Popularrecommendation: Duskhas approached.
热门推荐:黄昏已经来临。On the bridgecontinued a day of offensive, at this timesoldiers of both sidesslowed down the respectiveattackrhythm.
大桥上持续了一天的攻势,此时双方的士兵们都放缓了各自进攻的节奏。No matterHorne of attack sidetheydefends the sidefortress, thesesoldierssomewhatwere exhausted, high-intensitybattled for day, theysomewhatcannot bear.
不管是进攻方的霍恩他们还是防守方的堡垒处,这些士兵都有些精疲力尽了,高强度作战了一天,他们也有些受不了。Chose the timeobvious, conducts the briefrest.
都心照不宣的选择了时间,进行简短的休息。Onlyhasabove the fortressdefense coverstillto stand upright, evenhas not swayed the appearance of fluctuationafter a day of attackslightly.
唯有堡垒上方的防护罩依然挺立,即使经过一天的进攻也丝毫没有摇晃波动的样子。Is sending out the peacefulelegantrayas before, as ifeternalnotbut actually.
The soldiers who suchscene, lets the attack sidesomewhathaddesperately.
这样的场景,让进攻方的士兵都有些心生绝望了。Regardingthesesoldiers, theytodaybesideslosingmanyallies, has not droppeda wee bitachievementsslightly.
对于这些士兵来说,他们今天除了损失了不少战友外,丝毫没有落下一丁点的成果。Thismakestheirmoralehave tobe low.
这让他们的士气不得不低落下来。But the soldier who enemythesedefend a cityalthough is still also exhausted, butlooked that theirexpressionsknow, theirpresentmoralesurge upward.
而敌方那些守城的士兵虽然也依然疲惫,但是看他们的表情就知道,他们现在士气高涨。Looks that the enemyattackscrazily, thenfell on the attackhalfway, spendsvictory that somanymilitaryhad no.
看着敌人疯狂的进攻,然后就倒在了进攻的半路上,花费了如此多的兵力却没有任何的战果。But the defensive structure of one's own sidestands erectnotbut actually.
而己方的防御建筑屹立不倒。Howthiscannot maketheirmoralesurge upward.
这又怎么能不让他们士气高涨呢。Evencanhear the ridiculesound that theypass from the city wall.
甚至能够从城墙上听见他们传过来的嘲笑声。„Regimental commander, wefirstslow downto withdraw troops, thenthinks that other means that attackat a later dateagain. This way the fortresshas not attacked, butoursoldiersmustlosecompletely.”
“团长,我们先放缓撤军吧,再想想其他的办法,择日再来进攻。这样下去堡垒没有攻下来,但我们的士兵就要损失殆尽了。”In the directiontent of camp, a military officertoHorne'sloudsaying.
营地的指挥营帐中,一位将领正在对着霍恩大声的说道。Today a day of attackindicatedwantsto take the fortressbytheirpresentstrengths, is completely dream of a fool.
今天一天的进攻表明了以他们现在的实力想要拿下堡垒,完全就是痴人说梦。ButKanetheiractionsbesidesCommanderHorne, the fragmentaryseveralearliestmilitary officersknow,othermilitary officerswere basically kept in the dark.
而凯恩他们的行动除了霍恩团长外,就只有零星的几个最早的将领知道,其他的将领基本上都被蒙在鼓里。After allKanetheyalwaysdo not actwiththem, is not familiar.
毕竟凯恩他们从来不和他们一起行动,相互之间也并不熟悉。Even ifKanetheywithhave not attacked the fortresstogether, theystillthought that does not have anyfeels strange the place.
即使凯恩他们没有跟过来一起进攻堡垒,他们也觉得没有什么奇怪之处。SitsHorneonseat of honor, beckons with the hand saying: „Do not worry, making the soldiersresta while, waitsto order, to continuemomentarilyto launch the attack.”
坐在主位上的霍恩,摆摆手说道:“不要着急,让士兵们休息一会儿,随时等候命令,继续发起进攻。”HearsHorne'swords, thatmilitary officerhelplesslowering the head of sighed, withdrew from the tentdejectedly.
黄昏之时。Kanethey still have not acted, theyare waiting forin the forest land, is waiting for the Lipathpathreturn.凯恩他们依然没有行动,他们在林地里等待着,等待着莉路路的归来。WithoutLipathLulaiprocessesthatmagiccover, theirpresentattacksverystrenuous, has bigpossibilityfailure.
, Kanefeltby faranythingstood saying: „Lipathpathcame back, wantedto bring the goodnews.”
远远的,凯恩感觉到了什么站起来说道:“莉路路回来了,希望带来了好消息吧。”Finishes speaking, a luminous spot of twinklethenappearedon the shoulder of Kane, the Li road has sat above.
话音刚落,一个闪烁的光点便出现在了凯恩的肩膀上,莉路路已经坐在了上面。„Lipathpathsucceeded, the weaknessLi road of thatmagiccoverhas inspected, onlyneedsto attackinthatdirection, the energysurpassescertainboundary, thencanshiver the entiremagiccover.”
The Lipathpathsound transmission the ear of everyone, Kanewalkstowardoutsideimmediately.
Others follow.
其他人紧随其后。Theyalsodrilledfrom the hidingforest land, prepares the teamadvantage of terrainto gotoward the fortresslong-range raid.
他们也从藏身的林地里钻了出来,准备好队形便向着堡垒处奔袭而去。All the way, KanewithLipathLuliaodetail.
A finalpuzzlehas also collected, the presentwas the timetakesthatfortressat one fell swoop.
最后的一块拼图也已经凑好,现在是时候一举拿下那座堡垒了。WhenKanetheygotoward the fortresslong-range raid, in the bridgeoppositecamp, CommanderHornehas dressed the armor, in the campallsoldiersgathersinhimbehind.
正当凯恩他们向着堡垒奔袭而去时,桥对面的营地中,霍恩团长已经穿戴好铠甲,营地里所有的士兵都集合在了他的身后。Howevertheyhave not attacked, butis waiting forsame place.
但是他们并没有进攻,而是原地等待着。Besidesseveralmilitary officers, no oneknows that Horneis waiting foranything.
除了几个将领外,没人知道霍恩在等待着什么。Howeverat this timetheyhad not asked that butfollowsinitbehind, did not say a word, onlyhadarmtightgraspingon the weapon of waist.
但是这个时候他们也没有多问,而是跟随在其身后,一言不发,唯有手臂紧紧的握在腰间的武器上。Suddenrainbowcolorrayraisesfrom the ground in distant placeriveropposite shore, has fledto the upper air.
突然一道彩虹色的光芒从远处河对岸的地面上升起,一直窜向了高空。Looks atthisray, onHornefaceshowed the smile,
看着这道光芒,霍恩脸上露出了笑容,Immediatelyshoutsloudly. „Attack!”
随即大声喊道。“进攻!”Afterwardpushes to the front, the fortresstowardriveropposite shoreflushes awaydirectly.
The military officers and soldierare also roaringsimilarlyloudly, followedHorneto clash.
身后的将领们和士兵也同样大声吼叫着,跟随着霍恩冲了出去。Butinoppositecampalsodiscoveredtheiroffensive, great shoutare resting the soldier, preparesto greet the attack, completes the comprehensivedefensive preparation.
而对面的营地中也发现了他们的攻势,大声呼喊着正在休息们的士兵,准备好迎接进攻,做好全面的防御准备。Becauselooks atHornetheirstance, basicallyisturned out in full strength, musttake their fortressesinevitably.
因为看霍恩他们的架势,基本上已经算是倾巢出动了,势必是要拿下他们这座堡垒。Allsoldiers in fortresswere dispatchedtheside of bridge, the innumerablearrowslosetoward the underlasinggo, in the city wallhas stood the soldier.
堡垒内的所有士兵都被派往了大桥的这一面,无数的箭失朝着下方激射而去,城墙上已经站满了士兵。Belowfront doorplace, has the innumerablesoldiersto dress the armor, is waiting forHornetheyto break through, once the city gatewere broken through, greetedis the sword of being ready and waiting.
The crushed stone in sky, the crossbow boltis also launching the attacktowardtheirfortresses, butwas still blockedby the strongmagiccovercompletely.
The expiration of attacking a cityweapon, wishmakesthemdepend entirely on the mortal bodyto mount the city wall, the difficultydoes not know that turnedmanytimes.
The other aspecthas sent out the signalKanetheysoonto arrive at the upfront of fortress.
另一面已经发出信号的凯恩他们就快要到达堡垒的正面了。Yes, close to that side of bridge is actually the back of fortress, thisbridgewas constructed, actuallytoprotectbehind the security of thiscrossriver bridge.
是的,靠近桥的那一方其实算是堡垒的背面,这座桥被修建起来,其实就是为了守护身后这座跨河桥的安全。Nowis used, preventing the enemy in opposite shoreto pass the bridge.
只是现在被用在了,阻止对岸的敌人通长桥。„Lipathpath, marks the weakness of magiccover.”Looks the fortress that immediatelymustarrive, Kanewas sayingtoshoulderonLireveal.
“莉路路,标记一下魔法罩的弱点。”看着马上就要到达的堡垒,凯恩对着肩膀上的莉露露说道。Lipathpathnods, laterwieldedmagic wand in the hand, onegroup of rainbowcolorraysflew, fellcoatedin the fortressmagic.
莉路路点点头,随后挥了挥自己手中的魔法棒,一团彩虹色的光芒飞了出去,落在了堡垒上的魔法罩上。Looks atLigroups of gettingmarks, Kanenods.
看着莉路路打上的标记,凯恩点点头。Ridescotton candy that is flying, flew the midair.
乘坐着飞过来的棉花糖,飞上了半空。Alsostartsto use the haloas well asvariousgainsis conducting the strengtheningforbehindallsoldiers.
“进攻!”Incity wall.
城墙内。„Frontage, had the soldierto attackdirectly!”
“正面,正面有士兵攻过来了!”In the whistlingtoweris observing the ambient conditionsoldier, loudafterundercalled out.
The entirefortresshasthreemilitary officersto protect.
整个堡垒内部有着三位将领守护着。Hearsinformation that the soldiertransmits.
“原来他们打的是这种心理吗?”„Alsoreallyadmiresthem, ishowto transportso manysoldierscrosses river.”
“还真是佩服他们,是怎么将那么多的士兵运过河的。”„Thesestilldo not have the significance, cannot break the magiccover, manysoldiersalso are just the pigsheep that treatsbutchers.” A general who wears the masterto dress upsaid.
“这些依然没有意义,打不破魔法罩,再多的士兵也只不过是待宰的猪羊。”一位身穿法师装扮的将军说道。Finallyhetook inventorysomesoldiers, the half stepmustrush to the upfront of fortress, meets the approaching enemyKanetheirattack.
最后他清点了一些士兵,快步得赶往了堡垒的正面,去迎击凯恩他们的进攻。But below attackinfluence, Lombetogo far beyond the distance of large unit, close tocity wallunder.
The innumerablearrowdisagree declare warlawballpoundstowardhim.
无数的箭失和法球朝着他砸来。Lombe'slimestonegiantbuildbecame the besttarget, heholds up the shieldto open the iron armshield against prevent the attack, andalsokeepingis marching forwardtoward the front.
The soldiers in not far away, underleadershipfastis close.
身后不远处的士兵们,也在克蕾雅的带领下快速的接近着。Butin the midairKanehas partly squattedon the body of cotton candy, inhisshoulder and handare putting up a buildexaggeratingweapon.
A giantlauncher that has the precisestructurestructurebecomes, aboveis proliferatingmagicrune/symbolwriting of powerful.
The spear's/gun's bodyhastwometerslength, the barrelstretched out5metersforward, the pitch-darkmuzzlewas expressingbulletcaliber that heshoots.
枪身有着两米的长度,枪管向前伸出了五米,黑洞洞的枪口表示着他射出去的子弹口径。Suchcalibersaidis a bullet, might as wellcall it the shellreasonably.
这样的口径说是子弹,不如称之为炮弹更加的合理。Massivecharmgatheringin , the charm of Kanewithin the bodyincrazywas being consumed, hisheadalsostretched outtwo horns, the neckpresented the closedragonscale.
The golden lightstartsto reappearfromhissurface, the backpresented a goldenlight wheel.
金光开始从他的表面浮现,背后出现了一圈金色的光轮。Heused a charmwaterdropwithout hesitation.
The great quantityenergygathersin the spear's/gun's body, the entiresound of gunfireinevitablestartis sending out the glare.
巨量的能量汇聚在枪身内,整个枪声都不可避免的开始散发着强光。Deathstaringafterfor a long time, was usedagain.
死亡凝视时隔许久,再次被使用了出来。At this timeis conducting thatmilitary officer of attacktoLombe, detectedin the midair the suddenstrongmagicresponse.
此时正在对隆贝进行着进攻的那位将领,察觉到了半空中突然出现的强魔法反应。„Stops, stops, stops the attack in hand, reinforces the magiccoverrapidly!”
“停下,停下,停下手中的攻击,迅速加固魔法罩!”Heis bellowing, the lawstick in handlifts up highdirectly, the charm in within the bodystartsto flow to the magiccover in midair, is conducting the strengthenedreinforcement.
他大吼着,手中的法杖直接高举,体内的魔力开始流向半空中的魔法罩,对其进行着强化加固。Otherlegal systembranch of the servicesalsostopped the attack, swamped into the magiccoverowncharm.
其他的法系兵种也停下了攻击,将自己的魔力涌入了魔法罩。Reason thatthisis goingsoto act , because hedetectedcharm that in the midairgatheredtriumphantly, andseesrainbowcolormark that the magiccoatedthatto be marked.
之所以这将要如此的行动,是因为他察觉到了半空中凯所汇聚出来的魔力,并且看见了魔法罩上那被标记出来的彩虹色印记。Heclearlyknows that thereis the weak point of entiremagiccover.
他清楚的知道那里就是整个魔法罩的薄弱点。Even if the weak point, wantsthroughhim the charm that the magiccoverdefeatsto needto spendstillgreat quantity.
但是即使是薄弱点,想要通过他将魔法罩击破所需要花费的魔力也是巨量的。Hehas not been worried, feltuntilhimcharm that Kanegathered.
他从来没有担心过,直到他感觉到了凯恩所汇聚出来的魔力。Hecanfeel the attack that suchcharmsends out can definitely defeat the magiccover, thereforehesuchpanic-strickenbellowing.
他能够感觉到那样的魔力所发出的攻击肯定能够将魔法罩击破,所以他才这样惊恐的大吼。Attemptswithoneselfthatunproductivebehavior, provides a strengthening of faint tracefor the magiccover.
试图用自己那徒劳的行为,为魔法罩提供一丝丝的强化。Kane in midairgatheredfinallyallcharms, hedug out the triggerslowly.
The depressedsoundsends outfrom the sound of gunfire, the shell that is sending out the glarewas shot.
The twinklingthenarrives atLipathLubiaorecords the position. Bang! ”
只是瞬息便到达了莉路路标记着的位置。砰!”What the giantexplosive soundbringsis the extremelyexaggeratingglare, just likeSun in skyto fallto be the same.
巨大的爆炸声所带来的是极其夸张的强光,犹如天空中的太阳掉落下来一样。Is liftingLombe of shield, by the enormous power that thistransmitsmovingafterretreats.
举着盾牌的隆贝,都被这传来的巨大威力给吹动的朝后退去。Butmostsoldiers in city wallwere blownto flydirectly.
强光将整片区域都完全的照亮。Sunraisesin the night.
太阳在黑夜中升起。All the soldierinregion, has tocover the eyewith every effort.
所有处在区域内的士兵,不得不尽力遮挡住眼睛。Especially the soldier in city wall, majority was almost puncturedblindly the eyesbythisinstantaneousglare.
特别是城墙上的士兵,大部分都被这瞬间的强光给几乎刺瞎了双眼。In the positive/directcity wallat the soldiers who defendno longerneedsKanetheyto beginto be raisedto flycompletely the city wallby the might that thisexplosiontransmits.
处在正面城墙上防御的士兵都不再需要凯恩他们动手就被这爆炸所传来的威力给全部掀飞下了城墙。Bled profusely from the headto pourbynearsoldierdirectlyin the ground, changed into the flying ash.
挨得近的士兵直接七窍流血倒在了地面上,化为了飞灰。Thishugefluctuationgaveto blow the blackcloud cluster in sky, revealed the starsdensely coveredsky.
The crevice of spaceas ifassuchvibration, startsto expose the fragments of skydownward.
The clearshattersoundpassed on.
The glarevanishes, butprevented the magiccover of attackalsoto change intoeverywherefragment.
“进攻!”Horne on oppositebridgetheyopens the eyes, looks atsuchsituation, immediatelyloudexclaiming, latertowardfrontrapidflushing away.
The somewhatlowimposing manner, just like the torchto surge upwardinthisflashgenerally.
本身有些低落的气势,在这一瞬间犹如火炬一般高涨。Allsoldiershowledloudlyare followingHorne, is launching the attack.
所有的士兵都大声的吼叫着跟随着霍恩,发动着进攻。But the upfront, Lombehas overthrownhisfrontcity wall.
而正面,隆贝已经将他面前的城墙推倒。Did not havein the city wall the stop of soldier, allsoldiersentered the fortresswith ease.
没有了城墙上士兵的阻拦,身后的所有士兵轻松的进入了堡垒内部。Toward the city wall, theseattackHornetheirsoldiersto flush away.
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