DMWS :: Volume #4

#357: Fight 4 all parties in Golden Gate Bridge support

Brushes! 刷刷刷! In direction that Quicksilver looks, several black dot in fast flushed toward here, looks behind these dot is dragging white air current, speed that obviously they fly quick. Was needless saying that this was the Tony Iron Man brigade. 快银看的方向,十几个黑色的小点正在快速的朝这边冲了过来,看那些小点后面拖着的白色气流,可见它们飞行的速度有多快。不用说,这就是托尼钢铁侠大队到了。 But Quicksilver added a moment ago they only needed to cope with Iron Man to be good, other did not need their take action. However now, came 15 Iron Man all of a sudden, behind should have many Iron Man arrivals. Even if Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch strength in Mutant(s) is the top, Iron Man army but who faces the quantity completely suppression, they do not have the means to block completely. 而刚才快银还说他们只需要对付钢铁侠就行了,其他的不需要他们出手。但是现在,一下子来了15台钢铁侠,后面应该还会有更多的钢铁侠到来。就算快银绯红女巫的实力在变种人里面已经算是顶级的了,但是面对数量完全压制的钢铁侠大军,他们也是完全没办法拦得住的。 Pietro?” Scarlet Witch also saw small sunspot that these approach unceasingly, some worries shouted Quicksilver. 皮特?”绯红女巫也看到了那些不断逼近的小黑点,有些担心的喊了一声快银 Shout! 呼! It seems like, we also can only on, hope not to have an accident today! Wanda, waits to hit the time under your attention my position.” Although the Pietro innermost feelings do not want very much with these many Iron Man armies to, but does not have the means. “看来,今天我们也只能上了,但愿不会出什么事吧!旺达,等下打起来的时候你多注意下我的位置。”虽然皮特内心很不想和这么多的钢铁侠大军对上,但是也没有办法。 Knows!” As the brother and sister, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were not first time coordinate. “知道!”作为兄妹,绯红女巫快银也不是第一次配合了。 Although the Quicksilver speed truly excels by far the entire Earth to have the person of special capability, but he must display oneself speed to want some media, is the point of descent. However in Golden Gate Bridge the space so is big, the time battlefield that a while hits will certainly expand, the Pietro ability will receive very big limit, at this time needed the help of Scarlet Witch. 虽然快银的速度确实冠绝整个地球拥有特殊能力的人,但是他要发挥自己的速度还是要一些媒介的,也就是落点。但是金门大桥上空间就这么大,等会儿打起来的时候战场一定会扩大,皮特的能力就会受到很大的限制,这时候就需要绯红女巫的帮忙了。 Scarlet Witch as with Iceman same five levels of Mutant(s), before her ability actually by far incessantly, these that displays. If Scarlet Witch erupts the mutated ability thoroughly, ruins New York to have the possibility instantaneously. But Quicksilver makes Scarlet Witch pay attention to his position, is makes Scarlet Witch with reading the strength makes the point of descent to oneself, makes up for weak trend of Quicksilver in this environment. 绯红女巫作为和冰人一样的五级变种人,她的能力其实远远不止之前所表现出来的那些。如果绯红女巫彻底爆发变种能力的话,瞬间毁掉纽约都是有可能的。而快银绯红女巫注意一下他的位置,就是让绯红女巫用念力给自己制造落点,弥补快银在这个环境中的弱势。 Brush! 刷! The next quarter, Quicksilver has hugged Scarlet Witch to vanish in same place. 下一刻,快银已经搂着绯红女巫消失在了原地。 ...... …… ! 咻咻咻! Sir, soon entered the free-air anomaly region.” When Tony drives the Iron Man clothes is firing into Golden Gate Bridge, the J.A.R.V.I.S sound again appears to remind. “先生,已经快要进入空间异常区域。”在托尼驾驶着钢铁战衣冲向金门大桥的时候,贾维斯的声音再次出现提醒到。 What reason hasn't analyzed?” Has not decelerated, Tony frowns to ask. “还没有分析出来什么原因吗?”没有减速,托尼皱着眉头问道。 No, but the signaling of that region was blocked, but does not affect the Iron Man clothes's system.” J.A.R.V.I.S light reply. “没有,不过那个区域的信号传输被封锁了,但是不影响钢铁战衣本身的系统。”贾维斯淡淡的回答到。 That do not manage it!” Since does not affect the Iron Man clothes, Tony will not have anything to be worried. “那就不要管它!”既然不影响钢铁战衣,托尼也就不会有什么担心的。 Brush! 刷! The next second, Tony and 15 Iron Man has crashed in that region of free-air anomaly. 下一秒,托尼和15台钢铁侠已经一头冲进了空间异常的那片区域。 ...... …… Humming sound ~ 嗡嗡~ When Tony brings 15 Iron Man are firing into Golden Gate Bridge, from Golden Crescent Reg. about 500 meters far shore position, together the space gate suddenly appears. Then, Blink, Iceman and Shadowcat three people walked from inside. Swept a nearby situation, Iceman knew the fight the position in Golden Gate Bridge. 托尼带着15台钢铁侠冲向金门大桥的时候,在距离金门海峡大约500米远的岸边位置,一道空间门忽然出现。接着,闪烁,冰人幻影猫三人从里面走了出来。扫了一眼附近的情况,冰人一眼就知道战斗的位置在金门大桥上。 „Doesn't Blink, how have directly to deliver us?” Although three people of here was very near from Golden Gate Bridge, but Blink completely has the ability to deliver to Golden Gate Bridge them directly, therefore Iceman turned head to ask one toward Blink. 闪烁,怎么没有直接把我们送过去?”三人这里虽然距离金门大桥已经很近了,但是闪烁完全有能力把他们直接送到金门大桥上的,所以冰人还是回头朝闪烁问了一句。 When Iceman looks to Blink, Blink came on the light face to present some serious expressions all along, this was Blink kept a Iceman person coped with Hydra the time a moment ago has not appeared. 冰人看向闪烁的时候,闪烁一贯来平淡的脸上却出现了些严肃的表情,这是刚才闪烁冰人一个人对付九头蛇的时候都没有出现的。 How, Blink?” Sees the Blink expression, Shadowcat Kitty has to plant not good feeling to ask at heart hastily. “怎么了,闪烁?”看到闪烁的表情,幻影猫凯蒂心里有种不太好的感觉连忙问道。 My original destination is there, but the space of that region was affected by any thing, the space gate is unable to connect there. Therefore, space door that I here open, here already not by that piece of region influence recent position.” Frowns, Blink explained one fast. Although on Blink does not have J.A.R.V.I.S that many high tech to examine the change of front space, however her mutated ability made her have strong space induction ability. “我本来的目的地就是那里的,只不过那片区域的空间被什么东西影响了,空间门无法连接到那里。所以,我才在这里开的空间门,这里已经是不受那片区域影响的最近的位置了。”皱着眉头,闪烁快速解释了一句。闪烁身上虽然没有贾维斯那么多高科技来检测前方空间的变化,但是她本身的变种能力却让她有了很强的空间感应能力。 „Was space affected? Possibly is Hydra does. However, now does not intertwine this time. Blink, you pay attention to the situation in the surrounding, I and Kitty supported Mirage Knight in the past! If any accident/surprise makes Professor Charles support immediately.” Although knows that this situation is strange, but Iceman also knows that now Mirage Knight there situation is not certainly good, therefore said toward Blink directly. “空间被影响了吗?可能是九头蛇做的。不过,现在不是纠结这个的时候了。闪烁,你就在外围注意一下情况,我和凯蒂过去支援幻影骑士!一旦出现什么意外立刻让查尔斯教授支援。”虽然知道这个情况非常古怪,但是冰人也知道现在幻影骑士那里情况一定也不好,所以直接朝闪烁说道。 Em, I will pay attention.” Nodded, Blink earnest reply. “恩,我会注意的。”点了点头,闪烁认真的回答到。 Brush! 刷! Then, Iceman grasps Kitty, the whole person changed into the ice crystal condition, has crashed in the front Golden Crescent Reg. directly. But after Iceman is hugging, Shadowcat directly uses own ability to melt in the body of Iceman, combined completely. 接着,冰人一把将凯蒂抱住,整个人已经化为冰晶状态,直接冲进了前方金门海峡里。而被冰人抱着后,幻影猫直接使用了自己的能力融进了冰人的身体内,完全合二为一了。 Scoffs! 嗤嗤嗤! As Iceman crashes in Golden Crescent Reg., ices the line together in the sea level of Golden Crescent Reg. fast spread the past toward the Golden Gate Bridge central location from the Iceman position. Looked from the upper air, looked like in a picture presented a white trace, but also in unceasing spread. 随着冰人冲进金门海峡内,一道冰线在金门海峡的海面上快速的从冰人的位置朝金门大桥中央位置蔓延了过去。从高空中看,就像是一幅画中出现了一道白色的痕迹,还在不断的蔓延。 Brushes! 刷刷刷! Rumble ~ 轰隆隆~ While Iceman has an audience with the emperor Golden Gate Bridge overruns from the Golden Crescent Reg. sea level, in the midair the Tony Iron Man brigade has rushed over in front. But in the Iron Man brigade and Iceman behind, S.H.I.E.L.D. Quinjet also on the road that flies fast. UU reads 而在冰人从金门海峡海面上朝金门大桥冲过去的同时,半空中托尼钢铁侠大队已经在前面冲了过去。而在钢铁侠大队和冰人的后面,神盾局昆式战斗机也在快速飞过来的路上。UU看书 Although Lin Rui has not related S.H.I.E.L.D. to rescue own parents on own initiative, but this obviously is the motion of Hydra, S.H.I.E.L.D. will not sit by and do nothing. In S.H.I.E.L.D. to forefront Quinjet, Captain Rogers and Daredevil stands, Captain Rogers also knows now motion of this Hydra in view of Mirage Knight, does not know why will make such big noise. 虽然林锐没有主动联系神盾局救援自己的父母,但是这明显是九头蛇的行动,神盾局不会坐视不理。在神盾局冲在最前面的昆式战斗机里,罗杰斯队长夜魔侠站在一起,罗杰斯队长现在也知道这次九头蛇的行动是针对幻影骑士的了,就是不知道为什么会闹出这么大的动静。 In another direction of Golden Gate Bridge, Spiderman, Deadpool, Jack, the Harry four people drove the flight slide also soon to rush to Golden Gate Bridge. Because knows that is the Lin Rui parents is attacked, the performance that Peter and Harry worry especially, they are worried about like this has also led Deadpool and Jack. League of Defender besides logistics Sky's Eye Jerry, the people who can display the strength sent out. 在金门大桥的另外一个方向,蜘蛛侠,死侍,杰克,哈利四人都驾驶着飞行滑板也已经快要赶到金门大桥了。因为知道是林锐的父母受到袭击,彼得哈利格外的担心,他们这样担心的表现也带动了死侍杰克守护者联盟除了后勤的天眼杰瑞外,能够发挥实力的人都已经出动了。 All strengths that in order to rescue own parents, Lin Rui this time can start oneself took. Thor now is also only a mortal, Lin Rui really wants to make Thor take the hammer to come a hammer hammer dead these to dare to move Hydra of his family member. 为了救援自己的父母,林锐这次是把自己所能够发动的所有的力量都拿出来了。要不是托尔现在还只是一个凡人,林锐真的想让托尔拿着锤子过来一锤子锤死那些敢动他家人的九头蛇 However, even if this, the person and strength of Lin Rui this launch also sufficiently made in the world any organization scared. No matter Red Skull this motion has any goal, will make the goal with the Mirage Knight parents is a wrong decision, Lin Rui will make Hydra know anything will exclaim over to strength crush! 不过,就算是这样,林锐这次发动的人和实力也足以让世界上任何一个组织胆寒了。不管红骷髅这次的行动是有什么目的,拿幻影骑士的父母做目标就是一次错误的决定,林锐会让九头蛇知道什么叫绝对的实力碾压!
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