EDSG :: Volume #15

#1473: Invincible grand appearance

Covers the moon/month! Originally he is one of the covering months central world ten big rogue cultivator!” “掩月!原来他是中央世界十大散修之一的掩月!” Suddenly, some people have recognized the identity of hemp robe old man, has exuded the screams. 突然,有人认出了麻袍老者的身份,发出了惊呼声。 Now, you whether the Heavenly Sword embryo will be able to give me first!” “现在,你是不是可以将先天剑胎给我了!” After covering the lunar motion opens, the emperor of face darken water flies upwards the vision has locked Ye Chenfeng, dense saying. 掩月离开后,脸色阴沉似水的帝飞扬将目光锁定了叶晨风,森然的说道。 This the first Heavenly Sword embryo is my, why do I want to give you?” The Ye Chenfeng corners of the mouth go up slightly, looks that the whole body killing intent emperor flies upwards, coldly rhetorical question: could it be you also want to seize inadequately.” “这先天剑胎是我的,我为何要给你?”叶晨风嘴角微微上翘,看着满身杀意的帝飞扬,冷冷的反问道:“难道你还想强抢不成。” „Is your excellency also not the clear his situation!” “阁下是不是还不清楚自己的处境!” The emperor flew upwards to throw a meaningful glance to the Daoist robe old man, life it increased the auction market ban, has blocked the Ye Chenfeng escape route completely. 帝飞扬冲着道袍老者投去了一个眼色,命其加大了拍卖场禁制,完全封死了叶晨风的退路。 Situation? I think now very good!” The Ye Chenfeng light response said. “处境?我现在觉得很好啊!”叶晨风淡淡的回应道。 Did not need rubbish with him!” “不用和他废话了!” The emperor flies upwards also not make a move, has first Heavenly Sword body, attacks to kill the swift and fierce sword natural beauty, suddenly offered a sacrifice to the Divine Brilliance sword, punctured a sword in the chaotic auction hall, a sword thorn to the throat of Ye Chenfeng. 帝飞扬还未出手,拥有先天剑体,攻杀凌厉的剑天姿,突然祭出了神煌剑,在混乱的拍卖大厅刺出了一剑,一剑刺向了叶晨风的喉咙。 Bang!” “嘭!” Changes to sword light of one zhang (3.33 m) white glow to puncture, Ye Chenfeng has not dodged, he stretched out one finger gently, the accurate point on white sword light, a direction has broken to pieces sword light, broke the attack of sword natural beauty superficially. 化作一丈白芒的剑光刺来,叶晨风没有闪躲,他轻轻伸出了一指,准确无误的点在了白色剑光上,一指点碎了剑光,轻描淡写的破掉了剑天姿的攻击。 Anything......” “什么……” Witnessed that Ye Chenfeng points out one of the sword natural beauty attack, all people on the scene have all been shocked, has exuded the inconceivable screams. 目睹叶晨风一指破掉剑天姿攻击的一幕,在场的所有人全都惊呆了,发出了不可思议的惊呼声。 The emperor flies upwards, emperor Ayauta has revealed the dignified color, has not thought of the Ye Chenfeng strength fearfully so. 就连帝飞扬,帝绫歌都露出了凝重之色,没想到叶晨风的实力如此的可怕。 Buzz humming sound!” “嗡嗡嗡!” Grating sword whining noises resound in the sword natural beauty body, she deduces the pinnacle Dao Intent of sword, displaying kills to say scared that the close-in attack to Ye Chenfeng, wanted to start a series of swift and fierce killing potentials, heavy injury Ye Chenfeng. 一道道刺耳的剑鸣声在剑天姿身体中响起,她将剑之道意推演到极致,施展让人胆寒的杀道,近距离攻击向了叶晨风,想要发动一系列凌厉的杀势,重创叶晨风 You, were too weak!” “你,太弱了!” The Ye Chenfeng pupil shrinks, the entire body such as the hurricane fires into myriad sword glow that has raided swiftly and fiercely generally, depends upon the absolute strength, is breaking the sword glow of near bodies, appears changes in the complexion, smells the thick dangerous aura, in front of the sword natural beauty that the instinct dodges, put out a hand to grasp to her. 叶晨风瞳孔一缩,整个身子如飓风一般冲向了凌厉袭来的万千剑芒,依靠绝对的实力,震碎着一道道近身的剑芒,出现在脸色微变,嗅到浓浓危险气息,本能闪躲的剑天姿面前,伸手抓向了她。 The sword natural beauty fends the speed, although is quick, the speed that but the Ye Chenfeng right hand escapes into is faster. 剑天姿闪避速度虽快,但叶晨风右手遁入的速度更快。 Suddenly, the neck of sword natural beauty was held by Ye Chenfeng, exceeds the sword natural beauty imagination the strength to pour into to her body, has suppressed the skill in Daoist cultivation of her whole body, making her appear escaped the strength short, could not use a strength from top to bottom. 眨眼之间,剑天姿的脖子被叶晨风抓住,紧接着,一股超出剑天姿想象的力量灌入到她的身体中,镇压了她全身的道力,让她出现了短暂脱力,浑身上下使不出一丝力气。 The next quarter, the Ye Chenfeng looks like raises the chicken to be common, sword natural beauty high has raised, but this astonishing, deters the audience. 下一刻,叶晨风像提小鸡一般,将剑天姿高高的提了起来,而这惊人的一幕,震慑全场。 Who the sword natural beauty is, the peerless talent that the sword sect ten thousand years rare meet, has the long-awaited first Heavenly Sword body, walks to kill saying that the comprehensive strength may enter first five in the present age younger generation platoon. 剑天姿是什么人,剑宗万年难得一遇的绝世之才,拥有让人梦寐以求的先天剑体,又走杀道,综合战力可在当世年轻一代排进前五。 But now, the sword natural beauty is captured alive unable to move, this makes many people have one type to be in the feeling in dreamland. 可如今,剑天姿却被人生擒动弹不得,这让不少人有一种身在梦境之中的感觉。 Has put the natural beauty!” “放了天姿!” Although emperor Ayauta is startled the Ye Chenfeng strength, but at this moment, he must stand, summoned a big low grade Saint treasure to circle in the top of the head, was looking angrily at Ye Chenfeng, berated loudly. 虽然帝绫歌吃惊叶晨风的战力,但此时此刻,他必须站出来,召唤出一大下品圣宝盘旋在头顶,怒视着叶晨风,大声喝斥道。 Let alone I bully you, you on together.” Ye Chenfeng has shown the stubborn smiling face: „Under I happen to ask for advice, Nine Heavens god country two certainly for imperial prince strength how?” “别说我欺负你,你们一起上吧。”叶晨风露出了桀骜的笑容道:“我正好想要领教下,九天神国两位绝代皇子的实力到底如何?” „Who is your excellency?” “阁下到底是什么人?” Emperor flying upwards vision dignified looks at Ye Chenfeng, smelled a unusual aura, does not have the active threat, sound low and deep saying. 帝飞扬目光凝重的看着叶晨风,嗅到了一丝不寻常的气息,没有主动攻击,声音低沉的说道。 Now remembers to ask that my status, was too late!” Saying of Ye Chenfeng coldly: Did not require the delaying time, began.” “现在才想起问我的身份,是不是太晚了!”叶晨风冷冷的说道:“不要耽搁时间了,动手吧。” Your excellency, today is my Nine Heavens emperor's clan, to celebrate the old god sovereign returns, the red-letter day of especially holding the auction, your excellency so disturbs, too does not give me the Nine Heavens emperor's clan face!” “阁下,今天是我九天皇族,为庆祝老神皇回归,特地举行拍卖会的大喜日子,阁下这般捣乱,是不是太不给我九天皇族面子!” The Daoist robe old man deeply looks at Ye Chenfeng that has made him unable to completely understand, said in a low voice. 道袍老者深深地望了一眼让他看不透的叶晨风,低声说道。 What's wrong, you thought that the matter of today is I provokes in first?” Ye Chenfeng coldly asked. “怎么,你觉得今日之事是我挑衅在先?”叶晨风冷冷的反问道。 Your excellency, but also please look in the face of my Nine Heavens emperor's clan old god sovereign, do not continue to make again, has put the sword young lady.” The Daoist robe old man carries out emperor Nine Heavens to exert pressure to Ye Chenfeng intentionally. “阁下,还请看在我九天皇族老神皇的面子,不要再继续闹下去了,放了剑小姐吧。”道袍老者故意搬出帝九天叶晨风施压。 Made me put her also! But I have a condition.” Saying of Ye Chenfeng coldly. “让我放了她也可以!但我有个条件。”叶晨风冷冷的说道。 „Does your excellency please say?” Daoist robe old man patient asking. “阁下请说?”道袍老者耐心的问道。 Makes them apologize to me!” Ye Chenfeng points at the face darken emperor to fly upwards with emperor Ayauta said. “让他们两个给我赔礼道歉!”叶晨风指着脸色阴沉的帝飞扬和帝绫歌道。 What's wrong, can your excellency really with my Nine Heavens emperor's clan irreconcilable until death?” “怎么,阁下真要与我九天皇族不死不休?” The emperor flies upwards is the generation of what kind person of high skill, he will not apologize to Ye Chenfeng under glare of the public eye, angry saying. 帝飞扬是何等高人之辈,他绝不会在众目睽睽下向叶晨风道歉,愤怒的说道。 Looked, I have given them the opportunity, was they do not treasure, since this, that do not blame me not to give you Nine Heavens emperor's clan face!” Ye Chenfeng overbearing saying. “看了吧,我给了他们机会,是他们不珍惜,既然这样,那就别怪我不给你九天皇族面子了!”叶晨风霸道的说道。 Yeah, I am very disappointed to your excellency choice!” The Daoist robe old man shook the head saying: Since this, offended.” “哎,我对阁下的选择很失望!”道袍老者摇了摇头道:“既然这样,得罪了。” Saying, the Daoist robe old man was starting the auction hall strongest ban, an octagon plate that at the same time moves slowly appears, is flowing formidable attacks the killing array mark, has locked Ye Chenfeng. 说着,道袍老者启动了拍卖大厅最强禁制,一面缓缓而动的八棱阵盘浮现出来,流动着强大的攻杀阵纹,锁定了叶晨风 What's wrong, you did not fear that uses the array ban to attack me, has injured accidentally her?” The Ye Chenfeng corners of the mouth curl upwards, secure saying. “怎么,你们就不怕动用阵法禁制攻击我,误伤了她?”叶晨风嘴角微翘,有恃无恐的说道。 Fast has put me, otherwise my sword sect will not let off you!” “速速放了我,否则我剑宗绝不会放过你!” Was caught the neck by Ye Chenfeng, elegant face becomes flushed, the painful sword natural beauty hoarse the throat was saying. 叶晨风卡住脖子,俏脸涨红,痛苦不已的剑天姿嘶哑着嗓子道。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” The words of sword natural beauty threat just fell, the sharp sword glow has broken the defense of sword natural beauty together, has cut her dorsal clothes, has revealed the white and tender jade back. 剑天姿威胁的话刚落,一道锋利的剑芒破开了剑天姿的防御,划破了她后背衣服,露出了白嫩的玉背。 Do not injure the natural beauty, so long as you are willing to put the natural beauty, I can accept your any condition!” “不要伤害天姿,只要你肯放了天姿,我可以答应你任何的条件!” Emperor Ayauta double pupil torching looks at Ye Chenfeng, closely clenches teeth, is enduring the angry quirk in heart. 帝绫歌双眸喷火的看着叶晨风,紧紧咬着牙,忍着心中的怒火道。 Good, I give you today a table sincerity the opportunity, if you are willing to kneel down, knocks ten knocks to me, I have put her!” Ye Chenfeng looks that corner of the eye muscle jumps crazily, innermost feelings not tranquil emperor Ayauta said extremely: But if you do not comply, I on little lacerate her clothes now.” “好,我今天给你一个表真心的机会,如果你肯跪下了,给我磕十个响头,我就放了她!”叶晨风看着眼角肌肉狂跳,内心极不平静的帝绫歌道:“但如果你不答应,我现在就一点点割破她身上的衣服。” You, you had to plant to kill me!” “你,你有种杀了我!” The sword natural beauty is looking angrily at Ye Chenfeng, furiously is struggling. 剑天姿怒视着叶晨风,奋力的挣扎着。 How the Ye Chenfeng strength to surpass her too many to be too many, how whatever the sword natural beauty struggles, is unable to work loose the Ye Chenfeng tying up bunch. 奈何叶晨风的实力超过她太多太多,任由剑天姿如何挣扎,都无法挣脱开叶晨风的缚束。 I count to three, if you do not kneel down to beg for mercy, that do not blame me not to give you opportunity!” “我数到三,如果你再不下跪求饶,那就别怪我不给你们机会了!” Saying, the Ye Chenfeng fingertip was jumping shoots to make a debut the sharp sword glow, the turnover before the sword natural beauty chest clothes, momentarily can lacerate her clothes, making her tall and straight twin peaks expose in the air. 说着,叶晨风手指尖迸射出道道锋利的剑芒,在剑天姿胸口衣服前吞吐,随时都能割破她的衣服,让她挺拔的双峰暴露在空气中。 I......” “我……” Although emperor Ayauta likes the sword natural beauty, but makes him kowtow to kneel down, killing him was more uncomfortable, making him indecisive. 帝绫歌虽然喜欢剑天姿,但让他磕头下跪,比杀了他还难受,让他犹豫不决。 Yeah, this deeply loves your man, sees clearly!” “哎,这就是深爱你的男人,看清楚吧!” Ye Chenfeng looks that the double fist grips tightly, emperor Ayauta that is waging the intense ideological struggle, smiled to say. 叶晨风看着双拳紧握,做着激烈思想斗争的帝绫歌,笑了笑说道。 Then, he has not torn to pieces the sword natural beauty the clothes to shame her, but threw in her the ice-cold ground. 说完,他没有撕破剑天姿的衣服羞辱她,而是将她扔到了冰冷的地面上。 The next quarter, in the Ye Chenfeng body spurts to be thin to soar to the heavens sword intent, fearful sword momentum plunders to empty on, kills certainly heartlessly. 下一刻,叶晨风身体中喷薄出冲天剑意,可怕的剑势掠空而上,绝杀无情。 A sword punctures on octagon plate that in moved slowly, has torn to pieces formidable Array Talisman(s), a plate will pierce a large cave, broke has banned Great Array, shocking audience. 一剑刺在了缓缓而动的八棱阵盘上,撕破了强大的阵纹,将阵盘洞穿了一个大洞,破掉了禁制大阵,震惊全场。
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