EDSG :: Volume #15

#1477: Strikes to kill the emperor to fly upwards

You......” “你……” The emperor flies upwards to feel one were wild with rage really quickly. 帝飞扬感觉自己真快被气疯了。 As the Nine Heavens god country emperor, the generation of younger generation wielding great power with great arrogance, how could has received this and other big shame. 作为九天神国天子,年轻一代最炙手可热之辈,何曾受过这等大辱。 This time he, wishes one could to be cut to pieces Ye Chenfeng, drinks his blood, eats his meat. 此时的他,恨不得将叶晨风千刀万剐,喝他的血,吃他的肉。 „The matter of today, I heard!” Emperor blade nobility sound vigorous saying: At first is not right, but I who flies upwards to do know that your so shame flies upwards, is intentionally.” “今天之事,我已经听说了!”帝刀爵声音浑厚的说道:“起初是飞扬做的不对,但我知道,你这般羞辱飞扬,也是故意的。” God sovereign what this word?” Ye Chenfeng smiled however asks. “神皇陛下何出此言?”叶晨风笑了笑然问道。 By your strength, kills to fly upwards only needs a finger, but you have not killed him, instead comes to here with the Saint beast, therefore your goal is not simple!” Saying of emperor blade nobility wisdom: Said your real motive.” “以你的实力,杀飞扬只需一根手指,但你没有杀他,反而跟圣兽来这里,所以说你的目的绝不简单!”帝刀爵睿智的说道:“说出你的真实目的吧。” God sovereign misunderstood me, my this time came, only to visit old god sovereign!” Ye Chenfeng said. “神皇陛下误会我了,我此次前来,只为拜访老神皇陛下!”叶晨风道。 Ok, since you do not speak the truth, I did not compel you!” Saying that emperor blade nobility some do not bear: Now you have two roads to walk, either leaves Nine Heavens Imperial city now, later do not come to here again, either forever stays here.” “算了,既然你不说实话,我也不逼你了!”帝刀爵有些不耐的说道:“现在你有两条路走,要么现在离开九天皇城,以后都不要再来这里,要么就永远的留在这里吧。” If my these two roads don't elect?” Ye Chenfeng neither cold nor hot saying. “如果我这两条路都不选呢?”叶晨风不冷不热的说道。 This is beyond control you!” “这由不得你!” The emperor blade nobility speech voice transferred the cold, endless [say / way] mark collects suddenly in the Ye Chenfeng top of the head, turned into a giant plate, the fearful strength has harassed the Heaven and Earth situation, has locked Ye Chenfeng. 帝刀爵说话声音骤然间转冷,无尽的道纹在叶晨风头顶汇集,化成了一面巨大的阵盘,可怕的力量扰乱了天地大势,锁定了叶晨风 Yeah, don't I really want with the Nine Heavens god country to be the enemy, why bother the god sovereign feel embarrassed me?” “哎,我实在不想与九天神国为敌,神皇陛下何苦为难我呢?” Although the Nine Heavens imperial palace's array ban is very terrorist, but Ye Chenfeng has own taking advantage, he shoulders both hands, stands proudly, in the profound double pupil has shown the incomparably formidable self-confidence. 虽然九天皇宫的阵法禁制很恐怖,但叶晨风有自己的依仗,他背负双手,傲然而立,深邃的双眸中透出了无比强大的自信。 Mother, dies to being imminent also rampantly, one will have you to cry!” “妈的,死到临头还嚣张,一会有你哭的时候!” Looks that by Ye Chenfeng that the array ban locks, the emperor flies upwards to reveal the fierce color, as if foresaw the Ye Chenfeng pitiful result. 看着被阵法禁制锁定的叶晨风,帝飞扬露出了狰狞之色,仿佛预见了叶晨风悲惨的结局。 Yeah, the emperor flies upwards, I discovered that you do not have the brain, you also has dared at this moment to provoke I!” Ye Chenfeng sighed gently, killing intent imposing saying: „, I first have killed you.” “哎,帝飞扬,我发现你真的没有脑子,到了此时此刻,你还敢挑衅我!”叶晨风轻轻叹息一声,杀意凛然的说道:“也罢,我就先杀了你吧。” Saying, the Ye Chenfeng body was moving, escapes into to the space trajectory, killed flew upwards to the emperor. 说着,叶晨风身子动了,遁入到空间轨迹中,袭杀向了帝飞扬。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” The instance that Ye Chenfeng begins, the fearful array ban lowered three array heavenly thunders, the bang killed together to the tender language was beautiful, two bang killed to Ye Chenfeng, wanted to prevent Ye Chenfeng to strike to kill the emperor to fly upwards. 叶晨风动手的瞬间,可怕的阵法禁制降下了三道阵法天雷,一道轰杀向了娇语嫣,两道轰杀向了叶晨风,想要阻止叶晨风击杀帝飞扬。 The tender language was hit by the array heavenly thunder shortly beautifully, ancient bronze ancient Guanheng in the tender language beautiful top of the head, has resisted the bang has killed the Nirvana day boundary to be able sufficiently greatly the array heavenly thunder. 眼看娇语嫣被阵法天雷击中,一座古老的青铜古棺横在了娇语嫣头顶,抵挡住了足以轰杀涅槃天境大能的阵法天雷。 But Ye Chenfeng summoned the Middle Grade Saint treasure Chiba clothes, put in the body, withstood the array heavenly thunder bang to kill, approached having a big shock, the emperor who went all out to retrocede flew upwards. 叶晨风召唤出了中品圣宝千叶衣,穿在了身上,承受着阵法天雷的轰杀,逼近了大惊失色,拼命后退的帝飞扬。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Flies upwards to summon Saint treasure in the emperor, when wants Ye Chenfeng compels to draw back, the fearful dizziness strength rumbles in his soul sea, making his soul tremble, the brain presented the short blank. 在帝飞扬召唤出圣宝,想要将叶晨风逼退时,可怕的眩晕力轰进了他魂海中,让他灵魂一颤,大脑出现了短暂的空白。 The next quarter, high-grade Saint black Li Shengjian appears in his hand, the turnover the large snake sword glow, a sword thorn to the throat that the emperor flew upwards. 下一刻,上品圣器黑黎圣剑出现在他手上,吞吐着长蛇般的剑芒,一剑刺向了帝飞扬的喉咙。 Space transmission!” “空间传送!” When at a crucial moment, strength of the formidable transmission covered the emperor to fly upwards, wants to transmit him. 千钧一发之际,一股强大的传送之力笼罩住了帝飞扬,想要将他传送走。 I must kill him, no one could rescue!” “我要杀他,谁都救不了!” Saw that the emperor of brain dizziness flies upwards transmission to leave, Ye Chenfeng of extremely fast migration picked up the attack speed once more, silver Sword Soul changes wipes the cold star, melted in black Li Shengjian, a sword has torn to pieces the strength of fearful transmission, punctures body defense that the emperor flew upwards, pierced his throat. 眼看大脑眩晕的帝飞扬传送离开,极速移动的叶晨风再次加快了攻击速度,白银剑魂化作一抹寒星,融进了黑黎圣剑中,一剑撕破了可怕的传送之力,刺破了帝飞扬的身体防御,将他喉咙刺穿。 Bang!” “嘭!” sword intent of silver Sword Soul release pours into his whole body and head, wanted to escape the soul that to twist broken, entire body divulged sword intent him cleaves in two, the blood that splattered incarnadine the ground. 白银剑魂释放的剑意灌入他的全身和脑袋,将他想要逃脱的灵魂绞碎,整个身子更是被宣泄的剑意劈成两半,喷溅出的鲜血染红了地面。 Flies upwards!” “飞扬!” The instance that the emperor flying upwards body dies, the emperor blade nobility had the fearful blade prestige to depart the palace, went through vertically the Heaven and Earth blade glow such as the mercury to flow swiftly together, cut to Ye Chenfeng. 帝飞扬身死的瞬间,帝刀爵带着可怕的刀威飞出了金殿,一道纵贯天地的刀芒如水银泻地,斩向了叶晨风 Facing the blade glow attack that emperor blade nobility evolution blade [say / way] cuts, Ye Chenfeng does not dodge does not evade, stretches out the palm of flesh and blood to move forward to meet somebody, a palm has interrupted the blade glow, broke the attack of emperor blade nobility. 面对帝刀爵演化刀道斩出的刀芒攻击,叶晨风不闪不避,伸出血肉之掌迎了上去,一掌截断了刀芒,破掉了帝刀爵的攻击。 Your big courage, dared to kill my son!” “你好大的胆子,竟敢杀了我儿!” The emperor flies upwards is the son who the emperor blade nobility most likes, is his key trained object, the crown prince in Nine Heavens god country's, but now, his all hopes were disillusioned, his beloved son died a tragic death at present, this makes the emperor blade nobility have one feeling of mood out-of-control. 帝飞扬是帝刀爵最喜欢的儿子,更是他重点的培养对象,九天神国的储君,可如今,他所有的希望破灭了,他心爱的儿子更是惨死在眼前,这让帝刀爵有一种情绪失控的感觉。 Yeah! Ye Shao, you must persecute to death me.” “哎!叶少,你这是要逼死我啊。” Meanwhile, places in the cave mansion, has observed Ye Chenfeng every action and every movement in secret emperor Nine Heavens helpless sigh. 与此同时,身处洞府之中,一直暗中观察叶晨风一举一动的帝九天无奈的叹息一声。 Ye Chenfeng strikes to kill the emperor to fly upwards, was equal to that with Nine Heavens god country irreconcilable until death, but own body dead control on Ye Chenfeng, has to help Ye Chenfeng, this was equal to that broke off with Nine Heavens Emperor's clan by oneself. 叶晨风击杀帝飞扬,就等于与九天神国不死不休,而自己的身死掌控在叶晨风手上,不得不帮助叶晨风,这等于让自己与九天皇族决裂。 Does not have the means that you give my two roads me not to like, can only choose the third road, kills the Nine Heavens imperial palace!” Ye Chenfeng disregards the emperor blade nobility angry look, overbearing full saying. “没办法,你给我的两条路我不喜欢,只能选择第三条路,杀出九天皇宫!”叶晨风无视帝刀爵愤怒的眼神,霸道十足的说道。 Well good, today this sovereign must have a look but actually, how you kill here!” “好好好,今天本皇倒要看看,你如何杀出这里!” Worked off anger to summon the unparalleled sword of high-grade Saint rank to the God blade nobility, divulged is soaring to the heavens blade intent to lock Ye Chenfeng. 杀气冲天帝刀爵召唤出了上品圣器等级的无双战刀,宣泄着冲天刀意锁定了叶晨风 The war is ready to be set off. 大战一触即发。 Roar roar roar!” “吼吼吼!” At this moment, in bronze ancient Guan spread not humanlike howling, the fearful sound alarms Nine Heavens. 就在这时,青铜古棺中传出了一道道不似人类的吼叫声,可怕的声音惊动九天 Kacha!” 咔嚓!” A sincere coffin coverlet black big hand has shoved open, wore the bronze to fight armor, whole body demon air/Qi winding demon ba sat slowly, was staring the blood red eye, looked to the emperor blade nobility. 厚重的棺盖被一只黑色大手推开了,身穿青铜战甲,全身魔气缠绕的魔魃缓缓地坐了起来,瞪着血红色的眼睛,望向了帝刀爵。 Merely one, makes the emperor blade nobility have one type by the feeling that demon ba sees through, the fine hair of whole body is set upright, but emperor blade nobility Saint beast Tianlong has revealed the panic-stricken color. 仅仅一眼,就让帝刀爵有一种被魔魃看穿的感觉,全身的汗毛更是直竖起来,而帝刀爵身旁的圣兽天龙更是露出了惊骇之色。 When emperor blade nobility deeply was attracted by demon ba, the Ye Chenfeng foot pedal sword step, grazed to the emperor blade nobility, started to him attacks violently. 在帝刀爵被魔魃深深吸引时,叶晨风脚踏剑步,飞掠向了帝刀爵,向他发动猛烈地攻击。 Buzz!” “嗡!” A sword punctures, the fearful sword glow has cut the space, the potential, if thousand honored thorns to the emperor blade nobility, having forced him to counter-attack in the flash. 一剑刺出,可怕的剑芒划破了空间,势若千钧的刺向了帝刀爵,逼迫他在一瞬间进行反击。 The sword clash, blade intent and sword intent erupt in the flash, two fearful Concept blend in the same place, intense to reprimanding. 刀剑相击,刀意、剑意在一瞬间爆发,两股可怕的意境交融在一起,激烈的对斥。 The emperor blade nobility quenchings a blade life, the CNC [say / way] has the extremely deep comprehension, can say that the antiquity can, the emperor blade nobility be able to be called the central world blade first person greatly. 帝刀爵淬炼刀道一生,对刀道有极深的领悟,可以说上古大能不出,帝刀爵可以称得上中央世界刀道第一人。 Felt blade that the emperor blade nobility displays suppressed itself completely to the comprehension of Sword Dao, Ye Chenfeng has revealed color of the accident, silver Sword Soul has grazed in this moment, punctured intensely to reprimanding two big Dao Intent, attacked to the emperor blade nobility, compelled to draw back him stiffly. 感觉到帝刀爵施展的刀道完全压制了自己对剑道的领悟,叶晨风露出了一丝意外之色,白银剑魂在这一刻飞掠而出,刺破了激烈对斥的两大道意,攻击向了帝刀爵,硬生生将他逼退。 Silver Sword Soul...... You are that Ye Chenfeng!” “白银剑魂……你是那叶晨风!” Entire central world, only then Ye Chenfeng cultivates the boundary of silver Sword Soul, the emperor blade nobility had determined all of a sudden the Ye Chenfeng status, in the heart has raised the dreadful rough seas. 整个中央世界,只有叶晨风剑魂修炼到白银之境,帝刀爵一下子确定了叶晨风的身份,心中掀起了滔天大浪。 He has not thought that the Ye Chenfeng courage is so big, just had started the reactionary reign of terror in eight Qi Imperial palaces, with eight Qi emperor's clan irreconcilable until death, then challenges itself and Nine Heavens Emperor's clan. 他没想到叶晨风胆子这么大,刚刚在八岐皇宫掀起了血雨腥风,与八岐皇族不死不休,又接着来挑战自己和九天皇族。 Good, is I!” “不错,正是我!” Ye Chenfeng knows that the emperor blade nobility sees through own status is only the issue of time, the natural acknowledgment said that grasps black Li Shengjian to continue to him launches the attack. 叶晨风知道,帝刀爵识破自己的身份只是时间的问题,大大方方承认道,手持黑黎圣剑继续向他发动攻击。 Ye Chenfeng, I have to acknowledge that your courage is not general big, but I will also make you know that the inside story of my Nine Heavens emperor's clan, is not eight Qi emperor's clans can compare, here is doomed to be your tomb!” 叶晨风,我不得不承认,你的胆子不是一般的大,不过我也会让你知道,我九天皇族的底蕴,不是八岐皇族可以比拟的,这里注定会是你的墓地!” Emperor blade nobility annoyed saying, has put out the pass on message bead, passes message to emperor Nine Heavens that just returned to seeks help. 帝刀爵恼火的说道,拿出了传讯珠,给刚刚回归的帝九天传音求助。 In his opinion, Venerable the limit at the emperor Nine Heavens 1-Star day the strength, so long as he appears, Ye Chenfeng has the exceedingly high skill, is doomed to end by the tragedy. 在他看来,以帝九天一星天尊极限的实力,只要他出现,叶晨风就是有通天本事,也注定以悲剧收场。
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