DMWS :: Volume #4

#356: The fight artificial space gate and Hydra in Golden Gate Bridge...

Bang! 砰! A foot tramples to fly promotion version Winter Soldier, the Lin Rui complexion was even more cloudy. Although the most face was being covered by mask, Lin Rui this time for also did not expose in front of father Lin Hai specially has also put on hood, both eyes that but revealed merely actually often flashed through cold light. 一脚踹飞一个升级版冬日战士,林锐的脸色越发的阴沉了。虽然大半张脸都被面具遮挡着,林锐这次也为了不在老爸林海面前暴露还特意戴上了兜帽,但是仅仅露出的双眼却不时的闪过一阵寒光。 By Lin Rui thinks, the new Winter Soldier strength was enhanced, but should not be own match. Lin Rui thinks also right, new Winter Soldier, although strength before Lin Rui hits Bucky stronger to leave many, but compares Lin Rui to be weaker. However since Hydra called them the perfect super soldier, then naturally had the energy. 林锐本来所想的,就算新型的冬日战士实力增强了很多,但是怎么也不该是自己的对手。林锐想的也没错,新型的冬日战士虽然实力比起林锐之前打过一场的巴基要强出很多,但是相比林锐还是弱很多。但是九头蛇既然称他们为完美的超级士兵,那么自然是有底气的。 After these new Winter Soldier were not controlled likely, mechanical motion, they have the complete thought that moreover is the fight consciousness completely is not the Captain Rogers super soldier. Five new Winter Soldier besiege Lin Rui one, has not solved Lin Rui to present one unexpectedly. 这些新型的冬日战士不像是被控制之后机械的行动,他们有完整的思维,而且是战斗意识完全不属于罗杰斯队长的超级士兵。五个新型冬日战士围攻林锐一个,林锐到现在竟然一个都没有解决。 Did not say that the Lin Rui thunder blade is not very sharp, the blade air/Qi is not very fierce, but is on these five new Winter Soldier equips to defend the special equipment of blade air/Qi attack. Moreover these five people of physical qualities also strong, Lin Rui can only depend upon the speed to have the superiority in the close combat unexpectedly. 不是说林锐的雷刀不够锋利,刀气不够厉害,而是这五个新型冬日战士身上都装备能够防住刀气攻击的特殊装备。而且这五人的身体素质也都是超强的,林锐在近战中竟然只能依靠速度来取得优势。 Bang! 砰! Previous time saw that Tom so isn't obviously strong? Is this new Winter Soldier complete version?” Also was held by a Winter Soldier foot in the chest, after behind Lin Rui brandishes a sword the bullet that blocks to shoot thinks secretly. “上次见到汤姆明明没有这么强的?难道这才是新型的冬日战士的完全版吗?”又被一个冬日战士一脚揣在胸口,林锐挥刀挡住背后射过来的子弹后暗自想到。 If puts forth the thunder to strike on them that special equipment to be cannot block, but does not know that Hydra this time also does have any subsequent hand. Always thinks at heart somewhat restlessly, today this matter is not as if good to be solved! Perhaps, Hydra attacks my parents is only a pretence, do they actually want to do?” And five formidable promotion version Winter Soldier entanglements, Lin Rui while branches out some thoughts to think the countermeasure. “如果使出雷霆一击的话他们身上的那个特殊装备应该是挡不住的,但是不知道九头蛇这次还有没有什么后手。心里总觉得有些不安,今天这件事情似乎不好解决!或许,九头蛇袭击我父母只是一个幌子而已,他们到底是想干什么?”一边和五个强大的升级版冬日战士纠缠,林锐一边分出一些心思想着对策。 Lin Rui also knows that now the space of this region had strangely, otherwise reached Rui Ke and Dai Wen sorcerer(s) already should lead his father to leave here. However, temporarily seems only the space comes under not the well-known influence, about space gate and so on ability is unable to display, other things do not have what change. If Hydra has the ability makes the influence really in view of sorcerer(s) or Lin Rui internal energy, they troubled. 林锐现在也已经知道这片区域的空间有古怪了,不然达瑞克戴文法师早就应该带着他老爸离开这里了。不过,暂时似乎只是空间受到不知名的影响,关于空间门之类的能力无法施展,其他东西没有什么变化。如果九头蛇真的有能力针对法师或者林锐内劲做出影响的话,那他们真的就麻烦了。 Humming sound! 嗡嗡! ! 滋滋滋! When Lin Rui and five new Winter Soldier fights while is thinking the countermeasure, this piece of space comes under the blockade influence some Golden Gate Bridge central position to spread a fierce space to fluctuate suddenly, simultaneously follows the unceasing accumulation the electrical energy. This should be the impossible matter, but is really actually occurring. 就在林锐一边和五个新型冬日战士战斗一边想着对策的时候,这片空间受到封锁影响的金门大桥中央的某个位置忽然传出一阵剧烈的空间波动,同时伴随着不断聚集的电能。这本来应该是不可能的事情,但是却实实在在的发生着。 Quick, that region had been covered by a big group electric light, looked like there naturally produces an electricity ball to be the same, but that obviously was not the nature production. Because, those who attract these electric light accumulations is center spreads the fierce space that to fluctuate. 很快,那片区域就被一大团电光所笼罩了,就像是那里自然生成了一个电球一样,不过那明显不是自然生成的。因为,吸引那些电光聚集的是最中心所传出的剧烈的空间波动。 What is that?!” First what notes this singularity is Scarlet Witch, she had been felt very formidable energy from that by inside of electric light surrounding, is huge energy that goes far beyond her to think. “那是什么?!”第一时间注意到这个奇异情况的是绯红女巫,她从那个被电光包围的里面感受了非常强大的能量,是远远超过她能想到的巨大能量。 Quicksilver also felt in that sudden strange thing to shrink the formidable energy of implication, therefore, has pondered slightly, Quicksilver decided to have a look in the past. 快银也感受到了那个突然出现的奇异东西里缩蕴含的强大能量,所以,稍微思考了下,快银决定过去看看。 You were careful, I had a look in the past!” After having decided on attention Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch greeted, vanished. “你小心,我过去看看!”打定了注意的快银绯红女巫打了个招呼后就已经消失了。 Brush! 刷! Started Quicksilver of oneself ability has looked like places a time slowed down world, in the world that in the bystander is unable to understand arrived at the electricity light ball position fast. Even if the speeds of these electric lights are quick, but at Quicksilver this time speed can also see way that reluctantly these electric arcs twist. 发动了自己能力的快银就像是身处一个时间被放慢的世界,在外人无法理解的世界中快速来到了电光球的位置。就算那些电光的速度很快,但是以快银此时的速度也能勉强看出那些电弧所扭曲出的路径。 Inside that in order to see clearly was wrapped by the electricity light ball was any thing, Quicksilver starts the limit own ability, this, he saw the situation in electric light finally. 为了看清楚被电光球包裹的里面到底是什么东西,快银把自己的能力发动到了极限,这样,他终于看到了电光中的情况。 „Is this?!” After seeing clearly the electricity light ball central place is anything, Quicksilver is somewhat surprised. However, is surprised, after clarifying this thing is any situation, Quicksilver returned to the Scarlet Witch side. “这是?!”在看清电光球中心位置是什么之后,快银有些惊讶。不过,也只是惊讶而已,弄清楚了这个东西是什么情况后,快银就回到了绯红女巫的身边。 Brush! 刷! In that presented a space gate, artificially makes. Looks at like this, today Hydra as if has any big movement.” Just appeared side Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver directly said. “那里面出现了一个空间门,是人为制造出来的。看这样子,今天九头蛇似乎有什么大动作。”刚在绯红女巫身边出现,快银就直接说道。 Regarding Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver also left for one second. However Scarlet Witch already had been obviously used to this situation, a point does not have the accident/surprise. However, an artificial space gate, is Hydra makes obviously, what then Hydra actually does want to make? 对于绯红女巫来说,快银也不过就离开了一秒的时间。但是绯红女巫显然是早就习惯了这种情况,一点也没有意外。不过,人为的一个空间门,明显是九头蛇制造出来的,那么九头蛇到底想做什么? ! 滋滋滋! Bang! 砰! In Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch when pondered that the Hydra artificial manufacture a space gate does do here, that wraps the space gate electricity light ball to blast out suddenly, the innumerable blue white electric arcs shoot up to the sky, finally vanishes does not see. Then, the position of electricity light ball presented a stable space gate. After absorbing enough electrical energy, the stable space gate that artificially makes together appears in the center of Golden Gate Bridge, this space class ability blocked region. 就在快银绯红女巫在思考九头蛇在这里人为的制造出一个空间门干嘛的时候,那个包裹着空间门的电光球忽然炸开,无数蓝白色的电弧冲天而起,最后消失不见。然后,原本电光球的位置就出现了一个稳定的空间门。在吸收了足够的电能后,一道人为制造的稳定空间门出现在金门大桥的中央,这片空间类能力被封锁的区域。 Ka-ka! 卡卡卡! After the space gate appears, spread a sound of machinery activity from inside. Then, before Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, in Hydra has not seen the anthropomorphic robot flushed from that space gate. After running out about 200 anthropomorphic robots, behind then to/clashes about hundred beast shape robots. These robot whole bodies are high-strength alloy, before the body equips the weapon that some, Hydra have not shown. After having made a space gate, Hydra transmits several hundred robot armies unexpectedly altogether. 空间门出现后,从里面传出了一阵机械活动的声音。接着,一个个快银绯红女巫以前在九头蛇没有见过的人形机器人从那个空间门里冲了出来。在冲出了大约200个人形机器人后,后面接着冲出来近百台兽形机器人。这些机器人全身都是高强度合金,身上装备了一些以前九头蛇从来没有示人的武器。制造了一道空间门后,九头蛇竟然一股脑传送过来几百的机器人大军。 To cope with Mirage Knight, Hydra puts out these many before had not seen the thing unexpectedly! Is Mirage Knight so really important?!” Looks the robot that these are not obviously good to deal with, Scarlet Witch some are unable to understand. “为了对付一个幻影骑士,九头蛇竟然拿出了这么多以前都没见过的东西!难道幻影骑士真的那么重要?!”看着那些明显不好对付的机器人,绯红女巫有些无法理解。 Mirage Knight that side present linked five new Winter Soldier unable to cope, needed these Hydra to hide uselessly the mechanical man? 幻影骑士那边现在连五个新型的冬日战士都对付不了,难道还需要这些九头蛇一直藏着没用过的机械人吗? Perhaps, this is only a special probe motion of Hydra. I the day before yesterday while Matthew did not pay attention to the time secretly sneaks his office to see something, UU has read “或许,这只是九头蛇的一次特殊的试探行动。我前天趁马修不注意的时候偷偷的潜入他办公室看到了些东西,UU看书 Is related Hydra that. ” It is not clear like Scarlet Witch anything, must know as elder brother's Quicksilver are more. 是有关九头蛇那位的。”不像绯红女巫什么都不清楚,作为哥哥的快银显然要知道的更多一些。 Hydra that? You said...... Red Skull!? Did he act unexpectedly?!” Although Quicksilver has not explained the words, what Scarlet Witch also quick said on clear Quicksilver was. 九头蛇的那位?你是说……红骷髅!?他竟然出面了?!”虽然快银没有把话说明白,但是绯红女巫也很快就清楚快银说的是谁了。 Right, he appeared. Moreover, now as if Hydra is he is in power. Words that such looks like, this time warranted consideration in view of the Mirage Knight operation goal. In order to cope with Mirage Knight, needs to consume these many hideaway resources really?” At the same time was saying, the brow of Quicksilver wrinkles was tighter. “对,他出现了。而且,现在似乎九头蛇就是他在掌权。这么看来的话,这次针对幻影骑士的行动目的就值得思考了。为了对付一个幻影骑士,真的需要消耗这么多的隐藏资源吗?”一边说着,快银的眉头皱的更紧了。 Unworthy! Therefore, what matter is Red Skull is handling in secret? Pietro, how should we do?” Scarlet Witch also felt that at this time Hydra as if has any plot, therefore called the Quicksilver name directly. “不值得!所以,红骷髅是在暗中做什么事情吗?皮特,我们该怎么做?”绯红女巫这时候也感觉到九头蛇似乎有什么阴谋,所以直接喊了快银的名字。 Does not have the means that we receive Hydra to control now, can only come according to Quest. Fortunately, we only needed to cope with Iron Man to be good, but now as if not need our take action.” Hears younger sister's words, the Quicksilver helpless reply. “没办法,我们现在还是受九头蛇控制的,只能按照任务来。还好,我们只需要对付钢铁侠就行了,而现在似乎不需要我们出手的了。”听到妹妹的话,快银无奈的回答到。 However, the Quicksilver words just said, he actually suddenly looks up in a direction. Then, his whole person is not good. 不过,快银的话刚说完,他却忽然抬头朝一个方向看去。然后,他整个人都不好了。
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