EDSG :: Volume #15

#1475: Saint beast Tianlong

Bold, who you are, why comes my Nine Heavens Imperial city to disturb!” “大胆,你是何人,为何来我九天皇城捣乱!” The Jinjia man complexion slightly changes, takes back by Ye Chenfeng rapidly is directed the curved dark golden long gun|spear, complexion dignified asking. 金甲男子脸色微微一变,迅速收回被叶晨风一指点弯的暗金色长枪,脸色凝重的问道。 I said that I to celebrate the old god sovereign return to come, do you believe?” “我说我是为庆祝老神皇回归而来,你们相信吗?” Ye Chenfeng faint smile looks at the Jinjia man, sound ice-cold saying. 叶晨风似笑非笑的看着金甲男子,声音冰冷的说道。 Yellow war-god, this person of lawlessness, does all kinds of evil things, but also please yellow war amazingly quick fast make a move seize it, shuts to die!” “黄战神,此人无法无天,为非作歹,还请黄战神速速出手将其擒下,关进死牢!” The cheeks cave , the mouth blood stream emperor incessantly flew upwards to crawl on the ground, looked angrily is bringing the endless shame to him Ye Chenfeng, roared loudly. 脸颊塌陷,嘴巴血流不止的帝飞扬在地上爬了起来,怒视着给他带来无尽羞辱的叶晨风,大声咆哮道。 You should better not to count on him, if he can seize me, so rubbish with me!” Ye Chenfeng is revealing the light smiling face, looks at the face darken incomparable yellow war shintoism: „Do I have to speak incorrectly.” “你最好不要指望他,如果他能擒住我,就不会与我这般废话了!”叶晨风露着淡淡的笑容,看着脸色阴沉无比的黄战神道:“我有没有说错。” Your excellency strength, although is strong, but can strong my Nine Heavens Imperial city!” Yellow war-god took a deep breath, is repressing the angry quirk of innermost feelings: I urged your excellency more intelligent to well, continued to get down to you to have the fault noisily, did not have the advantage.” “阁下实力虽强,但能强的过我九天皇城!”黄战神深吸一口气,按捺着内心的怒火道:“我劝阁下还是聪明一些为好,继续闹下去对你只有坏处,没有好处。” Good, I have not haggled over with you, we walk!” “好吧,我不和你们计较了,我们走吧!” Ye Chenfeng looked at cheeks to cave , the emperor of double pupil torching flew upwards, having the tender language to leave the chaotic auction hall beautifully. 叶晨风看了一眼脸颊塌陷,双眸喷火的帝飞扬,带着娇语嫣就要离开混乱的拍卖大厅。 Yellow war-god, cannot put them to walk!” “黄战神,不能放他们走!” Looks that the Ye Chenfeng two people go ahead, emperor flies upwards the angry order saying that if made Ye Chenfeng two people of this swaggering walk, he will inevitably become the laughingstock, the first Heavenly Sword embryo will miss with him. 看着叶晨风二人说走就走,帝飞扬愤怒的命令道,如果让叶晨风二人这这样大摇大摆的走了,他势必成为笑柄,先天剑胎更将与他无缘。 Looked, was not I must continue to get down noisily, but was some people of not knowing good from bad insists on pestering.” Ye Chenfeng has shown an ice-cold smiling face: Was good, I am patient, if you want to begin a bit faster, do not lose my time.” “看了吧,不是我要继续闹下去,而是有些不知好歹之人执意纠缠。”叶晨风露出了一丝冰冷的笑容道:“好了,我耐心有限,如果你们想要动手就快点,不要耽误我时间。” „Under good, that makes me ask for advice again, your excellency good idea!” “好吧,那就让我再领教下,阁下的高招!” Receives the emperor to fly upwards the pass on message, yellow war-god took a deep breath, a formidable war clothes divulges in his body, has locked Ye Chenfeng. 接到帝飞扬传讯,黄战神深吸一口气,一股强大的战衣在他身体中宣泄出来,锁定了叶晨风 Three moves, if my three moves cannot hit to fall face down you, calculates that I lose!” “三招,如果我三招不能将你打趴下,算我输!” Ye Chenfeng looks at the yellow war-god of Nirvana day boundary, stretches out a finger, rampant overbearing saying. 叶晨风看着涅槃天境的黄战神,伸出一根手指,嚣张霸道的说道。 Sovereign Dragon Tianqiang!” “皇龙天枪!” The yellow war-god complexion changes, the Dao Intent complete explosion of whole body, the deduction of extremely fast. 黄战神脸色一变,全身的道意完全爆发,极速的推演。 His bayonet leaves, the dark golden long gun|spear in entire body and hand fuses in together, is evolving the mysterious first Heavenly Law mark, such as cuts Huanglong of vault of heaven, was howling the thorn to the chest of Ye Chenfeng. 他一枪刺出,整个身子与手中的暗金色长枪融合在一起,演化着玄奥的先天道纹,如一条划破苍穹的黄龙,呼啸着刺向了叶晨风的胸口。 Spirit of bead dying, friendly!” “死之灵珠,融!” A yellow war-god bayonet, Ye Chenfeng has not dodged, he treads rapidly the previous step, fused the bubbling spring hole spirit of bead in death, rumbles the flesh and blood fist to move forward to meet somebody. 黄战神一枪刺来,叶晨风没有闪躲,他迅速踏前一步,融合了涌泉穴中的死之灵珠,轰出血肉拳头迎了上去。 Bang bang bang!” “嘭嘭嘭!” Although Ye Chenfeng does not have use Saint, but his human body is too formidable, a fist rumbles, the heavily space was pressed to explode, is flooding Huang Long tian spear|gun that the fist and yellow war-god of explosion strength puncture to hit together, the eruption strength is crushing the Huanglong fist glow unceasingly, a fist pounded to bend the dark golden long gun|spear. 虽然叶晨风没有动用圣器,但他肉体太强大,一拳轰出,重重空间被压爆了,充斥着爆炸力量的拳头与黄战神刺出的黄龙天枪撞击在一起,爆发的力量不断地粉碎着黄龙般的拳芒,一拳砸弯了暗金色长枪。 The fearful strength by dark golden long gun|spear, crazy emerging to the arm of yellow war-god, shakes his arm to be bruised and lacerated, splutters the massive blood. 可怕的力量透过暗金色长枪,疯狂的涌入到黄战神的手臂中,震得他手臂皮开肉绽,溅射出大量的鲜血。 In the yellow war-god is startled the Ye Chenfeng fearful strength, the Ye Chenfeng under foot virtual light dodges, suddenly appears before the yellow war-god body, rumbled a fist to his chest, a fist broke the gold that he has worn to fight armor, caved in his chest, rumbled to fly him. 就在黄战神吃惊叶晨风可怕的战力时,叶晨风脚下虚光一闪,突然出现在黄战神身前,冲着他胸口轰出了一拳,一拳震碎了他身穿的黄金战甲,塌陷了他的胸口,将他轰飞了出去。 Yeah, both cannot catch including my two moves, you imagine compared with me weak many!” “哎,连我两招都接不住,你比我想象中弱不少!” Looks to fly upside down dozens meters far, dislodges a big hole the distant place cliff the yellow war-god, Ye Chenfeng shook the head, saying that disdains. 看着倒飞出数十米远,将远处石壁撞出一个大坑的黄战神,叶晨风摇了摇头,不屑的说道。 Mother, he so will be how strong!” “妈的,他怎么会这么强!” Saw of yellow war-gods Nine Heavens emperor's clan four big war-gods did not beat Ye Chenfeng, the emperor fly upwards the entire heart to fall into the trough, on the forehead have emitted beads of sweat. 看到九天皇族四大战神之一的黄战神都不敌叶晨风,帝飞扬整颗心跌入到了低谷,额头上更是冒出了颗颗汗珠。 Under, was one's turn you!” “下面,又轮到你了!” In the Ye Chenfeng profound pupil jumps projects the thick cold light, locks the emperor who on the forehead has emitted the massive cold sweat to fly upwards, is treading the serious step, walked step by step. 叶晨风深邃的眸子中迸射出浓浓的冷光,锁定了额头上冒出大量冷汗的帝飞扬,踏着沉重的步伐,一步步走了过去。 Which, that senior wants make a move to assist, my Nine Heavens emperor's clan owes a that senior favour surely.” “哪,那位前辈愿意出手相助,我九天皇族必定欠那位前辈一个人情。” Looks at more walks nearer Ye Chenfeng, the emperor flies upwards to have one type by the feeling that the antiquity stared at beast, the breath became difficult, shouted to shout loudly. 看着越走越近的叶晨风,帝飞扬有一种被上古蛮兽盯上的感觉,呼吸都变得困难,扯着嗓子大声喊道。 Who dares make a move, kills without the amnesty!” “谁敢出手,杀无赦!” The fearful imposing manner complete explosion in Ye Chenfeng body, the fearful imposing manner has led the space situation to change, the entire auction hall shivers. 叶晨风身体中的可怕气势完全爆发了,可怕的气势带动着空间大势为之变化,整个拍卖大厅都颤抖起来。 Is feeling fearful imposing manner of Ye Chenfeng release, the Nirvana day boundary that wants to begin much can the innermost feelings vacillate greatly, but the emperor who withstands the strongest imposing manner flies upwards, is the whole body fine hair straight vertical stroke, the entire body trembles. 感受着叶晨风释放的可怕气势,不少想要动手的涅槃天境大能内心动摇了,而承受最强气势的帝飞扬,更是全身汗毛直竖,整个身子哆嗦起来。 Kneels down!” “跪下!” Ye Chenfeng looks the emperor who on the forehead emits massive cold sweat flies upwards, the order that does not allow to resist said. 叶晨风看着额头上冒出大量冷汗的帝飞扬,不容抗拒的命令道。 You, you must really with my Nine Heavens emperor's clan irreconcilable until death!” “你,你真的要与我九天皇族不死不休!” Withstands is withstanding great pressure the imposing manner, the emperor flies upwards is supporting, is staring the blood red eye, looks angrily at Ye Chenfeng to say. 承受着泰山压顶般的气势,帝飞扬强撑着,瞪着血红色的眼睛,怒视着叶晨风道。 Depended on you unable to represent the Nine Heavens emperor's clan!” Saying of Ye Chenfeng coldly. “就凭你还代表不了九天皇族!”叶晨风冷冷的说道。 Recited!” “吟吟吟!” In Ye Chenfeng wants to force forcefully emperor flies upwards to kneel down, deafening Dragon's Roar sounds suddenly resound. 就在叶晨风想要强行逼迫帝飞扬跪下时,一道道震耳欲聋的龙吟声突然响起。 Saint beast, is my Nine Heavens emperor's clan Saint beast Tianlong!” Hears the Dragon's Roar sound that the horizon spreads, the emperor flying upwards innermost feelings great happiness, shouts to shout greatly: Saint beast saves a life.” “圣兽,是我九天皇族圣兽天龙!”听到天边传开的龙吟声,帝飞扬内心大喜,扯着嗓子大喊道:“圣兽救命。” Bang!” “轰隆隆!” Builds with the special material quality, the incomparably hard palace went against shivered suddenly, wore the white to fight armor, tall and powerfully built big, on the head steadily a pair of dragon corner/horn, the arm and both legs were covering the thick dragon scale man, grasped a about two zhang (3.33 m) dragon head broadsword, dropped from the clouds, appears in the chaotic auction hall. 用特殊材质打造而成,无比坚硬的殿顶突然颤抖了一下,一名身穿白色战甲,身材魁梧高大,脑袋上长着一对龙角,手臂和双腿覆盖着厚厚龙鳞的男子,手持一根近两丈长的龙头大刀,从天而降,出现在混乱的拍卖大厅。 Was good, today's auction this finished, can leave!” “好了,今天的拍卖到此结束,诸位可以离开了!” The Nine Heavens god country Saint beast appears, felt that the situation serious Daoist robe old man promptly opened the front door, shouts loudly. 九天神国圣兽出现,感到事态严重的道袍老者立即打开了大门,大声喊道。 The auction hall front door opens, frightens the mind vacillation much can not dare to wait for a long time greatly leaves in abundance. 拍卖厅大门开启,不少吓得心神动摇的大能不敢久待纷纷离开了。 The quick, entire auction hall only remaining few more than ten people, other people all startled escaped from the auction hall. 很快,整个拍卖大厅就只剩下寥寥十余人,其他人全都惊慌逃出了拍卖大厅。 middle-level Saint beast dragon!” 中级圣兽龙!” Felt strong sign of the dragon air/Qi that at present the silver armor man sends out, Devouring God Brain of extremely fast deduction determined that the present man is the middle-level Saint beast, moreover is most top dragon. 感觉到眼前银甲男子散发出的强大龙气,极速推演的噬神脑确定,眼前的男子是中级圣兽,而且还是最顶级的龙。 Nine Heavens god country is in three big god countries the inside story is worthily deepest, actually has True Dragon!” 九天神国不愧是三大神国中底蕴最深的,竟然拥有一只真龙!” On the Ye Chenfeng face has revealed a dignified color, in the mind is appears several thoughts. 叶晨风脸上露出了一丝凝重之色,脑海中更是浮现出数个念头。 Although by his current strength and inside story, completely has ability Tu Dragon, but his true goal is to force emperor Nine Heavens, lets him and collaborates to control the Nine Heavens god country in secret, the premature exposed status, is disadvantageous to him. 虽然以他目前的实力和底蕴,完全有能力屠龙,但他真正的目的是逼迫帝九天,让他与自己联手暗中掌控九天神国,过早的暴露身份,对他不利。 „Did your excellency suffice noisily?” “阁下闹够了吗?” Saint beast Tianlong is staring the copper bell big eye, looks at Ye Chenfeng, sound vigorous asking. 圣兽天龙瞪着铜铃大眼,看着叶晨风,声音浑厚的问道。 Noisy? You thought that today is I am causing trouble?” Saying that Ye Chenfeng does not show weakness: „If not he seeks after my treasure, you will aim at him?” “闹?你觉得今天是我在闹事?”叶晨风毫不示弱的说道:“如果不是他贪图我身上的宝物,你会针对他?” No matter what, you should not injure them, today you must give me a Nine Heavens emperor's clan confession!” Saint beast Tianlong said. “不管怎样,你不应该打伤他们,今天你必须要给我九天皇族一个交代!”圣兽天龙道。 Good, you want to confess that I can give you!” Ye Chenfeng closely grabs the tender language beautiful smooth small hand, helping her melt the impact of dragon prestige saying: Leads us to go to the Nine Heavens imperial palace, I must see right in front of one your Nine Heavens god sovereign, wants a justice for the matter of today.” “好啊,你想要交代,我可以给你!”叶晨风紧紧地抓着娇语嫣柔滑的小手,帮她化解着龙威的冲击道:“带我们去九天皇宫,我要面见你九天神皇,为今天之事讨个公道。” Ok, we walk!” “可以,我们走!” Saint beast Tianlong deeply looked at Ye Chenfeng, nodded, sends under custody the Ye Chenfeng two people personally, went to be tightly guarded, in Nine Heavens god country true power center Nine Heavens imperial palace. 圣兽天龙深深地望了一眼叶晨风,点了点头,亲自押送叶晨风二人,前往了戒备森严,九天神国真正的权力中心九天皇宫中。
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