EDSG :: Volume #15

#1479: Struck to kill Tiansheng

!” “噗!” The firmly resist grey clothes old man tyrannical attack , the Ye Chenfeng body trembles, a blood has sprayed. 硬憾灰衣老者强横的攻击,叶晨风身体一颤,一口鲜血喷洒了出来。 Has been injured, he was injured finally!” “受伤了,他终于受伤了!” Saw that Ye Chenfeng was wounded by the grey clothes old man, the emperor blade nobility has revealed the fierce color. 看到叶晨风被灰衣老者击伤,帝刀爵露出了狰狞之色。 But when he vision projection to demon ba, on face once more gloomy, under the demon ba fierce offensive, rounds banned plates unceasingly shatter, middle-level Saint beast Tianlong was flown by demon ba bang, the scale of whole body damages unceasingly, the massive blood have flowed. 但他将目光投射向魔魃时,脸上再次阴沉了下来,在魔魃凶猛的攻势下,一轮轮禁制阵盘不断地破碎,中级圣兽天龙更是被魔魃一次次轰飞,全身的鳞片不断地破损,大量的鲜血流淌了出来。 Father sovereign, here gives me, you cave mansion that goes to the first ancestor to practice has a look, to have a look at the first ancestor how, why does not come to assist!” “父皇,这里交给我,你去始祖修炼的洞府看看,看看始祖怎么了,为何迟迟不现身相助!” The demon Kui's strength exceeds the imagination, wants to destroy him, only then emperor Nine Heavens or two big deep sleep days revere to regain consciousness are good. 魔魁的实力超出想象,想要毁灭他,只有帝九天或者两大沉睡天尊苏醒才行。 Good!” “好!” Emperor day Yang nodded, foot pedal virtual light, flies to the cave mansion of emperor Nine Heavens practice at the extremely quick speed. 帝天央点了点头,脚踏虚光,以极快的速度向帝九天修炼的洞府飞去。 At this time, the grey clothes old man transferred the fearful Heaven and Earth situation, started the fatal three double hit to Ye Chenfeng, wanted to strike to kill him at one fell swoop. 这时,灰衣老者调动可怕的天地大势,向叶晨风发动致命的三连击,想要一举将他击杀。 Turned into the long line tide facing the Heaven and Earth situation, Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, deduces the pinnacle three big Spirit Level Dao Chart, turned into the sea of boundless Dao Intent before the body, hits with the Heaven and Earth situation together, was startled the boundless rough sea waves. 面对天地大势化成了长龙般的潮汐,叶晨风深吸一口气,将三大灵级道图推演到极致,在身前化成了无边的道意之海,与天地大势撞击到一起,惊起了无边的巨浪。 After strikes, the grey clothes old man entire body integrates in the Heaven and Earth situation completely, the amplification the might of Heaven and Earth situation, is continuing the sea of Dao Intent shells Ye Chenfeng to evolve, the fearful strength has torn a fissure the sea of Dao Intent stiffly. 一击过后,灰衣老者整个身子完全融入天地大势中,增幅着天地大势的威力,继续轰击着叶晨风演化的道意之海,可怕的力量硬生生将道意之海撕裂了道道裂痕。 ancient Mingqu!” “古冥曲!” Saw the sea of Dao Intent Ye Chenfeng evolves by Heaven and Earth situation tearing of grey clothes old man incarnation, the Devouring God Brain extremely fast deduction, was evolved ancient Mingqu to shell in the Heaven and Earth situation, is weakening the Heaven and Earth situation might. 眼看叶晨风演化的道意之海被灰衣老者化身的天地大势撕裂,噬神脑极速推演,演化着古冥曲轰击在天地大势中,削弱着天地大势的威力。 Day potential cuts the landscape!” “天势斩河山!” The continual twofold attack was melted by Ye Chenfeng, the grey clothes old man body dodges, with the body blade, transfers the fearful Heaven and Earth situation to blend in the same place, turned into a handle invincible Saint blade, cuts to break all nihilities, has broken the sea of Dao Intent ancient Mingqu and Ye Chenfeng evolved, cut to the head of Ye Chenfeng. 连续两重攻击都被叶晨风化解,灰衣老者身子一闪,以身化刀,调动可怕的天地大势交融在一起,化成了一柄无敌的圣刀,斩破着一切的虚无,破开了古冥曲和叶晨风演化的道意之海,斩向了叶晨风的脑袋。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The grating sword whining noise resounds together, the critical time, silver Sword Soul grazes the Ye Chenfeng soul sea, such as wipes mobile Milky Way, hits on day potential Saint blade that in the grey clothes old man turned into by the body, the powerful broke the grey clothes old man third strikes. 一道刺耳的剑鸣声响起,危急时刻,白银剑魂飞掠出叶晨风魂海,如一抹流动的银河,撞击在了灰衣老者以身化成的天势圣刀上,强势破掉了灰衣老者的第三击。 „The silver Sword Soul might is really fearful!” “白银剑魂的威力果然可怕!” Grey clothes old man pupil shrinks, on the old face has revealed the gloomy color, like the large snake, reaches the Top Grade Saint rank the walking stick to appear in his hands, a stick attack has approached Ye Chenfeng. 灰衣老者瞳孔一缩,苍老的脸上露出了阴沉之色,一根如长蛇般,达到极品圣器等级的手杖出现在他手中,一杖攻击向了叶晨风 divine ability, mirror image!” 神通,镜像!” The grey clothes old man grasps large snake stick near body, Ye Chenfeng splits the mirror image immediately, grasps the Longji Saint sword, one on the left and other on the right attacked to approach the grey clothes old man. 灰衣老者手持长蛇杖近身,叶晨风立即分裂出镜像,手持龙脊圣剑,一左一右攻击向了灰衣老者。 Un, this is any divine ability!” “嗯,这是什么神通!” The grey clothes old man discovered that the mirror image that Ye Chenfeng splits, the strength has achieved a 5-Star Saint unexpectedly, on the old face has revealed the color of shock once more, the extremely fast revolution blue sky Secret Art, is promoting the attack speed, is melting Ye Chenfeng and mirror image double-barreled attacks. 灰衣老者发现,叶晨风分裂的镜像,实力竟然达到了五星道圣,苍老的脸上再次露出了震惊之色,极速运转青天诀,提升着攻击速度,化解着叶晨风与镜像双重攻击。 Primordial Chaos Blood, combustion!” 鸿蒙之血,燃烧!” The grey clothes old man after all was the 6-Star Tiansheng, the inside story was uncommon, attacks the style to emerge one after another incessantly. 灰衣老者毕竟是六星天圣,底蕴不凡,攻击招式更是层出不穷。 Has battled a meeting, Ye Chenfeng and mirror image is unable to suppress his offensive with joint forces, the Ye Chenfeng not again delaying time, has burnt Primordial Chaos Blood, further promotes the strength. 激战了一会,叶晨风与镜像合力都无法压制他的攻势,叶晨风没有再耽搁时间,燃烧了鸿蒙之血,进一步提升实力。 The Primordial Chaos Blood combustion, the Ye Chenfeng strength has reached the 6-Star Saint limit instantaneously, the human body strength has been 900 million jin (0.5 kg), had the most fearful endless skill in Daoist cultivation. 鸿蒙之血燃烧,叶晨风的实力瞬间达到了六星道圣极限,肉体力量达到了900000000斤,更拥有了最可怕的无尽道力。 Game can end, making me deliver you to go to hell!” “游戏可以结束了,让我送你下地狱吧!” The Ye Chenfeng regard moved, summons Top Grade Saint treasure Nine Dragons Jade Annulus , continuous injected the endless skill in Daoist cultivation to Nine Dragons Jade Annulus , was separating void, was stimulating the Nine Dragons Jade Annulus strongest striking power, condensed eight to kill the crazy dragon certainly, howled the bombardment to approach the grey clothes old man. 叶晨风心意一动,召唤出了极品圣宝九龙玉璧,源源不断的向九龙玉璧中注入无尽的道力,隔断着虚空,激发着九龙玉璧最强的攻击力,凝聚出八条绝杀狂龙,呼啸着轰击向了灰衣老者。 „The snake of direct access to the highest authorities!” “通天之蛇!” Looks eight are evolving the Heaven and Earth situation kills crazy Dragon Xilai certainly, the grey clothes old man injects the formidable skill in Daoist cultivation to the snake stick immediately, controlled the snake stick to turn into snake of the direct access to the highest authorities, circled before the body, the turnover the endless skill in Daoist cultivation, was resisting eight to kill the crazy dragon attack certainly. 看着八条演化着天地大势的绝杀狂龙袭来,灰衣老者立即向蛇杖中注入强大的道力,控制蛇杖化成了一条通天之蛇,盘旋在身前,吞吐着无尽的道力,抵御着八条绝杀狂龙攻击。 Two big attacks in void intense to reprimanding, when is tearing the space, the mirror image does not give a thought to the body damage, suddenly approached the grey clothes old man, launches the fatal attack to him. 两大攻击在虚空中激烈对斥,撕裂着空间时,镜像不顾身体损伤,突然逼近了灰衣老者,向他发动致命的攻击。 Under the mirror image attack, the grey clothes old man diverts attention immediately, at this time, Ye Chenfeng continued to Nine Dragons Jade Annulus injects the endless skill in Daoist cultivation, controlled Nine Dragons Jade Annulus to continue to condense to kill the crazy dragon certainly, the bang broke to pieces the exceedingly high snake that the snake stick turned into at one fell swoop, shelled on his old body. 在镜像攻击下,灰衣老者立即分心,这时,叶晨风继续向九龙玉璧中注入无尽的道力,控制九龙玉璧继续凝聚一条条绝杀狂龙,一举轰碎了蛇杖化成的通天之蛇,轰击在他苍老的身体上。 puff!” “噗噗噗!” Although the grey robe old man the strength is uncommon, has reached the 6-Star Tiansheng peak, how the Nine Dragons Jade Annulus striking power to be really terrorist, encounters kills the crazy dragon attack that continuously the innate mark condenses certainly, his body defense breaks immediately, the entire body was shaken has covered entirely the fissure, lost the control. 灰袍老者虽然实力不凡,达到了六星天圣巅峰,奈何九龙玉璧的攻击力实在恐怖,连续遭到先天之纹凝聚的绝杀狂龙攻击,他的身体防御立即破碎,整个身体更是被震得布满了裂痕,失去了控制。 Saint ancestor!” “圣祖!” The emperor blade nobility saw that grey clothes old man was killed crazy Dragon Hongfei certainly, the innermost feelings one tight, communicates his father emperor day Yang hastily, making him pick up the speed to ask emperor Nine Heavens to come to manage the general situation. 帝刀爵看到灰衣老者被绝杀狂龙轰飞,内心一紧,连忙沟通他父亲帝天央,让他加快速度请帝九天前来主持大局。 But this time emperor day Yang has been denied entrance, how is him to seek help, emperor Nine Heavens does not pay attention. 但此时的帝天央吃了闭门羹,任他如何的求助,帝九天都毫不理会。 „!” “嗷嗷!” In the grey clothes old man cannot resist the Nine Dragons Jade Annulus continuous attack, fearful demon ba has crushed all plates of ban, wields bronze ancient Guan, pounded to fly the Tianlong of dripping with blood, the huge body pounded to collapse a distant place palace directly. 就在灰衣老者抵挡不住九龙玉璧连续攻击时,可怕的魔魃粉碎了所有的禁制之盘,挥动青铜古棺,将鲜血淋漓的天龙砸飞了出去,庞大的身躯直接将远处一座金殿砸塌了。 Monster emperor furnace, suppresses Heaven and Earth!” “妖帝炉,镇压天地!” Cannot resist the Nine Dragons Jade Annulus fierce attack when the grey robe old man, sprouts has drawn back imagines to leave, Ye Chenfeng wholeheartedly multipurpose, summoned the Top Grade Saint treasure monster emperor furnace, awoke violently the purple pupil profound rhinocero soul, suppressed to the grey robe old man, did not break through to him the opportunity of leaving. 就在灰袍老者抵挡不住九龙玉璧凶猛的攻击,萌生了退意想要离开时,叶晨风一心多用,召唤出了极品圣宝妖帝炉,激醒了紫眸玄犀魂,镇压向了灰袍老者,不给他突围离开的机会。 How possible, by his strength, how possibly continuously to use the Top Grade Saint treasure attack!” “怎么可能,以他的实力,怎么可能连续动用极品圣宝攻击!” Monster emperor furnace, Heaven and Earth changes color. 妖帝炉一出,天地为之变色。 Is withstanding the monster emperor furnace suppression, the grey clothes old man saw Ye Chenfeng that fiercely competes and successfully competes controls Nine Dragons Jade Annulus to continue to raid, has revealed the inconceivable color. 承受着妖帝炉镇压,灰衣老者看到越战越勇的叶晨风控制九龙玉璧继续袭来,露出了不可思议之色。 Even if the day Venerable, is impossible to look like Ye Chenfeng so, stepless control Top Grade Saint treasure attack of having no scruples. 就算是天尊,都不可能像叶晨风这般,毫无顾忌的连续控制极品圣宝攻击。 Desolate of furnace day!” “天之荒炉!” By the body of grey clothes old man severe wound, cannot resist the attack of Nine Dragons Jade Annulus , unavoidablily, he can only strength of the maximum degree combustion bloodlines, the strength of inspiring day enter the body, takes the body as the intermediary, turns into the fearful wild furnace, welcomed to eight were evolving Grand Dao kills the crazy dragon certainly. 以灰衣老者重伤之躯,根本抵挡不住九龙玉璧的攻击,不得已,他只能最大程度燃烧血脉之力,引动天之力入体,以身体为媒,化成可怕的荒炉,迎向了八条演化着大道的绝杀狂龙。 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” In a series of intensive demolition sounds, hits to crush eight that the grey robe old man staked everything on a single throw of the dice to kill the crazy dragon certainly, but he shook the whole body similarly is the blood, the human body will soon collapse. 在一系列密集的爆破声中,灰袍老者孤注一掷的一撞粉碎了八条绝杀狂龙,但他同样震得浑身是血,肉体即将崩溃。 Finished!” “结束了!” Ye Chenfeng does not give him a respite the opportunity, the purple pupil profound rhinocero soul appears the monster emperor furnace, controls the monster emperor furnace to increase unceasingly, is having hundred million honored strength, suppressed maliciously on his body. 叶晨风不给他一丝喘息的机会,紫眸玄犀魂浮现出妖帝炉,控制妖帝炉不断地变大,带着亿钧之力,狠狠地镇压在了他的身体上。 Bang!” “嘭!” The grey clothes old man broken body had been cracked-up by the monster emperor furnace, turned into one group of blood fog. 灰衣老者残破的身体被妖帝炉撞碎了,化成了一团血雾。 „To run!” “想跑!” The Ye Chenfeng pupil shrinks, saw that the grey clothes old man soul wants to escape, the thought moved, controls silver Sword Soul to pursue, snatched before emperor blade nobility and the others rescued, a sword twisted to break to pieces the soul of grey clothes old man. 叶晨风瞳孔一缩,看到灰衣老者灵魂想要逃跑,意念一动,控制白银剑魂追了上去,抢在帝刀爵等人救援前,一剑将灰衣老者的灵魂绞碎了。 Guards the Nine Heavens emperor's clan not to know that many years 6-Star Tiansheng, fell! 镇守九天皇族不知道多少岁月的六星天圣,陨!
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