EDSG :: Volume #15

#1470: Absolute focal point

Who is that person? How will the body have these many under Sky grade crystals?” “那人到底是谁?身上怎么会有这么多下品天晶?” Does not know that looked his appearance is a little strange, has never seen, does not know that he does have disguise.” “不知道,看他的样貌有点陌生,从未见过,不知道他有没有易容。” No matter what, offended the Nine Heavens emperor's clan big imperial princes he dead.” “不管怎么说,得罪了九天皇族大皇子他死定了。” Looks to pay 40,000 Sky grade crystals, pats Ye Chenfeng of hundred color Yuxia clothes, the entire auction hall spread the intermittent discussion sound, suddenly Ye Chenfeng became the focal point, many people are paying attention to him in secret. 看着支付40000下品天晶,拍走百彩玉霞衣的叶晨风,整个拍卖厅传出了阵阵议论声,一时间叶晨风成为了焦点,很多人在暗中关注他。 Language is beautiful, these hundred color Yuxia clothes give to you!” “语嫣,这百彩玉霞衣送给你!” Ye Chenfeng not parsimonious, hundred color Yuxia clothes that will pat just gave the tender language to be beautiful, making the tender language beautiful. 叶晨风没有吝啬,将刚刚拍走的百彩玉霞衣送给了娇语嫣,让娇语嫣兴奋不已。 Was good, everybody peaceful, this 91 st auction, is ten drops of refinements in the essence and blood of low level Saint beast heart, the starting bid price is 1000 Sky grade crystals, can bid!” “好了,大家安静一下,这第91件拍卖物,是十滴提炼于下级圣兽心脏的精血,起拍价为1000下品天晶,诸位可以竞拍了!” Saying, in the Daoist robe old man hand was presenting a crystal shape crystal stone, but seal in this crystal stone ten drops of Saint beast essence and blood. 说着,道袍老者手中出现了一颗水晶形状的晶石,而在这颗晶石中封印着十滴圣兽精血。 Saint beast essence and blood!” Looks at the Saint beast essence and blood in Daoist robe old man hand, Ye Chenfeng offers to say without hesitation: 10,000 Sky grade crystals.” “圣兽精血!”看着道袍老者手中的圣兽精血,叶晨风毫不犹豫报价道:“10000下品天晶。” Hears the Ye Chenfeng offer, during the resplendent in gold and jade green auction hall falls into to be noisy once more, many people's origin to the Ye Chenfeng has had the curiosity. 听到叶晨风报价,金碧辉煌的拍卖大厅再次陷入嘈杂之中,很多人对叶晨风的来历产生了强烈的好奇心。 Sits forefront the auction hall, the emperor who drinks tea gracefully flew upwards with the split vision looked at showing off Ye Chenfeng, has shown a thought-provoking smiling face, put down the teacup in hand saying: 20,000 Sky grade crystals!” 坐在拍卖厅最前面,优雅喝茶的帝飞扬用余光看了一眼大出风头的叶晨风,露出了一丝耐人寻味的笑容,放下了手中的茶杯道:“20000下品天晶!” 30,000 Sky grade crystals!” “30000下品天晶!” Devouring Void Insect is significant to the Ye Chenfeng significance, to let it transforms as soon as possible, increases it to bite the spatial strength, Ye Chenfeng does not hesitate the price also to pat these ten drops of Saint beast essence and blood. 噬空虫叶晨风意义重大,为了让它尽快蜕变,增加它噬空力,叶晨风不惜代价也要拍下这十滴圣兽精血。 50,000 Sky grade crystals!” “50000下品天晶!” The emperor flying upwards finger knocks the arm rest gently, increases price to say. 帝飞扬手指轻轻敲动着扶手,加价道。 Un......”, although 50,000 Sky grade crystals regarding Ye Chenfeng are not anything, but his feelings, the emperor flying upwards continual offer is to intentionally make things hard for somebody oneself, a brow wrinkle, looks at the position that an emperor flew upwards to be at slightly from afar, increases price saying: 100,000 Sky grade crystals.” “嗯……”虽然50000下品天晶对于叶晨风来说不算什么,但他有一种感觉,帝飞扬连续报价是故意刁难自己,眉头微微一皱,远远地看了一眼帝飞扬所在的位置,加价道:“100000下品天晶。” Interesting fellow!” “有意思的家伙!” Hears the Ye Chenfeng offer, the emperor flew upwards has also revealed the color of surprise, on his face reappeared slowly the happy expression, has not continued to increase price. 听到叶晨风报价,帝飞扬也露出了诧异之色,紧接着,他脸上浮现出徐徐笑意,没有继续加价。 I depend, fellow insane inadequate, 100,000 Sky grade crystals buy ten drops of Saint beast essence and blood, this rather too ruined family!” “我靠,那家伙疯了不成,100000下品天晶买十滴圣兽精血,这未免太败家了吧!” 100,000 Sky grade crystals, this fellow could it be had discovered a Heaven Territory buried treasure is inadequate.” “100000下品天晶,这家伙难道发现了一处天域宝藏不成。” The people on the scene had a scare by the offer of Ye Chenfeng again, some people threw the harboring evil intentions look to Ye Chenfeng. 在场的众人再一次被叶晨风的报价吓了一跳,更有人向叶晨风投去了不怀好意的眼神。 After Ye Chenfeng buys ten drops of Saint beast essence and blood smoothly, the Daoist robe old man one after another puts out several Heaven and Earth magical things of treasuring to auction, but Ye Chenfeng intends to test the emperor to fly upwards, therefore each Heaven and Earth magical things, he bids bidding. 叶晨风顺利买下十滴圣兽精血之后,道袍老者又接连拿出几件珍惜的天地灵物进行拍卖,而叶晨风有意试探帝飞扬,所以每件天地灵物,他都出价竞拍。 But often after he tenders, emperor flies upwards, emperor Ayauta will increase price immediately, confirmed his guess. 而每每他竞价之后,帝飞扬,帝绫歌都会立即加价,证实了他的猜测。 Regardless of the emperor flies upwards emperor Ayauta, does not want to make him show off, wants to blackmail his, making him bleed much, making him turn into the fool. 无论帝飞扬还是帝绫歌,都不想让他大出风头,都想讹诈他一番,让他多多出血,让他变成冤大头。 Emperor flies upwards, emperor Ayauta, since you want to play, I accompany you to be amusing, hope to play finally, do not cry!” In the Ye Chenfeng eye the none remaining dodges, in the heart discussed. “帝飞扬,帝绫歌,既然你们想玩,我就陪你好好玩玩,希望玩到最后,你们不要哭了!”叶晨风眼睛中精光一闪,在心中默念道。 „The 101 st treasure, is the crown blood of three drops of Middle Grade Saint beast rosefinches, but these three drops of rosefinch crown blood origins are uncommon, if to not celebrate my Nine Heavens god country old god sovereign returns, the god sovereign does not give up with the auction, the starting bid price 10,000 Sky grade crystals, can bid.” “第101件宝物,是三滴中品圣兽朱雀的冠血,而这三滴朱雀冠血来历不凡,如果不是为了庆祝我九天神国老神皇归来,神皇陛下也不舍得拿出来拍卖,起拍价10000下品天晶,诸位可以出价了。” The Daoist robe old man has put out a seal the crystal stones of three drops of rosefinch crown blood, announced loudly. 道袍老者又拿出了一颗封印着三滴朱雀冠血的晶石,大声宣布道。 100,000 Sky grade crystals!” “100000下品天晶!” The emperor flew upwards to drink tea, the first offer said that raised ten times the rosefinch crown blood price. 帝飞扬喝了一口茶水,第一个报价道,将朱雀冠血价格提高了十倍。 500,000 Sky grade crystals!” “500000下品天晶!” Looks that the emperor flies upwards the look that floats, on the Ye Chenfeng face does not have an expression to change, raised five times the price of rosefinch crown blood. 看着帝飞扬飘来的眼神,叶晨风脸上没有一丝表情变化,又将朱雀冠血的价格提高了五倍。 500,000 Sky grade crystals, on fellow many day of crystals!” “500000下品天晶,那家伙身上到底有多少天晶!” The Ye Chenfeng voice just fell, the entire auction hall falls into to the vibration during, the vision of almost all people projected have approached him. 叶晨风话音刚落,整个拍卖大厅陷入到震动之中,几乎所有人的目光都投射向了他。 500,000......” “500000……” Hears the Ye Chenfeng offer, the brow that the emperor flies upwards wrinkled tightly, although he wants to continue to increase price, but on him not these many under Sky grade crystals, if he continues to increase price, but Ye Chenfeng actually suddenly gives up, he will inevitably become the laughingstock. 听到叶晨风报价,帝飞扬的眉头紧皱了一下,他虽然想要继续加价,但他身上并没有这么多下品天晶,如果他继续加价,而叶晨风却突然放弃,那他势必成为笑柄。 Thinks of here, the emperor flying upwards pupil has contracted, has not continued to increase price, gave up with Ye Chenfeng bidding. 想到这里,帝飞扬瞳孔收缩了一下,没有继续加价,放弃了与叶晨风竞拍。 500,000 Sky grade crystals, increase price?” “500000下品天晶,还有加价的吗?” The Daoist robe old man looked at a silent emperor to fly upwards, the loud inquiry said. 道袍老者看了一眼沉默的帝飞扬,大声询问道。 Good, since nobody increases price, I announced that this rosefinch crown blood is patted by this young master!” “好,既然无人加价,那我宣布,这朱雀冠血就由这位公子拍得!” 500,000 Sky grade crystals, stem from the anticipation of Daoist robe old man greatly, but through observing the emperor flies upwards, the expression of emperor Ayauta, he smelled a unusual aura. 500000下品天晶,大大出乎道袍老者的意料,不过通过观察帝飞扬,帝绫歌的表情,他还是嗅到了一丝不寻常的气息。 After rosefinch crown blood, Daoist robe old man one after another has put out three scarce thing, but these three thing are unable to attract Ye Chenfeng, making him not increase price bidding. 朱雀冠血之后,道袍老者又接连拿出了三件稀少之物,不过这三物无法吸引叶晨风,让他没有加价竞拍。 „This 105 th treasure, is one jin (0.5 kg) black dirty blood, but the black dirt blood is the difficult adversaries of all Saint treasures, may strive to turn the tide at crucial moments, the starting bid price 10,000 Sky grade crystals, can bid!” The Daoist robe old man has put out the black dirt blood of seal in jade bottle, announced loudly. “这第105件宝物,是一斤黑污血,而黑污血是一切圣宝的克星,可在关键时刻力挽狂澜,起拍价10000下品天晶,诸位可以出价了!”道袍老者拿出了封印在玉瓶中的黑污血,大声宣布道。 Black dirty blood!” “黑污血!” Ye Chenfeng once obtained the black dirt blood in crazy there, but the black dirt blood is too precious, he did not hate to use, if can pat this jin (0.5 kg) black dirt blood smoothly, will have the enormous help to him. 叶晨风曾在道痴那里得到黑污血,但黑污血太珍贵,他一直不舍得用,如果能顺利拍下这一斤黑污血,将会对他产生极大帮助。 Solely Ye Chenfeng did not have the strong interest to black dirt blood, the emperor flew upwards, emperor Ayauta and the others have had the strong interest to the black dirt blood, increased price in abundance bidding. 不单单叶晨风对黑污血产生了浓厚的兴趣,帝飞扬,帝绫歌等人都对黑污血产生了浓厚的兴趣,纷纷加价竞拍。 The price of quick, black dirt blood rises suddenly to 50,000 Sky grade crystals. 很快,黑污血的价格暴涨到50000下品天晶。 60,000 Sky grade crystals!” “60000下品天晶!” Wears the black tight-fitting long skirt, the slender both legs coil around in the same place, the body such as the thoroughly ripe juicy peach, is filling the charming flavor female, curled the hole with the finger gently a sagging in the long hair of chest, opened the mouth to offer to say. 一名身穿黑色紧身长裙,修长双腿盘绕在一起,身子如熟透的蜜桃,充满着迷人的韵味的女子,用手指轻轻卷洞了一下垂在胸口的长发,开口报价道。 100,000 Sky grade crystals!” “100000下品天晶!” The emperor flies upwards, although is the Nine Heavens god country emperor, but the heavy treasure in Nine Heavens god country state treasury he has no right the use, therefore he has also had the strong interest to the black dirt blood, increases price the competition. 帝飞扬虽然是九天神国天子,但九天神国国库中的重宝他无权动用,所以他对黑污血也产生了浓厚的兴趣,加价竞争。 500,000 Sky grade crystals!” “500000下品天晶!” The emperor flying upwards voice just fell, depends upon Ye Chenfeng on seat to show the smiling face, increases price to say. 帝飞扬话音刚落,依靠在座位上的叶晨风露出了浅浅的笑容,加价道。 Kacha!” 咔嚓!” Hears the Ye Chenfeng offer, emperor flying upwards complexion slightly changes, catching up that the right hand can not help, crumb the teacup in hand. 听到叶晨风报价,帝飞扬脸色微微一变,右手情不自禁的发力,捏碎了手中的茶杯。 Insane, this fellow obtained the Heaven Territory buried treasure absolutely!” “疯了疯了,这家伙绝对得到了天域宝藏!” He so dazzles richly, could it be did not fear that was kept thinking?” “他这般炫富,难道就不怕被人惦记吗?” I think that the auction ended, has the good play to look, does not know that he does have the life to leave Nine Heavens Imperial city!” “我想拍卖会结束,有好戏看了,就是不知道他有没有命离开九天皇城!” The Ye Chenfeng offer deters the audience once more, lets present all people crazy, Ye Chenfeng is became the focal point of discussion. 叶晨风报价再次震慑全场,让在场所有人为之疯狂,叶晨风更是成为了议论的焦点。 Interesting, this fellow repeatedly flies upwards to oppose with the emperor unexpectedly, it seems like he flies upwards to the emperor did not understand very much that does not know he is a petty person!” Emperor Ayauta corners of the mouth to go forward, taking pleasure in others'misfortunes in the heart discussed. “有意思,这家伙竟然屡次和帝飞扬作对,看来他对帝飞扬很不了解,不知道他可是一个心胸狭窄的人!”帝绫歌嘴角微为上前,幸灾乐祸的在心中默念道。 But the sword natural beauty looks to the Ye Chenfeng look, was the looks like gives up on the person to be ordinary, has filled killing intent. 而剑天姿看向叶晨风的眼神,更是像看死人一般,充满了杀意
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