EDSG :: Volume #12

#1151: ancient medicine mountain

Travel fatigue, do you have a grudge with that fire spirit Son of God?” “风尘,你和那火灵圣子有仇?” Looks at Ye Chenfeng and conflict between fire spirit Son of God, a wooden azure hot brow wrinkle, asked slightly in a low voice. 看着叶晨风与火灵圣子之间的冲突,木青火眉头微微一皱,低声问道。 Is, I fight for a treasure in nine heavy firing holes with him, he has not snatched me, therefore becomes enemies!” Ye Chenfeng nodded, superficial saying. “算是吧,我在九重火窟中与他争抢一宝物,他没有抢过我,因此结仇!”叶晨风点了点头,轻描淡写的说道。 This fire spirit Son of God is not very simple, is one of the central world youngest nine star heads, by his innate skill, sooner or later can become the Saint master. But his back ceremonial fire valley is the terror, I do not know that the ceremonial fire valley main this time does have, if he comes, absolutely is the popular candidate of champion!” Wooden azure fire serious saying. “这火灵圣子很不简单,是中央世界最年轻的九星天师之一,以他的天赋,迟早能成为圣师。而他背后的圣火谷更是恐怖,我不知道圣火谷主这次有没有来,如果他来,绝对是冠军的热门人选!”木青火严肃的说道。 Relax the pavilion is old, I can defeat his one time, can defeat his second time, if he insists on with me for the enemy, I will rout his confidence.” Ye Chenfeng shows a faint smile, self-confident saying. “放心吧阁老,我能击败他一次,就能击败他第二次,如果他执意与我为敌,我会击溃他的信心。”叶晨风微微一笑,自信的说道。 Travel fatigue, I know that your strength is very strong, ancient Yao the mountain that but the trials are is different from the general place, ancient Yaoshan and Heavenly Fire is the same, becomes the space, only then the soul and fire seed can go.” “风尘,我知道你实力很强,但选拔赛所在的古药山不同于一般地方,古药山与天火界一样,自成空间,而且只有灵魂和火种能进去。” In the ancient medicine mountain, you can only use the soul the strength, other methods and cards in a hand cannot use, once body of your soul in the ancient medicine mountain dies, you will be transmitted, the medicinal herbs that you seek for will lose in the ancient medicine mountain, loses enters the preliminary contest qualifications.” Wooden azure fire reminder said. “在古药山中,你只能动用灵魂的力量,其他手段和底牌根本不能动用,一旦你灵魂在古药山中身死,你就会被传送出来,你寻找的药草将遗失在古药山中,失去进入初赛资格。”木青火提醒道。 Relax the pavilion is old, with me for the enemy, he is doomed is the loser!” Ye Chenfeng has shown the stubborn smiling face, aggressive saying. “放心吧阁老,与我为敌,他注定是失败者!”叶晨风露出了桀骜的笑容,霸气的说道。 With the lapse of time, pill refining master who comes, the refiner master are getting more and more, looks, is the countless sea of people, is very magnificent. 随着时间的推移,前来的炼丹师,炼器师越来越多,一眼望去,是数不尽的人山人海,十分壮观。 But at this time, in several thousand zhang (3.33 m) White Jade square refine the quantity of technique to be over ten thousand people, but these refine the technique master, had the complicated relation with the day palace, this was also the day palace aloofly stands erect in the central world, making three big god national capitals dread reason. 而此时,数万丈的白玉广场上炼术师的数量超过了万人之多,而这些炼术师,都与天殿有千丝万缕的联系,这也是天殿超然屹立于中央世界,让三大神国都忌惮不已的原因。 Is static!” “都静一静!” Suddenly, the vigorous sound resounded together, has spread over White Jade square each corner, wore the white to refine the technique clothing/taking, the chest is hanging a Saint master badge, the aura and hot temple space merges into one organic whole, the crane sent the old man of young face to tread the void appearance, just also the noisy square immediately became peaceful. 突然,一道浑厚的声音响起,传遍了白玉广场各个角落,一名身穿白色炼术服,胸口挂着一枚圣师徽章,气息与火神殿空间融为一体,鹤发童颜的老者踏着虚空出现,刚刚还嘈杂的广场顿时变得安静了下来。 Visual void old man, shocking proud not docile generation, as if by prior agreement reveals the color of awe, the static waiting white hair old man spoke. 目视着虚空中的老者,无论是惊世之才还是骄傲不驯之辈,都不约而同流露出敬畏之色,静静的等待白发老者说话。 Old man profound long letter, welcome everybody ten thousand li (0.5km) far away to catch up on behalf of the day palace, participates building up technique big game that my day palace holds, but this time refining up technique two to compete the first three rewards, passes on with the outside is the same.” “老夫玄长信,代表天殿欢迎大家万里迢迢赶来,参加我天殿举行的炼术大赛,而此次炼术两项比赛前三名的奖励,与外界传的一样。” First may go to my day palace restricted area treasure cliff to choose the three treasures willfully, second chooses two treasures, third chooses a treasure. But four to 100 has the different rewards.” Although profound long letter sound is not resounding, but has spread over each corner, indicated that his strength is as deep as a well. “第一名可去我天殿禁地宝物崖任意挑选三宝,第二名挑选两宝,第三名挑选一宝。而四到100名都有不同的奖励。”玄长信声音虽然并不响亮,但传遍了各个角落,足见他实力高深莫测。 In any event, two compete first three, must wrestle to wrestle!” The Ye Chenfeng fist grips tightly, pledged in heart secretly. “无论如何,两项比赛前三名,都要搏上一搏!”叶晨风拳头紧握,暗自在心中发誓道。 He has a feeling, refined the Tiansheng broken cangue pill's three taste main medicines, in the treasure cliff likely has, cannot miss this opportunity, 他有一种感觉,炼制天圣破枷丹的三味主药,宝物崖中很可能有,决不能错过这个机会、 Was good, the old man did not waste everybody's time, I announced that refine the technique big game to start, first carried on the pill refining competition to select!” “好了,老夫就不浪费大家的时间了,我宣布,炼术大赛正是开始,首先进行炼丹比赛选拔!” Saying, unreliably long was presenting more than facetted pebble plates at fingertips, when he pours into formidable Dao Intent to the slate, slate fast revolving, mapped void, immediately, the entire void fierce fluctuation, twisted. 说着,玄长信手中出现了一面多棱石盘,当他向石盘中注入强大的道意时,石盘快速的旋转起来,映射在了虚空中,顿时,整个虚空剧烈的波动,扭曲起来。 But in the space of distortion, presented a mysterious space entrance, air/Qi of the medicine fragrances divulge in the space entrance, making the person only hear, on spiritual Great Array. 而在扭曲的空间中,出现了一个玄妙的空间入口,一股股药香之气在空间入口中宣泄出来,让人只闻一下,就精神大阵 Trials custom as before, in two days of time, you only need collect the medicinal herbs that the formula needs in the ancient medicine mountain, then refining up medicinal pill through the selection, but the formula in your soul will enter in the ancient medicine space to appear in your soul automatically.” “选拔赛规矩与往年一样,在两天时间内,你们只需在古药山中凑齐药方所需的药草,然后炼成丹药就算通过选拔,而药方会在你们灵魂进入古药空间中自动出现在你们灵魂中。” Was good, has the fire seed to release your soul, enters the ancient medicine space, good luck!” The profound long letter loud order said. “好了,将你们灵魂还有火种释放出来,进入古药空间吧,祝你们好运!”玄长信大声命令道。 Profound long letter words just fell, fearful strength ascension to the midair, just like Stormy Sea(dangerous situation), the boundless hurricane, is whirling around void, rushing to be first entered in the space entrance of distortion. 玄长信话语刚落,一股股可怕的力量升腾向半空中,犹如惊涛骇浪,无边飓风,翻卷着虚空,争先恐后的进入到了扭曲的空间入口中。 We also go in!” “我们也进去吧!” Wooden azure fire took a deep breath, the soul is rolling up and pushing along hei wooden Heavenly Fire, the direct impact vault of heaven, flies to the ancient medicine space entrance. 木青火深吸一口气,灵魂卷动着黒木天火,直冲苍穹,向古药空间入口飞去。 Walks!” “走!” Ye Chenfeng and tender language have looked beautifully at each other one, 3-Star said the release that in pairs the Saint Spirit soul is outspoken, is blending respective Heavenly Fire, flies to the ancient medicine space. 叶晨风和娇语嫣相互间对视了一眼,双双将三星圣灵魂毫无保留的释放出去,交融着各自的天火,飞向古药空间。 Although Ye Chenfeng guessed correctly that fire spirit Son of God will possibly obstruct itself in the ancient medicine space, but his soul is extremely formidable, has achieved a 3-Star Saint, in the ancient medicine space is almost invincible existence, therefore fire spirit Son of God and the others wanted to ask him to trouble, with courting death different. 虽然叶晨风猜到,火灵圣子很可能会在古药空间阻截自己,但他灵魂太过强大,达到了三星道圣,在古药空间中几乎就是无敌的存在,所以火灵圣子等人想要找他麻烦,与找死没什么两样。 The soul blends dead flame Heavenly Fire to enter the ancient medicine space, Ye Chenfeng suddenly discovered that tender language disappears beautifully, oneself appear in one boundlessly boundless, does not know that extends in many li (0.5km) giant mountain range. 灵魂交融着死焱天火进入古药空间,叶晨风突然发现身边的娇语嫣不见了,自己出现在一座茫茫无边,不知道延伸多少里的巨大山脉中。 Observes the situation surrounding ancient tree to be towering when him, Xiufeng overlaps, mountain range that the waterfall hangs upside down, in his soul presented a formula, in the formula writes the names of ten constantly medicinal herbs. 在他环视周围古木参天,秀峰重叠,瀑布倒挂的山脉时,他灵魂中出现了一个药方,药方上写着十一味药草的名字。 The Siberian cocklebur is colored, the scarlet stoneworts, Shayuan, endures the hot cane, Gu Jingye, the evodia...... 苍耳花,赤石草,沙苑子,忍火藤,谷精叶,吴茱萸…… The memory lived in the shapes and characteristics of these ten constantly medicinal herbs, the Ye Chenfeng soul suddenly accelerates, flies to limitless ancient Yaoshan, sought for these ten constantly medicinal herbs. 记忆住这十一味药草的形态和特征,叶晨风灵魂突然加速,飞向了无边无际的古药山中,寻找这十一味药草。 Although two days of seem like ample, but ancient Yaoshan was too big, has covered the entire space, wants to even up ten medicinal herbs not to be constantly easy . Moreover the wooden azure fire also told Ye Chenfeng, to increase difficulty, in ancient Yaoshan the medicinal herbs were actual and fictitious, this was also each competition, the first round selection will have the reason that large quantities of pill refining masters eliminated. 虽然两天的时间看似宽裕,但古药山太大了,覆盖了整个空间,想要找齐十一味药草并不容易,而且木青火还告诉叶晨风,为了增加难度,古药山中药草有真有假,这也是每届比赛,第一轮选拔都会有大批炼丹师淘汰的原因。 Is good on the eve of the competition, Ye Chenfeng and tender language refine more than 20 drops of Heavenly Soul fluids beautifully, sublimated the soul in marvelous Concept in pairs, has achieved a 3-Star Saint, under his formidable soul release, has covered ancient Yaoshan the area. 好在比赛前夕,叶晨风与娇语嫣炼化20余滴天魂液,在奇妙的意境中双双升华了灵魂,达到了三星道圣,在他强大灵魂释放下,覆盖了古药山大片大片的面积。 Valley fine leaf, that is Gu Jingye!” “谷精叶,那是谷精叶!” In Ye Chenfeng speed extremely quick thorough arrives in the ancient medicine mountain, when sought for more than double-hour, in a lonesome and quiet mountain valley, had discovered a leaf blade assumes the zigzag, the dark green, is hanging three rice ear shapes grass all over the body. 叶晨风速度极快的深入到古药山中,寻找了一个多时辰时,在一座幽静的山谷中,发现了一株叶片呈锯齿状,通体墨绿色,垂着三根稻穗形状的小草。 But the leaf blade of this grass, is Ye Chenfeng needs of valley fine leaves ten constantly medicinal herbs. 而这株小草的叶片,就是叶晨风所需十一味药草之一的谷精叶。 Is looking at the grass of distant place, the Ye Chenfeng non- scar looked at valley fine leaf both sides shrubberies, cold intent who has revealed one realize very difficultly, the body dodged slightly, approached. 望着远处的小草,叶晨风不留痕迹的望了一眼谷精叶两侧的灌木丛,露出了一丝很难被人察觉的冷意,身子微微一闪,靠近了过去。 Hissing hissing hissing!” “嘶嘶嘶!” Ye Chenfeng just approached, the ground under eriocaulon sicboldianum shivers suddenly, one -and-a-half cuns (2.5cm), the flame color, grows a small snake of alone corner/horn to drill in the stratum all over the body, is revealing the sharp fang, bit to Ye Chenfeng. 叶晨风刚刚靠近,谷精草下的地面突然颤抖起来,一只半寸长,通体火红色,长着一根独角的小蛇在地层中钻出,露着锋利的獠牙,咬向了叶晨风 The attack of red alone corner/horn small snake is very sudden, but Ye Chenfeng already realized that its existence, the Soul Power quantity condensed suddenly, collects a handle soul sword, a sword cleft in two this red small snake from out of the blue. 红色独角小蛇的攻击可谓十分突然,但叶晨风早已察觉到它的存在,灵魂力量骤然间凝聚,汇集成了一柄魂剑,一剑破空将这只红色小蛇劈成了两半。 instant kill red small snake, Ye Chenfeng must bend the waist to select Gu Jingye. 瞬杀红色小蛇,叶晨风就要弯腰摘取谷精叶。 At this time, the eriocaulon sicboldianum both sides shrubberies vibrated, two fearful souls one on the left and other on the right started the sneak attack to Ye Chenfeng, wanted to rout his soul. 这时,谷精草两侧的灌木丛抖动了一下,两道可怕的灵魂一左一右向叶晨风发动偷袭,想要击溃他的灵魂。 Yeah, you think hideaway good of very really!” “哎,你们真以为隐藏的很好!” Ye Chenfeng sighed gently, in the soul body condenses two big hand, brought to let their desperate Soul Power quantities, grasps the soul that broke to pieces them to start to strike, caught them in the soul big hand. 叶晨风轻轻叹息一声,魂体中凝聚出两只大手,带着让他们绝望的灵魂力量,抓碎了他们二人发动的灵魂一击,将他们抓在了灵魂大手中。 Does not wait for two people to beg for mercy, the Ye Chenfeng thought moves, the soul big hand catches up fiercely, directly two people of soul body crumbs, delivered them to leave ancient Yaoshan. 不等二人求饶,叶晨风意念一动,灵魂大手猛地发力,直接将二人的魂体捏碎,送他们离开了古药山。
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