ye Chenfeng shortly, he summoned demon ba rapidly, ordering its hand-held bronze ancient coffin full power attack to obstruct the day big hand. 眼看遮天大手抓住叶晨风,他迅速召唤回了魔魃,命令其手持青铜古棺全力攻击遮天大手。 Silver Sword Soul, cuts!” “白银剑魂,斩!” When demon ba firmly resist obstructs the day big hand, Ye Chenfeng controls silver Sword Soul to plunder to empty on, turned into one zhang (3.33 m) galaxy sword shade, the obstructing day big hand that a sword will shiver fiercely broke out. 魔魃硬憾遮天大手时,叶晨风控制白银剑魂掠空而上,化成了一丈星河剑影,一剑将剧烈颤抖的遮天大手劈开了。 First ancestor, first ancestor finally make a move!” “始祖,始祖终于出手了!” Although emperor blade nobility cannot think through, why emperor Nine Heavens make a move helps one another now, but emperor Nine Heavens make a move, let emperor blade nobility innermost feelings Dading, felt relieved thoroughly. 虽然帝刀爵想不通,为何帝九天现在才出手相助,但帝九天出手,让帝刀爵内心大定,彻底放下心来。 „Who you are, why arrives at the Nine Heavens imperial palace to disturb!” “你们是什么人,为何来到九天皇宫捣乱!” Wore the white long gown, the whole body covers emperor Nine Heavens in white light appeared, was treading pure white cloud, was overlooking Ye Chenfeng, braced oneself acts in a play with him. 身穿白色长袍,全身笼罩在白光中的帝九天出现了,踏着一朵洁白的云彩,俯视着叶晨风,硬着头皮与他演戏。 „It is not I must disturb, but is your Nine Heavens emperor's clan goes too far to me in the deathtrap.” “不是我要捣乱,而是你九天皇族欺人太甚想要致我于死地。” Ye Chenfeng brow tight wrinkle, the complexion looks dignifiedly emperor Nine Heavens said that letting the person is unable from his face to see an end doubts. 叶晨风眉头紧皱,脸色凝重的看着帝九天道,让人无法从他脸上看出一丝端疑。 First ancestor, do not listen to his utter nonsense! This person has killed to fly upwards with Tiansheng Sir, but also asked first ancestor make a move to strike to kill this person.” The emperor blade nobility is looking angrily at Ye Chenfeng, the loud request said. “始祖,你不要听他一派胡言!此人已杀死飞扬和天圣大人,还请始祖出手将此人击杀。”帝刀爵怒视着叶晨风,大声请求道。 Gave me!” “交给我了!” Saying, an emperor Nine Heavens big hand pressure, the strength of fearful day from all directions crazy wells up, turned into the big hand of fearful day, having the suffocating constriction, the suppression to approach Ye Chenfeng. 说着,帝九天大手一压,可怕的天之力从四面八方疯狂的涌来,化成了可怕的天之大手,带着让人窒息的压迫感,镇压向了叶晨风 „!” “嗷嗷嗷!” Hand of suppression day comes, demon ba has exuded the savage whooshing sound, grasps bronze ancient Guan to move forward to meet somebody, wants Emperor firmly resist the attack of Nine Heavens. 天之手镇压而来,魔魃发出了凶残的嘶吼声,手持青铜古棺迎了上去,想要硬憾九天的攻击。 Although the demon ba strength is fearful, but in the body has him of tertiary seal, can only display the 6-Star demon Saint peak strength, cannot resist the attack of emperor Nine Heavens terror. 魔魃实力虽然可怕,但身体中有三重封印的他,只能发挥六星魔圣巅峰战力,根本抵挡不住帝九天恐怖的攻击。 Bronze ancient Guan who merely more than ten breath, demon ba wields was pounded to fly by the hand of fearful day, but he was fallen by hand of seal day in the hard ground maliciously, smashed deeply not to see the bottom big hole the ground. 仅仅十多个呼吸,魔魃挥动的青铜古棺就被可怕的天之手砸飞了出去,而他更是被天之手狠狠地印落在坚硬的地面上,将地面砸出了一个深不见底大坑。 First ancestor military might!” “始祖威武!” First ancestor is invincible!” “始祖无敌!” Witnesses emperor Nine Heavens powerful heavy injury demon ba, hides the Nine Heavens emperor's clan expert innermost feelings Dading in the distant place surrounding, waves the flag and shouts in the distant place unceasingly, cheers for emperor Nine Heavens. 目睹帝九天强势重创魔魃的一幕,躲在远处围观的九天皇族高手内心大定,不断在远处摇旗呐喊,为帝九天助威。 Ye Chenfeng, when the first ancestor seizes you, I have 10,000 methods, making you be in deep sorrow!” 叶晨风,等始祖擒住你,我有10000种方法,让你痛不欲生!” In emperor blade nobility eye is glittering the color of ominous offense, does not believe that Ye Chenfeng also has the method of striving to turn the tide. 帝刀爵眼睛中闪烁着凶戾之色,不相信叶晨风还有力挽狂澜的手段。 [Say / Way] of plate day!” “天之道盘!” Bang flying demon ba, the emperor Nine Heavens both hands fast congealment, transfers the strength of fearful day, condenses such as the [say / way] of plate space black hole general day, twisted one li (0.5km) many space, the bang is killing to Ye Chenfeng. 轰飞魔魃,帝九天双手快速的凝结,调动可怕的天之力,凝聚出如空间黑洞一般的天之道盘,扭曲着一里多的空间,轰杀向了叶晨风 Nine Dragons Jade Annulus , gives me to break to pieces!” 九龙玉璧,给我碎!” Ye Chenfeng summoned monster emperor furnace intentionally, continuous injected the skill in Daoist cultivation to Nine Dragons Jade Annulus , congealed to kill the crazy dragon certainly, was shelling the [say / way] of plate day, wanted to be broken its bang. 叶晨风故意召唤回妖帝炉,源源不断的向九龙玉璧中注入道力,凝结着一条条绝杀狂龙,轰击着天之道盘,想要将其轰碎。 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” Deafening demolition sound resounds in midair unceasingly. 震耳欲聋的爆破声不断在半空中响起。 Kill crazy Dragon Yaokong certainly on, is shelling the [say / way] of plate day unceasingly, has cracked the [say / way] of plate bang day stiffly a fissure. 一条条绝杀狂龙遥空而上,不断轰击着天之道盘,硬生生将天之道盘轰裂了道道裂痕。 Must look under the Nine Dragons Jade Annulus continuous attack, the [say / way] of plate day was shattered, emperor Nine Heavens such as wipes flowing light, suddenly appears side Ye Chenfeng, Palm Seal has approached him. 要看在九龙玉璧持续不断攻击下,天之道盘破碎,帝九天如一抹流光,突然出现在叶晨风身边,一掌印向了他。 Facing an emperor Nine Heavens palm sneak attack, Ye Chenfeng has not dodged, whatever this palm hits own chest, face upwards to spout a blood, has flown upside down, falling of heavily on the ground. 面对帝九天一掌偷袭,叶晨风没有闪躲,任由这一掌击中自己的胸口,仰天喷出一口鲜血,倒飞了出去,重重的摔在了地上。 Ban!” “禁制!” Holds heavy injury Ye Chenfeng, emperor Nine Heavens immediately transfers the strength of day, has formed shackles, tied up to tie Ye Chenfeng, demon ba that as well as roared angrily, and took away bronze ancient Guan who the degree of hardness endured to compare Top Grade Saint. 一掌重创叶晨风,帝九天立即调动天之力,形成了一条条枷锁,缚束了叶晨风,以及愤怒咆哮的魔魃,并收走了硬度堪比极品圣器的青铜古棺。 First ancestor, this person and I have to kill the enmity of child, the first ancestor whether to give me to handle it!” “始祖,此人与我有杀子之仇,始祖可否将其交给我处置!” Sees emperor Nine Heavens success heavy injury Ye Chenfeng, the emperor blade nobility innermost feelings great happiness, immediately goes forward to request. 看到帝九天成功重创叶晨风,帝刀爵内心大喜,立即上前请求道。 I pressed for an answer his secret, naturally will give you to handle him!” “等我逼问出他身上的秘密,自然会将他交给你处置!” Saying, emperor Nine Heavens has curled up white light, bringing Ye Chenfeng, demon ba to vanish outside the chaotic palace, returning to him to practice in the cave mansion that. 说着,帝九天卷起了一道白光,带着叶晨风,魔魃消失在混乱的金殿之外,回到了他修炼的洞府之中。 Good the emperor to be old, unties the shackles!” “好了帝老,解开枷锁吧!” After emperor Nine Heavens opening cave mansion bans, Ye Chenfeng has opened the double pupil of shutting tightly, looks that the complexion is passing helpless emperor Nine Heavens dignifiedly, orders to say slowly. 九天开启洞府禁制后,叶晨风睁开了紧闭的双眸,看着脸色凝重又透着一丝无奈的帝九天,缓缓地命令道。 Is Ye Shao!” Emperor Nine Heavens deeply sighed, has untied the shackles of day, restored Ye Chenfeng and demon ba freedom. “是叶少!”帝九天深深地叹息一声,解开了天之枷锁,恢复了叶晨风和魔魃的自由。 Emperor is old, are you feeling are very now aggrieved, is very helpless?” “帝老,你现在是不是感觉很憋屈,又很无奈?” Ye Chenfeng transmitted in demon ba Universe Realm, revealed the happy expression to look slowly emperor Nine Heavens said. 叶晨风将魔魃传送回了乾坤境中,露着徐徐笑意看着帝九天道。 Yeah, Ye Shao, you such did to compel the dead end me!” Emperor Nine Heavens shook the head, somewhat helpless saying. “哎,叶少,你这么做是将我逼上了绝路!”帝九天摇了摇头,有些无奈的说道。 Emperor is old, although on you are flowing the Heaven Clan bloodlines, but the Nine Heavens god country is not your, you protect the Nine Heavens god country heartfeltly, what can obtain?” Saying that Ye Chenfeng taught with skill and patience: However if you heartfelt in me, when I one day dominate Nine Heavens, steps the summit of Martial Dao, I can the advantage that you you are unable to imagine, can make you fly upwards Heaven Territory, is on a more splendid stage.” “帝老,你身上虽然流淌着天族血脉,但九天神国不是你的,你衷心守护九天神国,能得到什么呢?”叶晨风循循善诱的说道:“而你如果衷心于我,等我有一天凌驾九天,踏上武道之巅,我可以给你很多你无法想象的好处,更能让你飞升天域,登上更精彩的舞台。” Really......” “真的……” Person who emperor Nine Heavens is also one has the ambition, thinks some day, steps the God and even God boundary, but these Heaven Clan are unable to give him. 九天也是一个有野心的人,也想有朝一日,踏上天帝乃至天主之境,而这些天族是无法给予他。 You did not know about me that can suspect my words, but you should the clear my father's strength, have my father to shelter me, do you think me to be able unsuccessfully the life?” “你对我不了解,可以怀疑我的话,但你应该清楚我父亲的实力,有我父亲庇护我,你觉得我会碌碌无为一生吗?” In order to let the emperor Nine Heavens complete thoughts of returning home, Ye Chenfeng has carried out his father Ye Wuji. 为了让帝九天完全归心,叶晨风搬出了他的父亲叶无极 Ye Shao, what do you want me to make?” “叶少,你要我做什么?” Thinks that Ye Wuji exceedingly high strength, emperor Nine Heavens innermost feelings fiery, in the profound double pupil also jumps shoots to make a debut a none remaining. 想到叶无极通天的实力,帝九天内心火热了起来,深邃的双眸中也迸射出道道精光。 I must control the Nine Heavens emperor's clan, then to Eight Majestic Divine Kingdom, the Qilin god country launches the country war!” Ye Chenfeng catches the expression change of emperor Nine Heavens, showed the light smiling face to say. “我要掌控九天皇族,然后向八岐神国,麒麟神国发动国战!”叶晨风捕捉到帝九天的表情变化,露出了淡淡的笑容道。 Ye Shao, want to control the Nine Heavens emperor's clan not to be easy, we must first control the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable with emperor Profound Heaven, the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable is the 2-Star day Venerable, strength by far with me, but he is Nine Heavens god country truly control, is emperor Profound Heaven, the strength also with me about the same!” Saying that emperor Nine Heavens worried. “叶少,想要掌控九天皇族可不容易,我们首先要控制帝灭天尊和帝玄天尊,其中帝灭天尊都是二星天尊,实力远胜与我,而他是九天神国真正的掌控者,就是帝玄天尊,实力也与我在伯仲之间!”帝九天有所顾虑的说道。 Has not related, so long as we plan well, there is an opportunity to control the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable.” “没关系,只要我们好好计划一下,还是有机会控制帝灭天尊的。” Ye Chenfeng self-confident saying, discussed with emperor Nine Heavens plan that controls two big day of Venerable. 叶晨风自信的说道,与帝九天商讨起控制两大天尊的计划来。
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