DSED :: Volume #5

#446: Association hall

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Popular recommendation: After Kane hauls in the association all soldiers completely. 热门推荐:当凯恩将自己所有的士兵全部拉进公会后。 Returned to the central tent again. 再次回到了中央的营帐中。 When lifts to obstruct the arrange/cloth goes, discovers own teammate one much completely in tent. 掀开遮布进去时,发现自己的队友一个不少的全部在营帐中。 As for Nona, should lead own daughter to go out. 至于波诺娜,应该是带着自己的女儿出去了。 Kane, did you invite the association these soldiers completely?” Asked, she roughly can guess correctly the Kane situation. 凯恩,你将那些士兵全部邀请进公会了?”克蕾雅问道,她大致能够猜到凯恩的情况。 Hears issue, Kane to nod, later walked to sit in her side. 听见克蕾雅的问题,凯恩点点头,随后走过去坐在了她的身边。 Crossing was so long, the Li road and Lombe still in the panel of examination association, examine the soldier information that these were just presenting, they cannot see the detailed information. 过了这么久了,莉路路和隆贝还在查看公会的面板,查看着那些刚刚出现的士兵信息,他们也看不见详细的信息。 Even the simple information, still makes them look very unusually. 即使是简易的信息,也让他们看得非常稀奇。 Properly speaking they should ask how the system of Kane this association achieves, but they have not asked the question in this aspect, but default. 按理来说他们早就该问凯恩这公会的系统是怎么做到的,不过他们并没有问这方面的问题,而是默认了。 In the squad everyone's obvious one tacit understanding. 算是小队中大家心照不宣的一种默契。 Kane has not been idling, he opens Book of Ventures, Looks by the extended function to have a new function. 凯恩也没有闲着,他打开【冒险之书】,看着扩展功能旁已经有了一个新的功能。 Association hall 【公会大厅】 A value Bronze Magic Stone expansion column, was the essence of association. 价值一枚铜色魔石的扩展栏目,算是公会的精髓了。 Feels an association , if no hall, is similar this association is a small workshop is the same. 感觉一个公会如果没有大厅的话,就彷佛这公会是个小作坊一样。 When the hall column appears in the Kane front. 当大厅栏目出现在凯恩面前时。 Kane almost exploded the swearing. 凯恩差一点就又爆粗口了。 He knows that possibly so to be how cheap, the association system is really dies to ask for money. 他就知道怎么可能会这么便宜,公会系统真的是死要钱。 The entire hall column, is equivalent to a 3 D three-dimensional room view. 整个大厅栏目,相当于一个3D立体的房间视图。 Can entire see the complete picture of association hall from here. 从这里就可以整个看见公会大厅的全貌。 Can see four square shapes the three-dimensional space, an empty piece, anything does not have. 能够看见一个四方形的立体空间,空荡荡的一片,什么都没有。 But various ornament furniture of three-dimensional space, majority needs Kane to spend magic stone to purchase. 而立体空间的各种装饰家具,大部分都需要凯恩花费魔石来购买。 When the Kane point opens nearby ornament furniture column, the inside all kinds of furniture, each type of furniture can also choose very many styles, each style also has the different colors to match colors, even can the customizing. 凯恩点开旁边的装饰家具栏目,里面各种各样的家具,每种家具还能选择非常多的样式,每种样式还有着不同的颜色配色,甚至可以自定义。 Various decorations, the floor, the lantern are dazzling, have everything expected to find. 各种装饰,地板,灯具琳琅满目,应有尽有。 Only then Kane cannot think that without him cannot achieve. 只有凯恩想不到的,没有他做不到的。 Most ornaments and furniture possibly can also bear, because is almost Bronze Magic Stone. 大部分的装饰品和家具可能都还能够负担,因为几乎都是一颗铜色魔石 The duplication that these furniture unlocking, then can keep places various places in hall. 这些家具解锁了,便能够不停的复制放在大厅里的各处。 Ok, this function is unimportant, what Kane mainly wants to understand is how they to enter the association hall, as well as association hall form that has specifically. 算了,这功能不重要,凯恩主要想要了解的是他们如何进入公会大厅,以及公会大厅的具体存在的形式。 But question mark in side circle, this inside information answered Kane all questions. 而旁边有一个圆圈中的问号,这里面的信息解答了凯恩所有的疑问。 The association hall in a different space, can live. 公会大厅处于一个异空间,是能够让人居住的。 The words that insisted on speaking, were similar to the Li path path fairy tale world, only if Kane is willing to spend magic stone to expand, otherwise the area of association hall was the space area. 硬要说的话,类似于莉路路的童话世界,除非凯恩愿意花费魔石扩展,不然公会大厅的面积就是空间的面积。 The members of association can pass association seal to enter the association hall. 公会的成员都能够通过身上的公会印章进入公会大厅。 The premise must be in a quite safe range, oneself are also a safe condition can enter the association hall. 前提是必须处在一个较为安全的范围内,自身也是一个安全的状况才能够进入公会大厅。 Also cannot in the fight or be in some dangerous situation, to escape to enter the hall of association. 也就是不能在战斗中或者是某种危险的情况下,为了逃命而进入公会的大厅。 The behavior that like this takes advantage of loopholes was not permitted. 这样钻空子的行为不被允许。 Ok, no matter first these, went to have a look to say again. 算了,先不管这些,进去看看再说。 Thinks of here, Kane looks up own teammate asked: Association also hall, are you interested in going to play?” 想到这里,凯恩抬起头看着自己的队友问道:“公会还有一个大厅,你们有没有兴趣进去玩玩?” Association hall? When do you construct?” Lombe's strange question and answer. “公会大厅?你什么时候建好的?”隆贝奇怪的问答。 Hears Lombe's issue, Kane knows he thinks and said that should not be the same situation interpreter said. 听到隆贝的问题,凯恩就知道他想的和自己说的,应该不是同一种情况解释者说道。 What I said is a different dimension space, there was changed to the association hall, we can go at any time.” “我说的是一个异次元空间,那里被改成了公会大厅,我们可以随时进去。” Must go, the Li road must go.” Li path Lufei comes anxious saying, can hear impatient in her voice. “要去,莉路路要去。”莉路路飞过来急切的说道,能够听到她声音中的迫不及待。 Other person of expression also unusual being interested. 其他人表情也非常的感兴趣。 Kane nods, later starts to give them to tell how to enter the association hall. 凯恩点点头,随后开始给他们讲述如何进入公会大厅。 The association hall also is still the Kane operation jurisdiction, 公会大厅也依然是凯恩的操作权限, Which he can be able to enter the trade union hall through the jurisdiction establishment. He even can split up carefully, lets association member limit the entry association hall, even can also make them be able to enter the association hall in what time. 他可以通过权限设置让哪些人能够进入工会大厅。他甚至可以细致分化,让公会成员限制次数的进入公会大厅,甚至还能让他们在什么时间段才能进入公会大厅。 These jurisdictions have not received money, makes Kane feel actually somewhat unusually. 这些权限没有收钱,倒是让凯恩觉得有些稀奇。 Took back the train of thought that how Kane to enter the operation of space to give them. 收回思绪,凯恩将如何进入空间的操作交给了克蕾雅他们。 Is attached to the mark of association with the hand, spends a wee bit charms to conduct an activation, then in the heart meditates to enter the association hall.” “用手附在公会的印记上,花费一丁点的魔力进行一个激活,然后心中默念进入公会大厅。” After saying, Kane continues to remind their matters needing attention grandly: Cannot understanding association hall situation regards as for the means of escaping, when enters the association hall, must be at a safe space, individual must maintain in a safe situation can enter. This must pay attention specially. Where from goes, comes out also the place that will return to you go in treats, if there is an impediment thing, will only translate to side.” 说完后,凯恩继续隆重的提醒着他们一些注意事项:“不能把进入公会大厅这种情况视作为逃生的办法,进入公会大厅时,必须处在一个安全的空间,个人也必须保持在一个安全的情况下才能够进入。这点要特别注意。还有从什么地方进去的,出来的时候也会返回到你进去的时候所待的地点,如果有阻挡物的话,只会向旁边平移。” After Kane told, they nods. 凯恩讲述完后,克蕾雅他们都点点头。 Afterward several people together with the hand according to the place that the seal was, input the charm and meditated in the heart words and expressions that entered the association. 随后几人一起用手按在了印章所在的地方,输入魔力并在心中默念了进入公会的词语。 But these words and expressions, Kane can also change. 而这些词语,凯恩也是能够更改的。 Afterward they disappear instantaneously on the spot. 随后他们瞬间消失在原地。 After Kane they felt oneself entered a space, the surrounding scenery and Kane differ not in a big way in the 3 D block diagram of association hall on Book of Ventures sees. 凯恩他们感觉到自己进入了一片空间后,周围的景色和凯恩冒险之书上看见的公会大厅的3D立体图相差不大。 An empty space, the wall is stone made/system the plastered wall, the under foot is stepping on is also the brown muddy land. 一片空荡荡的空间,墙壁是石制的灰墙,脚下踩着的也是棕色的泥地。 Trim space can look to the end. 整片空间一眼就能望到头。 „Is this association hall?” Lombe cannot help but had the question. “这是公会大厅?”隆贝不由得发出了疑问。 To be honest, if this is the association hall, that some excessively were poor. 说实话,如果这是公会大厅的话,那就有些过分寒酸了。 Said actually: Looks to seem like the bare shell, us to conduct the repair?” 克蕾雅倒是说道:“看着像是毛坯房,是要我们自己进行装修吗?” Really must be. 果然还得是克蕾雅。 Kane nods saying: Now this can only calculate that sets the most primitive semifinished materials example, no matter the rug or the wall and furniture, various types need we to repair.” 凯恩点点头说道:“现在这个只能算做最原始的毛坯样子,不管是地毯还是墙壁以及家具,各种都需要我们自己进行装修。” That resulted in the pick-up point material to be good, otherwise looks like this really uncomfortably.” Lombe drops saying of gu. “那得出去收集点材料才行了,不然这样子看着真难受。”隆贝滴咕的说道。 Here does not accept the material decoration, must me to spend the magic stone repair to be good.” Kane answered. “这里不接受外界的材料装饰,得要我花费魔石装修才行。”凯恩解释道。 Hears the Kane words, everyone cast the vision. 听到凯恩的话,所有人都将目光投了过来。 First said: If the goods and furniture of these decorations have no special function, that takes magic stone to trade, that is not too worth.” 克蕾雅最先说道:“如果这些装饰的物品和家具没有什么特殊功能的话,那拿魔石去换,那就太不值得了。” Own strength is most important, magic stone this thing you are retaining well.” Lombe said. “自身的实力才是最重要的,魔石这东西你还是好好保留着吧。”隆贝说道。 Hears their words, Kane smiles to explain: Does not need to think like this, most ordinary furniture only needed copper color magic stone to be able, but thing majority that Silver Magic Stone exchanged has the special function.” 听到他们的话,凯恩笑了笑做着解释:“不用这样想,大部分普通的家具只需要铜色的魔石就能够了,而银色魔石兑换出来的东西大部分都是有着特殊功能的。” But Kane said these said is also the truth. 凯恩说这些说的也是实话。 The one who hears the need is copper color magic stone, what that is representing the expenditure is they explodes the copper color material that. 听到需要的是铜色的魔石,那就代表着花费的是他们爆出来的铜色材料。 Nod that they understand clearly, that cannot truly be regarded is what too precious thing, is used to trade some furniture and ornaments, has no too major problem. 克蕾雅他们都了然的点点头,那确实算不得上是什么太珍贵的东西,用来换一些家具和装饰品,也没什么太大的问题。 These things after they enter Silver Dungeon has not really lacked. 那些东西在他们进入银色地牢后就真的没有缺过。 Basically hits some small strange times, will blow out several copper color materials. 基本上打一些小怪的时候,都会爆出好几份铜色的材料。 Almost every small strange will only blow out some copper color materials, seeming like giving the Adventurer psychology comfort to be the same. 几乎每只小怪都会爆出些铜色材料,似乎是在给探索者心理安慰一样。 Such situation very universal. 这样的情况非常的普遍。 It looks like each only small strange energy, is not enough to condense some silver equipment and materials, therefore throws some copper color materials. 就像是每只小怪的能量,不足以凝聚出一些银色的装备和材料,所以丢一些铜色的材料。 At least makes Adventurer feel that has not hit white Gong. 至少让探索者感觉没有打白工。 Therefore after Kane they start to explore Silver Dungeon, the copper color material has not really lacked. 所以凯恩他们开始探索银色地牢后,铜色的材料是真没缺过。 Especially this time, that is almost each soldier will blow out at least one copper color material. 特别是这次,那几乎是每个士兵都会爆出至少一个铜色材料。 Sometimes Kane was even disinclined to give magic stone to be able sufficiently. 凯恩甚至有时候都懒得给魔石充能了。 Each time is one big one big throws into blank magic stone the copper color material pile. 每次都是一大把一大把的将空白魔石丢进铜色材料堆中。 Kane thinks then to give them to clear the jurisdiction, their can in these furniture through association seal examination hall. 凯恩想了想便给克蕾雅他们开通了权限,他们这样就能够通过公会印章查看大厅内的那些家具了。 And also toward the treasure house area of warehouse, put in big pile of Bronze Magic Stone, any needs to conduct the expenditure of Bronze Magic Stone in the association, can deduct automatically. 并且还往仓库的宝库区,放入了一大堆的铜色魔石,任何在公会中需要进行铜色魔石的花费,都能自动扣取。 In a while, the entire hall was decorated. 没过多久,整个大厅就被装饰了出来。 First is around the hall wall surface, is one warm yellowish brown color, some probably type of lumber is the same, but also has the fragrance of attractive pattern as well as undulating. 首先便是大厅四周的墙面,是一种温暖的棕黄色,像是某种木材一样,还有着漂亮的花纹以及澹澹的香味。 On the wall surface also hangs a several long tapestry, tapestry above only has a chart tuart, that is the symbol of association. 墙面上还挂着一几条长长的挂毯,挂毯上面只有一种图桉,那就是公会的标志。 On the floor was also laid down the grey frosting ceramic tile, above has some patterns, the words that carefully does not look at could not have looked. 地板上也被铺设上了灰色的磨砂瓷砖,上面有着一些花纹,不仔细看的话还看不出来。 Can the central tavern as association hall, how not have the liquor stage? 身为公会大厅的中央酒馆,怎么能够没有酒台呢? The bar and wine chest that a log makes build, behind the wine chest has filled all kinds of liquor, majority is Lombe's contribution. 一个原木制成的吧台和酒柜边搭建起来,酒柜后面已经排满了各种各样的酒,大部分都是隆贝的贡献。 Behind was separated a big kitchen, inside can simultaneously for 5 chefs to operate together. 后面则被隔成了一个较大的厨房,里面可以同时供五个厨师一起操作。 The side region was also separated to become the toilet, and also the build of these members according to the present squad as well as association made the change. 旁边还有一片区域被隔出来成为了洗漱间,并且还根据现在小队以及公会中的这些成员的体型做了改变。 Afterward is in the middle of the hall all kinds of furniture, these furniture styles are similar, but the style is actually different. 随后便是大厅当中的各种各样的桌椅,这些桌椅风格类似,但是样式却不尽相同。 But to the entire hall illumination is various candles of float sky over hall. 而给整个大厅照明的则是漂浮在大厅上空的各种蜡烛。 These candles are floating in the sky of hall randomly, and color can also change. 这些蜡烛在大厅的上空随机的漂浮着,并且颜色还能够进行改变。 The ceiling of entire association also turned into starry skies. 整个公会的天花板也变成了一片星空。 These all furniture expenditures is copper color magic stone, represents them to have no extremely unusual function. 这些所有的家具花费的都是铜色的魔石,也就代表着他们没有什么太过奇特的功能。 Is the pure attractiveness. 就是单纯的好看。 The people look that the entire hall changes the appearance with their efforts, in the heart cannot help but gushes out a sense of achievement. 众人看着整个大厅在他们的努力下大变样子,心中不由得涌出一种成就感。 Although they have not actually begun, but chooses the repair that wants, after the purchase, can cover automatically in the hall. 虽然他们其实并没有动手,只是选择好想要的装修,购买后就能够自动覆盖在大厅内。 The position size can choose by them, feels like playing a repair to play. 位置大小都可以由他们来选择,感觉像是在玩一款装修游戏。 Since there is an association hall, then the child column of association hall will definitely also appear. 既然有了公会大厅,那么公会大厅的子栏目肯定也会出现。 Kane has almost familiarized the rule that these columns presented. 凯恩差不多已经摸透了这些栏目出现的规则。 Opening Book of Ventures, Really sees + said in highlight in the page of association. 翻开【冒险之书】,在公会的页面上果然看见+在高亮表示。 After the point goes . 点进去后。 Only presented a new thing. 只出现了一个新东西。 Association hall- individual room 【公会大厅-个人房间】 The expansion column that very easy to understand, the hall adds a function to the association, then prepares an own independent room to each association member. 非常容易理解的扩展栏目,给公会大厅添加一个功能,便是给每一位公会成员都准备一个自己的独立房间。 Expenditure magic stone, similarly is 5 Silver Magic Stone. 花费的魔石,同样是五颗银色魔石 This function, is roughly lets Kane they as well as association the members of can have a quite intimate comfortable residence at any time. 这功能,大致就是让凯恩他们以及公会的成员在任何时候都能够有一个比较贴心舒适的住所。 After all every so often, Adventurer when exploring the dungeon has to be in a living outdoors situation. 毕竟很多时候,探索者在探索地牢时都不得不处于一个风餐露宿的情况。 If not Kane Original Skill, their whole time are also this. 如果不是凯恩本源技能的话,他们大部分的时间也是这样。
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