DSED :: Volume #5

#453: If Sun 1

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Popular recommendation: Dusk has approached. 热门推荐:黄昏已经来临。 On the bridge continued a day of offensive, at this time soldiers of both sides slowed down the respective attack rhythm. 大桥上持续了一天的攻势,此时双方的士兵们都放缓了各自进攻的节奏。 No matter Horne of attack side they defends the side fortress, these soldiers somewhat were exhausted, high-intensity battled for day, they somewhat cannot bear. 不管是进攻方的霍恩他们还是防守方的堡垒处,这些士兵都有些精疲力尽了,高强度作战了一天,他们也有些受不了。 Chose the time obvious, conducts the brief rest. 都心照不宣的选择了时间,进行简短的休息。 Only has above the fortress defense cover still to stand upright, even has not swayed the appearance of fluctuation after a day of attack slightly. 唯有堡垒上方的防护罩依然挺立,即使经过一天的进攻也丝毫没有摇晃波动的样子。 Is sending out the peaceful elegant ray as before, as if eternal not but actually. 依旧散发着澹雅的光芒,彷佛永恒不倒。 The soldiers who such scene, lets the attack side somewhat had desperately. 这样的场景,让进攻方的士兵都有些心生绝望了。 Regarding these soldiers, they today besides losing many allies, has not dropped a wee bit achievements slightly. 对于这些士兵来说,他们今天除了损失了不少战友外,丝毫没有落下一丁点的成果。 This makes their morale have to be low. 这让他们的士气不得不低落下来。 But the soldier who enemy these defend a city although is still also exhausted, but looked that their expressions know, their present morale surge upward. 而敌方那些守城的士兵虽然也依然疲惫,但是看他们的表情就知道,他们现在士气高涨。 Looks that the enemy attacks crazily, then fell on the attack halfway, spends victory that so many military had no. 看着敌人疯狂的进攻,然后就倒在了进攻的半路上,花费了如此多的兵力却没有任何的战果。 But the defensive structure of one's own side stands erect not but actually. 而己方的防御建筑屹立不倒。 How this can not make their morale surge upward. 这又怎么能不让他们士气高涨呢。 Even can hear the ridicule sound that they pass from the city wall. 甚至能够从城墙上听见他们传过来的嘲笑声。 Regimental commander, we first slow down to withdraw troops, then thinks that other means that attack at a later date again. This way the fortress has not attacked, but our soldiers must lose completely.” “团长,我们先放缓撤军吧,再想想其他的办法,择日再来进攻。这样下去堡垒没有攻下来,但我们的士兵就要损失殆尽了。” In the direction tent of camp, a military officer to Horne's loud saying. 营地的指挥营帐中,一位将领正在对着霍恩大声的说道。 Today a day of attack indicated wants to take the fortress by their present strengths, is completely dream of a fool. 今天一天的进攻表明了以他们现在的实力想要拿下堡垒,完全就是痴人说梦。 But Kane their actions besides Commander Horne, the fragmentary several earliest military officers know, other military officers were basically kept in the dark. 凯恩他们的行动除了霍恩团长外,就只有零星的几个最早的将领知道,其他的将领基本上都被蒙在鼓里。 After all Kane they always do not act with them, is not familiar. 毕竟凯恩他们从来不和他们一起行动,相互之间也并不熟悉。 Even if Kane they with have not attacked the fortress together, they still thought that does not have any feels strange the place. 即使凯恩他们没有跟过来一起进攻堡垒,他们也觉得没有什么奇怪之处。 Sits Horne on seat of honor, beckons with the hand saying: Do not worry, making the soldiers rest a while, waits to order, to continue momentarily to launch the attack.” 坐在主位上的霍恩,摆摆手说道:“不要着急,让士兵们休息一会儿,随时等候命令,继续发起进攻。” Hears Horne's words, that military officer helpless lowering the head of sighed, withdrew from the tent dejectedly. 听到霍恩的话,那位将领无奈的低下头叹了口气,垂头丧气的退出了营帐。 Dusk. 黄昏之时。 Kane they still have not acted, they are waiting for in the forest land, is waiting for the Li path path return. 凯恩他们依然没有行动,他们在林地里等待着,等待着莉路路的归来。 Without Li path Lulai processes that magic cover, their present attacks very strenuous, has big possibility failure. 如果没有莉路路来处理掉那魔法罩的话,他们现在的进攻将会非常的吃力,有着很大的可能性失败。 , Kane felt by far anything stood saying: Li path path came back, wanted to bring the good news.” 远远的,凯恩感觉到了什么站起来说道:“莉路路回来了,希望带来了好消息吧。” Finishes speaking, a luminous spot of twinkle then appeared on the shoulder of Kane, the Li road has sat above. 话音刚落,一个闪烁的光点便出现在了凯恩的肩膀上,莉路路已经坐在了上面。 Li path path succeeded, the weakness Li road of that magic cover has inspected, only needs to attack in that direction, the energy surpasses certain boundary, then can shiver the entire magic cover.” “莉路路成功了,那座魔法罩的弱点莉路路已经检查出来了,只需要朝着那个方向进攻,能量超出一定的界限,便能将整个魔法罩敲碎。” The Li path path sound transmission the ear of everyone, Kane walks toward outside immediately. 莉路路的声音传递到了每个人的耳朵,凯恩立刻朝着外面走去。 Others follow. 其他人紧随其后。 They also drilled from the hiding forest land, prepares the team advantage of terrain to go toward the fortress long-range raid. 他们也从藏身的林地里钻了出来,准备好队形便向着堡垒处奔袭而去。 All the way, Kane with Li path Luliao detail. 一路上,凯恩都在和莉路路聊着细节。 A final puzzle has also collected, the present was the time takes that fortress at one fell swoop. 最后的一块拼图也已经凑好,现在是时候一举拿下那座堡垒了。 When Kane they go toward the fortress long-range raid, in the bridge opposite camp, Commander Horne has dressed the armor, in the camp all soldiers gathers in him behind. 正当凯恩他们向着堡垒奔袭而去时,桥对面的营地中,霍恩团长已经穿戴好铠甲,营地里所有的士兵都集合在了他的身后。 However they have not attacked, but is waiting for same place. 但是他们并没有进攻,而是原地等待着。 Besides several military officers, no one knows that Horne is waiting for anything. 除了几个将领外,没人知道霍恩在等待着什么。 However at this time they had not asked that but follows in it behind, did not say a word, only had arm tight grasping on the weapon of waist. 但是这个时候他们也没有多问,而是跟随在其身后,一言不发,唯有手臂紧紧的握在腰间的武器上。 Sudden rainbow color ray raises from the ground in distant place river opposite shore, has fled to the upper air. 突然一道彩虹色的光芒从远处河对岸的地面上升起,一直窜向了高空。 Looks at this ray, on Horne face showed the smile, 看着这道光芒,霍恩脸上露出了笑容, Immediately shouts loudly. Attack!” 随即大声喊道。“进攻!” Afterward pushes to the front, the fortress toward river opposite shore flushes away directly. 随后一马当先,直接朝着河对岸的堡垒冲去。 The military officers and soldier are also roaring similarly loudly, followed Horne to clash. 身后的将领们和士兵也同样大声吼叫着,跟随着霍恩冲了出去。 But in opposite camp also discovered their offensive, great shout are resting the soldier, prepares to greet the attack, completes the comprehensive defensive preparation. 而对面的营地中也发现了他们的攻势,大声呼喊着正在休息们的士兵,准备好迎接进攻,做好全面的防御准备。 Because looks at Horne their stance, basically is turned out in full strength, must take their fortresses inevitably. 因为看霍恩他们的架势,基本上已经算是倾巢出动了,势必是要拿下他们这座堡垒。 All soldiers in fortress were dispatched the side of bridge, the innumerable arrows lose toward the under lasing go, in the city wall has stood the soldier. 堡垒内的所有士兵都被派往了大桥的这一面,无数的箭失朝着下方激射而去,城墙上已经站满了士兵。 Below front door place, has the innumerable soldiers to dress the armor, is waiting for Horne they to break through, once the city gate were broken through, greeted is the sword of being ready and waiting. 下方的大门处,有着无数的士兵穿戴着铠甲,正等待着霍恩他们攻破进来,一旦城门被攻破,迎接的将是整装待发的刀剑。 The crushed stone in sky, the crossbow bolt is also launching the attack toward their fortresses, but was still blocked by the strong magic cover completely. 天空中的碎石,弩箭也在朝着他们的堡垒发动着攻击,但是都被依然坚挺的魔法罩给全部拦了下来。 The expiration of attacking a city weapon, wish makes them depend entirely on the mortal body to mount the city wall, the difficulty does not know that turned many times. 攻城武器的失效,想要让他们全靠肉身登上城墙,难度不知道翻了多少倍。 The other aspect has sent out the signal Kane they soon to arrive at the upfront of fortress. 另一面已经发出信号的凯恩他们就快要到达堡垒的正面了。 Yes, close to that side of bridge is actually the back of fortress, this bridge was constructed, actually to protect behind the security of this cross river bridge. 是的,靠近桥的那一方其实算是堡垒的背面,这座桥被修建起来,其实就是为了守护身后这座跨河桥的安全。 Now is used, preventing the enemy in opposite shore to pass the bridge. 只是现在被用在了,阻止对岸的敌人通长桥。 Li path path, marks the weakness of magic cover.” Looks the fortress that immediately must arrive, Kane was saying to shoulder on Li reveal. “莉路路,标记一下魔法罩的弱点。”看着马上就要到达的堡垒,凯恩对着肩膀上的莉露露说道。 Li path path nods, later wielded magic wand in the hand, one group of rainbow color rays flew, fell coated in the fortress magic. 莉路路点点头,随后挥了挥自己手中的魔法棒,一团彩虹色的光芒飞了出去,落在了堡垒上的魔法罩上。 Looks at Li groups of getting marks, Kane nods. 看着莉路路打上的标记,凯恩点点头。 Rides cotton candy that is flying, flew the midair. 乘坐着飞过来的棉花糖,飞上了半空。 Also starts to use the halo as well as various gains is conducting the strengthening for behind all soldiers. 克蕾雅也开始使用光环以及各种增益为身后的所有士兵进行着强化。 Attack!” “进攻!” In city wall. 城墙内。 Frontage, had the soldier to attack directly!” “正面,正面有士兵攻过来了!” In the whistling tower is observing the ambient condition soldier, loud after under called out. 正在哨塔上观察着周围情况的士兵,大声的朝着下方后叫道。 The entire fortress has three military officers to protect. 整个堡垒内部有着三位将领守护着。 Hears information that the soldier transmits. 听到士兵传来的信息。 What originally they hit is this psychology?” “原来他们打的是这种心理吗?” Also really admires them, is how to transport so many soldiers crosses river.” “还真是佩服他们,是怎么将那么多的士兵运过河的。” These still do not have the significance, cannot break the magic cover, many soldiers also are just the pig sheep that treats butchers.” A general who wears the master to dress up said. “这些依然没有意义,打不破魔法罩,再多的士兵也只不过是待宰的猪羊。”一位身穿法师装扮的将军说道。 Finally he took inventory some soldiers, the half step must rush to the upfront of fortress, meets the approaching enemy Kane their attack. 最后他清点了一些士兵,快步得赶往了堡垒的正面,去迎击凯恩他们的进攻。 But below attack influence, Lombe to go far beyond the distance of large unit, close to city wall under. 而下方的进攻势力中,隆贝以远远超过大部队的距离,接近城墙下方。 The innumerable arrow disagree declare war law ball pounds toward him. 无数的箭失和法球朝着他砸来。 Lombe's limestone giant build became the best target, he holds up the shield to open the iron arm shield against prevent the attack, and also keeping is marching forward toward the front. 隆贝的灰石巨人体型成了最好的靶子,他举起盾牌张开铁臂盾防一直阻挡着攻击,并且还在不停的朝前方行进着。 The soldiers in not far away, under leadership fast is close. 身后不远处的士兵们,也在克蕾雅的带领下快速的接近着。 But in the midair Kane has partly squatted on the body of cotton candy, in his shoulder and hand are putting up a build exaggerating weapon. 而半空中凯恩早已半蹲在棉花糖的身上,他的肩膀和手中架着一柄体型夸张的武器。 A giant launcher that has the precise structure structure becomes, above is proliferating magic rune/symbol writing of powerful. 一架有着精密的结构构造而成的巨大发射器,上面遍布着强力的魔法符文。 The spear's/gun's body has two meters length, the barrel stretched out 5 meters forward, the pitch-dark muzzle was expressing bullet caliber that he shoots. 枪身有着两米的长度,枪管向前伸出了五米,黑洞洞的枪口表示着他射出去的子弹口径。 Such caliber said is a bullet, might as well call it the shell reasonably. 这样的口径说是子弹,不如称之为炮弹更加的合理。 Massive charm gathering in , the charm of Kane within the body in crazy was being consumed, his head also stretched out two horns, the neck presented the close dragon scale. 大量的魔力汇聚其中,凯恩体内的魔力正在疯狂的被消耗着,他的头上也伸出了双角,颈部出现了细密的龙鳞。 The golden light starts to reappear from his surface, the back presented a golden light wheel. 金光开始从他的表面浮现,背后出现了一圈金色的光轮。 He used a charm waterdrop without hesitation. 他毫不犹豫使用了一颗魔力泪滴。 The great quantity energy gathers in the spear's/gun's body, the entire sound of gunfire inevitable start is sending out the glare. 巨量的能量汇聚在枪身内,整个枪声都不可避免的开始散发着强光。 Death staring after for a long time, was used again. 死亡凝视时隔许久,再次被使用了出来。 At this time is conducting that military officer of attack to Lombe, detected in the midair the sudden strong magic response. 此时正在对隆贝进行着进攻的那位将领,察觉到了半空中突然出现的强魔法反应。 Stops, stops, stops the attack in hand, reinforces the magic cover rapidly!” “停下,停下,停下手中的攻击,迅速加固魔法罩!” He is bellowing, the law stick in hand lifts up high directly, the charm in within the body starts to flow to the magic cover in midair, is conducting the strengthened reinforcement. 他大吼着,手中的法杖直接高举,体内的魔力开始流向半空中的魔法罩,对其进行着强化加固。 Other legal system branch of the services also stopped the attack, swamped into the magic cover own charm. 其他的法系兵种也停下了攻击,将自己的魔力涌入了魔法罩。 Reason that this is going so to act , because he detected charm that in the midair gathered triumphantly, and sees rainbow color mark that the magic coated that to be marked. 之所以这将要如此的行动,是因为他察觉到了半空中凯所汇聚出来的魔力,并且看见了魔法罩上那被标记出来的彩虹色印记。 He clearly knows that there is the weak point of entire magic cover. 他清楚的知道那里就是整个魔法罩的薄弱点。 Even if the weak point, wants through him the charm that the magic cover defeats to need to spend still great quantity. 但是即使是薄弱点,想要通过他将魔法罩击破所需要花费的魔力也是巨量的。 He has not been worried, felt until him charm that Kane gathered. 他从来没有担心过,直到他感觉到了凯恩所汇聚出来的魔力。 He can feel the attack that such charm sends out can definitely defeat the magic cover, therefore he such panic-stricken bellowing. 他能够感觉到那样的魔力所发出的攻击肯定能够将魔法罩击破,所以他才这样惊恐的大吼。 Attempts with oneself that unproductive behavior, provides a strengthening of faint trace for the magic cover. 试图用自己那徒劳的行为,为魔法罩提供一丝丝的强化。 Kane in midair gathered finally all charms, he dug out the trigger slowly. 半空中的凯恩终于将所有的魔力都汇聚进去了,他缓缓地抠下了扳机。 !” “都唔!” The depressed sound sends out from the sound of gunfire, the shell that is sending out the glare was shot. 沉闷的声响从枪声内发出,一颗散发着强光的炮弹被射了出去。 The twinkling then arrives at Li path Lubiao records the position. Bang! ” 只是瞬息便到达了莉路路标记着的位置。砰!” What the giant explosive sound brings is the extremely exaggerating glare, just like Sun in sky to fall to be the same. 巨大的爆炸声所带来的是极其夸张的强光,犹如天空中的太阳掉落下来一样。 Is lifting Lombe of shield, by the enormous power that this transmits moving after retreats. 举着盾牌的隆贝,都被这传来的巨大威力给吹动的朝后退去。 But most soldiers in city wall were blown to fly directly. 而城墙上的大部分士兵直接被吹飞。 Glare trim region complete illumination. 强光将整片区域都完全的照亮。 Sun raises in the night. 太阳在黑夜中升起。 All the soldier in region, has to cover the eye with every effort. 所有处在区域内的士兵,不得不尽力遮挡住眼睛。 Especially the soldier in city wall, majority was almost punctured blindly the eyes by this instantaneous glare. 特别是城墙上的士兵,大部分都被这瞬间的强光给几乎刺瞎了双眼。 In the positive/direct city wall at the soldiers who defend no longer needs Kane they to begin to be raised to fly completely the city wall by the might that this explosion transmits. 处在正面城墙上防御的士兵都不再需要凯恩他们动手就被这爆炸所传来的威力给全部掀飞下了城墙。 Bled profusely from the head to pour by near soldier directly in the ground, changed into the flying ash. 挨得近的士兵直接七窍流血倒在了地面上,化为了飞灰。 This huge fluctuation gave to blow the black cloud cluster in sky, revealed the stars densely covered sky. 这巨大的波动将天空中的黑色云团都给吹开了,露出了繁星密布的天空。 The crevice of space as if as such vibration, starts to expose the fragments of sky downward. 天上的裂隙似乎都随着这样的震动,开始向下抖落着天空的碎屑。 Card observes!” “卡察!” The clear shatter sound passed on. 清脆的破碎声响传了出来。 The glare vanishes, but prevented the magic cover of attack also to change into everywhere fragment. 强光消失,而阻挡攻击的魔法罩也化为了漫天的碎片。 Attack!” “进攻!” Horne on opposite bridge they opens the eyes, looks at such situation, immediately loud exclaiming, later toward front rapid flushing away. 对面桥上的霍恩他们睁开双眼,看着这样的情形,立刻大声的吼道,随后朝前方迅速的冲去。 The somewhat low imposing manner, just like the torch to surge upward in this flash generally. 本身有些低落的气势,在这一瞬间犹如火炬一般高涨。 All soldiers howled loudly are following Horne, is launching the attack. 所有的士兵都大声的吼叫着跟随着霍恩,发动着进攻。 But the upfront, Lombe has overthrown his front city wall. 而正面,隆贝已经将他面前的城墙推倒。 Did not have in the city wall the stop of soldier, all soldiers entered the fortress with ease. 没有了城墙上士兵的阻拦,身后的所有士兵轻松的进入了堡垒内部。 Toward the city wall, these attack Horne their soldiers to flush away. 向着城墙上,那些进攻霍恩他们的士兵冲去。
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