EDSG :: Volume #15

#1472: First Sky Sword embryo

Was good, did not lose everybody time, this auction final next to last act treasure was the Heavenly Sword embryo first!” “好了,不耽误大家时间了,此次拍卖会最后的压轴宝物是先天剑胎!” Saying, the Daoist robe old man along was taking out one -and-a-half meters many to be long from universe ring, seal black iron box of formidable ban. 说着,道袍老者从随身的乾坤戒指中取出了一个半米多长,封印着强大禁制的黑铁盒。 When he opens the iron box, fearful sword intent fills the air in the iron box, making many strength bad people have one type to be hung the feeling on neck by the sword. 当他打开铁盒时,一股可怕的剑意在铁盒中弥漫出来,让不少实力不济的人有一种被剑悬在脖子上的感觉。 First Heavenly Sword embryo.” “先天剑胎。” The Ye Chenfeng innermost feelings big quake, he has not thought of this auction, not only there is a branch of time Divine Wood, the first appearance of Heavenly Sword embryo. 叶晨风内心大震,他没想到此次拍卖会,不但有时间神木的树枝,还有先天剑胎的出现。 First the Heavenly Sword embryo, unexpectedly is the Heavenly Sword embryo first, if I can obtain first Heavenly Sword embryo, can refine my treasure of life it, greatly promotes my strength.” The emperor flew upwards also produces to the first Heavenly Sword embryo must seize the heart. “先天剑胎,竟然是先天剑胎,如果我能得到先天剑胎,就能将其炼制成我的本命之宝,大大提升我的实力。”帝飞扬也对先天剑胎产生了必夺之心。 Was good, the first Heavenly Sword embryo does not have the base price, can bid to bid.” The Daoist robe old man announced. “好了,先天剑胎没有底价,诸位可以出价竞拍了。”道袍老者宣布道。 Hundred Middle Grade day crystals!” “一百中品天晶!” The Middle Grade day crystal are too preciously more than below Sky grade crystal, the entire central world does not have many people willing to put out the Middle Grade day crystal to trade, but the first Heavenly Sword embryo is the uncommon thing, had the sword natural beauty of first Heavenly Sword body to offer. 中品天晶比下品天晶珍贵太多,整个中央世界也没有多少人愿意拿出中品天晶进行交易,不过先天剑胎更是不凡之物,拥有先天剑体的剑天姿报价了。 Has not thought that this sword natural beauty is very rich!” “没想到这剑天姿还挺富有!” Ye Chenfeng has shown the light smiling face, does not worry to offer. 叶晨风露出了淡淡的笑容,并不着急报价。 110 Middle Grade day crystals.” “110颗中品天晶。” That graceful bearing beautiful woman of unknown origin offers to say. 那名来历不明的风韵美妇报价道。 200 Middle Grade day crystals!” “200颗中品天晶!” The emperor flew upwards with the split vision took a fast look around Ye Chenfeng, sends out the highest price that he has been able to put out. 帝飞扬用余光扫视了一眼叶晨风,报出了他能拿出的最高价格。 200 Middle Grade day crystals, continue to increase price?” The Daoist robe old man and emperor flew upwards to exchange the eye shintoism. “200颗中品天晶,还有继续加价的吗?”道袍老者与帝飞扬交换了一下眼神道。 300 Middle Grade day crystals!” “300颗中品天晶!” Catches the Daoist robe old man look change, Ye Chenfeng had not waited for again that increases price to say. 捕捉到道袍老者眼神变化,叶晨风没有再等待,加价道。 Kacha!” 咔嚓!” Hears the Ye Chenfeng offer, jumping that the emperor flying upwards direct crumb the teacup, killing intent in eye was outspoken shot. 听到叶晨风报价,帝飞扬直接捏碎了茶杯,眼睛中的杀意毫无保留的迸射出来。 Thinks that first precious of Heavenly Sword embryo, the emperor flies upwards stands up to say suddenly: Does not know that which senior sale on commission this the first Heavenly Sword embryo is, flies upwards below emperor, the Heavenly Sword embryo likes to this first very much, does not know that the senior of this sale on commission, whether with trade below in private, below ensure satisfies the senior.” 想到先天剑胎的珍贵,帝飞扬突然站起身来道:“不知这先天剑胎是哪位前辈寄卖的,在下帝飞扬,对这先天剑胎很是喜欢,不知这位寄卖的前辈,可否与在下私下交易,在下保证让前辈满意。” What's wrong, do you want to break the rule of auction?” “怎么,你想破坏拍卖会的规矩?” Ye Chenfeng saw the emperor who sets out flew upwards, has drunk tea, light saying. 叶晨风看到起身的帝飞扬,喝了一口茶水,淡淡的说道。 Works to keep one, I urged your excellency should better or think the clear my situation, even if made you pat this the first Heavenly Sword embryo, you thought that by your strength, can live is leaving?” Emperor flying upwards vision sharp looks at Ye Chenfeng saying: If you are willing to give me the Heavenly Sword embryo first, I can take responsibility actually, guarantee your life, delivers you to leave safely.” “做事留一线,我劝阁下最好还是想清楚自己的处境,就算让你拍走这先天剑胎,你觉得以你的实力,能活着离开吗?”帝飞扬目光锋利的看着叶晨风道:“不过如果你肯将先天剑胎让给我,我倒是可以做主,保你一命,送你平安离开。” „Can I live departure, does not need you to worry, as for this Heavenly Sword embryo, I wins first!” Ye Chenfeng disregards the warning in emperor flying upwards look, saying that does not show weakness. “我能不能活着离开,无须你来操心,至于这先天剑胎,我志在必得!”叶晨风无视帝飞扬眼神中的警告,毫不示弱的说道。 You are very good.” The emperor flies instead to say with a smile arrogant and unaccommodatingly extremely: I put down these words today, if you dare to bribe this the first Heavenly Sword embryo, I make your blood splash surely at the scene.” “你很好。”帝飞扬气极反笑道:“我今天放下这句话,如果你敢染指这先天剑胎,我定让你血溅当场。” Has not thought that Nine Heavens god country emperor, unexpectedly is truculent and unreasonable, the arrogant generation, is really disappointing.” Saying of Ye Chenfeng coldly. “没想到九天神国天子,竟然是一个蛮横无理,飞扬跋扈之辈,真是让人失望。”叶晨风冷冷的说道。 Bold, you dare to insult my Nine Heavens god country emperor, I thought that you live are impatient.” “大胆,你竟敢辱骂我九天神国天子,我看你活得不耐烦了。” A Nine Heavens god country Nirvana boundary can stand greatly, released the formidable imposing manner to lock Ye Chenfeng, berated wickedly. 一名九天神国涅槃地境大能站了起来,释放强大的气势锁定了叶晨风,恶狠狠地喝斥道。 What's wrong, can begin?” “怎么,要动手吗?” Ye Chenfeng disregards this Nirvana boundary to threaten greatly, the overbearing response said. 叶晨风无视这名涅槃地境大能威胁,霸道的回应道。 Emperor emperor, if I am willing to trade with you in private, does not know that what thing you can give me?” “帝天子,如果我肯与你私下交易,不知你能给我什么东西?” When the tense atmosphere, the war is ready to be set off, a figure is slim, wears the linen long gown, on the forehead has the crescent moon shape scar old man together slowly to stand up, looks that the emperor flies upwards to say. 就在气氛紧张,大战一触即发时,一名身材瘦小,身穿麻布长袍,额头上有一道弯月形状疤痕的老者缓缓地站起身来,看着帝飞扬道。 Your excellency sells the first that senior of Heavenly Sword embryo?” The emperor flew upwards to look at a hemp robe old man, opened the mouth to ask. “阁下就是卖先天剑胎的那位前辈?”帝飞扬看了一眼麻袍老者,开口问道。 Good, this Heavenly Law body is I entrusts your Nine Heavens emperor's clan sale on commission first. However if emperor emperor can put out to move my treasure, perhaps I can change the mind, trades with you alone.” The hemp robe old man intends the emperor flies upwards obtains a more precious treasure, opens the mouth to say. “不错,这先天道体正是我委托你们九天皇族寄卖的。不过如果帝天子能拿出打动我的宝物,也许我可以改变主意,与你单独交易。”麻袍老者有意在帝飞扬身上得到更珍贵的宝物,开口道。 Does not know that what the senior does want?” The emperor flying upwards innermost feelings secretly rejoice, asking of heroic spirit. “不知前辈想要什么?”帝飞扬内心暗喜,豪气的问道。 I want to promote the Nirvana day boundary limit the Heaven and Earth magical things, does not know that the emperor emperor does have?” The hemp robe old man asked. “我想要提升涅槃天境极限的天地灵物,不知帝天子有吗?”麻袍老者问道。 This...... I do not have now, but I can go to the state treasury to bring for the senior!” The emperor flew upwards hesitant evil ways. “这……我现在没有,不过我可以去国库为前辈取来!”帝飞扬犹豫了一下道。 This senior, I have nameless medicinal pill, can make the senior promote the Nirvana day boundary limit strength!” Ye Chenfeng took that incomplete Tiansheng broken cangue pill came out to say. “这位前辈,我这有颗无名丹药,能让前辈提升涅槃天境极限实力!”叶晨风将那颗不完整的天圣破枷丹拿了出来道。 Really?” “真的?” The hemp robe old man looked in a Ye Chenfeng hand, unadorned, did not have special Tiansheng broken cangue pill, saying of suspicion. 麻袍老者看了一眼叶晨风手中,朴实无华,毫无特别的天圣破枷丹,怀疑的说道。 I know give an exaggerated account of things that appointed I said that the senior will not believe me.” Ye Chenfeng said: „Under this, I can make the senior take this medicinal pill first, lets under the senior distinction this medicinal pill value, at the appointed time the senior decided again that the Heavenly Sword embryo transaction will give anyone first.” “我知道任我说的天花乱坠,前辈也不会相信我。”叶晨风道:“这样吧,我可以先让前辈服下这颗丹药,让前辈鉴别下这颗丹药的价值,到时前辈再决定,将先天剑胎交易给谁。” „Do you such believe me?” Hemp robe old man eyes one bright, has shown the rare smiling face. “你就这么相信我?”麻袍老者眼睛一亮,露出了难得的笑容。 Believes!” “相信!” Ye Chenfeng categorical saying. 叶晨风斩钉截铁的说道。 Good, since you such believe the old man, that lets under the old man distinction in your hand this medicinal pill, if this medicinal pill can promote the strength of old man , the old man the first Heavenly Sword embryo will give to you!” The hemp robe old man sized up Ye Chenfeng several to say repeatedly. “好,既然你这么相信老夫,那就让老夫鉴别下你手中这颗丹药,如果这颗丹药真能提升老夫的实力,老夫就将先天剑胎送给你!”麻袍老者反复打量了叶晨风几眼道。 Said it and meant it!” “一言为定!” Saying, a Ye Chenfeng finger ball, shot to approach the hemp robe old man this incomplete Tiansheng broken cangue pill gently. 说着,叶晨风手指轻轻一弹,将这颗不完整的天圣破枷丹弹向了麻袍老者。 Received Tiansheng broken cangue pill, the hemp robe old man has distinguished a meeting repeatedly, determined not to have the issue, swallowed in the stomach, revolved the formidable merit law, refining up energy that Tiansheng broken cangue pill released. 接过天圣破枷丹,麻袍老者反复鉴别了一会,确定没有问题,吞到了肚中,运转强大的功法,炼化天圣破枷丹释放的能量。 This, this medicinal pill......” “这,这丹药……” About more than ten breath, the hemp robe old man has opened the double pupil of shutting tightly suddenly, in the opacitas old eyes disclosed the thick pleasantly surprised color. 大约十多个呼吸,麻袍老者突然睁开了紧闭的双眸,浑浊的老眼中透露出了浓浓的惊喜之色。 How the senior, I have not deceived you!” Ye Chenfeng reveals the light smiling face to say. “怎么样前辈,我没有骗你吧!”叶晨风露着淡淡的笑容道。 What medicinal pill is this?” “这到底是什么丹药?” Hemp robe old man unable to believe, oneself just took Tiansheng broken cangue pill, own boundary bottleneck presented becoming less crowded unexpectedly. 麻袍老者无法相信,自己刚刚服下了天圣破枷丹,自己的境界瓶颈竟然出现了松动。 Does not know!” Ye Chenfeng shook the head to say. “不知道!”叶晨风摇了摇头道。 Good, I fulfill the commitment, this the first Heavenly Sword embryo was your!” “好,我履行承诺,这先天剑胎是你的了!” Saying, old expert who the hemp robe old man covers entirely the wrinkle wields gently, releases the formidable skill in Daoist cultivation, has passed through around the auction stage ban, the Heavenly Sword embryo will have grasped directly first, has given Ye Chenfeng. 说着,麻袍老者苍老布满皱纹的老手轻轻一挥,释放出强大的道力,贯穿了拍卖台四周的禁制,直接将先天剑胎抓了过来,送给了叶晨风 Many thanks senior!” “多谢前辈!” The Ye Chenfeng rapid seal lives in the first Heavenly Sword embryo, showed the light smiling face to say. 叶晨风迅速封印住先天剑胎,露出了淡淡的笑容道。 „Does junior, need me to lead you to leave here?” The hemp robe old man is also clear, Ye Chenfeng is very difficult dead a natural death today, asking that intends. “小辈,需要我带你离开这里吗?”麻袍老者也清楚,叶晨风今天很难善终,有意的问道。 Does not need, I can deal with troublesome!” Ye Chenfeng shook the head, self-confident saying. “不需要,我自己可以应付麻烦!”叶晨风摇了摇头,自信的说道。 Good, the old man does not accompany!” “那好,那老夫就不奉陪了!” Then, in hemp robe old man body maps together half a month sickle shape glare suddenly, has lacerated the ban of seal front door, alone left under glare of the public eye. 说完,麻袍老者身体中突然映射出一道半月弯刀形状的强光,割破了封印大门的禁制,在众目睽睽下独自离开了。
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