EDSG :: Volume #15

#1471: Time wood used to make an ancestral tablet

Was good, now auctions the 106 th treasure, this treasure is my Nine Heavens god country old god sovereign's a small section of branch that shroud from Tianwaitian comes out.” “好了,现在拍卖第106件宝物,这件宝物是我九天神国老神皇从天外天外围带出来的一小截树枝。” The Daoist robe old man's before the body on sparkling auction stage worked on a arm to be thick, less than half meter, was all over the body swarthy, does not have a branch of trace, said slowly. 道袍老者从身前闪闪发光的拍卖台上抓起了一根儿臂粗,不足半米,通体黝黑,没有一丝纹路的树枝,缓缓地说道。 Does not know that this branch has what specially!” “不知这树枝有何特别!” Looks at the branch in Daoist robe old man hand, many people have exuded the question sound, could not see that this branch has what special place. 看着道袍老者手中的树枝,不少人发出了质疑声,根本看不出这根树枝有何特别之处。 Old god sovereign accident obtains this small truncation tree in the Tianwaitian surrounding, starts to study. However old god sovereign studies for several thousand years, besides discovering the degree of hardness of this branch surpasses general Middle Grade Saint, has not studied its secret!” “老神皇意外在天外天外围得到这小截树,就开始研究。不过老神皇研究数万年,除了发现这树枝的硬度超过一般中品圣器外,并未研究出它的秘密!” „The old god sovereign once had said that this branch definitely has the secret, is only he is insufficient with this branch fate, is unable to untie. Therefore the sword it brings this auction, looks for being predestined friends person.” The Daoist robe old man said. “不过老神皇曾说过,这树枝绝对有秘密,只是他与这树枝缘分不够,无法解开。所以剑它拿来此次拍卖会,寻找有缘人。”道袍老者说道。 This branch......” “这树枝……” The Ye Chenfeng profound vision has locked this small truncation branch, but Devouring God Brain also in this time deduction rapidly, several thousand amplifying induced every second after Devouring God Brain, his eye has shone. 叶晨风深邃的目光一直锁定这小截树枝,而噬神脑也在这时急速的推演,经过噬神脑每秒数万次振幅感应,他的眼睛亮了起来。 In this branch time speed of flow some are different, this could it be is branches of time Divine Wood universe three big Divine Wood!” “这树枝中时间流速有些不一样,这难道是宇宙三大神木之一的时间神木的树枝!” Remembers according to the Devouring God Brain inheritance that Ye Chenfeng knows, among the universes has three big Divine Wood, separately is Primordial Chaos Divine Wood, time Divine Wood and space Divine Wood, but induces through Devouring God Brain, he felt that this branch may be the branch of time Divine Wood extremely. 根据噬神脑传承记忆,叶晨风知道,宇宙间有三大神木,分别是混沌神木,时间神木和空间神木,而通过噬神脑感应,他感觉这树枝极有可能是时间神木的树枝。 But time Divine Wood contains the complete time rule, even if a branch, implication time rule. 而时间神木蕴含完整的时间规则,就算一根树枝,也蕴含时间规则。 Has not thought that this auction also has this and other good things, is really trip has not been made in vain!” Ye Chenfeng has shown the light smiling face, the innermost feelings are slightly somewhat are more excited. “没想到此次拍卖会还有这等好东西,真是不虚此行!”叶晨风露出了淡淡的笑容,内心更是微微有些激动。 If he can obtain the branch of time Divine Wood, thus comprehends the time rule, will promote greatly his inside story, can increase him to attack the method. 如果他能得到时间神木的树枝,从而领悟时间规则,将大大提升他的底蕴,更能增加他攻击手段。 This branch starting bid price is 100,000 Sky grade crystals, can bid!” The Daoist robe old man introduced the after origin of branch, announced loudly. “这树枝起拍价为100000下品天晶,诸位可以竞拍了!”道袍老者介绍完树枝的来历后,大声宣布道。 100,000 Sky grade crystals, pat a branch of unknown origin......” “100000下品天晶,拍一个来历不明的树枝……” Hears the Daoist robe old man to offer, cancels the thought that most people have tendered directly, the entire auction hall is silent one piece. 听到道袍老者报价,直接打消了绝大部分人竞价的念头,整个拍卖大厅更是寂静一片。 In Daoist robe old man thinks when can flow pats, Ye Chenfeng offers: 100,000 Sky grade crystals.” 就在道袍老者以为会流拍时,叶晨风报价了:“100000下品天晶。” The emperor who um......” calmly drinks tea flies upwards, hears Ye Chenfeng really also to have these many under Sky grade crystals, has revealed color of the accident, has put down the teacup, hesitant evil ways: 300,000 Sky grade crystals.” “嗯……”静静喝茶的帝飞扬,听到叶晨风竟然还有这么多下品天晶,露出了一丝意外之色,放下了茶杯,犹豫了一下道:“300000下品天晶。” 500,000 Sky grade crystals!” “500000下品天晶!” Although Ye Chenfeng guessed that the emperor does not fly upwards these many under Sky grade crystals, but he has 30,000 Middle Grade day crystals, gets down the Sky grade crystal almost to be for him useless, but the branch of this doubtful time Divine Wood wins for him, he continues to increase price without hesitation. 叶晨风虽然猜测帝飞扬没有这么多下品天晶,但他拥有30000颗中品天晶,下品天晶对他来说几乎无用,而这根疑似时间神木的树枝对他来说志在必得,他毫不犹豫继续加价。 500,000...... could it be has he discovered this branch special place?” “500000……难道他发现了这根树枝特别之处?” Hears the Ye Chenfeng offer, emperor flying upwards brow wrinkles was tighter, the profound vision is staring at this jet black branch stubbornly, wants to know why very much Ye Chenfeng is willing flowered grade of sky-high price, pats this branch. 听到叶晨风报价,帝飞扬眉头皱的更紧了,深邃的目光死死地盯着这根漆黑的树枝,很想知道叶晨风为何甘愿花这等天价,拍下这根树枝。 500,000 Sky grade crystals, continue to increase price?” “500000下品天晶,还有继续加价的吗?” The Daoist robe old man also had a scare by the offer of Ye Chenfeng, can say that this grade of sky-high price, by far is above his imagination. 道袍老者也被叶晨风的报价吓了一跳,可以说这等天价,远远超乎他的想象。 Mother, who the fellow is, under his body Sky grade crystal does could it be use endlessly?” “妈的,那家伙到底是谁,他身上下品天难道用之不尽吗?” Just wait, after I must have a look at the auction but actually, how he ends! Does not know that his these many treasures, who will be cheap?” “等着吧,我倒要看看拍卖会之后,他如何收场!就是不知道他身上这么多宝物,会便宜谁?” At this time, many people believe that in Ye Chenfeng that at the auction shows off, will end by the tragedy absolutely. 此时,不少人坚信在拍卖会上大出风头的叶晨风,绝对会以悲剧收场。 Since nobody announced that I announced that this young master is being predestined friends person of this branch!” “既然没人宣布,那我宣布,这位公子就是这根树枝的有缘人!” The Daoist robe old man deeply looked at one to bring shocking Ye Chenfeng to him repeatedly, has given a female of stature abundant rhyme this black branch, arrived at side Ye Chenfeng, has completed the transaction with him. 道袍老者深深地望了一眼屡屡给他带来震惊的叶晨风,将这根黑色树枝交给了一名身材丰韵的女子,来到叶晨风身边,与他完成了交易。 Chenfeng, does this branch have what special place?” 晨风,这树枝有何特别之处吗?” The tender language has stroked the black branch beautifully gently, has not discovered the special place, curious asking. 娇语嫣轻轻抚摸了一下黑色树枝,没有发现特别之处,好奇的问道。 I study to tell you well again!” Ye Chenfeng does intentionally mysterious saying, took in the black branch Universe Realm. “等我好好研究一下再告诉你!”叶晨风故作神秘的说道,将黑色树枝收进了乾坤境中。 Was good, is peaceful, this auction second treasure from the bottom, was one spreads in the antiquity, had blocking the sky to be able the chart antiquity obstructed the day chart. Obstructs the day chart to open, surrounding area dozens li (0.5km) will be covered up, the Nirvana day boundary can be stranded into inside greatly, gave up any idea of that gets out of trouble.” “好了,都安静一下,此次拍卖会倒数第二件宝物,是一面流传于上古,拥有遮天蔽日之能的阵图上古遮天图。遮天图一开,方圆数十里都将被遮掩,涅槃天境大能困入里面,也休想脱困而出。” Starting bid price is 100,000 Sky grade crystals, can tender.” “起拍价为100000下品天晶,诸位可以竞价了。” The Daoist robe old man put out one to flow multiplication Array Talisman(s), the interior seemed containing the chart of fog, announced loudly. 道袍老者拿出了一面流动着繁衍阵纹,内部仿佛蕴含着云雾的阵图,大声宣布道。 Has not thought that Old Ancestor puts out this to obstruct the day chart to auction, under this initial capital was too rather big!” “没想到老祖真的拿出这遮天图进行拍卖,这血本下的未免太大了一些!” Looks that the antiquity in Daoist robe old man hand obstructed the day chart, the emperor flew upwards, emperor Ayauta and the others the eyes have shone. 看着道袍老者手中的上古遮天图,帝飞扬,帝绫歌等人的眼睛亮了起来。 But that graceful bearing beautiful woman, as well as came from the several Nirvana day boundaries of Qilin god country's can reveal the strong interest greatly similarly, increases price in abundance bidding. 而那名风韵美妇,以及来自于麒麟神国的数名涅槃天境大能同样流露出浓厚的兴趣,纷纷加价竞拍。 Quick, the antiquity obstructed the day chart the price to rise dramatically, has achieved 210,000 Sky grade crystals. 很快,上古遮天图的价格一路飙升,达到了210000下品天晶。 Hateful, the emperor flies upwards, although as the Nine Heavens god country emperor, but he can use the day crystal quantity to be limited, even if adds on the Middle Grade day crystal, he cannot put out many below Sky grade crystal, has to withdraw from the competition. 可恶,帝飞扬虽然身为九天神国天子,但他能动用天晶数量有限,就算加上中品天晶,他也拿不出更多的下品天晶,不得不退出竞争。 300,000 Sky grade crystals!” “300000下品天晶!” At this time, Ye Chenfeng opened the mouth to offer, but his opens mouth, has shocked the audience once more, making all people on the scene numb. 这时,叶晨风开口报价了,而他一张口,再次震惊了全场,让在场的所有人麻木了。 Little brother, if you are willing to obstruct the day chart to give me this, I do guarantee you to leave Nine Heavens Imperial city to be what kind of safely?” “小兄弟,如果你肯将这遮天图让给我,我保你平安离开九天皇城怎么样?” Wears the black tight-fitting long skirt, the beautiful woman of stature abundant rhyme, the vision bewitches looked at Ye Chenfeng, the sound delightful promise said. 身穿黑色紧身长裙,身材丰韵的美妇,目光勾魂的看了一眼叶晨风,声音悦耳的许诺道。 Does not have the interest!” “没兴趣!” Ye Chenfeng wants not to think that refuses to say without hesitation. 叶晨风想都没想,毫不犹豫拒绝道。 300,000 Sky grade crystals, increase price?” The Daoist robe old man also offered to Ye Chenfeng numbly, looks that the complexion transferred the cloudy plentiful female gradually, asked loudly. “300000下品天晶,还有加价的吗?”道袍老者也对叶晨风报价麻木了,看着脸色逐渐转阴的丰腴女子,大声问道。 Good, since nobody increases price, that this antiquity obstructed the day chart to have this friend racket!” The Daoist robe old man announced. “好,既然无人加价,那这上古遮天图还是有这位朋友拍的!”道袍老者宣布道。 Under racket that Ye Chenfeng achieved wishes a treasure. 叶晨风又如愿的拍下了一宝。 Everybody present anticipates auction of this last next to last act very much!” After Ye Chenfeng completes the transaction, the Daoist robe old man has shown the light smiling face: „The treasure of this auction next to last act, does not come from my Nine Heavens emperor's clan, but is a senior entrusts our sale on commission.” “大家现在是不是很期待这最后一件压轴的拍卖物!”与叶晨风完成交易后,道袍老者露出了淡淡的笑容道:“此次拍卖会压轴之宝,并非来自于我九天皇族,而是一个前辈委托我们寄卖的。” Because the thing of that senior sale on commission is extremely precious, after the discussion, has decided as the treasure of this auction next to last act!” “由于那位前辈寄卖之物太过珍贵,经过商议,定为了此次拍卖会压轴之宝!” That senior said that he only needs the Middle Grade day crystal, therefore the last treasure, can only carry on bidding with the Middle Grade day crystal!” “不过那位前辈说了,他只需要中品天晶,所以最后一件宝物,只能用中品天晶进行竞拍!” This next to last act what treasure can be?” “这压轴的会是什么宝物?” Ye Chenfeng has also produced a curiosity to this last treasure, calmly waits for the appearance of treasure of final next to last act. 叶晨风也对这最后一件宝物产生了一丝好奇,静静等待最后压轴之宝的出现。
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