EDSG :: Volume #12

#1150: We wait and see

This Heavenly Soul fluid is really mysterious, I did not spend that big price to trade in vain it!” “这天魂液果然玄妙,不枉我花了那么大代价将它换来!” Ye Chenfeng long breathed a sigh of relief, wakes up in the practice, felt the soul after transformation formidable more than ten times, has shown the light smiling face. 叶晨风长舒了一口气,在修炼中醒来,感觉到蜕变后的灵魂强大了十余倍,露出了淡淡的笑容。 When his look looks to tender language is beautiful, wants to inquire when her situation, the throat did not roll on own initiative. 当他眼神望向娇语嫣,想要询问她的情况时,喉咙不自觉地滚动了一下。 This time tender language is beautiful, the fragrant perspiration dripping rests the skirt to soak the white completely, closely bound on the wonderful graceful body, at the Ye Chenfeng eyesight, can see Yufeng that clearly she very curled upwards slightly, with two powdering the face red bright red. 此时的娇语嫣,香汗淋漓将白色睡裙完全湿透,紧紧地裹在了妙曼的身体上,以叶晨风的眼力,可以清晰地看到她微微挺翘的玉峰,和两抹粉红色的嫣红。 But this time flesh, such as has soaked in the hot spring generally, is passing the attractive pink, as if pinches to pinch the water leakage. 而她此时的肌肤,更如在温泉里泡过一般,透着诱人的粉红色,仿佛一掐就能掐出水来。 Discovered that the eye of Ye Chenfeng stares to look own chest, the tender language has thought of anything beautifully suddenly, the instinct both hands chest protector, the ruddy cheek on such as the tender and beautiful flowers, making the person unable to bear want to pick. 发现叶晨风的眼睛直勾勾看着自己胸口,娇语嫣突然想到了什么,本能的双手护胸,红润的脸蛋就如娇艳的花朵,让人忍不住想要采摘。 Language is beautiful, the consolidated under soul boundary, I exited well first!” “语嫣,好好巩固下灵魂境界,我先出去了!” Felt that some atmosphere fluttering flags, Ye Chenfeng has not waited for a long time, left the tender language beautiful side building rapidly, returned to oneself room, has taken a cold water bath in a hurry, extinguishes stifles the conscience the flame. 感觉到气氛有些旖旎,叶晨风没有久待,迅速离开了娇语嫣的厢房,回到了自己房中,匆匆洗了一个凉水澡,才熄灭心中的火焰。 Tender language beautiful......” “娇语嫣……” The cordiality in tender language beautiful eye, how could he had not discovered that but Shui Hanyan makes him have a headache, does not dare to admit the tender language to be beautiful. 娇语嫣眼睛中的情意,他何曾没有发现,但一个水寒烟就让他头疼不已,根本不敢接纳娇语嫣。 Eliminated the distracting thoughts in mind, Ye Chenfeng returned to Universe Realm, attempts to burn the day initially the ceremonial fire and purple beginning Saint Thunder Lianhua, full power prepared the forthcoming day palace to compete. 摒除了脑海中的杂念,叶晨风回到了乾坤境中,尝试着将焚天初圣火与紫初圣雷炼化进道器中,全力准备即将开始的天殿比赛。 As the competition approaches, the fire god city becomes more and more lively, the almost central world major influences sent for arriving at the fire god city, observed and emulated this maximum scale, the competition of highest rank. 随着比赛临近,火神城变得越来越热闹,几乎中央世界各大势力都派人来到了火神城,观摩这场最高规模,最高等级的比赛。 Finally, in being a focus of public attention, the day palace competition started, the fire god city has also seethed with excitement on this day, old monster that some hidden worlds, comes in abundance, arrived at the hot temple. 终于,在万众瞩目中,天殿比赛开始了,火神城也在这一天沸腾了,就连一些隐世不出的老怪物,也纷纷现身,来到了火神殿。 Looks quickly, that is the imperial carriage of Nine Heavens emperor's clan, does not know that the Nine Heavens god country this time will send that Saint master to compete!” “快看,那是九天皇族的銮驾,不知道九天神国此次会派那位圣师出赛!” „The matter of this secret is not your I can estimate, but this day palace reward is rich, I think that the major influences should send the topest Saint master to participate, win the final champion!” “这种机密之事就不是你我可以揣摩的了,不过这次天殿奖励丰厚,我想各大势力应该都会派最顶尖的圣师参赛,问鼎最后的冠军!” Is hanging is symbolizing Nine Heavens god Country Emperor's clan to symbolize, by pure dragon Ramallah the Nine Heavens emperor's clan imperial carriage just rolled by the spacious street, Eight Majestic Divine Kingdom, the Qilin god country, the imperial carriage of hidden world influence day dark green palace appeared successively, speeds along to the hot temple, the entire street also along with their arrivals, became lively. 悬挂着象征九天神国皇族标志,由纯正龙马拉着的九天皇族銮驾刚刚在宽敞的街道上驶过,八岐神国,麒麟神国,隐世势力天苍宫的銮驾先后出现,飞驰向了火神殿,整个街道也随着他们的到来,变得热闹非常。 Front was the hot temple, every year day palace competition was held there!” “前面就是火神殿了,每年的天殿比赛都在那里举行!” Trod the dawn, Ye Chenfeng one line of early was leaving the inn, arrived has been situated in the fire god city midpoint, in the city just like the city was ordinary, covers in a formidable ban, constructed the color to be primarily the flame color, outside construction grand magnificent hot temple. 踏着晨曦,叶晨风一行人早早的离开了客栈,来到了坐落在火神城正中央,宛如城中城一般,笼罩在一股强大禁制中,建筑颜色以火红色为主,修建的雄伟壮观的火神殿外。 Today's Ye Chenfeng and tender language are beautiful, has changed the symbolic status building up technique clothing/taking in pairs, on his chest, be not sparkling the shining 4-Star badge. 今日的叶晨风和娇语嫣,双双换上了象征身份的炼术服,在其胸口上,别着闪闪发亮的四星徽章。 Looks at Ye Chenfeng to put on to refine technique clothing/taking, is passing the natural, tender language beautiful look of outstanding ability was attracted by him unceasingly. 望着叶晨风穿上炼术服,透着的潇洒俊逸,娇语嫣的眼神不断被他吸引。 Was good, you go, I watch a sports contest the pavilion to wait for your splendid performance, come on!” Looks at the day marquis to look that was placed the great expectations by her Ye Chenfeng and tender language is beautiful, has encouraged several, leading Du Grandmaster and the others to go to construct by the hot temple, just like turreted watching a sports contest pavilion. “好了,你们进去吧,我去观赛阁等待你们精彩的表现,加油!”望天侯看着被她寄予厚望的叶晨风和娇语嫣,鼓励了几声,带着杜大师等人前往了建在火神殿旁,宛如塔状的观赛阁。 After the inspection, the Ye Chenfeng three people enter are fluttering the thick spiritual energy, the incomparably spacious hot temple, saw the scene in hot temple, the Ye Chenfeng pupil has cannot help but contracted. 经过检查,叶晨风三人进入飘荡着浓浓灵气,无比宽敞的火神殿,看到火神殿中的情景,叶晨风瞳孔不由得收缩了一下。 In the hot temple about ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) White Jade square, is standing about ten thousand pill refining masters, the refiner master, gathers together is exchanging, has formed the fearful noise. 在火神殿近万丈的白玉广场上,站着近万名炼丹师,炼器师,聚在一起交流着,形成了可怕的嘈杂声。 However according to their chest badges, little can see above the Rank 7 building up technique master. 不过根据他们胸口徽章来看,很少能见到七品以上的炼术师。 „The day palace competition will carry on the pill refining big game each time first, but the pill refining match is divided into the trials, the preliminary contest, the intermediary heat and finals, the Big Dipper above pill refining master does not need to participate in the trials, may directly enter the preliminary contest, but nine star pill refining masters may directly enter the intermediary heat, as for most formidable Saint master, only will then come in the finals.” “每次天殿比赛都会先进行炼丹大赛,而炼丹赛分为选拔赛,初赛,复赛和决赛,七星以上炼丹师是无需参加选拔赛,可直接进入初赛,而九星炼丹师可直接进入复赛,至于最为强大的圣师,只有在决赛中才会现身。” Therefore days before competition, little had the high-grade to refine the technique master to come, but some high-grade pill refining masters will also reduce the status to participate in the trials, the goal was to go to ancient Yaoshan picks some ancient Yao.” “所以前几日的比赛,很少有高等级炼术师现身,不过也有一些高等级炼丹师会降低身份参加选拔赛,目的是为了去古药山中摘一些古药。” However only then through the trials, enters the preliminary contest, is qualified for Heavenly Fire, but each day palace competes, the pill refining master who participates in the trials, at least two-thirds will be eliminated.” The wooden azure fire stands side Ye Chenfeng, introduced for him gently. “而只有通过选拔赛,进入初赛,才有资格进入天火界,不过每届天殿比赛,参加选拔赛的炼丹师,至少有2会被淘汰。”木青火站在叶晨风身边,轻轻为他介绍道。 Heavenly Fire? Isn't could it be this hot temple the venue?” Ye Chenfeng did not know about the day palace competition that asked in a soft voice. 天火界?难道这火神殿不是主赛场?”叶晨风对天殿比赛并不了解,轻声问道。 Good, this hot temple selects the athletic field, by no means final venue, genuine venue in Heavenly Fire that in unsurpassed can open greatly.” The wooden azure fire point the nod, said. “不错,这火神殿只是选拔赛场,并非最终的主赛场,真正的主赛场在一位无上大能开辟的天火界中。”木青火点了点头,说道。 Big writing skill.” “好大的手笔。” Ye Chenfeng is unable to imagine, that can greatly the strength what kind terror, this needs to practice the extremely high boundary possibly to open a space-independent the space rule. 叶晨风无法想象,那位大能的实力何等的恐怖,这需要将空间规则修炼到极高的境界才可能开辟出一个独立空间。 When speech, Ye Chenfeng felt suddenly a cloudy and cold aura has locked itself, although has not turned head, but Ye Chenfeng felt that who this aura is releases. 说话之际,叶晨风突然感觉一股阴冷的气息锁定了自己,虽然没有回头,但叶晨风已经感觉到这股气息是谁释放出来的。 We met!” “我们又见面了!” Wore the flame color to refine the technique clothing/taking, chest nine levels of head badges, on the face should not be hanging an arrogant and gloomy fire spirit Son of God leads three eight levels of pill refining masters to walk slowly. 身穿火红色炼术服,胸口别着九级天师徽章,脸上挂着一丝傲慢和阴沉的火灵圣子带着三名八级炼丹师缓缓地走了过来。 „Do we know?” “我们认识吗?” Moves the hostility in fire spirit Son of God eye, Ye Chenfeng shows a faint smile, saying of not caring a whoop. 触碰着火灵圣子眼睛中的敌意,叶晨风微微一笑,毫不在意的说道。 What's wrong, doesn't dare to recognize me?” Fire spirit Son of God hatred looks at Ye Chenfeng, ice-cold saying. “怎么,不敢认我了?”火灵圣子憎恨的看着叶晨风,冰冷的说道。 If not the Ye Chenfeng tigers mouth seizes food, that Saint pill already fell into his hand, often thinks that Ye Chenfeng won should own big chance, fire spirit Son of God hate the root to be itchy, wants to be cut to pieces Ye Chenfeng. 如果不是叶晨风虎口夺食,那颗圣丹早已落入到他的手中,每每想到叶晨风夺走了本应属于自己的大机缘,火灵圣子就恨得牙根直痒,想要将叶晨风千刀万剐。 Oh...... I thought that which you were, which fire spirit duck!” Saying of some Ye Chenfeng expression exaggeration. “喔……我想起来了,你是哪个,哪个火灵鸭子是吧!”叶晨风表情有些夸张的说道。 Tittered!” “噗嗤!” The Ye Chenfeng words just fell, tender language has not held in beautifully, smiles to make noise, smiles the beautiful woman, behind the souls of three eight star pill refining masters almost cancelled instantaneously fire spirit Son of God. 叶晨风话语刚落,娇语嫣没有憋住,笑出了声,一笑倾城,瞬间将火灵圣子身后三名八星炼丹师的魂差点勾走了。 You......” in the fire spirit Son of God eye spray the thick flame, stares Ye Chenfeng, the threat was saying: I urge you should better to snatch my thing to give back to me, otherwise I ensure made you unable to enter the preliminary contest, making you look at the day pavilion unable to enter the step.” “你……”火灵圣子眼睛中喷射出浓浓的火焰,瞪着叶晨风,威胁道:“我劝你最好将抢我的东西还给我,否则我保证让你进不了初赛,让你望天阁无法进阶。” Yo yo! It seems like you also inquired me, that medicinal pill this morning just had been eaten by me, if you wanted, you can waited for me to enter the restroom the time is waiting, perhaps had the harvest!” Ye Chenfeng disregards the threat of fire spirit Son of God completely, saying of teasing. “呦呦!看来你还打听我了,不过呢,那颗丹药今早刚刚被我吃了,如果你想要,你可以等我入厕的时候候着,也许有收获喔!”叶晨风根本无视火灵圣子的威胁,戏虐的说道。 You court death......” “你找死……” Hears Ye Chenfeng to shame fire spirit Son of God in the presence of everyone, followed to get angry in his behind three eight levels of pill refining masters immediately, three murderous aura have locked Ye Chenfeng, as if wanted to tear him. 听到叶晨风当众羞辱火灵圣子,跟在他身后的三名八级炼丹师顿时怒了,三股浓浓的杀气锁定了叶晨风,仿佛想要将他撕裂。 „Before I urged your three youth began, first to ask his my strength, initially I can like the dead dog that he hit, you who can hit were likely dead the pig.” Ye Chenfeng is shouldering both hands, the secure warning said. “我劝你们三个愣头青动手前先问问他我的实力,当初我能将他打的如死狗,更能打的你们像死猪。”叶晨风背负着双手,有恃无恐的警告道。 Travel fatigue, I acknowledged that your strength is good, but trials test is not the strength, I will make you to pay the price extremely arrogantly.” Fire spirit Son of God deeply attracts number tone, represses the innermost feelings the anger, the warning of coldly said. “风尘,我承认你的实力不错,但选拔赛考验的可不是实力,我会让你为狂妄付出代价的。”火灵圣子深吸数口气,才按捺住内心的怒火,冷冷的警告道。 We wait and see!” Ye Chenfeng shows a faint smile, saying that ponders: Whom has a look at to laugh last,” “那我们就走着瞧咯!”叶晨风微微一笑,玩味的说道:“看看谁能笑到最后,” We walk!” “我们走!” Fire spirit Son of God four people of being rebuffed got angry stare Ye Chenfeng, ablazing with anger left. 碰了一鼻子灰的火灵圣子四人怒瞪了一眼叶晨风,怒气冲冲的离开了。
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