EDSG :: Volume #15

#1478: Kills the four directions greatly

Universe Sword Array!” 乾坤剑阵!” When the emperor blade nobility from the emperor Nine Heavens pass on message seeks help, Ye Chenfeng summons Universe Sword Array, has formed the might fearful stegosaurus volume, swept across to the emperor blade nobility. 帝刀爵向帝九天传讯求助之际,叶晨风召唤出了乾坤剑阵,形成了威力可怕的剑龙卷,席卷向了帝刀爵。 Although emperor blade nobility strength is strong, has reached the Nirvana day boundary limit, but compared with 5-Star Saint boundary Ye Chenfeng, insurmountable strength disparity. 帝刀爵实力虽强,达到了涅槃天境极限,但与五星道圣境界的叶晨风相比,还有不可逾越的实力差距。 Encounters the might to be enormous, the Universe Sword Array attacks of several near Top Grade Saint treasure standards, the emperor blade nobility does not dare to meet hardly, displays inheritance movement full power to dodge. 遭到威力极大,几近极品圣宝水准的乾坤剑阵攻击,帝刀爵不敢硬接,施展传承身法全力闪躲。 But in instance that he dodges, strength of the fearful dizziness such as the steelyard weight was common, rumbles in his soul sea, making his soul tremble, the entire body presented the short blank. 但在他闪躲的瞬间,一股可怕的眩晕之力如重锤一般,轰进了他魂海之中,让他灵魂一颤,整个身子出现了短暂的空白。 However the emperor blade nobility fight experience is extremely rich, encounters the instance of attack in his soul, the strength of his thought control ban lets fall, was banning his body surrounding space, is resisting the attack of Universe Sword Array. 但是帝刀爵战斗经验极其丰富,在他灵魂遭到攻击的瞬间,他意念控制禁制之力垂落下来,禁制着他身体周围的空间,抵御着乾坤剑阵的攻击。 When the sharp incomparable stegosaurus volume twists the broken banned space, restored the sober emperor blade nobility to summon the high-grade Saint Bao gold dragon seal, bringing the dazzling golden light to attack the stegosaurus volume forcefully, was resisting the attack. 在锐利无比的剑龙卷绞碎禁制空间时,恢复清醒的帝刀爵召唤出了上品圣宝金龙印,带着刺目的金光强行攻击着剑龙卷,抵御着攻击。 „The plate of ban, destroys myriad things!” “禁制之盘,毁灭万物!” The experience to the fearfulness of Ye Chenfeng, the emperor blade nobility does not dare alone to face, continually is promoting the might of array ban, condenses the plates of several rounds ban, is releasing the strength of formidable ban, attacked to Ye Chenfeng, wanted to kill Ye Chenfeng taking advantage of the strength of bang array . 见识到叶晨风的可怕,帝刀爵不敢独自面对,不断地提升着阵法禁制的威力,凝聚出数轮禁制之盘,释放着强大的禁制之力,攻击向了叶晨风,想要借阵法之力轰杀叶晨风 „!” “嗷嗷!” Demon Kui roared, effort pounded bronze ancient Guan, hit on plate of the round ban, the fearful strength the plate of ban will have cracked-up directly, and controlled the dreadful demon air/Qi, shook has drawn back Saint beast Tianlong. 魔魁咆哮一声,用力的砸出了青铜古棺,撞击在了一轮禁制之盘上,可怕的力量直接将禁制之盘撞碎了,并控制滔天魔气,震退了圣兽天龙。 Language is beautiful, comes back!” “语嫣,回来!” The Ye Chenfeng thought moves, will place the tender language in danger to transmit in Universe Realm beautifully, grasped black Li Shengjian to attack to approach the emperor blade nobility. 叶晨风意念一动,将身处危险中的娇语嫣传送回了乾坤境中,手持黑黎圣剑攻击向了帝刀爵。 If not Ye Chenfeng intends to keep an emperor blade nobility life, by his strength and inside story, will strike to kill the emperor blade nobility with hands down. 如果不是叶晨风有意留帝刀爵一命,以他的实力和底蕴,击杀帝刀爵将不费吹灰之力。 First ancestor how, he received my seeking help, why hasn't come?” “始祖怎么了,他接到我的求助,为何还不现身?” The emperor blade nobility cannot resist the Ye Chenfeng fierce offensive, more hits the heart startled, more hits more heart to tremble, wholeheartedly multipurpose, unceasingly to the emperor Nine Heavens pass on message. 帝刀爵根本抵挡不住叶晨风凶猛的攻势,越打越心惊,越打越心颤,一心多用,不断地向帝九天传讯。 But Ye Chenfeng has not spoken, was compelled the dead end emperor Nine Heavens not to dare to come, but in his heart is waging the intense ideological struggle. 叶晨风没有发话,被逼上绝路的帝九天根本不敢现身,而他心中更是做着激烈的思想斗争。 However thinks that Ye Wuji strength and method, emperor Nine Heavens somewhat despairs, he knows the Nine Heavens god country, if constantly opposes with Ye Chenfeng, really with courting death not different, do not say the Nine Heavens god country, even if Heaven Territory Heaven Clan, cannot provoke Ye Wuji. 不过想到叶无极的实力和手段,帝九天有些绝望,他知道九天神国如果一味的与叶晨风作对,真的与找死无异,不要说九天神国,就算天域天族,都招惹不起叶无极 Bang!” “嘭!” Ye Chenfeng floods 300 million jin (0.5 kg) strength to break the blade potential that the emperor blade nobility has cut, shells maliciously on his chest, flew his fist bang, the massive blood spray in his mouth. 叶晨风充斥着300000000斤的力量震碎了帝刀爵斩出的刀势,狠狠地轰击在他胸口上,将他一拳轰飞了出去,大量的鲜血在他嘴巴中喷洒出来。 God sovereign!” “神皇!” Hears the sound, Nine Heavens god country expert that already caught up with, saw that the emperor blade nobility was flown by a Ye Chenfeng bang, arrived at his side to sphere him. 听到动静,早已赶来的九天神国高手,看到帝刀爵被叶晨风一圈轰飞,纷纷来到了他的身边将他围住。 But because might enormous array banned that by the demon ba restraint, is unable crisis Ye Chenfeng, making Nine Heavens god country expert not dare to begin to Ye Chenfeng easily. 但由于威力极大的阵法禁制被魔魃克制,无法危机叶晨风,使得九天神国高手不敢轻易对叶晨风动手。 Ye Chenfeng, you have sufficed noisily!” 叶晨风,你闹够了没有!” When the emperor blade nobility is injured, the angry roaring sound gets up together. 帝刀爵受伤之际,一道愤怒的咆哮声响起。 The father sovereign of emperor blade nobility, Nine Heavens god country old god Emperor day Yang appeared with the Top Grade Saint treasure deity cauldron. 帝刀爵的父皇,九天神国老神皇帝天央携极品圣宝天神鼎出现了。 But side emperor day Yang, wears the perse long gown, slightly old man who some back rickets, on the stature not high face cover entirely the wrinkle. 而在帝天央身旁,还有一名身穿深灰色长袍,背部微微有些佝偻,个子不高脸上布满皱纹的老者。 Although this old man seems like senile, when Ye Chenfeng sees him, the pupil contracts the most dangerous pinhole shape immediately. 虽然这名老者看似老态龙钟,但叶晨风看到他时,瞳孔立即收缩成最危险的针孔状。 Under the Devouring God Brain induction, Ye Chenfeng discovered that this grey clothes old man, is the antiquity big energy that Heaven Clan has not died, the strength has perhaps reached the 6-Star Saint limit, has brought certain threat to oneself. 噬神脑感应下,叶晨风发现这名灰衣老者,乃是天族未死的上古大能,实力恐怕达到了六星道圣极限,给自己带来了一定的威胁。 Has not thought of the Nine Heavens emperor's clan, is the generations of arbitrary not reasoning with, since this, that do not blame me to throw off here!” “没想到九天皇族,都是蛮横不讲理之辈,既然这样,那就别怪我将这里掀翻!” Ye Chenfeng the vision projection to Nine Heavens god country old god Emperor day Yang, has had intense killing intent to him. 叶晨风将目光投射向了九天神国老神皇帝天央,对他产生了强烈的杀意 If can kill him, that has blocked really the emperor Nine Heavens escape route. 如果能将他杀死,那真的就封死了帝九天的退路。 5-Star Saint...... Has not thought that in this Lower Realm, made me see a young 5-Star Saint unexpectedly, it seems like your secret were many!” 五星道圣……没想到在这下界,竟让我见到了一名年纪轻轻的五星道圣,看来你身上的秘密不少嘛!” The grey robe old man showed a cloudy and cold smiling face, the body of rickets moved slightly, as if surmounted a kilometer space instantaneously, appeared in front of Ye Chenfeng, extended the skinny right hand, grasped to Ye Chenfeng. 灰袍老者露出了一丝阴冷的笑容,佝偻的身子微微一动,仿佛瞬间跨越了千米空间,出现在叶晨风面前,伸出枯瘦的右手,抓向了叶晨风 You, this world was not you, let the place that I delivered you to go to should go to!” “你老了,这个世界不属于你,还是让我送你去该去的地方吧!” Encounters the grey robe old man to attack, Ye Chenfeng is not startled, he rapid such as fused the town day bead and holy blood bead, own strength promotion to a 6-Star Saint, controls Universe Sword Array to move forward to meet somebody. 遭到灰袍老者攻击,叶晨风并不惊慌,他迅如融合了镇天珠和圣血珠,将自身的实力提升到六星道圣,操控乾坤剑阵迎了上去。 Cuts!” “斩!” Under the Ye Chenfeng thought control, Universe Sword Array combines in together, turned into a handle invincible Divine sword, splits void, seems a day of great axe, cut to the grey robe old man, a sword has broken the attack of grey clothes old man. 叶晨风意念控制下,乾坤剑阵组合在一起,化成了一柄无敌神剑,分裂开虚空,好似开天巨斧,斩向了灰袍老者,一剑破开了灰衣老者的攻击。 Really a little method!” “果然有点手段!” Felt that the Ye Chenfeng strength has promoted a boundary stiffly, the Universe Sword Array might big extraordinary, the grey robe old man revealed the color of accident, both hands has tied seal fast, condensed a might enormous hand imprint, resisted the attack of universe great sword. 感觉到叶晨风的实力硬生生提升了一境,乾坤剑阵的威力又大的出奇,灰袍老者露出了意外之色,双手快速的结印,凝聚出一枚威力极大的手印,抵挡住了乾坤巨剑的攻击。 Then, the body of grey robe old man presented a remnant shade, suddenly he disappears in Ye Chenfeng at present, the strange appearance in Ye Chenfeng behind, grasped a handle high-grade Saint rank the ash-gray long sword, the thorn to the back of Ye Chenfeng. 接着,灰袍老者的身体出现了道道残影,眨眼之间他消失在叶晨风眼前,诡异的出现在叶晨风身后,手持一柄上品圣器等级的灰色长剑,刺向了叶晨风的后背。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” The Ye Chenfeng back was pierced by the ash-gray long sword easily, but the complexion of grey clothes old man actually changed in this moment 叶晨风后背被灰色长剑轻易刺穿,不过灰衣老者的脸色却在这一刻变了 He discovered one stab is not the body of Ye Chenfeng, but is the speed remnant shade that he transforms instantaneously. 他发现自己刺中的不是叶晨风的身体,而是他瞬间幻化出的速度残影。 The foot pedal sword step, the amplifying ten times of speeds fend the grey clothes old man to attack, Ye Chenfeng controlled silver Sword Soul to melt in black Li Shengjian, launched the fierce counter-attack to the grey clothes old man, was in the midair with him the dogfight in the same place. 脚踏剑步,振幅十倍速度闪避开灰衣老者攻击,叶晨风控制白银剑魂融进了黑黎圣剑中,向灰衣老者发动凶猛的反击,与他在半空中缠斗在一起。 Because two people of attack speeds are too fast, quickly to letting the person is eyes cannot take it all. 由于二人攻击速度太快,快到让人目不暇接。 The entire space presented dozens two people of speed remnant shades, such as flowing light, intense collision in midair, turned into the energy ripples, vanishes in the midair. 整个空间出现了数十道二人的速度残影,如一道道流光,在半空中激烈的碰撞,又化成了道道能量涟漪,消失在半空中。 The Ye Chenfeng attack method is extremely numerous, uses the dizziness technique to shell the soul of grey clothes old man unceasingly, limits his offensive. 叶晨风的攻击手段极多,又不断地施展眩晕术轰击灰衣老者的灵魂,限制他的攻势。 But grey clothes old man was the 6-Star Tiansheng inside story is extremely after all deep, restrained the dizziness technique attack at the same time, accomplishing a task with ease was melting the Ye Chenfeng single layer high the attack of single layer, by absolute strength, attack of firmly resist Ye Chenfeng. 但灰衣老者毕竟是六星天圣底蕴极深,克制眩晕术攻击的同时,游刃有余的化解着叶晨风一重高过一重的攻击,以绝对的实力,硬憾叶晨风的攻击。 Old god sovereign, my Nine Heavens emperor's clan has encountered the huge problem, but also asked you fast to come, defused the crisis for my Nine Heavens god country!” “老神皇,我九天皇族遇到了天大的麻烦,还请你速速现身,为我九天神国化解危机!” The emperor blade nobility saw that the Ye Chenfeng firmly resist grey clothes old man has not fallen leeward, covered the ban of Imperial city continually by demon ba tearing, in the heart is produced a restlessness, grasped the pass on message bead, gave the emperor repeatedly the Nine Heavens pass on message. 帝刀爵看到,叶晨风硬憾灰衣老者并未落入下风,笼罩皇城的禁制不断被魔魃撕裂,心中产生了一丝不安,手持传讯珠,一遍遍给帝九天传讯。 But how regardless of he seeks help, emperor Nine Heavens did not respond that this made him more and more distressed, how cannot think through emperor Nine Heavens. 但无论他如何求助,帝九天都是毫无反应,这让他越来越心焦,想不通帝九天到底怎么了。 Bang!” “轰!” When the emperor blade nobility is utterly confused, Ye Chenfeng and grey clothes old man had the intense collision, the fearful strength caved in instantaneously the space, leads the entire Nine Heavens imperial palace to fall into to the vibration during. 就在帝刀爵心乱如麻时,叶晨风与灰衣老者发生了激烈的碰撞,可怕的力量瞬间塌陷了空间,带动着整个九天皇宫陷入到震动之中。
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