DSED :: Volume #5

#452: Same place capital construction

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Popular recommendation: The pale yellow river water, rushes before the broad brook rushes. 热门推荐:昏黄的河水,在宽阔的河沟中奔涌向前。 Impulse when rushes wells up passes, making all people who want the mortal body to cross the river shrink back at the sight. 奔涌时所过去的冲击力,使所有想要肉身渡河的人望而却步。 On the river surface also follows the rivers downward impact once for a while breaks the wooden crushed stone, forwards following the turbulent rivers together. 河面上还时不时顺着河流向下冲击的断木碎石,顺着汹涌的河流一起向前。 Once were hit by the object of such power and influence on the body, that almost left also does not have any difference. 一旦被这样威势的物体撞在身上,那几乎离死也没有什么区别了。 In the entire broad river, only has a stone bridge. 整条宽阔的长河上,唯有一座石桥。 At this time on the stone bridge heard the heavenshaking war cry, the metal noise that the weapon collides, as well as was cut by the sharp blade in the pitiful yell that the body sends out. 此时石桥上传来了震天的喊杀声,兵器碰撞的金属噪音,以及被利刃砍在身上发出的惨叫。 In this time bridge floor, is having the conflicts of few soldier. 此时的桥面上,正发生着少量士兵的冲突。 Such situation has continued day. 这样的情形已经持续了一天的时间。 Since last night Kane 自从昨晚凯恩 They supported this camp fast, defended firmly. 他们快速支援了这处营地,牢牢的守了下来。 Later opposite fortress then once for a while sends out some soldiers to harass. 之后对面的堡垒便时不时的派出一些士兵来进行骚扰。 But the defense of camp also took over control by Horne comprehensively, inside soldier is also supplements by Horne's soldier. 而营地的防御也被霍恩全面接管了,里面的士兵也是由霍恩的士兵补充进来。 Similarly sends out some soldiers, once for a while comes and goes out the bridge floor, slaughters with the opposite soldier. 同样派出一些士兵,时不时出入桥面,与对面的士兵进行厮杀。 When this cannot divide the clear two sides to attack suddenly comprehensively, is forcing the fortress and camp, has to momentarily maintain vigilant. 这样就不太能分清楚两边什么时候会突然全面进攻,迫使着堡垒和营地,都不得不随时保持着警惕。 When the enemy side attacks Kane they not to know, but their here camps have actually decided. 敌方什么时候进攻凯恩他们不会知晓,但他们这边的营地却早已决定好了。 The time of attack tomorrow morning, had the Horne full command from the bridge floor attack past soldier. 进攻的时间就在明早,从桥面进攻过去的士兵则有霍恩全面指挥。 As for Kane they, then there is another road. 至于凯恩他们嘛,则有另外一条路。 They as the attacking a city strength of backbone, will change into a surprise attack soldier, takes the key of victory. 他们将作为中坚的攻城力量,化为一支奇袭兵,拿下胜利的关键。 At this time in sky already completely dark, no matter the camp or in not far away's of bridge head big camp, has not seen Kane their form. 此时天空中已经完全暗了下来,不管是桥头的营地还是不远处的大营地里,都没有看见凯恩他们的身影。 Kane they have arrived at the place that yesterday has arranged at this time, by starlight crawl. 凯恩他们此时已经来到了昨天就定好的地点,趁着夜色徐徐前进。 Both banks have the black mist, is loafing. 两岸都有着黑色的雾气,正在游荡。 This was the day before yesterday on the arrived dark waiter. 这是前日就已经到来的黑暗侍者。 Is protecting the two sides securities, investigates the surrounding situation, as well as guarantees the surrounding confidentiality. 守护着两边的安全,侦查周围的情况,以及确保周围的隐蔽性。 Not in Kane they conduct the action, by the soldier discovery of enemy side. 不会在凯恩他们进行行动时,被敌方的士兵发现。 At this time Kane they lead behind more than 7000 soldiers, had arrived here. 此时凯恩他们带着身后7000多名士兵,已经来到了此处。 Callian, was laborious you.” Kane to partly is kneeling in the side, with reported that the dark waiter of report information said. “卡莲,辛苦你们了。”凯恩对着半跪在身旁,和自己禀报信息的黑暗侍者说道。 Looks at the surrounding situation, as well as under the rivers of that turbulent galloping are asking to Kane: „Can your idea be good? Living that or can withstand.” 克蕾雅看着周围的情况,以及下方那汹涌奔腾的河流对着凯恩问道:“你的想法能行吗?或者说能不能承受的住。” Hears issue, Kane smiles saying: All right, does not need me to withstand, so long as constructs reasonably, the material quality does not have the issue that the issue has no, relax.” 听到克蕾雅的问题,凯恩笑了笑说道:“没事的,并不需要我去承受,只要构造合理,材质没有问题就没有任何的问题,放心吧。” Heard Kane saying that also nods. 听到凯恩这么说,克蕾雅也就点点头。 Kane they still have not acted at this time, but hides near the forest land, the static waiting weather is completely dark. 凯恩他们此时依然没有行动,而是躲藏在林地边,静静的等待天色完全黑暗下来。 That moonlight must hide. 就连那月光也必须隐蔽。 Moon movement slowly arrived at the rear area of empty place finally, the star/celestial body in sky completely vanished, was only left over the fragmentary star in the embellishment that in the sky made. 月亮缓缓的移动终于来到了空洞处的后方,天空中的发光星体完全消失,只剩下零星的星星在天空中做的点缀。 Preparation.” “准备。” Looks at such situation, Kane says immediately. 看着这样的情形,凯恩立刻说道。 Afterward the cotton candy fluttered, conducted the back in Kane the spout river water midair. 随后棉花糖飘了过来,将凯恩驮到了喷涌河水的半空中。 Kane extends both hands, the charm gushes out from his hand, both sides shore starts to present the black metal structure, later delaying, rushes to outward mutually links together. 凯恩伸出双手,魔力从他的手中涌出,两面的岸边开始出现黑色的金属构造,随后向外延展,互相奔赴链接在一起。 Less than two seconds, on the river surface presented a bridge of steel manufacture. 不到两秒钟的时间,河面上就出现了一座钢铁制造的大桥。 In the bridge floor, Kane is also using structure that is similar to the cloth cover same sense of reality, thick spread one. 桥面上,凯恩还用着类似于布皮一样质感的构造体,厚厚的铺了一层。 After this bridge takes shape completely, they then lead behind soldier, rapid passes from the bridge floor. 当这座桥完全成型后,克蕾雅他们便带着身后的士兵,迅速的从桥面通过。 Several minutes, several thousand soldiers then arrived at the river opposite shore covertly. 几分钟的时间,几千名士兵便偷偷摸摸地到达了河对岸。 They still have not wandered around, but rests same place, the surroundings lush bush provided very good covert place for them. 他们依然没有四处游荡,而是原地休息起来,周围茂盛的灌木为他们提供了很好的隐蔽地点。 Li path path opened the rainbow color transmission door at this time. 莉路路这时候打开了彩虹色的传送门。 Several all kinds of bouquets of flowers, the under foot appears is similar to the both feet same tree root, slow Youyou moved from inside. 十几朵各种各样的花束,脚下出现类似于双脚一样的树根,慢悠悠从里面挪了出来。 After they come out, is moving slowly edge that arrived at the forest land. 她们出来后,缓慢的移动着来到了林地的边缘。 Afterward the body appeared the pollen that has the glimmer, these pollen link mutually, surrounded the entire forest land. 随后身上出现了带有微光的花粉,这些花粉相互链接,将整个林地包围了起来。 At this time if looks toward the forest land from outside, will discover in the forest land does not have any difference. 此时如果从外面朝林地里看去,就会发现林地里没有任何的异样。 Had no difference from the past. 就和往日没有任何的区别。 However in the real field of vision, in the forest land several thousand soldiers in inside are resting, even again covert, so long as toward here looked that can discover them. 然而真实的视野中,林地里几千名士兵正在里面休息着,即使再隐蔽,只要朝这边看就能发现他们。 Moreover the pollen that these flowers put, the charm of supplementary almost slightly cannot check, seems in the sky is fluttering momentarily the charm particle is the same. 而且这些花朵所放出来的花粉,附带的魔力几乎微不可查,就彷佛是天空中随时都飘荡着的魔力微粒一样。 This formed the perfect confidentiality. 这样就形成了完美的隐蔽性。 These flowers. Could be in the Li path path fairy tale world to be least early a group of residents, before they were very early, was inspired by Li path Luqi spirit technique, as well as in the middle of the fairy tale world the invasion of charm has transformed the fairy tale lifeform completely. 这些花朵。算得上是莉路路的童话世界中最少早一批居民了,他们很早之前就受到了莉路路启灵术的启发,以及童话世界当中魔力的侵染早就完全变换成了童话生物。 They can be the element lifeform now essentially, naturally external performance many being similar in demon beast. 他们现在本质上能够算得上是元素生物,当然外在的表现更多的类似于魔兽。 This causes them to act according to the respective characteristics and custom, had various different abilities and skills, moreover there is a good wisdom. 这就导致他们根据各自的特性和习惯,有了各种各样不同的能力和技能,而且还有了不俗的智慧。 In this time fairy tale world also has many such lifeform, mostly is the animals of various erectness. 此时的童话世界中还有着很多这样的生物,大多都是各种各样直立的动物。 Couple days ago in the fairy tale world also appeared human that put on armor with the weapon, before these were , the Li road stripped the transmission gate, her subordinate soldier. 前几天童话世界中还出现了穿着铠甲手拿武器的人类,那些就是之前莉路路带进传送门的,她麾下的士兵。 Had Kane Bronze Magic Stone to make the energy storage, the Li path path fairy tale world finally has the unnecessary energy to come these soldiers to invade. 有了凯恩铜色魔石做能量源,莉路路的童话世界总算是有了多余的能量来对这些士兵进行侵染。 The time of although invading is very short, when tonight from the fairy tale world by drawing. 虽然侵染的时间很短暂,就在今晚时就从童话世界里被拉了出来。 But in Li path path deliberately controls the charm in the situation, even such several days, on these soldiers still had the different changes very obvious. 但在莉路路刻意控制魔力的情况下,即使就这么几天的时间,这些士兵身上也出现了不同的变化非常的明显。 First the Li road strips is her subordinate soldier, but her subordinate soldier is completely a light cavalry. 首先莉路路带进去的都是她麾下的士兵,而她麾下的士兵又全部都是轻骑兵。 Under these light cavalry bodies the original warhorse has all kinds of color different fur/superficial knowledge. 这些轻骑兵身下原本的战马有着各种各样的颜色不同的皮毛。 However such several days, complete transformation for uniform white fur/superficial knowledge. 然而就这么几天的时间,全部转换为了清一色的白色皮毛。 horse Bingeng turned into very mild-mannered growing hair completely, every wields one time can carry over the careful rainbow pattern in the air. 马鬓更是全部变成了非常柔顺的长毛,每一次挥动都能在空气中带出细细的彩虹花纹。 But these soldier armor , before red part also no longer such as, such bright red, but is one peaceful red, is close to pink. 而那些士兵身上的铠甲,红色的部分也不再如之前那样的鲜红,而是一种澹红色,更加接近于粉红。 On the armor also presented the fine pattern, compares in practical, instead had ornamental. 铠甲上也出现了精致的花纹,相比于实用,反而更具观赏性了。 Moreover these soldiers also become like eating the sweets to get up. 而且这些士兵也变得爱吃甜食起来。 Makes them treat some time again, that possibly was the new fairy tale lifeform. 再让他们多待一段时间,那可能就是新的童话生物了。 Does not know that their operational capacities changed many, what is main is when waits for them to become the spirit of freedom. 不知道他们的作战能力到底变化了多少,最主要的还是等待他们什么时候变为自由之灵。 When the dim light of night soon retreats, Kane outside them presented patrol of one team of soldiers again. 夜色快要退去时,凯恩他们外面再次出现了一队士兵的巡逻。 Their such slow Youyou passes through from the woodlot, has not detected inside difference slightly. 他们就这样慢悠悠的从小林地旁边穿过,丝毫没有发觉里面的异样。 A soldier casts the vision toward the forest land, his some urgencies of urination, want to go to bathroom in this inside. 一位士兵朝着林地投过来目光,他有些尿急,想要在这里面上个厕所。 However he looks here, just had such idea, on bewildered pinching out. 然而他看着这边,刚有这样的想法,就莫名其妙的掐灭了。 He still wants to go to bathroom, but does not want in this stretch of grove, proceeds to walk a while. 他依然想上厕所,但并不想在这片林子里,还是往前多走一会儿吧。 The darkness removes gradually, the sky restored brightly. 黑暗渐渐褪去,天空又恢复了明亮。 On other aspect bridge had fully occupied Horne's soldier completely, they are turning toward opposite fortress to launch the attack! 另一面的桥上已经全部占满了霍恩的士兵,他们在向着对面的堡垒发动着进攻! The machine of instrument and stone of attacking a city, turns toward the opposite crazy ejection from the camp. 攻城的器械和投石的机器,从营地中向着对面疯狂的抛射。 Opposite fortress starts the soldier prevents also raised the defense cover, the crushed stone and crossbow bolt that will project kept off completely. 对面堡垒发动士兵阻挡的同时也升起了防护罩,将抛射过来的碎石与弩箭全部挡了下来。 The soldier who and outside will go on patrol convened completely, attention completely centralized on front cross river bridge. 并将外面巡逻的士兵全部召集了回去,注意力全部集中在了面前的跨河大桥上。 Kane their present positions, have not the far distance to the fortress. 凯恩他们现在的位置,离堡垒还是有着不远的距离。 Therefore is not clear about that side tactical situation, but according to the scheduled good time they still holds troops, is waiting for night oncoming. 所以并不清楚那边的战况,但是根据预定好的时间他们依然按兵不动,等待着夜晚的来临。 The premature attack, they still cannot attack the fortress, will only let opposite strengthen the defense. 过早的进攻,他们依然不能攻进堡垒,只会让对面加强防御。 Must choose a time, strives to take the entire fortress at one fell swoop. 要挑选好一个时机,争取一举将整个堡垒拿下。 Therefore now they are being attracted the attention of enemy side by Horne temporarily, is consuming the energy of enemy side. 所以现在就暂时由霍恩他们吸引着敌方的注意力,消耗着敌方的精力。 But Kane they wait for start in the evening fatally strike. 凯恩他们则等待晚上发动致命一击。 To start fatally strikes, but also has a prerequisite condition, that trying to find the solution consumes the magic cover of fortress or destroys. That such duty naturally also fell on the Li path path body. 想要发动致命一击,还有着一个先决的条件,那就是将堡垒的魔法罩给想办法消耗掉或者是打碎。那这样的任务自然也就落在了莉路路的身上。 Kane looks that nearby Li path path asked: Prepared? Remembers the attention security.” 凯恩看着旁边的莉路路问道:“准备好了吗?记得注意安全。” Li path path nods, later several twinkles vanished in same place. 莉路路点点头,随后几个闪烁消失在了原地。 She is turning toward the fortress of enemy side to fly, is hiding the figure from the position of upper air, in addition simple magic hiding. 她正向着敌方的堡垒飞去,从高空的位置隐蔽着身形,再加上简单的魔法隐蔽。 Without after a while, Li path path has been studying below that giant magic defense cover in the top of the head of fortress. 没过一会儿,莉路路就已经在堡垒的头顶研究着下方的那巨大的魔法防护罩。 The protection magic of this fortress is higher than the beforehand these camps, leaves does not know that several scales want the positive governing defense cover to extinguish automatically, can only say that is dream of a fool. 这堡垒的防护魔法比之前的那些营地高,出不知道几个档次想要直接控制防护罩自动熄灭,只能说是痴人做梦。 Moreover can feel that the source of this defense cover, has the energy of rushing to come for him to consume, wants to spell to consume to destroy also difficulty extremely the defense cover hardly. 而且能够感觉到这防护罩的来源,有着澎湃的能量来供他消耗,想要硬拼消耗来将防护罩打碎也极其的困难。 Currently only has the weakness that studies this defense cover, with the attack of powerful, goes beyond his tolerance range in a flash, crushes it at one fell swoop. 现在唯有研究出这防护罩的弱点,用强力的攻击,一瞬间超出他的承受范围,一举将它击碎。 Arranged the goal of attacking the defense cover, looks for him possibly to have the weakness that now. 定好了进攻防护罩的目标,现在就是寻找着他可能会有的弱点。 If cannot seek, Li path path can only have a look to have other what methods. 如果寻找不到,莉路路就只能看看有没有什么其他的方法了。 Soldier who in the bridge floor Horne wields one after another is conducting toward the fortress, the attack just like the tide to be the same. 桥面上霍恩挥下的士兵一波又一波的朝着堡垒进行着,进攻犹如潮水一样。 The attack that the project instrument launches was blocked by the defense cover completely. 工程器械所发动的攻击全部都被防护罩拦了下来。 Wanted to rely on the soldier to mount fortress the price of city wall expenditure is too big, even if still does not have the soldier to arrive at the position under city wall now. 想要凭借士兵登上堡垒的城墙花费的代价太大了,即使现在依然没有士兵到达城墙下的位置。 Was on the halfway dropped down on the contrary the innumerable soldiers. 反倒是半路上倒下了无数的士兵。 Horne controls the rhythm that the soldier is attacking with every effort, makes every effort the energy of biggest consumption enemy side. 霍恩尽力控制着士兵进攻的节奏,力求最大消耗敌方的精力。 This is the war aims of his trip. 这才是他此行的作战目的。 Captures the duty of fortress truly, continuously in Kane on them. 真正攻下堡垒的任务,一直都在凯恩他们身上。
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