DMWS :: Volume #4

#358: Fight in Golden Gate Bridge 5

Bang! 砰! The outside is any situation Lin Rui has no free time now the control, inextricably involved that he now facing new Winter Soldier of five promotion versions fought. However, at this time reached Rui Ke sorcerer(s) not to have defended stubbornly itself as Earth sorcerer(s) lineage/vein does not intervene the Earth native place influence to spelling the principle, after giving Dai Wen treated simply next started take action to help Lin Rui. 外界是什么个情况现在林锐没空去管,他现在面对五个升级版的新型冬日战士正战的难解难分。不过,这时候达瑞克法师也没有固守自己作为地球法师一脉的不干预地球本土势力对拼的原则了,在给戴文简单治疗了下后就开始出手林锐了。 Under reaching the help of Rui Ke sorcerer(s), Lin Rui can press that five Winter Soldier to hit finally thoroughly. Such a while, thunder blade in his hand has divided several blades on these Winter Soldier. However, because of their reasons of special equipment, has not made the progress that Lin Rui wants. 在达瑞克法师的帮忙下,林锐终于能够彻底压着那五个冬日战士打了。就这么一会儿,他手中的雷刀已经在这几个冬日战士身上劈了好几刀。不过,因为他们身上特殊装备的原因,没有取得林锐想要的效果。 Brush! 刷! Also is intense blade light compels to draw back Winter Soldier, the Lin Rui right rear flashes through together the golden light shield , helping bullet that he blocked to sneak attack. 又是一道强烈的刀光逼退一个冬日战士,林锐的右后方闪过一道金色光盾,帮他挡住了偷袭来的子弹。 Mirage Knight! That side presented very intense space to fluctuate, has the space gate to open!” When under the Lin Rui respite, reaches some Rui Ke sorcerer(s) worries the sounds to transmit in behind slightly. 幻影骑士!那边出现了很强烈的空间波动,有空间门正在开启!”就在林锐稍微喘息下的时候,达瑞克法师有些担心的声音在后面传来。 Although reaches Rui Ke now their space class magic by the bewildered ban, but he actually can still feel Hydra to make the space gate in the Golden Gate Bridge central location. 虽然现在达瑞克他们的空间类魔法被莫名其妙的禁制住了,但是他却依然能够感受到九头蛇在金门大桥中央位置造出来了个空间门。 Shout! 呼! Listened to arrive at the reminder of Rui Ke sorcerer(s), Lin Rui expands instantaneously oneself Insight Technique range, quick on looked that” to of not far away already the space door that opened completely. Then, in the shock of Lin Rui, went out of a batches of robot and machine beast from that space gate. 听到达瑞克法师的提醒,林锐瞬间扩张了自己洞察术的范围,很快就“看”到了不远处的那个已经完全打开的空间门。接着,在林锐的震惊中,从那个空间门里走出了一批批机器人和机器兽。 Stable space gate and these technical rank not low robot and machine beast?! Did Hydra also hide such formidable strength finally unexpectedly?” Saw that these look like obviously not the robot and machine that beast is good to deal with, Lin Rui complexion ugly thought. “稳定的空间门和那些科技等级不低的机器人和机器兽?!九头蛇最后竟然还隐藏了这么强大的实力吗?”看到那些看起来明显不好对付的机器人和机器兽,林锐脸色难看的想到。 This is also Lin Rui after previous time was seized by Hydra, once more by the Hydra formidable strength the surprised say/way, the thing that some Hydra many Lin Rui have not known. Also, looks at that stable space gate, the Lin Rui mind deep place always some familiar feelings, actually for a while cannot think in such intense situation. 这也是林锐自上次被九头蛇抓走后再次被九头蛇强大的实力所惊讶道,九头蛇到底还有多少林锐不知道的东西。还有,看着那个稳定的空间门,林锐脑海深处总有种熟悉的感觉,不过在这样紧张的情况下却一时想不起来。 Does not know words when Tony they can, not come, I must die by the Hydra pit really here!” Dreaded to the strength that Hydra braves suddenly at heart, Lin Rui cannot help but at heart is thinking. “不知道托尼他们什么时候能到,再不来的话,我真的要被九头蛇坑死在这里了啊!”心里对九头蛇突然冒出来的实力非常忌惮,林锐不由得在心里想到。 Since that strange space blockade appears, from the beginning can also relate on Sky's Eye and J.A.R.V.I.S already bewildered being cut off. How long present Lin Rui does not know the support , but before defers to related not to have judges, at this time Tony they should arrive. 自从那股诡异的空间封锁出现后,一开始还能联系上的天眼贾维斯就已经莫名其妙的断掉了。现在的林锐不知道支援还有多久到,不过按照之前联系还没有断的时候来判断,这时候托尼他们应该已经到了。 Brushes! 刷刷刷! When Lin Rui starts to have not good feeling at heart, in the midair in distant place has never heard a he very familiar sound from out of the blue, was the Tony Iron Man brigade to! 就在林锐心里开始出现不太好的感觉的时候,从不远处的半空上传来了一阵他非常熟悉的破空声,是托尼钢铁侠大队到了! ! 滋滋滋! Mirage Knight, you fortunately?” When the Tony Iron Man brigade appears after the line of sight of Lin Rui finally, in contact that expired spreads the J.A.R.V.I.S sound once more. 幻影骑士,你还好吗?”当托尼钢铁侠大队终于出现在林锐的视线中后,本来失效的联络器中再次传出贾维斯的声音。 J.A.R.V.I.S! I am all right, you came too promptly! Hydra has blocked this piece of space with the special method, and opened a stable space door, now had many robot and machine beast here, is more careful.” Hears the J.A.R.V.I.S familiar sound once more, the Lin Rui pleasantly surprised reply. 贾维斯!我没事,你们来得太及时了!九头蛇用特殊的方法封锁了这片空间,并且开了一个稳定的空间门,现在已经有不少机器人和机器兽在这里了,小心些。”再次听到贾维斯熟悉的声音,林锐惊喜的回答到。 Your boy first manages well you! These low status iron-covered people gave me!” After Lin Rui said that once more in contact transmits is the Tony sound. “你小子还是先管好你自己吧!那些低等的铁皮人就交给我了!”在林锐说完后,联络器里再次传来的已经是托尼的声音了。 Do not be negligent, before had five Iron Man to be discarded, Hydra also has arranged other methods here. Tony, did you come personally?” Heard the Tony sound, the Lin Rui tone reminded one seriously, finally also asked a very essential question. “不要大意,之前已经有五台钢铁侠被废掉了,九头蛇在这里还安排了其他的手段。托尼,你亲自过来了吗?”听到托尼的声音,林锐语气严肃的提醒了一句,最后还问了一个很关键的问题。 Because of Tony intelligent system Advanced of Iron Man clothes, does not have the issue by the J.A.R.V.I.S remote control very much completely, therefore Tony sat every so often can arrange Iron Man to exit at home to complete Quest. If this Tony is also the remote control, then Lin Rui does not need to be worried about anything. After all, Lin Rui always thought that the motion of this Hydra is not simple. 因为托尼钢铁战衣的智能系统很高级,由贾维斯远程控制也完全没问题,所以很多时候托尼坐在家里就能安排钢铁侠出去完成任务了。如果这次托尼也是远程控制的话,那么林锐就不需要担心什么了。毕竟,林锐总觉得这次九头蛇的行动不简单。 You that anxious search support, I naturally must come to help you before personally.” Hears the Lin Rui words, the Tony natural reply. Also only then knows the person who Mirage Knight real status knows this time requesting reinforcements is because the Lin Rui parents were attacked, other people also know that Hydra sent out. “你之前那么紧张的寻求支援,我当然是要亲自过来帮你。”听到林锐的话,托尼理所当然的回答到。也只有知道幻影骑士真实身份的人才知道这次的求援是因为林锐的父母受到袭击,其他人也只是知道九头蛇又出动了而已。 Cannot underestimate Hydra.” Was worried that Tony meets the general idea to capsize, Lin Rui also reminded one. “还是不能小看九头蛇。”担心托尼会大意翻船,林锐又提醒了一句。 Relax, these days my Iron Man clothes has promoted, even if Hydra has any special method I also to have the confidence solution.” As if was listens to the worry in Lin Rui words, Tony to supplement one. “放心,这段时间我的钢铁战衣又升级过了,就算九头蛇有什么特殊的手段我也有信心解决。”似乎是听出林锐话里的担心,托尼又补充了一句。 You know well, then these robots gave you.” Heard the Tony self-confident words, Lin Rui also no longer says anything. Regarding the Iron Man clothes, Lin Rui is also very confident. Moreover, Lin Rui knows that Tony made some breakthroughs in the magic now, Iron Man that perhaps today presents will give him pleasantly surprised some. “你知道就好,那么那些机器人就交给你了。”听到托尼自信的话,林锐也不再多说什么了。对于钢铁战衣,林锐也是很有信心的。而且,林锐还是知道托尼如今在魔法上有了些突破,说不定今天出现的钢铁侠会给他一些惊喜。 Bang! 砰! Fast after Tony talked over the telephone, five Winter Soldier that Lin Rui once more and is not aware of fatigue fought in one. Actually, a moment ago in time Lin Rui with Tony relation also in fight of diverting attention. 快速和托尼通完话后,林锐再次和不知疲倦的五个冬日战士战在了一起。其实,刚才和托尼联系上的时候林锐也在分心的战斗中。 Another side, at the same time and Lin Rui resumed the telephone conversation, Tony has crashed in the battlefield edge. At this time, J.A.R.V.I.S also scanned that space gate in Golden Gate Bridge, as well as these quantities are getting more and more the shining robot. 另一边,一边和林锐恢复了通话,托尼已经冲进了战场的边缘。此时,贾维斯也已经扫描到了金门大桥上的那个空间门,以及那些数量越来越多明晃晃的机器人。 Quantity are very many! J.A.R.V.I.S, you also heard the Mirage Knight words a moment ago, these fellows completely gave us! Opens fire!” Has swept eye these robots fast coldly, the Tony look has issued the order. “数量还挺多的!贾维斯,你刚才也听到幻影骑士的话了,这些家伙就全部交给我们了!开火!”快速扫了眼那些机器人,托尼眼神冷冽的下达了命令。 Yes, Sir.” “是,先生。” Humming sound! 嗡嗡! Bang bang!! 砰砰!咻咻! Along with the reply of J.A.R.V.I.S, 15 Iron Man armament systems open completely. The next second, dozens different attacks aimed at these robots on bridge to throw. 随着贾维斯的回答,15台钢铁侠身上的武器系统全部开启。下一秒,几十种不同的攻击就瞄准了桥上的那些机器人扑了过去。 Buzz ~ 嗡~ However, when these attacks flushed did not have the long-distance range actually likely run upon a visible wall, UU have read to be decided completely in the midair. Might giant laser was also decided in the midair is vibrating unceasingly, looks like the thing that has anything unable to see blocks in these attacks front. 不过,就在那些攻击冲出去没多远距离的时候却像是撞上了一道看不见的墙壁,UU看书www.uukanshu.com全部被定在半空了。就连其中威力巨大的激光也被定在半空不断的震动着,看起来有什么看不见的东西拦在这些攻击的前方。 Sir, examines......” “先生,检测到……” Bang! 砰! When J.A.R.V.I.S is just about to give Tony to report this peculiar circumstance, transmits from the Tony Iron Man clothes together vigorously, almost directly scatters the frame the Tony Iron Man clothes. However, Tony because also that sudden attack, but flew by far, J.A.R.V.I.S promptly has adjusted the injection system, Tony possibly on falling into below Golden Crescent Reg. 就在贾维斯正要给托尼报告这种特殊情况的时候,一道大力从托尼钢铁战衣外传来,差点把托尼钢铁战衣给直接打散架。不过,托尼也因为那突然的打击而远远的飞了出去,要不是贾维斯及时调整了喷射系统,托尼可能就掉进下方的金门海峡中了。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 砰!砰!砰! Tony that stabilizes saw that own three Iron Man made into several parts in the front directly, moreover miniature Arc Reactor of center was also robbed, that three Iron Man clothes restored not to have many energies to continue once more completely to fight. 重新稳定下来的托尼就看到自己的三台钢铁侠直接在面前被打成了十几个部件,而且最中心的微型方舟反应炉还被抢走了,以至于那三台钢铁战衣再次恢复完整也没有多少能量继续战斗了。 Sir, examines to read the strength attack and overspeed object.” Finally, the J.A.R.V.I.S sound spoke a few words completely. “先生,检测到念力攻击和超速物体。”终于,贾维斯的声音完整的说完了一句话。 Actually, did not need J.A.R.V.I.S saying that Tony also knows now was any situation. Because, in several Iron Man front, has a younger sister of red hair float in the midair. Scarlet Witch, her take action had blocked the attack of Tony a moment ago. 其实,不用贾维斯说,托尼也已经知道现在是个什么情况了。因为,在十几台钢铁侠的前方,一个有着一头红色头发的妹子正悬浮在半空。绯红女巫,刚才正是她出手拦住了托尼的攻击。 As for attack that Tony comes, that obviously was the Quicksilver method. After has destroyed completely three Iron Man instantaneously, Quicksilver also returned to the Scarlet Witch side. Just, Scarlet Witch flies in midair, but Quicksilver stands in the position of Golden Gate Bridge most edge. 至于托尼受到的攻击,那显然就是快银的手段了。而在瞬间灭掉了三台钢铁侠后,快银也回到了绯红女巫的身边。只不过,绯红女巫是飞在半空,而快银是站在金门大桥最边缘的位置。 „Was this previous time seizes Lin Rui two Mutant(s)? Really fierce, the matter as if became more and more interesting!” Narrows the eyes to focus to size up is blocking in oneself front brother and sister, Tony thinks aloud. “这就是上次抓走林锐的两个变种人了吗?果然厉害,事情似乎变得越来越有趣了啊!”眯着眼打量着拦在自己面前的兄妹俩,托尼自言自语道。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel network cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。4小说网手机版阅读网址:
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