DSED :: Volume #5

#451: Hindrance before

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Two days later early morning. 两天之后的清晨。 Fragment that in the sky falls gently once for a while, has become this period of time the common scenery. 天空中时不时飘落下来的碎块,已经成为了这段时间常见的景色。 These just like the mirror surface same fragment to damage in the midair, change into the red luminous spot to fall like the raindrop. 这些犹如镜面一样的碎片在半空中就会破损,化为红色的光点如雨滴般落下。 Once the quantity are too much to gather the red streamer. 一旦数量过多就会汇聚成红色的飘带。 These streamers in in the air as if do not have the weight to be the same, everywhere fluttering, fluttering on the way, red luminous spot, once for a while goes to the whereabouts. 这些飘带在空中彷佛没有重量一样,四处飘荡着,飘动的途中,身上的红色光点,时不时的向下落去。 Now the whole world is exuding an unusual aesthetic sense, beauty of the broken breaking. 现在整个世界都泛着一种异样的美感,一种残破破碎之美。 Starting from early morning, the entire big camp transmits the sound that is noisy. 从一早开始,整个大营地就传来闹哄哄的声响。 This is the soldiers and artisans in camp is conducting the demolition of wide scope to the entire camp, and loads a car the commodity. 这是营地内的士兵和工匠正在对整个营地进行着大范围的拆除,并将物资进行装车。 Lombe they returned to the camp one day ago, their returns also indicate that the 4 camps of shore wiped out completely, transform their style. 隆贝他们在一天之前就返回了营地,他们的返回也就预示着岸边的四座营地全部被拔除,转换成了他们的样式。 Compares is having a non- cotton wool to tidy up the camp commodity, Horne who and the others the preparation moves. 相比于正在有条不絮则收拾着营地物资,准备搬迁的霍恩等人。 Kane they all have sent out, leading the subordinate to go toward the camp that Lombe they just soon overcame. 凯恩他们已经全体出动,带着部下向着隆贝他们刚不久打下的营地而去。 There is connecting opposite of the river, is road which must be taken that they want to set out forward. 那里连接着河对面,是他们想要向前进发的必经之路。 It is said last night, opposite military officer has been organizing to their camps to launch the attack across the cross river bridge that the soldier of mass is keeping. 据说昨天夜里,对面的将领就已经在组织着大批量的士兵不停的穿过跨河大桥对他们的营地进行着攻击。 But Kane they are overtaking at this time fast the support, to guard the camp that Lombe just attacked to overflow for 1-2 days to be counter-attacked by others. 凯恩他们此时正快速赶过去支援,以防隆贝刚攻打下来的营地没过1-2又被别人反攻下来。 Happen to they can also look that what kind of degree the soldier strength of river opposite shore was. 正好他们也可以看一看河对岸的士兵到底实力达到了一个怎样的程度。 Probes breaking in next this period of time sky to their enhancements, what kind of degree also raised. 试探一下这段时间天空中的破碎对他们的加强,又提升到了一个怎样的程度。 Also refers to the bridge and surrounding environment, has a look at their attack ideas whether to succeed. 同时也是对大桥以及周围的环境进行参考,看看他们的进攻想法能否成功。 As a result of their barrels, approximately when afternoon, they saw the camp from afar. 由于他们的快速行进,大约在下午之时,他们就远远的看见了营地。 At this time in the camp has been able to see the flame, this explained that the enemy has infiltrated the camp. 此时营地内已经能够看见火光,这说明敌军已经打入了营地内部。 Now is conducting the combat with their soldiers in the camp. 现在正和他们的士兵在营地内进行着作战。 If Kane they are late for several hours, this camp possibly downcast. 如果凯恩他们再晚几个小时的话,这营地可能又陷落了。 Kane opened Eagle-Eye to look at the situation in camp, on the face showed the smile, finally did not have the magic cover to prevent him to conduct bombing. 凯恩睁着鹰眼看着营地内的情形,脸上露出了笑容,终于没有魔法罩来阻挡他进行轰炸了。 Was separated from the team in advance directly, on the whole person covered a gold/metal resplendent ray, the back presented one round a round wheel that is carving not well-known rune/symbol writing flew the sky. 直接先行脱离队伍,整个人身上都镀上了一层金灿的光芒,背后出现了一轮刻着不知名符文的圆轮飞上了天空。 Presented the giant firepower launcher on both hands of in the air Kane. 在空中凯恩的双手上出现了巨大的火力发射器。 These mechanism were also contaminated by the body golden ray, covered golden light. 这些机械装置也被身上金色的光芒浸染,镀上了一层金光。 In Kane field of vision range, innumerable cross accurate hearts, keeping is conducting the accurate mark to the enemy, in order to avoid his firepower wound to own allied force. 凯恩的视野范围中,无数的十字准心,正在不停的对敌人进行着精准的标记,以免他的火力伤到自己的友军。 After the red crosshair covers entirely its field of vision range, the charm of Kane expenditure started in the hand that giant firepower launcher. 当红色的十字准星将它的视野范围布满后,凯恩花费的魔力启动了手上那巨大的火力发射器。 First is a large area of golden bullet was sent out the muzzle, the extreme speed to below these soldiers is conducting harvesting. 首先是大面积的金色子弹被送出了枪口,极速的对着下方的那些士兵进行着收割。 Follows is missile that is dragging the tail flame. 紧随其后的便是一颗颗拖着尾焰的导弹。 The soldier who under attacks much, detected that the attack of Kane, a foot kicked out of the way nearby soldier, holds up the shield in hand to keep off. 下方不少进攻过来的士兵,察觉到了凯恩的攻击,一脚将旁边的士兵踢开,举起手中的盾牌就挡了下来。 The victory that the Kane 1st wave of bullet storm, displays is not ideal. 凯恩的第一波子弹风暴,表现出来的战果并不理想。 Strikes the enemy personnel who kill to be few, what are more is conducts is wounding and limiting, provides the opportunity of panting for breath for the allied force of one's own side. 击杀的敌方人员屈指可数,更多的是进行着击伤和限制,为己方的友军提供喘息的机会。 Follows the missile that comes is the key point. 跟随而来的导弹才是重点。 The target that however still only then the missile aims , the explosion of short distance can claim their lives. 不过依然只有导弹所瞄准的目标,近距离的爆炸才能带走他们的生命。 Once is far slightly 1-2 meters from the range of explosion, was almost blown off or is explodes turns, scar is not obvious. 一旦离爆炸的范围稍微远个1-2,几乎只是被炸飞或者是炸翻,身上的伤痕都不怎么明显。 These bullets and missiles undergo the injury effect that the Kane half deification body has supplemented to strengthen. 这些子弹和导弹还是经受过凯恩半神化身所附带的伤害效果加强的。 However only yielded such result, it seems like that the enemy truly received big enhancement. 然而只取得了这样的成果,看来敌军确实受到了不小的加强。 Since this, that happen to experiments the experiment, Kane this period of time new weapon. 既然这样,那就正好试验试验,凯恩这段时间新出的武器。 The firepower launcher in hand starts to expand transforms, with the control of Kane, the machinery that in each hand wrapped stretched out two long barrels. 手中的火力发射器开始扩展变换,随着凯恩的控制,每只手上包裹的机械都伸出了两根长长的枪管。 Said is a barrel, looks at the contour, is more like a heavy-caliber counter- equipment sniper's rifle. 说是枪管,看外形,更像是一种大口径的反器材狙击枪。 Massive energies start to gather. 大量的能量开始汇聚。 Storehouse !” “库呲!” As a depressed sound resounds, the two barrels on Kane arm, start to take turn are conducting the fire. 随着一种沉闷的响声响起,凯恩手臂上的两根枪管,开始交替着进行着射击。 Can the obvious feeling the hand of Kane swing with each fire backward, this explained that the recoil force of this weapon is not low. 能够明显的感觉到凯恩的手随着每一次射击在向后摆动,这说明这武器的后座力不低。 Even at the strength of Kane limit, cannot fix completely. 即使以凯恩极限的力量,也不能完全固定住。 Was felt the selected feeling by the soldier of Kane aiming much again, immediately holds up the shield in hand, is slanting is conducting impediment toward the above. 不少被凯恩瞄准的士兵再次感受到了自己被选中的感觉,立刻举起了手中的盾牌,斜着朝上方进行着阻挡。 As if hides behind the shield, can bring the security sense to them. 似乎躲在盾牌后面,就能给他们带来安全感。 However is contrary to what expects. 然而事与愿违。 The corner/horn of shield was ripped open directly, looks toward behind by a shield ripped open corner/horn. 盾牌的一角直接被撕开,透过盾牌被撕开的一角朝后面看去。 The position of that corner/horn does not have the body, what stays behind is only a blood hole. 那一角的位置已经没有了躯体,留下的只是一个血洞。 This soldier fell down like this, changed into dust. 这士兵就这样倒在了地上,化为了一片尘埃。 This is specifically aims at has the attack method that the soldier of powerful defensive power prepares. 这是专门针对有着强大防御力的士兵所准备的攻击手段。 Function that creates, is the pinnacle single body striking power. 创造出来的作用,就是极致的单体攻击力。 As on two arms the rotation of a total of 4 barrels fire alternately, the charm of Kane within the body also in crazy was consumed. 随着两只手臂上总共四根枪管的轮换交替射击,凯恩体内的魔力也在疯狂的被消耗。 A stronger attack naturally also means a stronger consumption, let alone is launching the attack like Kane intemperately. 更强的攻击自然也就意味着更强的消耗,更别说像凯恩这样无节制地进行着攻击。 Is the single body output brings directly, when the community attacks. 更是直接把单体输出拿来当群体攻击。 The enemies capture soldier one by one dropping down in one by one camp, no matter how they avoided the defense to prevent do not escape. 敌军攻入营地内的士兵挨个挨个的倒下,不管他们如何躲避防御阻挡都逃脱不了。 Once were hit the loathsome appearance to be extremely miserable, the hit place directly on the defect same place, or presents a large cave/hole. 一旦被击中死相极惨,被击中的地方直接就缺失一块,或者出现一个大洞。 Finally had the soldier unable to bear, when starts turned toward comes the bridge to retreat. 终于有士兵受不了了,开始向着来时的大桥撤退。 Does not permit to retrocede, attack!” “不准后退,进攻!” Puts on with the ordinary soldier not different person, exclaimed loudly. 一位穿着和普通士兵没什么两样的人,大声吼道。 Kane keen detection to him, a bullet shot toward him. 凯恩敏锐的察觉到了他,一颗子弹朝他射了过去。 This ordinary soldier detected rapidly, hid toward side, was shot two in the midair. 这普通的士兵迅速察觉到了,朝旁边躲了过去,然后在半空中被射成两节。 I have 4 barrels. Saying of silently Kane in heart. 我可是有四根枪管的呢。凯恩在心中默默的说道。 Unexpectedly the military officer hides in the ordinary soldier, but showed the tail. 居然还有将领藏在普通士兵中,不过还是露出了尾巴。 Without impediment of military officer, many soldiers start spontaneous retreating. 没有了将领的阻挡,许多的士兵都开始自发的撤退。 Afterward less than one minute, the enemies in entire camp draw back cleanly. 随后不到一分钟的时间,整个营地内的敌军都退得干干净净。 They also led the soldier to chase down a distance. 克蕾雅她们还带着士兵追杀了一段距离。 Kane also somewhat pants, the charm of his within the body had been consumed, but was used the charm waterdrop to supplement to fill by him again, but now was supplemented the full charm also has one. 凯恩也有些气喘嘘嘘,他体内的魔力早就被消耗一空了,只是被他用魔力水滴再次补充满了,而现在被补充满的魔力还剩下一丝。 Although the new attack method the powerful injures high, but some truly consumption charms, the strong recoil force, even the physical strength followed to be consumed. 新的攻击手段虽然强力伤害高,但确实有些耗费魔力了,强大的后座力,连体力都跟着被消耗。 But was strengthened by the dungeon like this, did not spend the charm unable to obtain such victory. 但被地牢这样加强,不花费魔力也获得不了这样的战果。 This following fight, Kane also was really somewhat worries. 这后面的战斗,凯恩还真是有些犯难了。 According to Horne said, basically in the future soldiers are such degree. 根据霍恩所说,基本上往后的士兵都是这样的程度。 This is also only the ordinary close combat infantry, if presents the knight or the master kind is mixing the combat, will clean up the speed of soldier also to sell at a discount greatly. 这还只是普通的近战步兵,如果出现骑士或者法师类混合着作战的话,清理士兵的速度还会大打折扣。 Can foresee the life of later ordinary soldier unable to guarantee, a large area of casualties definitely could not avoid. 可以预见以后普通士兵的性命已经不能够保证了,大面积的伤亡肯定是避免不了的了。 Waited for Kane they to rest a while in the camp, when the camp almost restored completes. 凯恩他们在营地内休息了一会儿,当营地差不多修缮完成。 Distant seeing , the moving team has also arrived, the long line that a flare composes is walking. 远远的也看见,正在搬迁的队伍也已经到来,一条火把组成的长龙正在走过来。 At this time in the sky had fallen into a darkness. 此时天空中已经陷入了一片黑暗。 But the construction of big camp in the camp right 2 kilometers positions that Kane they just supported, there has a topography high smooth place. 而大营地的建造就在凯恩他们刚刚支援的营地右边二公里的位置,那里有着一处地势较高的平坦地方。 At this time there had fallen into a piece of bright, many artisans and soldiers fiery are constructing the big camp upwards. 此时那里已经陷入了一片亮光之中,许多的工匠和士兵正在火热朝天的建造着大营地。 Because the previous time has a camp as the expansion, therefore the time flies. 上一次由于是有着一座营地作为扩充,所以时间较快。 These feared that time must need day to be able the big camp to construct completely. 这一次怕是得需要个一天的时间才能将大营地完整的建造出来。 Kane they rest simply in the camp of support. 凯恩他们索性就在支援的营地内休息起来。 Kane sits in the tent, saying slowly: And other tomorrow's big camps construct, the day after tomorrow is we attack the opposite shore the time.” 凯恩坐在营帐中,缓缓的说道:“等明天大营地修建好,后天就是我们进攻对岸的时候。” After saying, Kane turns the head to look that asked to nearby Lombe: „Did that farm point that before reached an agreement find?” 说完后,凯恩转头看向旁边的隆贝问道:“之前说好的那种地点找好了吗?” Does not have the issue, had just determined, that place is truly feasible. In both banks narrow, although below river water is turbulent, but has minimal impact with us . Moreover the surroundings are quite covert, can say that was perfect.” “没问题,刚刚已经确定了,那地方确实可行。两岸之间狭窄虽然下方的河水汹涌,但是与我们影响不大,而且周围还较为隐蔽,可以说非常的完美了。” Then, Lombe still a place in their front sand table referred. 说完,隆贝还在他们面前的沙盘里的一处地点指了指。 They now the sand table is not the dungeon big sand table, but is the terrain of rivers both banks. 他们现在所处的沙盘并非是地牢的大沙盘,而是河流两岸的地形。 But place that Lombe refers to their right more than ten kilometers places. 而隆贝所指的地点就在他们右边十几公里处的地方。 Distance not over 10 meters that both banks of there river are distanced, two sides dikes very solid . Moreover the two sides surroundings have the forest. 那里河的两岸相距的距离不超过十米,两边的岩壁都非常的坚实,而且两边的周围还有着林木。 Moreover not far away here, is a vertical downward waterfall, this expressed that side topography is low, does not detect the above situation easily. 而且就在这里的不远处,还是一条垂直向下的瀑布,这就表示那边的地势低矮,不容易察觉到上方的情形。 Let Kane their action hiding. 凯恩他们的行动更加的隐蔽。 The covert action can be easier to defeat the enemy by a surprise attack, takes that fortress. Suddenly thought of anything, Kane said to Roshal who have been following behind: Helps me inform Callian they, the place that before making they first go, to reach an agreement investigate and ensure will not have an enemy to discover there change.” 隐蔽的行动才能更容易出奇制胜,拿下那座堡垒。突然想到了什么,凯恩对着自己身后一直跟着的罗莎莉说道:“帮我通知一下卡莲她们,让他们先去之前说好的地点进行侦查,确保不会有一个敌人发现那里的异动。” Regarding the order of Kane, Roshal nods to put on the tent later. 对于凯恩的命令,罗莎莉点点头随后穿出了营帐。 Soon. 不久之后。 Sees only in the curtain of night, 20 black fog air masses jump out from the camp, by starlight turns toward the distant place long-range raid to go. 只见夜幕中,20个黑色的雾气团从营地内窜出,趁着夜色向着远处奔袭而去。 But they before position Kane them, in position that in the camp said. 而他们所去的位置正是凯恩他们之前在营地里所说的位置。 That is to guarantee next the victory of campaign. 那是为了保证下一场战役的胜利。 The material that mother gives arrived here already not the too big use. 克蕾雅母亲所给的资料到这里已经没有太大的用处了。 Because they became this dungeon last batch of Adventurer, obtains the enhanced enemy regarding these strengths. 因为他们成了这地牢的最后一批探索者,对于这些实力获得增强的敌军。 The classical repertoire has no longer been suitable, currently only has Kane they to conduct the entry by the strength. 经典的套路已经不再适用,现在唯有凯恩他们自己凭借实力进行通关了。 However, they always so. 不过,他们一向如此。
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