DSED :: Volume #5

#447: Resources choices

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Popular recommendation: Kane sits by in which table of association hall. 热门推荐:凯恩坐在公会大厅的其中一个桌子旁边。 Lombe and Medsker in the place of bar, are seeming like Medsker to demonstrate his accent liquor technology. 隆贝和梅兹克正在吧台的地方,似乎是梅兹克在展示着他的调酒技术。 Because this place is their domains, therefore Medsker as if compared with usually must put opens. 因为这地方是他们自己的地盘,所以梅兹克似乎比平时要放得更开点。 As, is experiments certainly the new kitchen whether satisfied, does not satisfy can also make various adjustments. 至于克蕾雅嘛,当然是去试验新的厨房是否满意了,不满意还能进行各种的调整。 At this time can manifest the convenience of association hall, where does not satisfy can conduct the adjustment reconstruction immediately. 这个时候就能体现出公会大厅的便捷,哪里不满意就能立刻进行调整改建。 Li path path does not know where ran. 莉路路就不知道跑哪儿去了。 Kane walks is pondering their this period of time harvests. 凯恩走在思考着他们这段时间的收获。 First is the present stage most important resources, the silver magic material. 首先便是现阶段最重要的资源,银色魔法材料。 This Kane and wiped out the camps of two enemy sides, Lombe they are also the same. 这次凯恩和克蕾雅拔除了两座敌方的营地,隆贝他们也一样。 And Kane they also fought a meeting engagement. 并且凯恩他们还打了一场遭遇战。 The silver magic material that they obtain imitates can Silver Magic Stone, in addition, Kane surplus. 他们获得的银色魔法材料所充能的银色魔石,再加上之前凯恩剩余的。 Currently on Kane also remaining Silver Magic Stone have 15, to be honest can conduct some unlocking of function extension. 现在凯恩身上还剩下的银色魔石有15颗,说实话可以进行一些功能扩展的解锁了。 Next is the dense fog bestows the coin, still maintains among 150 ~ 300 that goes to battle with each time can achieve, this thing with lucky hook, very obviously. 其次便是迷雾赐币,依然维持在每次出征都能达到的150~300枚之间,这东西就跟幸运挂钩的,非常明显。 Then is all kinds of equipment, still defers to the past plan. 然后便是各种各样的装备,依然是按照以往的规划。 The good equipment in copper color equipment and silver equipment selects, admits the equipment area of association warehouse. 铜色装备和银色装备中的不错的装备挑出来,放进公会仓库的装备区。 But some best quality goods or has some aspect specially good attribute equipment, then admits in the treasure house. 而一些极品的或者有着某一方面特别好的属性的装备,则放进宝库中。 Other throws into the space equipment completely, goes out to pack to process. 其他的则全部丢进空间装备中,出去打包处理掉。 The place that is a pity is only, although under Kevin these have become the soldier of spirit of freedom to join the association, but they were still the illegal residents in dense fog world cannot use the equipment, it can be said that was a pity. 唯一可惜的地方就是,虽然凯文麾下的那些已经成为自由之灵的士兵加入了公会,但他们依然是迷雾世界的黑户使用不了装备,可以说是非常可惜了。 Otherwise, if can use to equip Kane to never have such thoughts, directly by their this period of time accumulations, arms these soldiers, is pressing entire dungeon even push on the line. 不然的话,要是能够使用装备凯恩想都不敢想,直接靠他们这段时间的积累,把这些士兵武装起来,按着整个地牢平推就行。 What a pity. 可惜了呀。 First is the plan uses of these 15 Silver Magic Stone, as a result of each place needs the consumption of Silver Magic Stone, that first not to need to store up. 首先便是这15枚银色魔石的规划使用,由于各个地方都需要银色魔石的消耗,那就先不用储存。 After all this thing saves does not have the use, only then used to change to become the strength. 毕竟这东西存着没有用处,只有用了才能变成为实力。 First, Kane then places in Skill Rune of angel dice own skill square. 首先,凯恩便将天使骰子的技能石安放进自己的技能格内。 The points that throws, were deciding Kane needs to spend many magic stone conducts the extraction of skill. 投掷出来的点数,决定着凯恩需要花费多少的魔石来进行技能的抽取。 If lucky, that must invest many point resources to conduct the skill extraction, the luck does not wait for the person. 如果非常幸运的话,那肯定就得投入多一点的资源进行技能抽取,运气可不等人。 What if throws is the mildew transports/fortunes, direct does not pull out, otherwise always felt that in the heart is not steadfast. 如果投掷出来的是霉运的话,直接一个都不抽,不然总感觉心中不踏实。 Like this thinking, the charm is gathering in the hand. 这样想着,魔力在手中汇聚。 The styles of eight dices were condensed, in touching of angel, can use. 八面骰子的样式被凝聚出来,在天使的触碰中,能够使用。 Side the flash presented the ray of twinkle, Li path path appeared. 一瞬间旁边就出现了闪烁的光芒,莉路路出现。 The mildew shipping point number that even if may be thrown by Kane affects. 即使可能会被凯恩投掷出来的霉运点数波及到。 However Li path path, still regarding watching the matter of this throwing dice decision luck, always enjoys. 但是莉路路,依然对于观看这种投骰子决定运气的事情,乐此不疲。 The dice was thrown in the air, revolves. 骰子被投掷到空中,旋转起来。 Depends on an corner/horn to revolve on the desktop, until stopping slowly. 靠着一角在桌面上旋转,直到慢慢的停下。 Finally uppermost that side appeared in Kane at present. 最后最上面的那一面出现在了凯恩的眼前。 Looks at the above color is the red, Kane cannot help but breathes a sigh of relief. 看着上面的色彩是红色的,凯恩不由得舒了一口气。 2 red, 1.5 times of lucky additions. 二点红色,1.5倍幸运的加成。 How can I say, although truly obtained enhancement luck, however such scope was not quite obvious. 怎么说呢,虽然确实是幸运获得了加强,但是这样的幅度不太明显。 Kane thinks, decided puts out three to buy the extraction skill. 凯恩想了想,决定拿出三颗买抽取技能。 Although the association system appears, making Silver Magic Stone start to need to be consumed massively, but extraction skill such matter cannot stop. 虽然公会系统出现,使得银色魔石开始需要大量被消耗,但是抽取技能这样的事情是不能停的。 But needs to make choices in the middle. 只不过需要在中间做一个取舍罢了。 After all extracts the skill is the key point, other functions can only be the supplementaries. 毕竟抽取技能才是重点,其他的功能只能算是附带。 Grasps three silver magic stone directly in the hand. 直接将三颗银色的魔石握在手中。 Another hand according to extraction law. 另一只手按在了抽取法阵上。 Extraction skill 【抽取技能】 Whether consumes Silver Magic Stone extraction skill 【是否消耗银色魔石抽取技能】 Is No 【是】【否】 Yes “是” In skill extraction 【技能抽取中・・・・・・】 Law on book starts to rotate, 书上的法阵开始转动, The intermittent glimmer starts to send out, but three magic stone in hand also vanish does not see, what also appears is two tinsel that has the illumination pattern. Directly to Skill Rune that is presenting, is conducting the appraisal one by one. 阵阵微光开始散发出来,而手中的三颗魔石也消失不见,随之出现的是两块有着发光花纹的金属片。直接对着出现的技能石,挨个进行着鉴定。 Name: Charm praise 【名称:魔力礼赞】 Category: Consumption skill 【类别:消耗技能】 Luster: Silver 【色泽:银色】 Explained: After using the skill, enhancement current charm 30, the silver rank is effective.】 【说明:使用技能后,增强当前魔力30,银色级别有效。】 Introduced: The praise of life, from intelligent life body there of toper square, obtained strength about life essence.】 【介绍:生命的礼赞,从更高位格的智慧生命体那里,得到的关于生命本质的力量。】 Coming up is a charm praises and admires, Kane has been able to feel that own charm almost must arrive at the bottleneck. 上来就是个魔力礼赞,凯恩已经能够感觉到自己的魔力几乎就要到达瓶颈了。 This should be able to be his use charm to praise and admire for the last time, this consumption skill. 这应该能够算得上是他最后一次使用魔力礼赞,这消耗技能了。 When don't even go there, directly skill admits in skill square, chose the use, is realizing within the body charm another growth. 没什么好说的,直接将技能时放进技能格内,选择了使用,体会着体内魔力又一次的增长。 After the effect uses, Kane has been able to feel that own charm arrived at the bottleneck. 当效果使用完后,凯恩已经能够感觉到自己的魔力到达了瓶颈。 Now the Kane charm and strength, have reached the limit that the current race has been able to reach. 现在凯恩的魔力和力量,已经到达了当前种族所能到达的极限。 Continues examination next. 继续查看下一枚。 Name: Energy mold 【名称:能量塑造】 Category: Active Skill 【类别:主动技能 Luster: Silver 【色泽:银色】 Explained: The expenditure charm, molds some energy. The rank of energy is higher, the charm that needs to spend are more, there is a limiting value.】 【说明:花费魔力,对某种能量进行塑造。能量的等级越高,需要花费的魔力就越多,有一个极限值。】 Introduced: Some world initial clan, the skill of initial learned, this is one has the skill of potential, but wants to be expert to need to spend lots of time and energy.】 【介绍:某个世界最初一族,最初学会的一项技能,这是一项非常拥有潜力的技能,但想要专精需要花费大量的时间与精力。】 Explained and introduced, the extreme mold lake, this skill is representing the powerful. 说明和介绍,都极度模湖,这种技能都代表着强力。 But introduced that above also said explicitly, needs to spend lots of time and energy. 但介绍上面也非常明确的说了,需要花费大量的时间与精力。 To be honest, the Kane present capability system has somewhat started numerous and diverse. 说实话,凯恩现在的能力体系已经有些开始繁杂了。 He needs to learn the new mechanical knowledge, constructs the new mechanism, but also needs to learn various magic knowledge, and fuses both. 他需要学习新的机械知识,构建新的机械装置,还需要学习各种魔法知识,并将两者进行融合。 Only these two spent his lots of time and energy, if no Skill Rune, skill help that speeds up to study. 光这两项就花费了他大量的时间和精力,如果不是有技能石,那个加快学习的技能帮助。 Kane has not known that now studies what degree. 凯恩现在还不知道才学习到什么程度。 This Skill Rune, should be his lucky one manifestation. 技能石,应该就是他这次幸运的一种体现。 Only can say that first remains, having a look at their to need this skill next time, after all introduced that also said is highly potential, spends the time in this above definitely yes. 只能说先留着,看看克蕾雅他们下一次需不需要这个技能,毕竟介绍上也说了潜力极大,在这上面花费时间肯定是可以的。 Last Skill Rune. 最后一枚技能石 Name: Counter-attacks extremely wickedly 【名称:极恶反击】 Category: Active Skill 【类别:主动技能 Luster: Silver 【色泽:银色】 Explained: Opens the skill, the following some time, all the injuries of withstanding will be condensed. After the duration ended, the injury that condenses can gather in the next attack.】 【说明:开启技能,接下来的一段时间,所有承受的伤害都会被凝聚起来。当持续时间结束后,凝聚起来的伤害能够汇聚到下一次的攻击中。】 Introduced: Come! Made an effort to hit...... to hit toward here enough, now, death!】 【介绍:来!用力朝这儿打……打够了吧,现在,死!】 First that this skill, Kane sees knew suitable Lombe. 这技能,凯恩看见的第一眼就知道适合隆贝了。 The withstood injury is higher, the injury that next one strikes is stronger, whom doesn't suit Lombe to suit? 承受的伤害越高,下一击的伤害就越强,不适合隆贝又能适合谁呢? However now they are still studying the new skill, therefore can only first deposit in the warehouse. 不过现在他们还在学习新的技能,所以只能先存放在仓库中了。 Except that 1st consumes Skill Rune, another two are Kane is unuseful, the skill that or will not use. 除了第一个消耗技能石,另外两件都是凯恩不能使用,或者说不会去使用的技能。 Without the means that the Kane skill has become one set of system, a clear road has been placed in his front. 没办法,凯恩的技能已经成了一套体系,一条清晰的路已经摆在了他的面前。 Does not conform to all skills and knowledge on this road, can only be counted the burden regarding Kane. 不符合这条路上的一切技能和知识,对于凯恩来说都只能算作负担。 Now most Skill Rune, can only become his one method, in specific can play the role. 现在大部分的技能石,只能成为他的一种手段,在特定的时候才能发挥出作用。 Most time various condition gains, in addition use of Original Skill. 大部分时间还是各种状态增益,加上本源技能的使用。 After all Kane Original Skill has several Skill Rune additions, various Skill Rune switch over back and forth, to let Kane Original Skill adapt to the different scenes. 毕竟凯恩本源技能可是有着好几项技能石的加成,还有各种技能石来回切换,以让凯恩本源技能适应不同的场景。 Why this was Kane is not loyal to the extraction skill now, skill that extracted, he hoped quite suitable generally they. 这也是凯恩现在为何不太忠于抽取技能了,抽取出来的技能,他一般都希望比较适合克蕾雅他们。 Otherwise feeling of waste. 不然就会有一种浪费的感觉。 Now the Kane need, is actually these increases the body attribute consumption skill. 现在凯恩需要的,反而是那些增加身体属性的消耗型技能。 Skill Rune also extracted, but also is left over 12 Silver Magic Stone. 技能石也抽取了,还剩下12颗银色魔石 These Kane preparations conduct some choices to various extended functions, and some unlocking will come out. 这些凯恩准备对各种扩展功能进行一些取舍,并将其中的一些解锁出来。 Now oneself these soldiers have also entered the association, they can enjoy the addition of gain effect. 现在自己的那些士兵也已经进入了公会,他们就能够享受增益效果的加成。 But now increases the effect on have three types, respectively is the micro increase of strength, system and spirit. 而现在增益效果有三种,分别是力量、体制、精神的微量提升。 In copper color stage. 都处于铜色阶段。 At the soldier of silver stage regarding these, almost without promotion, regarding Kane their functions not to mention. But the next stage is the middle-grade promotion. 对于这些处在银色阶段的士兵来说,几乎没有提升,对于凯恩他们的作用就更不用说了。而下一阶段便是中等的提升。 Them is still in the stage of regarding Kane without too big use. 对于凯恩他们来说依然处于一种没有太大用处的阶段。 However regarding these soldiers, had good enhancement. 但是对于这些士兵,就有非常好的加强了。 The three branches of the family middle-grade promotion, was equivalent put on a promotion attribute small best quality goods equipment. 三属性中等提升,相当于穿上了一件提升属性的小极品装备。 Can be said as regarding the strengthening of soldier visible, does not increase the effect strongly, but was these soldiers is weak. 对于士兵的强化可以说是肉眼可见的,并不是增益效果有多强,而是这些士兵过于弱了。 The direct point operates the gain column, spends three Silver Magic Stone, conducted a promotion each species gain. 直接点开增益栏,花费三颗银色魔石,将每种属性增益都进行了一个升级。 Kane felt the increase of strength instantaneously, although was weak, but can detect by their present body controls. 凯恩瞬间就感觉到了力量的提升,虽然微弱,但以他们现在的身体掌控还是能够察觉到。 Moreover can the obvious feeling, transmit from the position of association seal. 而且非常能够明显的感觉到,是从公会印章的位置传来的。 What Kane did you make?” 凯恩你做了什么吗?” Lombe's voice passed on by far. 隆贝的声音远远的传了过来。 Kane said loudly: „The gain of association.” 凯恩大声说道:“公会的增益。” The soldier, as well as Nona they obviously felt the promotion of physical quality. 外界的士兵,以及波诺娜他们都明显感觉到了身体素质的提升。 Origin also very obvious, is on them the seal position. 来源也非常的明显,便是他们身上印章所处的位置。 And most exaggerating is and Minna, their two are also one of the association, similarly obtains enhancement of gain effect. 其中最夸张的便是米露和米娜,她们两个也是公会的一员,同样获得增益效果的加强。 Playing two people, incautiously directly the tent tearing down, banged into mother's bosom panic-stricken. 正在嬉戏的两人,一不小心直接将营帐给拆掉了,惊恐地撞入了母亲的怀中。 Nona who two children, will almost not have guarded against knocks down. 两个小孩子,差点将没有防备的波诺娜撞倒在地。 Regarding being at the copper color most preliminary two children, such attribute promoted some to be exaggerating. 对于处在铜色最低级的两个小孩子来说,这样的属性提升有些过于夸张了。 Nearby Nona looks at this, sighing slightly. 旁边的波诺娜看着这一幕,微微的叹了口气。 She must in oneself child teach unexpectedly at age 5 their how control force, inexplicable has an absurd feeling. 她居然得在自己孩子5岁的时候就教导她们如何控制力量,莫名的有着一种荒谬感。
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