EDSG :: Volume #12

#1149: The soul sublimates, Samsung said the Saint

Sword spirits, I asked you, you had any matter to conceal me, this emperor Heavenly Sword was hiding also the big secret!” “剑灵,我问你,你是不是有什么事隐瞒着我,这帝天剑是不是还隐藏着大秘密!” This......” “这……” Sword spirits, you must know that I now am your master, if you have concealed to me, believes me to destroy you!” The Ye Chenfeng complexion sinks, the threat of coldly said. “剑灵,你要知道,我现在才是你的主人,如果你对我有所隐瞒,信不信我将你毁灭!”叶晨风脸色一沉,冷冷的威胁道。 „, The master does not appease anger, I do not intend to conceal, I did not determine whether that place still exists!” Emperor day Artifact Spirit looks at the Ye Chenfeng gloomy face, answered hastily. “不不,主人息怒,我并非有意隐瞒,我只是不确定那个地方是否还存在!”帝天器灵看着叶晨风阴沉的面孔,连忙解释道。 Told me, what secret this emperor was Heavenly Sword hiding?” The order that Ye Chenfeng does not allow to resist said. “告诉我,这帝天剑到底隐藏着什么秘密?”叶晨风不容抗拒的命令道。 Emperor Heavenly Sword itself does not have secret, the people in Nine Heavens god country's to take back emperor Heavenly Sword , should because of me!” The emperor Heavenly Sword spirit under the threat of Ye Chenfeng, has saying: In the past, I once followed the old master, had discovered in the mysterious sea an abandonment antiquity medicine garden, but the Nine Heavens god country true goal, should be here. However they might lose since the map of antiquity medicine garden.” “帝天剑本身并没有秘密,九天神国的人想要收回帝天剑,应该是因为我!”帝天剑灵在叶晨风威胁下,不得不说道:“当年,我曾跟随老主人,在神秘之海中发现了一座遗弃的上古药园,而九天神国真正的目的,应该就是这里。不过他们有可能遗失了进入上古药园的地图。” Antiquity medicine garden!” The Ye Chenfeng brow raises, asks: „Can you also recall to mind since the route in antiquity medicine garden now?” “上古药园!”叶晨风眉头一掀,问道:“你现在还能记起进入上古药园的路线吗?” Should almost, but in that antiquity medicine garden banned extremely numerous, moreover many Heaven and Earth magical things were clever, the strength was fearful, wants to subdue is not easy, by the old master the strength of Nirvana day boundary, merely had subdued five magical things in the past.” Emperor Heavenly Sword spirit [say / way]. “应该差不多,不过那上古药园中禁制极多,而且很多天地灵物已经通灵,实力可怕,想要收服并不容易,以老主人当年涅槃天境的实力,才仅仅收服了五株灵物。”帝天剑灵道。 Good, waits for the opportunity to be mature, you led me to go to antiquity medicine garden in a mysterious sea!” “好,等时机成熟,你带我去一趟神秘之海中的上古药园!” Mysterious sea Ye Chenfeng is imperative, because of the place of Spirit Clan second inheritance, in mysterious sea, but inherits the Spirit Clan inheritance difficulty to be enormous, Ye Chenfeng prepares to practice Level 6 Battle Beast Sovereign or breaks through to the Saint boundary, seeks for the place of Spirit Clan inheritance again, went to one while convenient this antiquity medicine garden. 神秘之海叶晨风势在必行,因为灵族第二处传承之地,就在神秘之海中,不过继承灵族传承难度极大,叶晨风准备修炼到六级战兽皇或者突破到道圣境界,再去寻找灵族传承之地,顺便去一趟这上古药园。 Had known the emperor Heavenly Sword spirit secret, Ye Chenfeng took in it Universe Realm, today two big harvests, the mysterious calcedony and black crystal stone took. 得知了帝天剑灵的秘密,叶晨风将其收进了乾坤境中,将今日两大收获,神秘的玉髓和黑色晶石拿了出来。 Grasps the gloomy black crystal stone, the Ye Chenfeng thought moves, the Devouring God Brain extremely fast deduces, fearful Soul Power quantities at one. several thousand seconds times amplifying, seep to the black crystal stone forcefully, investigate the secret that it is hiding. 手持黯淡无光的黑色晶石,叶晨风意念一动,噬神脑极速推演起来,一道道可怕的灵魂力量以一秒数万次的振幅,强行向黑色晶石中渗透,探查着它隐藏的秘密。 „The strength of Primordial Chaos!” 混沌之力!” After a about double-hour seepage investigation, Ye Chenfeng felt that in the black crystal stone existence of strength of Primordial Chaos, has shown the light smiling face. 经过近一个时辰渗透探查,叶晨风在黑色晶石中感觉到了混沌之力的存在,露出了淡淡的笑容。 Primordial Chaos Divine Wood!” 混沌神木!” Ye Chenfeng summoned Primordial Chaos Divine Wood, controls Primordial Chaos Divine Wood to condense the massive five colors root hair, wrapped the black crystal stone, seeped to the crystal stone forcefully, is grasping the crystal stone strength of Primordial Chaos. 叶晨风混沌神木召唤了出来,控制混沌神木凝聚出大量的五色根须,包裹住了黑色晶石,强行向晶石之中渗透,掠取着晶石中的混沌之力。 At this time, Ye Chenfeng summoned to burn the day initially the ceremonial fire, burnt down that mysterious calcedony, wanted to melt this calcedony with the beginning ceremonial fire strength. 这时,叶晨风召唤出了焚天初圣火,焚烧起那颗神秘玉髓,想要借初圣火的力量将这玉髓融化掉。 However this calcedony is extremely firm, beginning Ye Chenfeng control the ceremonial fire has burnt down more than double-hour, cannot its melting. 不过这玉髓极其坚固,叶晨风控制初圣火焚烧了一个多时辰,都未能将其融化。 But, Ye Chenfeng also summoned rosefinch cauldron, throws into the calcedony the cauldron, controls rosefinch cauldron amplifying to burn the day initially the might of ceremonial fire , to continue to burn down this calcedony. 无奈之下,叶晨风又将朱雀鼎召唤了出来,将玉髓扔进鼎中,控制朱雀鼎振幅焚天初圣火的威力,继续焚烧这玉髓。 But the Ye Chenfeng control rosefinch cauldron has burnt down the greater part of the night, melted epidermis the calcedony, wants to melt completely, is impossible. 叶晨风控制朱雀鼎焚烧了大半夜,才将玉髓融化了一层表皮,想要完全融化,根本不可能。 It seems like only then the dependence brute force, broke it forcefully!” “看来只有依靠蛮力,强行将其破开了!” Burns the day initially the ceremonial fire unable calcedony to melt, Ye Chenfeng takes in the body the Primordial Chaos Divine Wood black crystal stone immediately, arrived in Universe Realm, Primordial Chaos Divine Beast, the Ganming period of five days shouted, and summoned the sword spirit puppet and is spread like stars in the sky clone. 焚天初圣火无法将玉髓融化,叶晨风立即将混沌神木连带黑色晶石收进身体,来到了乾坤境中,将混沌神兽,乾明候喊了过来,并召唤出剑灵傀儡和星罗分身 Everybody meets full power to attack this calcedony to destroy him, I need the thing in this calcedony.” Ye Chenfeng lifts up high the calcedony high, order was saying. “大家一会全力攻击这玉髓将其打碎,我需要这玉髓中的东西。”叶晨风高高举着玉髓,命令道。 Was good, attack!” “好了,攻击!” As Ye Chenfeng ordered, sword spirit puppet, Primordial Chaos Divine Beast, Ganming period of five days and other manpower held the strongest [say / way] soldier, displayed the skills full power attack, fiercely attacked by the calcedony that Ye Chenfeng got rid of high. 随着叶晨风一声命下,剑灵傀儡,混沌神兽,乾明候等人手持最强的道兵,施展浑身解数全力攻击,猛攻被叶晨风高高抛弃的玉髓。 The strength of set people, do not say Top Grade, even if accurate Saint will also break. 集合众人之力,不要说极品道器,就算是准圣器也将破碎。 But this doubtful the calcedony that flows out from Tianwaitian, actually hardly withstood Ye Chenfeng and the others the flies upon to be lossless. 而这块疑似从天外天流出的玉髓,却硬硬承受住了叶晨风等人的猛烈攻击而无损。 However Ye Chenfeng does not worry, in the strength with the aid of Universe Realm, in addition holds own attack unceasingly, with sword spirit puppet, Primordial Chaos Divine Beast their sustained attack. 不过叶晨风并不着急,不断地借助乾坤境中力量,加持自身的攻击,与剑灵傀儡,混沌神兽他们持续攻击。 Finally, after the people several double-hour unremitting efforts, this incomparably hard calcedony broke finally, the black liquor of a little bit implication formidable Soul Power quantity has dropped in the calcedony, took by Ye Chenfeng had previously prepared in the good jade bottle. 终于,经过众人数个时辰不懈的努力,这块无比坚硬的玉髓终于破碎了,一滴滴蕴含强大灵魂力量的黑色液体在玉髓中滴落了下来,被叶晨风收进了早先准备好的玉瓶中。 Boss, this black ichor is any thing, why contains so formidable Soul Power quantity!” Primordial Chaos Divine Beast gathers up to come, blinks eye to ask. “老大,这黑色灵液到底是什么东西,为何蕴含如此强大的灵魂力量!”混沌神兽凑上前来,眨巴着眼睛问道。 If I have not admitted mistakes, this black ichor should be the Heavenly Soul fluid in legend.” Ye Chenfeng shows the light smiling face, said. “如果我没有认错,这黑色灵液应该是传说中的天魂液。”叶晨风露出淡淡的笑容,说道。 „The Heavenly Soul fluid, may transform soul the Heavenly Soul fluid!” The Ganming period of five days stared in a big way the eye, looks that unceasingly black liquor that dropped from the calcedony, shocking saying. 天魂液,可蜕变灵魂的天魂液!”乾明候瞪大了眼睛,看着不断从玉髓中滴落的黑色液体,震惊的说道。 A few years ago, Ganming period of five days attended the Qilin god Country Emperor's clan auction, this Heavenly Soul fluid next to last act heavy treasures, but at that time eight drops of Heavenly Soul fluids had laid out the sky-high price, finally the Qilin god country two mahatmas are because this Heavenly Soul fluid broke off completely. 前些年,乾明候参加了麒麟神国皇族拍卖会,压轴重宝之一正是这天魂液,而当时八滴天魂液拍出了天价,最后麒麟神国两大圣地更是因为这天魂液完全决裂。 Un, is this ichor!” Ye Chenfeng nodded, has consumed many strengths, has found time in the calcedony enough 48 drops of Heavenly Soul fluids. “嗯,正是此灵液!”叶晨风点了点头,耗费了不少力气,抽空了玉髓中足足48滴天魂液。 Come, these Heavenly Soul fluids give to you!” “来,这些天魂液送给你们!” Ye Chenfeng not parsimonious, has given Ganming separately the period of five days, the spirit fish, the king of slaughtering and other people of everyone three drops of Heavenly Soul fluids, making them transform the soul, then left Universe Realm, arrived at outside. 叶晨风没有吝啬,分别送给了乾明候,灵鱼,杀戮之王等四人每人三滴天魂液,让他们蜕变灵魂,然后离开了乾坤境,来到了外面。 Quick dawn, does not know that the language is beautiful whether is practicing!” “快天亮了,不知道语嫣是否在修炼!” Although Ye Chenfeng may absorb the Heavenly Soul fluid practice not to extinguish soul secret art voluntarily, but if nourishes with the aid of the tender language beautiful Heavenly Soul body, the effect will be better, dawn, Ye Chenfeng arrived at outside the tender language beautiful front door, knocks at a door gently. 虽然叶晨风可自行吸收天魂液修炼不灭魂诀,但如果借助娇语嫣天魂体滋养,效果会更好,天亮时分,叶晨风来到了娇语嫣屋门外,轻轻叩门。 Hears the Ye Chenfeng sound, the tender language wakes up in the practice beautifully immediately, puts on frail white to rest the skirt, is red the white and tender small feet, opens the door, welcomed Ye Chenfeng. 听到叶晨风声音,娇语嫣立即在修炼中醒来,穿着一件单薄的白色睡裙,赤着白嫩的小脚,打开房门,将叶晨风迎了进来。 Travel fatigue, you ask me to have the matter!” Tender language beautiful sound supple asking. “风尘,你找我有事!”娇语嫣声音柔柔的问道。 Un, I have good thing to you!” “嗯,我有好东西给你!” Ye Chenfeng looks at the tender body, in the white rests in the skirt partly visible, is revealing the snow white flesh, the attractive drainage ditch, sends out the tender language of invisible charm to be beautiful, nodded gently, said. 叶晨风看着娇躯在白色睡裙中若隐若现,露着雪白肌肤,诱人沟渠,散发着无形魅力的娇语嫣,轻轻点了点头,说道。 What good thing?” The tender language is blinking big eye beautifully, curious asking. “什么好东西?”娇语嫣眨巴着大眼睛,好奇的问道。 Does not know that you have listened to the Heavenly Soul fluid?” Ye Chenfeng asked with a smile. “不知你听过天魂液吗?”叶晨风笑着问道。 „The Heavenly Soul fluid, the legend may transform the soul the Heavenly Soul fluid!” The tender language stared in a big way both eyes beautifully, surprised saying. 天魂液,传说可蜕变灵魂的天魂液!”娇语嫣瞪大了双眼,吃惊的说道。 Good, I refined some Heavenly Soul fluids in that calcedony, the preparation and you absorb the practice together!” Ye Chenfeng nodded, said. “不错,我在那玉髓中提炼出了一些天魂液,准备和你一起吸收修炼!”叶晨风点了点头,说道。 Travel fatigue, you gave me too to be really many thank you, I do not know how really should repay you!” Tender language beautiful vision gentle looks at Ye Chenfeng, loving saying. “风尘,谢谢你,你给我的实在太多了,我真不知道该如何报答你!”娇语嫣目光柔和的看着叶晨风,含情脉脉的说道。 Practices with the crazy senior well, when you some day, stand in the summit of Battle Soul Continent, repays me again!” Ye Chenfeng has blown the tender language beautiful white and tender small nose gently, saying that teased. “好好跟道痴前辈修炼,等你有朝一日,站在斗魂大陆之巅,再报答我吧!”叶晨风轻轻刮了一下娇语嫣白嫩的小鼻子,调笑的说道。 Yeah, good!” “哎,好吧!” Actually, the tender language likes another repayment way beautifully, but sees certainly for outstanding person the ambiguous relations between Shui Hanyan and Ye Chenfeng, she suppresses in words at heart has not said. 其实,娇语嫣更喜欢另一种报答方式,但见到绝代尤物水寒烟叶晨风之间的暧昧关系,她憋在心里的话没有说出来。 Was good, we grasp the time practice, on the eve of strives for the day palace to compete, we practice the Nirvana day boundary the soul, such our result will also promote.” Ye Chenfeng has given the tender language beautiful ten drops of Heavenly Soul fluids, oneself also contained ten drops of Heavenly Soul fluids, arrived with her has been sending out on the bed of charming fragrance, pulled to begin to practice not to extinguish soul secret art. “好了,我们抓紧时间修炼吧,争取天殿比赛前夕,我们将灵魂修炼到涅槃天境,那样我们的成绩还会提升。”叶晨风给了娇语嫣十滴天魂液,自己也含了十滴天魂液,与她来到了散发着迷人香气的大床上,牵着手修炼起不灭魂诀 In two people hold hands the revolution not to extinguish soul secret art to refine, soul power of Heavenly Soul fluid displayed the pinnacle, under the soul grinding pan wheted, nourished their souls unceasingly. 在二人牵手运转不灭魂诀炼化下,天魂液的魂力发挥到了极致,在灵魂磨盘磨砺下,不断地滋养他们的灵魂。 As exchanges between two people of souls are getting quicker and quicker, is getting more and more close, two people entered in mysterious Concept, in this Concept, they felt that each other fused completely in together, one type comfortable in their soul produces to the feeling of being hard self-restraining, making them graceful, is enchanted by. 随着二人灵魂间的交流越来越快,越来越密切,二人进入到了一种玄妙的意境中,在这个意境中,他们感觉彼此完全融合在一起,一种舒服到难以自抑的感觉在他们二人灵魂中产生,让他们飘飘欲仙,迷醉其中。 A drop, two drops, five drops...... 一滴,两滴,五滴…… When they refine separately melted ten drops of Heavenly Soul fluids, their soul in this moment in pairs has completed the sublimation, has achieved the 3-Star Saint boundary. 当他们二人分别炼化了十滴天魂液时,他们灵魂在这一刻双双完成了升华,达到了三星道圣境界。 The soul boundary breaks through, they also reluctant to part in that wonder, can wake up Concept that in the person melts. 灵魂境界突破,他们二人也恋恋不舍的在那种美妙,能将人融化的意境中醒来。
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