EDSG :: Volume #15

#1497: Central world chaos

Anything, Ayauta died, was killed by the people of Qilin emperor's clan!” “什么,绫歌死了,被麒麟皇族的人杀了!” Receives news that the emperor Ayauta body dies, the emperor blade nobility has tarried, in the mind has flashed through several thoughts, not sad, only then has doubts. 接到帝绫歌身死的消息,帝刀爵呆住了,脑海中闪过了数个念头,没有悲伤,只有疑惑。 Emperor Ayauta Emperor Bai Nine Heavens for master, becomes the Nine Heavens god country emperor, has caused a stir in the entire central world, he will be the person of recent central world wielding great power with great arrogance, in this crucial point, person make a move of Qilin god country's has actually killed him, this will declare war to the Nine Heavens god country without doubt. 帝绫歌拜帝九天为师,成为九天神国天子,轰动了整个中央世界,他更是近期中央世界炙手可热之人,在这个节骨眼上,麒麟神国的人却出手杀死了他,这无疑是向九天神国宣战。 Has pondered a meeting, the emperor blade nobility tries the relation to send to retaliate two Nirvana boundary big energies of emperor Ayauta, inquired about the issues in some details. 沉思了一会,帝刀爵尝试着联系派去报复帝绫歌的两名涅槃地境大能,询问一些细节上的问题。 But this time two people, had eliminated a potential informant by Ye Chenfeng, how whatever the emperor blade nobility relates, is unable to contact with on them. 但此时的二人,已经被叶晨风灭口,任由帝刀爵如何联系,都无法联系上他们。 could it be did they have an accident?” 难道他们两个也出事了?” The emperor blade nobility more wants more to think that this matter some fishy, always felt where some do not suit. 帝刀爵越想越觉得这件事有些蹊跷,总感觉哪里有些不对劲。 Yeah, Ayauta is the apprentice of first ancestor, he died must inform the first ancestor!” “哎,绫歌是始祖的徒弟,他死了怎么也要告知始祖!” Although emperor Ayauta is the big imperial prince, but the emperor blade nobility does not like him, why this is also he sets up the emperor to fly upwards for the reason of emperor, therefore his death, has not made the emperor blade nobility lose the rationality, he has pondered a meeting, went to the emperor Nine Heavens practice cave mansion, the news that the sword emperor Ayauta body died told the emperor Nine Heavens. 虽然帝绫歌是大皇子,但帝刀爵并不喜欢他,这也是他为何立帝飞扬为天子的原因,所以他的死,并未让帝刀爵失去理性,他沉思了一会,前往了帝九天修炼的洞府,剑帝绫歌身死的消息告诉了帝九天 Anything, Ayauta died!” Soars to the heavens the anger to send out in the emperor Nine Heavens body, he likely is a enraged lion, stares, angry asking: Any person is so bold, dares to kill the main body apprentice, the main body extinguishes his nine generations surely.” “什么,绫歌死了!”一股冲天怒火在帝九天身体中散发出来,他像是一只被激怒的雄狮,瞪着眼睛,愤怒的问道:“什么人这么大胆,竟敢杀本尊徒弟,本尊定灭他九族。” It is said that the one who kills Ayauta is expert of Qilin emperor's clan, but reason because of a woman!” The emperor blade nobility has not concealed, saying of being outspoken. “据说,杀死绫歌的是麒麟皇族的高手,而原因是因为一个女人!”帝刀爵没有隐瞒,毫无保留的说道。 Qilin emperor's clan!” Emperor Nine Heavens disguises to fall into to pondering middle course: Their this is must shoulder country to fight inadequately.” “麒麟皇族!”帝九天假装陷入到沉思中道:“他们这是要挑起国战不成。” Yeah, I do not understand the people of Qilin emperor's clan to do!” The emperor blade nobility sighed gently a sound track: I suspected that can some people frame the Qilin emperor's clan intentionally, thus provokes the incident.” “哎,我也弄不懂麒麟皇族的人想要干什么!”帝刀爵轻轻叹息一声道:“我怀疑会不会有人故意陷害麒麟皇族,从而挑起事端。” Un, has this possibility!” Emperor Nine Heavens nodded saying: „The blood debt must the blood recompense, whoever has killed my apprentice, I must revenge for him. The blade nobility, you contact with the Qilin god sovereign now, how having a look at him to say.” “嗯,有这个可能!”帝九天点了点头道:“不过血债必须血偿,无论谁杀了我徒弟,我都要为他报仇。刀爵,你现在联系麒麟神皇,看看他怎么说。” Yes, first ancestor!” “是,始祖!” The emperor blade nobility obeys orders saying that grasps a pass on message plate, the relation is falling into the violent anger in the presence of everyone at this time does the red flame. 帝刀爵从命道,手持传讯阵盘,当众联系此时正陷入暴怒之中的乾红炎。 Sending a punitive expedition of emperor blade nobility, like pot hot oil, lit completely has done the anger in red flame heart, he and emperor blade nobility had the intense quarrel in the pass on message process, was worsening relations between two big god countries. 帝刀爵的兴师问罪,像一锅热油,完全点燃了乾红炎心中的怒火,他与帝刀爵在传讯过程中发生了激烈的争吵,恶化着两大神国之间的关系。 Gives me a pass on message plate!” Emperor Nine Heavens just right must walk a pass on message plate, dignified berated: Does the red flame, the old man does not want to quarrel with you, the old man asked your a few words, the death of Ayauta was whether related with your Qilin emperor's clan.” “把传讯阵盘给我!”帝九天恰到好处的要走了传讯阵盘,威严的喝斥道:“乾红炎,老夫不想和你争吵,老夫就问你一句话,绫歌的死是否与你麒麟皇族有关。” Also is what kind of!” The anger soars to the heavens does the red flame not to show weakness saying that: could it be only permits your Nine Heavens emperor's clan murder, cannot we retaliate.” “是又怎样!”怒火冲天的乾红炎毫不示弱的说道:“难道只许你九天皇族杀人,不许我们报复。” Good, the old man said here, in five day, you, if did not come to my Nine Heavens imperial palace to apologize personally, do not blame the old man being heartless, launched the country war to extinguish your Qilin emperor's clan foundation!” Emperor Nine Heavens overbearing saying. “好,那老夫放话在这里,五日内,你如果不亲自来我九天皇宫请罪,就别怪老夫无情,发动国战灭你麒麟皇族根基!”帝九天霸道的说道。 You, when this sovereign is frightens in a big way, if your Nine Heavens emperor's clan wants to launch the country war, my Qilin god country accompanies!” “你当本皇是吓大的,如果你九天皇族想要发动国战,我麒麟神国奉陪!” Saying, air/Qi almost loses sanely did the red flame to end the long-distance range pass on message. 说着,气的几乎失去理智的乾红炎结束了远距离传讯。 First ancestor, can you launch the country war really?” The emperor blade nobility fully realized that starts consequence that the country fights, discrete asking. “始祖,你真的要发动国战?”帝刀爵深知发动国战的后果,谨慎的问道。 I see the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable now, you and others my news!” “我现在去见帝灭天尊,你等我消息!” Then, emperor Nine Heavens left the cave mansion, arrived at the emperor to extinguish the spirit deep pool that the day Venerable to be. 说完,帝九天离开了洞府,来到了帝灭天尊所在的灵潭。 About after more than one double-hour, a formidable aura fills the spirit deep pool, this aura, has alarmed the entire Nine Heavens imperial palace. 大约一个多时辰后,一股强大的气息弥漫出灵潭,这股气息之强,惊动了整个九天皇宫。 Emperor blade nobility pays a visit the emperor to extinguish the day Venerable!” “帝刀爵拜见帝灭天尊!” Although emperor Nine Heavens is the Nine Heavens god country first god sovereign, but the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable is Nine Heavens god country truly control, looks that extinguishes the day Venerable with the emperor who emperor Nine Heavens comes to together, the emperor blade nobility has become the body bow 90 degrees, salutes to say respectfully. 虽然帝九天九天神国第一任神皇,但帝灭天尊才是九天神国真正的掌控者,看着与帝九天一同现身的帝灭天尊,帝刀爵将身子躬成了90度,恭敬地行礼道。 Matter I listened to the Nine Heavens day Venerable saying that my Nine Heavens emperor's clan quiet time was too long, the long time to letting certain god countries has forgotten oneself, forgot that who is this world absolute overlord!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable sound vigorous saying. “事情我已经听九天天尊说了,我九天皇族沉寂的时间太久了,久到让某些神国已经忘乎所以,忘记谁才是这个世界绝对的霸主!”帝灭天尊声音浑厚的说道。 Since the emperor extinguishes the day Venerable also favors to launch the country war, I arrange immediately!” The emperor blade nobility does not dare to violate emperor to extinguish the meaning that the day Venerable, the bow the body was saying. “既然帝灭天尊也倾向发动国战,那我立即去安排!”帝刀爵不敢违背帝灭天尊的意思,躬着身子道。 Goes! The sky collapses to have our three old fogies top!” The emperor extinguishes the day Venerable saying: You must remember, this world is the time of my Heaven Clan seal, we let the demon clan and Monster Clan person coexist here, gives them two clan faces, if they do not know good from bad, we do not need to care about the face.” “去吧!天塌下来有我们三个老家伙顶着!”帝灭天尊道:“你要记住,这个世界是我天族封印的时间,我们让魔族和妖族的人在这里共存,已经是给他们两族面子了,如果他们不知好歹,那我们也不必顾及情面。” Yes!” “是!” Although in the emperor blade nobility heart still has the doubts, but this time he, can only obey orders, immediately mobilizes the strength of Nine Heavens god country's, prepares to launch the country war to the Qilin god country. 虽然帝刀爵心中依然有疑惑,但此时的他,只能从命,立即调动九天神国的力量,准备向麒麟神国发动国战。 Nine Heavens, you said that Ye Shao do insist on starting the country to fight for what?” After the emperor blade nobility leaves, emperor extinguishes the day Venerable the brow closely to twist in the same place said: Although by our strengths, can the heavy injury two big god countries, but is actually not able to cut off their foundations.” 九天,你说叶少执意发动国战到底为了什么?”帝刀爵离开后,帝灭天尊眉头紧紧地拧在一起道:“虽然以我们的实力,可以重创两大神国,但却无法斩断他们的根基。” I cannot guess, but I think that Ye Shao the real objective must open!” Emperor Nine Heavens shook the head to say. “我也猜不出来,不过我想,叶少的真正目的就要揭开了!”帝九天摇了摇头道。 Five days of dodge passes. 五天的时间一闪即逝。 Although the strength by far Qilin god country of Nine Heavens god country's, but as the Qilin god country god sovereign, does the red flame not to come to the Nine Heavens imperial palace to carry a rod and ask for punishment, let alone, their losses are heavier than the Nine Heavens god country. 虽然九天神国的实力远胜麒麟神国,但作为麒麟神国神皇,乾红炎根本不会来九天皇宫负荆请罪,更何况,他们的损失比九天神国更重。 Five days cross, an explosive news blasted out in the central world. 五天一过,一条爆炸性的消息在中央世界炸开了。 The Nine Heavens god Emperor blade nobility openly announced that the Nine Heavens god country just vertical emperor emperor Ayauta had been killed by the people of Qilin emperor's clan, for the blood blade edge personal enemy, the Nine Heavens god country declares war to the Qilin god country. 九天皇帝刀爵公然宣布,九天神国刚立的天子帝绫歌被麒麟皇族的人杀了,为了血刃仇人,九天神国向麒麟神国宣战。 This news, has started the great unrest in the central world, the entire central world seethed with excitement. 此消息一出,在中央世界掀起了轩然大波,整个中央世界沸腾了。 Quick, the Qilin god country responds, angrily rebukes the Nine Heavens emperor's clan to distort the facts, covers up the truth, declared, if the Nine Heavens god country launches the country war, Qilin god country full power meets head-on. 很快,麒麟神国做出回应,怒斥九天皇族颠倒黑白,掩盖真相,并宣称,九天神国如果发动国战,麒麟神国全力迎战。 Suddenly, the atmosphere of entire central world becomes beyond example tight. 一时间,整个中央世界的气氛变得空前地紧张。 After three day, the central world clouds over, headed by several hundred Nirvana boundaries can greatly the Nine Heavens god country army, has attacked the Qilin god country border, by the invincible stance, has destroyed the Qilin god country border several cities directly, has battled with the Qilin god country armies who catches up in a hurry. 三日后,中央世界变天,以数百名涅槃境大能为首的九天神国大军,突袭了麒麟神国边境,以无敌的姿态,直接毁灭了麒麟神国边境数座城池,与匆匆赶来的麒麟神国大军激战了起来。 In two big god countries slaughter in border intensely, the Human Race inheritance influence day palace headed by Goddess of Luoshui River, thunder clan suddenly make a move, helping the Nine Heavens god country cope with the Qilin god country army. 在两大神国在边境激烈厮杀时,以洛神为首的人族传承势力天殿,雷族突然出手,帮九天神国对付麒麟神国大军。 Practices after some time, the Goddess of Luoshui River refine to melt completely broke sage pill, crossed the fearful day to punish, breaks through the boundary of 1-Star [say / way] Venerable, under his full power attack, the Qilin god country can die greatly unceasingly. 经过一段时间修炼,洛神完全炼化了破尊圣丹,渡过了可怕的天罚,突破到了一星道尊之境,在他全力攻击下,麒麟神国大能不断地陨落。 Originally, Qilin god country overall strength was inferior that the Nine Heavens god country, encounters the day palace now, the thunder clan two big top influences, as well as a craziness, sword and the others attacked certainly, has caused the giant casualties instantaneously. 本来,麒麟神国整体实力就不如九天神国,如今又遭到天殿,雷族两大顶级势力,以及道痴,绝剑等人攻击,瞬间造成了巨大的伤亡。 As the casualties are getting more and more serious, the Qilin god country has to seek help Eight Majestic Divine Kingdom, and promised heavy, has paid enormously the price, invited the Eight Majestic Divine Kingdom reinforcements. 随着伤亡越来越严重,麒麟神国不得不求助八岐神国,并许下了重诺,付出了极大地代价,请来八岐神国的援兵。 Was involved when three big god countries as well as many influences, occurred is affecting the entire central world big tangled warfare, Ye Chenfeng controls the spirit boat, hurried along after the several days time, arrives has banned heavily, outside the space extremely unstable ancient day celestial mountain. 就在三大神国以及诸多势力被牵扯进来,发生着波及整个中央世界大混战时,叶晨风驾驭灵舟,经过数日时间赶路,来到了禁制重重,空间极不稳定的古天仙山外。
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