EDSG :: Volume #15

#1474: Bullies the person

Who is your excellency?” “阁下到底是何人?” Witnessed that Ye Chenfeng defeats one of the array ban, the Daoist robe old man innermost feelings jumps suddenly, looked that occurred to the Ye Chenfeng look changed enormously. 目睹叶晨风一击破掉阵法禁制的一幕,道袍老者内心猛然一跳,看向叶晨风的眼神发生了极大地变化。 Can so break array to ban with ease that the striking power has met the Nirvana day boundary limit standard absolutely. 能如此轻松破掉阵法禁制,攻击力绝对达到了涅槃天境极限水准。 Who I am unimportant, more importantly, just you did not want to kill me, captures treasure that I auction come?” Ye Chenfeng is revealing the light smiling face: I stand now here, anyone of you wants to begin, that comes.” “我是谁不重要,重要的是,刚刚你们不是想要杀我,夺得我拍卖得来的宝物吗?”叶晨风露着淡淡的笑容道:“我现在就站在这里,你们谁想动手,那就来吧。” Emperor, this person of strength is too terrorist, by our strengths perhaps is not his match, we evade its point, in the future cope with him to again slowly well!” The Daoist robe old man was deterred by the Ye Chenfeng strength, passes message flies upwards to say to the complexion cloudy clear uncertain emperor. “天子,此人实力太恐怖,以我们的实力恐怕不是他的对手,我们还是避其锋芒,日后再慢慢对付他为好!”道袍老者被叶晨风的实力震慑住,传音给脸色阴晴不定的帝飞扬道。 Good, today I have forgiven him first!” “好,今天我先饶了他!” Although the emperor flies upwards does not abandon the first Heavenly Sword embryo, but the Ye Chenfeng strength is too terrorist, making him smell the thick dangerous aura, has to choose to make concessions. 虽然帝飞扬不舍先天剑胎,但叶晨风的实力太恐怖,让他嗅到了浓浓的危险气息,不得不选择退让。 We walk!” “我们走!” The emperor flew upwards to look angrily at Ye Chenfeng, having several to accompany must leave. 帝飞扬怒视了一眼叶晨风,带着数名随从就要离开。 Emperor emperor, which you must go!” “帝天子,你这是要去哪啊!” Ye Chenfeng intends to be noisy the matter, thus emperor Nine Heavens will compel the dead end, keeping him from choosing, decided that flies upwards and the others to operate with the emperor. 叶晨风有意将事情闹大,从而将帝九天逼到绝路,让他无法选择,决定拿帝飞扬等人开刀。 What's wrong, you also want to injure me to be inadequate!” “怎么,你还想伤害我不成!” Takes advantage of the emperor status, the emperor flies upwards did not fear that Ye Chenfeng is disadvantageous to him, cold Shi Ye Chenfeng of interception before his body, secure saying. 依仗天子身份,帝飞扬并不怕叶晨风对他不利,冷视着拦截在他身前的叶晨风,有恃无恐的说道。 Emperor flies upwards, if not you have scruples my strength, present you, should already begin to me!” Saying of Ye Chenfeng coldly. “帝飞扬,如果不是你顾忌我的实力,现在的你,应该早就对我动手了吧!”叶晨风冷冷的说道。 Good, your strength is truly good!” The emperor flies upwards to nod, natural saying. “不错,你的实力确实不俗!”帝飞扬点了点头,大大方方的说道。 Since my fist is older than you, whether I can bully you!” The Ye Chenfeng corners of the mouth curl upwards, flood cold Yidao. “既然我拳头比你大,那我是不是可以欺负欺负你!”叶晨风嘴角微翘,泛起了一丝冷意道。 You should better be clear, where now, has injured me, I ensure keeps you from living is leaving Nine Heavens Imperial city!” Emperor flying upwards eye micro, in the pupil jumps shoots to make a debut a cold brightness, the warning of coldly said. “你最好想清楚,现在在什么地方,伤害了我,我保证让你无法活着离开九天皇城!”帝飞扬眼睛微缩,瞳孔中迸射出道道寒光,冷冷的警告道。 Right?” “是吗?” Ye Chenfeng scoffs at the nose to smile, right hand escapes into to the space trajectory in suddenly, a palm of the hand pulled out to the emperor flew upwards. 叶晨风嗤鼻一笑,右手突然遁入到空间轨迹中,一巴掌抽向了帝飞扬。 The emperor flies upwards, although is the Nirvana boundary big energy, but his attention is also centralized on Ye Chenfeng, but the Ye Chenfeng attack speed is too fast, the right hand escapes into to the space trajectory, making the emperor fly upwards virtually impossible to guard against. 帝飞扬虽然是涅槃地境大能,而他的注意力又集中在叶晨风身上,但叶晨风攻击速度太快,右手又遁入到空间轨迹中,让帝飞扬防不胜防。 „!” “啪!” The clear palm of the hand sound gets up together. 一道清脆的巴掌声响起。 Ye Chenfeng flooded over a hundred million jin (0.5 kg) strength big hand to pull out maliciously on his cheeks, the fearful strength has shocked his defense, was caving in his cheeks, pulled out to fly his palm of the hand, drew an elegant arc in the midair, hit maliciously on behind chair, the entire auction hall fell into to the confusion. 叶晨风充斥着上亿斤力量的大手狠狠地抽在了他的脸颊上,可怕的力量震破了他的防御,塌陷着他的脸颊,将他一巴掌抽飞了出去,在半空中划出一道优美的弧线,狠狠地撞在了身后的椅子上,整个拍卖大厅陷入到混乱中。 Emperor!” “天子!” Daoist robe old man and the others were scared, has not thought that the Ye Chenfeng courage is so big, dares to fly upwards to begin to the emperor in the presence of everyone. 道袍老者等人傻了眼,没想到叶晨风胆子这么大,胆敢当众对帝飞扬动手。 But Liu Manggeng had been scared by present one, a brain blank, the entire body trembles. 而刘芒更是被眼前的一幕吓傻了,大脑一片空白,整个身子哆嗦起来。 I have killed you!” “我杀了你!” How could the emperor flies upwards has received this and other big shame, does not give a thought to the cheeks injury, crawls in the chair pile of collapse like an angry leopard, summoned a might to be enormous, the shape was ordinary just like the waning moon, glitters Thunder light the Middle Grade Saint treasure, the bang is killing to Ye Chenfeng. 帝飞扬何曾受过这等大辱,不顾脸颊伤势,像一只愤怒的豹子在塌陷的椅堆上爬起来,召唤出一件威力极大,形状宛如残月一般,闪烁着雷光的中品圣宝,轰杀向了叶晨风 The emperor flies upwards the instance that begins, annoyed emperor Ayauta, the angry sword natural beauty also launched the attack at this time to Ye Chenfeng, wanted to capture alive his heavy injury with joint forces. 帝飞扬动手的瞬间,恼火的帝绫歌,愤怒的剑天姿也在这时向叶晨风发动攻击,想要合力将他重创生擒。 Kacha!” 咔嚓!” The emperor flies upwards three people to raid with joint forces, Ye Chenfeng is not on the point of death chaotic, he treads gently the previous step, the strength that surpasses the people to imagine in his production, shattered the ground. 帝飞扬三人合力袭来,叶晨风临危不乱,他轻轻踏前一步,一股超出众人想象的力量在他脚下生成,震裂了地面。 Then, before he space with tender language beautiful body had a large area of fold, the overlapping space melts the emperor to fly upwards unceasingly three people of offensive. 接着,他与娇语嫣身前的空间发生了大面积的褶皱,层层叠叠的空间不断地化解着帝飞扬三人的攻势。 Thunder Yuecan the shade, extinguishes!” “雷月残影,灭!” The emperor flew upwards to be wild with rage, injected the formidable skill in Daoist cultivation to the Middle Grade Saint treasure unceasingly, was promoting Thunder Yuecan the shade might, the space that was crushing the heavily pack, the bang killed to Ye Chenfeng. 帝飞扬气疯了,不断地向中品圣宝中注入强大的道力,提升着雷月残影的威力,粉碎着重重叠叠的空间,轰杀向了叶晨风 You, were too weak!” “你,太弱了!” When Thunder Yuecan shade with irresistible force near body, the Ye Chenfeng palm flighty has appeared Heaven and Earth Spirit Level Dao Chart, a palm bombardment in Thunder Yuecan the shade, the strength of fearful Dao Intent and several billions jin (0.5 kg) strength shook to draw back Thunder Yuecan the shade directly. 在雷月残影势如破竹般近身时,叶晨风手掌心浮现出了天地灵级道图,一掌轰击在了雷月残影上,可怕的道意之力和数亿斤的力量直接将雷月残影震退了回去。 The next quarter, the Ye Chenfeng body flashed, is difficult to distinguish the speed that by the naked eye, appears before having a big shock emperor Ayauta and sword natural beauty body, trod two feet to them. 下一刻,叶晨风身子闪动了一下,以肉眼难辨的速度,出现在大惊失色的帝绫歌和剑天姿身前,冲着他们踏出了两脚。 Two treadon, the entire space vibrated, the fearful tyrant foot seems suppressing nine quiet, is having hundred million honored strength, has trod their attack, trod to fly them, the massive blood sprayed in their mouths. 两脚踏出,整个空间震动了,可怕的霸脚仿佛镇压着九幽,带着亿钧之力,踏碎了他们二人的攻击,将他们踏飞了出去,大量的鲜血在他们嘴巴中喷洒出来。 Then, Ye Chenfeng changes to together remnant shade, appears before the emperor flying upwards body of having a big shock, launches the attack to him. 接着,叶晨风化作一道残影,出现在大惊失色的帝飞扬身前,向他发动攻击。 Does not do to injure the emperor!” “休要伤害天子!” The Daoist robe old man noticed that emperor Ayauta has danger, stimulated the strength of formidable bloodlines, rumbles such as the meteor has fallen down the fist glow to Ye Chenfeng, evolves the mark of Grand Dao, the bang is killing Ye Chenfeng. 道袍老者看到帝绫歌有危险,激发了强大的血脉之力,冲着叶晨风轰出了如流星坠地般的拳芒,演化着大道之纹,轰杀叶晨风 Depends on you, but could also not save him!” “就凭你,还救不了他!” Ye Chenfeng cold snort|hum, gushed out a rudely fist to move forward to meet somebody. 叶晨风冷哼一声,涌出了势大力沉的一拳迎了上去。 When Ye Chenfeng and fist of Daoist robe old man hits together, the skill in Daoist cultivation that surpasses the Daoist robe old man to imagine bursts out in the Ye Chenfeng fist, pours into to his body, shook him directly flew dozens meters far, hit maliciously on the coiled dragon stone column of distant place, painful pouring in the place, almost lost again the strength of war. 叶晨风与道袍老者的拳头撞击到一起时,一股超出道袍老者想象的道力在叶晨风拳头中迸发出来,灌入到他身体中,直接将他震飞了数十米远,狠狠地撞在了远处的蟠龙石柱上,痛苦的倒在了地方,几乎失去了再战之力。 Good strength strength, deep old, how can you see the strength of this person?” “好强的实力,冥老,你能看出此人的实力到底如何吗?” Many Nirvana day boundary big energy that comes to attend the auction, but sees Ye Chenfeng to enter the strength, these Nirvana day boundaries can be frightened greatly, an appearance ordinary female, inquired in a soft voice white hair old man said. 前来参加拍卖会的不乏涅槃天境大能,不过见到叶晨风进入到战力,这些涅槃天境大能都被震慑住了,一名样貌普通的女子,轻声询问身旁的白发老者道。 This person of strength is very strong, perhaps is the Nirvana day boundary limit big energy!” White hair old man expression dignified saying. “此人实力很强,恐怕是涅槃天境极限大能!”白发老者语气凝重的说道。 When did my central world present this and other young expert?” The females have held breath a cool gas channel. “我中央世界何时出现了这等年轻的高手?”女子倒吸了一口凉气道。 This person disguise, does not know absolutely this person and the Nine Heavens god state-owned what bitter hatred, shames the emperor of Nine Heavens emperor's clan unexpectedly in the presence of everyone!” The white hair old man said. “此人绝对易容了,就是不知道此人与九天神国有何深仇大恨,竟然当众羞辱九天皇族的天子!”白发老者道。 Thunder Yuecan shade, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Thunder light!” “雷月残影,万丈雷光!” Although the Ye Chenfeng strength exceeds the imagination that emperor flew upwards, but he has not flinched, bites jaw tightly, controls the Middle Grade Saint treasure to divulge massive Thunder light, the bang is killing the body of Ye Chenfeng. 虽然叶晨风的实力超出了帝飞扬的想象,但他没有退缩,紧咬牙关,控制中品圣宝宣泄出大量的雷光,轰杀着叶晨风的身体。 But Ye Chenfeng today we are no longer as we have been, do not say that the emperor of Nirvana boundary flies upwards, even if the Nirvana day boundary limit big energy, Ye Chenfeng waves also to cut to kill. 叶晨风今非昔比,不要说涅槃地境的帝飞扬,就算涅槃天境极限大能,叶晨风挥手间也能斩杀。 „!” “啪啪啪!” The Ye Chenfeng body moves, such as a handle without a peer Divine sword, tears to pieces ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Thunder light who Thunder Yuecan the shade has divulged, appears in the emperor flying upwards front, brandishes the palm, slaps the emperor flying upwards face unceasingly, only cracks the head that he pulls out, blood flowing from every orifice, pain. 叶晨风身子一动,如一柄不可匹敌的神剑,撕破了雷月残影宣泄的万丈雷光,出现在帝飞扬面前,抡起手掌,不断地抽帝飞扬巴掌,只把他抽的脑袋崩裂,七孔流血,痛苦不已。 Stop!” “住手!” In Ye Chenfeng shames intentionally the emperor flies upwards, together the angry roaring sound gets up. 就在叶晨风故意羞辱帝飞扬时,一道愤怒的咆哮声响起。 Wears the golden helmet and armor, grasps a nine chi (0.33 m) nine cuns (2.5cm) dark golden long gun|spear, the military might is uncommon, the man who the strength reaches the Nirvana day boundary limit appeared, a bayonet has approached Ye Chenfeng. 一名身穿金色盔甲,手持一根九尺九寸长暗金色长枪,威武不凡,实力达到涅槃天境极限的男子出现了,一枪刺向了叶晨风 A bayonet leaves, just liked the flood dragon goes to sea, has torn to pieces the space, the sound that the spear|gun glow and air friction made, was makes many person eardrum painful, uncomfortable. 一枪刺出,犹如蛟龙出海,撕破了空间,枪芒与空气摩擦发出的声音,更是让不少人耳膜生疼,难受不已。 Saw that in a Jinjia man bayonet the Ye Chenfeng body, Ye Chenfeng selected one finger rapidly, on this dark golden lance point. 眼看金甲男子一枪刺中叶晨风身体,叶晨风迅速点出了一指,点在这暗金色枪尖上。 The fearful strength and skill in Daoist cultivation several nearly are the Middle Grade Saint treasure degree of hardness directly dark golden long gun|spear curved, turned into the full moon, a finger compelled to draw back the Jinjia men. 可怕的力量和道力直接将几近达到中品圣宝硬度的暗金色长枪点弯,化成了满月,一指将金甲男子逼退了回去。
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