EDSG :: Volume #15

#1476: God emperor blade nobility

Un, good fearful array ban!” “嗯,好可怕的阵法禁制!” Under the Ye Chenfeng two people in Saint beast Tianlong sends under custody, when enters to sparkle the golden light, the Nine Heavens imperial palace that palace error towers, the pupil shrank slightly, has revealed the color of being startled. 叶晨风二人在圣兽天龙押送下,走进闪耀着金光,宫阙耸立的九天皇宫时,瞳孔微微一缩,露出了吃惊之色。 Under the Devouring God Brain deduction, he discovered that covers the Nine Heavens imperial palace's array ban too many too to be formidable more than eight Qi Imperial palaces, do not say that perhaps the Nirvana day boundary big energy, a 6-Star Saint under this array ban attack, will encounter heavy injury. 噬神脑推演下,他发现笼罩九天皇宫的阵法禁制比八岐皇宫强大太多太多,不要说涅槃天境大能,恐怕六星道圣在这阵法禁制攻击下,都将遭到重创 „The inside story of this Nine Heavens emperor's clan deep!” “这九天皇族的底蕴到底有多深!” Ye Chenfeng discovered that the Nine Heavens emperor's clan imagines him is more formidable, if were not he has controlled emperor Nine Heavens, by his strength and inside story, does not dare to start to the Nine Heavens emperor's clan. 叶晨风发现,九天皇族比他想象中还要强大,如果不是他控制了帝九天,以他的实力和底蕴,万万不敢对九天皇族下手。 Mother, I, no matter you are, today I have dug up your skin!” “妈的,我不管你是谁,今天我非扒了你的皮!” The cheeks cave, emperor who receives the great shame fly upwards, both eyes mean is staring at the Ye Chenfeng back, pledged in the heart. 脸颊塌陷,受到奇耻大辱的帝飞扬,双眼阴狠的盯着叶晨风的背影,在心中发誓道。 In his opinion, Ye Chenfeng steps into the flash of Nine Heavens emperor's clan, his life and death controls in own hand, in the mind thinks unceasingly, retaliates his method. 在他看来,叶晨风踏进九天皇族的一刹那,他的生死就掌控在自己手中,脑海中不断地思索,报复他的手段。 Ye Shao, how you came to the Nine Heavens imperial palace!” “叶少,你怎么来九天皇宫了!” Under the Ye Chenfeng two people in Saint beast Tianlong sends under custody, when following a White Jade corridor, to the Nine Heavens imperial palace deep place walks, together the vigorous sound in the Ye Chenfeng soul sea resounds. 叶晨风二人在圣兽天龙押送下,顺着一条白玉长廊,向九天皇宫深处走去时,一道浑厚的声音在叶晨风魂海中响起。 Sat cross-legged to sit in emperor Nine Heavens of imperial palace deep place opens the profound double pupil, the brow closely has twisted in one. 盘膝坐在皇宫深处的帝九天睁开了深邃的双眸,眉头紧紧地拧在了一起。 I naturally was sent under custody to come!” “我自然是被人押送而来的!” Ye Chenfeng simple told the emperor Nine Heavens the long and short of the story. 叶晨风简单的将来龙去脉告诉了帝九天 Ignorant junior!” The emperor Nine Heavens somewhat annoyed regard passes on the tone channel: Ye Shao, wanted my make a move to extinguish that emperor to fly upwards, vented anger to you.” “无知的小辈!”帝九天有些恼火的心意传音道:“叶少,要不要我出手灭了那帝飞扬,给你出口气。” If I want to extinguish him, he already died!” Ye Chenfeng flood cold Yidao: Was good, you are patient, wait for my news.” “如果我想灭他,他早就死了!”叶晨风泛起一丝冷意道:“好了,你稍安勿躁,等我消息吧。” Ye Shao, the Nine Heavens emperor's clan have no intention with you for the enemy, but also asked you to let off them!” “叶少,九天皇族无意与你为敌,还请你放过他们!” Although emperor Nine Heavens had been controlled the life and death by Ye Chenfeng, but in his bone is flowing the Heaven Clan bloodlines, but he is the Nine Heavens god country first god sovereign, is not willing to look helplessly the Nine Heavens emperor's clan foundation inherits is broken. 虽然帝九天叶晨风掌控了生死,但他骨子里流淌着天族血脉,而他更是九天神国第一任神皇,并不愿眼睁睁看着九天皇族根基传承被断。 Emperor Nine Heavens, you should very clear your situation!” The Ye Chenfeng regard warned: I can promise you, if you can in me, I be able the Nine Heavens god country to keep means of livelihood to you heartfeltly.” “帝九天,你应该很清楚自己的处境!”叶晨风心意警告道:“不过我可以答应你,如果你可以衷心于我,我可以给你九天神国留条活路。” To, you waited for me here, I reported the god sovereign, looked that your majesty was willing to see you!” “到了,你们在这里等我,我去禀告神皇陛下,看陛下愿不愿见你们!” Saint beast Tianlong is having the Ye Chenfeng two people, arrived at one to stand and wait for a long time 108 coiled dragon stone columns, the resplendence in gold and jade green of construction, outside the imposing manner broad main hall, ordering several bodyguards to favor the Ye Chenfeng two people, entered in the main hall. 圣兽天龙带着叶晨风二人,来到了一座伫立着108根蟠龙石柱,修建的金碧辉煌,气势恢宏的大殿外,命令数名侍卫看好叶晨风二人,走进了大殿中。 What do you look at?” “你看什么?” When Saint beast Tianlong enters the golden main hall, Ye Chenfeng turns around slightly, the vision projection to the eye of dew ominous light, has revealed the emperor of cloudy and cold smiling face to fly upwards, saying of coldly. 圣兽天龙走进金色大殿时,叶晨风微微转身,将目光投射向了目露凶光,露着阴冷笑容的帝飞扬,冷冷的说道。 I do not know that you are really silly or false silly, is thinking unexpectedly wants the justice to my father sovereign.” The emperor flies upwards dense saying. “我不知道你是真傻还是假傻,竟想着向我父皇讨公道。”帝飞扬森然的说道。 What's wrong, do you think here, can control my life and death?” Ye Chenfeng sneers was saying. “怎么,你觉得在这里,就能掌控我的生死?”叶晨风冷笑着说道。 Obstinate argumentative, one will have you to cry!” An emperor flying upwards looks like wicked wolf, stares at Ye Chenfeng to say stubbornly: I ensure makes you regret opposes with me.” “嘴硬是吧,一会有你哭的时候!”帝飞扬像一只恶狼,死死地盯着叶晨风道:“我保证让你后悔与我作对。” Regret?” Ye Chenfeng smiled: „Did I regret that does not need you to worry, perhaps but you will regret.” “后悔?”叶晨风笑了:“我后不后悔无需你操心,但你恐怕会后悔。” Saying, the Ye Chenfeng under foot virtual light was dodging, such as a lightning appeared in the emperor flying upwards front. 说着,叶晨风脚下虚光一闪,如一道闪电出现在帝飞扬面前。 Ye Chenfeng approaches suddenly, making the fine hair of emperor flying upwards whole body set upright, wish of instinct dodges. 叶晨风突然靠近,让帝飞扬全身的汗毛都直竖起来,本能的想要闪躲。 The instance that but he fends, the dizziness strength that surpassed him to imagine rumbles in his soul sea, making his soul tremble, the brain presented the short blank in a short time. 但他闪避的瞬间,一股超出他想象的眩晕力轰进了他魂海之中,让他灵魂一颤,大脑在短时间内出现了短暂的空白。 „!” “啪啪!” Two clear palm of the hand sounds get up. 两道清脆的巴掌声响起。 Ye Chenfeng brandishes the palm of the hand, pulled out the emperor to fly upwards maliciously two ear and area around it, pulled out he unceasingly repaired cheeks caved, several broke the tooth with the massive blood, flowed his mouth, fell on the ground, the bloodstained, very dazzling. 叶晨风抡起巴掌,狠狠地抽了帝飞扬两个耳光,将他不断被修复的脸颊又抽塌陷了,数颗断牙伴随着大量的鲜血,流淌出他的嘴巴,掉落在地上,血迹斑斑,十分的刺眼。 Bold, rests injures emperor!” “大胆,休得伤害天子!” Several Jinjia bodyguards have not thought that the Ye Chenfeng courage is so big, beats the emperor to fly upwards outside the palace in the presence of everyone, immediately has gotten angry, summoned the respective [say / way] treasure, killed to Ye Chenfeng. 数名金甲侍卫没想到叶晨风胆子这么大,在金殿之外当众殴打帝飞扬,顿时怒了,纷纷召唤出各自的道宝,袭杀向了叶晨风 Ka ka ka!” “咔咔咔!” When each article was sparkling Daoguang, the might enormous [say / way] treasure bombardment when the Ye Chenfeng body, the fearful skill in Daoist cultivation spurted to be thin his body, shelled maliciously above counting the Grand Dao treasure, the fearful skill in Daoist cultivation shattered these treasures stiffly. 当一件件闪耀着道光,威力极大的道宝轰击在叶晨风身上时,可怕的道力喷薄出他的身体,狠狠地轰击在数大道宝之上,可怕的道力硬生生将这些道宝震裂了。 The next quarter, the limitless holy water spends the Ye Chenfeng body, turned into the extreme cold air, froze to Jinjia bodyguards, froze the ice sculpture them instantaneously. 下一刻,无极圣水破出叶晨风身体,化成了极度寒气,冻结向了一名名金甲侍卫,瞬间将他们冻结成了冰雕。 Emperor flies upwards, do you want to become are the same with them?” “帝飞扬,你想不想变得和他们一样呢?” A powerful smashing treasure, froze a famous strength uncommon Jinjia bodyguard, Ye Chenfeng flew upwards to the emperor of complexion big change the vision projection, has shown the devil smiling face. 强势粉碎道宝,冻结一名名实力不凡的金甲侍卫,叶晨风将目光投射向了脸色大变的帝飞扬,露出了魔鬼般的笑容。 I, I urged you to should better not to act unreasonably, if you injured me, your fate was absolutely more miserable than me!” “我,我劝你最好不要乱来,如果你伤害我,你的下场绝对比我惨!” Although emperor flying upwards is impressive, but the Ye Chenfeng strength is too terrorist, is controlling his life and death completely, witnesses the Ye Chenfeng ruthless spicy method, the emperor flies upwards from is afraid at heart. 虽然帝飞扬气度不凡,但叶晨风的实力太恐怖,完全掌控着他的生死,目睹叶晨风狠辣的手段,帝飞扬从心里感到恐惧。 Yeah, the emperor flies upwards, I think that you is a character, but I discovered that I misread you.” Ye Chenfeng looks that the emperor of bracing oneself strong brace flies upwards saying: Ok, I act charitably today, helping the Nine Heavens emperor's clan change an emperor.” “哎,帝飞扬,我本以为你是一个人物,但我发现,我真的看错你了。”叶晨风看着硬着头皮强撑的帝飞扬道:“算了,我今天行行好,帮九天皇族换个天子吧。” Buzz humming sound!” “嗡嗡嗡!” The Ye Chenfeng voice just fell, the space outbreak of his top of the head the distortion, was circling gold dragon, appears dragon seal of ancient seal characters to drop from the clouds, the suppression has approached Ye Chenfeng. 叶晨风话音刚落,他头顶的空间突然发生了扭曲,一枚盘旋着金龙,浮现着古篆体的龙印从天而降,镇压向了叶晨风 High-grade Saint treasure!” “上品圣宝!” Felt the strength of destruction dragon India , China flood, the Ye Chenfeng pupil shrinks, in within the body five big hole hole strengths erupt, over 300 million jin (0.5 kg) strength irrigation to the right fist , a fist bombardment have approached Dragon seal. 感觉到龙印中充斥的毁灭之力,叶晨风瞳孔一缩,体内五大穴窍力量爆发,超过300000000斤的力量灌注到右拳中,一拳轰击向了龙印。 Recited!” “吟吟吟!” Fist glow that Ye Chenfeng rumbles remote spatial on straight, is crushing layer upon layer the heavy pressure, when hits the ancient seal characters above dragon seal, deafening Dragon's Roar sounds get up, the ancient seal characters that the first Heavenly Law mark portray becomes turned into dragon character mark, crushes fist glow that Ye Chenfeng has rumbled, shelled to approach Ye Chenfeng maliciously. 叶晨风轰出的拳芒遥空直上,粉碎着层层重压,击中龙印之上的古篆体时,一道道震耳欲聋的龙吟声响起,先天道纹刻画而成的古篆体化成了‘龙’字纹,粉碎了叶晨风轰出的拳芒,狠狠地轰击向了叶晨风 Bang!” “轰!” The incomparably hard ground character mark was shattered to cave by dragon, but Ye Chenfeng and tender language beautifully actually disappearing trail. 无比坚硬的地面被‘龙’字纹震裂塌陷了,但叶晨风与娇语嫣却不见了踪迹。 What's wrong, is this god sovereign the hospitality?” “怎么,这就是神皇陛下待客之道吗?” The foot pedal sword step, having the tender language to fend Kai Jinlong to print the attack beautifully, Ye Chenfeng to has covered the palace in array ban the vision projection, saying of coldly. 脚踏剑步,带着娇语嫣闪避开金龙印攻击,叶晨风将目光投射向了笼罩在阵法禁制中的金殿,冷冷的说道。 My Nine Heavens god country is the hospitable nation, but the extremely arrogant boundless generation, this sovereign does not welcome.” Together vigorous, having the sound of fearful pressure to make a sound in the palace. “我九天神国是好客之邦,但狂妄无边之辈,本皇并不欢迎。”一道雄浑,带着可怕威压的声音在金殿中响了起来。 God sovereign this saying made a mistake!” Ye Chenfeng neither arrogant nor servile saying: I have received, tit for tat is fair play tit for tat is fair play principle, if not the expensive emperor the treasure that wants to seize me to auction comes, I will not begin to him.” “神皇陛下这话错了!”叶晨风不亢不卑的说道:“本人一直秉承,人不犯我我不犯人的原则,如果不是贵天子想要强抢我拍卖得来的宝物,我也不会对他动手。” Moreover I do not kill him, already to your country, to old god sovereign face!” “而且我不杀他,已经是给贵国,给老神皇面子了!” That said that I should also thank you?” God Emperor blade nobility neither cold nor hot saying. “那这么说,我还应该感谢你了?”神皇帝刀爵不冷不热的说道。 Actually I the homicide, the god sovereign should thank me, like this grade of eye long forehead on, the generation of not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth, is really degrading the status of emperor, possibly gives the Nine Heavens god country to bring the endless trouble!” “其实我将他杀了,神皇陛下才应该感谢我,像他这等眼睛长脑门上,不知天高地厚之辈,真是有辱天子的身份,更可能给九天神国带来无尽的麻烦!” Ye Chenfeng shoulders both hands, spoke with confidence, only flew the emperor arrogant and unaccommodatingly wanted to spit blood. 叶晨风背负双手,侃侃而谈,只把帝飞扬气的想要吐血。
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