DSED :: Volume #5

#445: The members explode rise

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Popular recommendation: It wants to close Book of Ventures Kane, selects unavoidablily again +, examines the new extended function. 热门推荐:本身想要关闭【冒险之书】的凯恩,不得已又再次点开+,查看新的扩展功能。 The extended function that this time many come out unexpectedly is not the child column, but is a new column. 这次多出来的扩展功能居然不是子栏目,而是一个新的栏目。 Teacher 【教官】 Unexpectedly is exactly the same as the position that just wove, moreover why this new column appears, definitely cannot cut off the relations with Nona. 居然和自己刚刚编织的职位一模一样,而且这新栏目为何出现,也肯定和波诺娜脱不了关系。 Only can say that is really predestined friends. 只能说真是有缘。 The Kane point opens examines this new column the details. 凯恩点开查看这新栏目的详情。 Can this gadget spend 10 magic stone unexpectedly? What serious thing. 这玩意儿居然要花十颗魔石?什么不得了的东西。 The teacher can let Kane draws some techniques and exquisite association members to this position. 教官能让凯恩将一些某种技艺及其精湛的公会成员拉到这个位置上。 All this abilities compared with his low union member, can having the association member of teacher title conduct to ask for advice the learn/study, will obtain this ability the learning speed addition. 所有此能力比其低的工会成员,可以向有教官头衔的公会成员进行讨教学习,将会获得这能力的学习速度加成。 The meaning in other words, Kane can draw to the position of teacher, like his mechanical skill teaches to others time, others can very easy acceptance and learn the knowledge that he teaches. 意思也就是说,凯恩可以将自己拉到教官的位置上,这样他的机械技术传授给别人的时候,别人就能非常容易的接受和学习他传授的知识。 Yalong beta are also likewise same. 同理克蕾雅隆贝他们也一样。 For example Yarra to the position of teacher, making him train the Kane close combat skill. 比如将克蕾雅拉到教官的位置,让他训练凯恩的近战技巧。 So long as then Kane close combat skill one day has not surpassed, he can learn/study to teach to his knowledge crazily. 那么只要凯恩的近战技巧一日没有超过克蕾雅,那他就能疯狂的学习着克蕾雅传授给他的知识。 How this function said, definitely is value price, but cannot see the too big effect in a short time. 这项功能怎么说,肯定是值这个价钱的,只是短时间内看不到太大的效果。 This is the function that a need develops for a long time, the evolution circulation, gradually enhances the union member strength the function. 这是一项需要长时间发展的功能,渐进循环,逐渐提升工会成员实力的功能。 Useful is definitely useful, trades must certainly trade, but those words, in pouch shy, now does not need. 有用是肯定有用的,换也是肯定要换的,但是还是那句话,囊中羞涩,现在不需要。 The emergence of each new function, is to Kane present stage the one shame of wallet. 每一次新功能的出现,都是对凯恩现阶段的钱包的一种羞辱。 Is similar these extended functions to be the same in the speech. 就彷佛这些扩展功能在说话一样。 No money looks at anything to look, compelled not to select poorly quickly. 没钱看什么看,穷逼快别点开了。 Oh, must try hard! 唉,要努力了啊! Kane invited Nona to join the association, actually a project. 凯恩邀请波诺娜加入公会,实则还有一项目的。 He wants to have a look, has not become under the dense fog the illegal resident of people, can join the association, now obtained the accurate answering tuart. 他就想看看,还没有成为迷雾麾下子民的黑户,能不能加入公会,现在获得了确切的答桉。 Nona's detailed information also very luxurious. 波诺娜的详细信息也非常的豪华。 Nona 【波诺娜】 Element shooter 【元素射手】 Rank: Silver 99 【等级:银色99】 Feat of arms: Ambush technique, forest sword dance 【武技:狙击术,森林剑舞】 Demon technique: The element attaches the demon, element trap 【魔技:元素附魔,元素陷阱】 Technique: Cook( intermediate), attaches the demon( intermediate)】( Can conducts permanent to attach demon through various magic materials for item and equipment, can only conduct low rank charm to attach demon.) 【技艺:厨艺(中级),附魔(中级)】(可以通过各种魔法材料为道具和装备进行永久性附魔,只能进行低阶的魔力附魔。) Bloodlines: Sets up essence Bloodlines manufacture that the bloodlines that( in the natural situation, human is impossible to have, conduct artificially. 【血脉:树精】(自然的情况下,人类不可能拥有的血脉,人为进行的血脉制造。 Improves the physique of owner, obtains the enhancement of physique, strength and spirit, and has certain magic aptitude.) 改善拥有者的体质,获得体质、力量和精神的加强,并拥有一定的魔法资质。) Skill standard: Spatial( Has not obtained dense fog approval, in seal.) 【技能格:空】(未获得迷雾认可,封印中。) Original Skill: Spatial( Has not obtained dense fog approval, in seal.) 本源技能:空】(未获得迷雾认可,封印中。) Nona's strength almost can be on par with Adventurer in the outside world, naturally the premise is joined to Nona with her strength equal equipment. 波诺娜的实力几乎在外界都能和探索者比肩了,当然前提是得给波诺娜配上和她实力相等的装备。 However now she is an illegal resident, could not use to equip. 但是现在她还是黑户,使用不了装备。 Many Adventurer, if unloads all equipment to compare the elite in dungeon relied on the hard strength actually to be strangely similar. 许多的探索者,如果卸下所有装备凭硬实力的话相比地牢中的精英怪其实是差不多的。 Adventurer strong on their generally sticking together exploration dungeon, after the strength arrives at the silver, the body is almost various magic equipment. 探索者强就强在他们一般抱团探索地牢,实力到达银色后,身上几乎都是各种魔法装备。 The difference is only the quality of equipment. 区别只是装备的好坏罢了。 But the monster in dungeon, at the most on the weapons or 1-2 equipment is the magic equipment. 而地牢中的怪物,顶天了就武器或者1-2装备是魔法装备。 In the Nona's detailed information, this silver 99 is Kane has not thought. 波诺娜的详细信息中,这个银色99是凯恩没有想到的。 Although he can look at Nona's strength is the silver bottleneck, but has not thought that is such bottleneck. 虽然他能够看出来波诺娜的实力是银色的瓶颈,但也没想到是这样的瓶颈。 This also too bottleneck period. 这也太瓶颈期了。 If this and other Nona regained the freedom, rushes to a dungeon casually, can promote the golden color. 这要是等波诺娜恢复了自由,随便闯个地牢,都能够升级成金色。 Now is equivalent to her only to separate transparent glass to the gold, however the limit as a result of the world, this glass is hard. 现在就相当于她离黄金只隔了一面透明的玻璃,但是由于世界的限制,这面玻璃坚硬无比。 But the golden scenery in her front tentacle may. 但黄金的景色又在她的面前触手可及。 This uncomfortably! Kane thinks unable to bear. 这得多难受啊!凯恩想想都受不了。 But this cannot shoulder Kane in the heart to chuckle now, this is not once the link of the world opens, his association did have a strength of gold level? 但这也扛不住凯恩现在心中窃喜,这不是一旦世界之环开启,他的公会就多出了一个黄金级的战力吗? How can this not happy? 这怎么能让人不高兴呢? Kane went out unable to call his association is the association, can only be called the regiment. 凯恩出去就不能称呼他的公会为公会了,只能叫做战团。 But person who the gold level does not have the influence is few, either joins the big influence, either constructs a regiment. 而黄金级没有势力的人屈指可数,要么加入大势力,要么就自建一个战团。 The person who has not joined the influence, such person is also unlikely to join the Kane association. 还没有加入势力的人,这样的人也不太可能会加入凯恩的公会。 Therefore basically wants to obtain the gold level the strength, Kane they can only train. 所以基本上想要获得黄金级的战力,凯恩他们只能自己培养。 However fortunately, these extended functions of association very good, Kane does not need to be worried about the training issue of member. 不过还好,公会的这些扩展功能都非常的好,凯恩不用担心成员的培养问题。 Since has hauled in the association Nona, Kane also prepares to draw same own subordinate. 既然已经将波诺娜拉进公会了,凯恩也准备将自己的部下一样拉进去。 Became the spirit of freedom, did not draw does not draw white/in vain, and gave loyalty to itself. 都成为自由之灵了,不拉白不拉,而且还效忠自己。 Roshal, goes also there is Callian they completely your sisters called outside.” “罗莎莉,去将你的姐妹还有卡莲她们全部叫到外面。” Hears the Kane words, Roshal nods banged into the cloth of tent toward behind directly, put on. 听到凯恩的话,罗莎莉点点头直接朝后面撞入了营帐的布匹,穿了出去。 In a while, Kane felt that Roshal had other young girl branch of the services to arrive at outside the tent. 没过多久,凯恩就感觉到了罗莎莉带着另外的少女兵种来到了营帐外。 Kane arrives in front of these young girl branch of the services, opens Book of Ventures, To the head pictures of these young girl branch of the services, is inviting the association them one by one one by one. 凯恩来到这些少女兵种面前,打开【冒险之书】,对着这些少女兵种的头像,挨个挨个将她们邀请进了公会。 Do not be flustered, agrees on the line, is I am inviting you.” “不要慌张,同意就行,是我在邀请你们。” After saying, Kane then hears to join the prompt of young blood one after another. 说完后,凯恩便听见一声又一声加入新成员的提示。 Reset two positions. 又重新设置了两个职位。 Maid group Assassin team 【女仆团】【刺客队】 Naturally has not given them what jurisdiction, first establishing, when the function were later many then establishes to them. 当然并没有给她们什么权限,先设置着,等以后功能多了再给她们设置。 The ordinary association member, must certainly separate out with the Kane subordinate. 普通的公会成员,和凯恩的部下当然得区分开来。 These could be the Kane loyal subordinate. 这些都算得上是凯恩忠诚的部下了。 Kane first turns to the association page, having a look at the plus sign to highlight, joins so many members one time, unexpectedly does not have the new function extension, but also is really unusual. 凯恩首先翻到公会页面,看看加号有没有高亮显示,一次性加入这么多成员,居然没有新的功能扩展,还真是稀奇。 Then is the activity of stamping. 然后便是盖章的活动。 Spirit maid regarding and their shape similar inspection lamp symbol unusual liking. 幽灵女仆对于和她们形状差不多的提灯符号非常的喜欢。 Even once thinks that this is Kane has custom-made for them specially. 甚至一度认为这是凯恩专门为她们定制的。 Was happily bad. 高兴坏了。 Finally 10 spirit maids chose and they inspection lamp color same color. 最后十个幽灵女仆选择了和他们自身提灯色彩相同的颜色。 But the dark waiter chooses is exactly the same dark-red, and covered completely under the clothes. 而黑暗侍者选择的全是一模一样的暗红色,并且全部都盖在了衣服下面。 Afterward Kane arrived by the tent of soldiers directly. 随后凯恩直接来到了士兵们的营帐旁。 Make Abbey the soldier of spirit of freedom these to convene completely, Kane prepares to haul in the association everyone one time. 让艾比将那些成为自由之灵的士兵全部召集起来,凯恩准备一次性将所有人都拉进公会。 Now I will invite you to join the association, does not use flustered, nodded assent is OK.” “现在我会邀请你们加入公会,不用慌张,点头同意就可以了。” Said Kane then in Book of Ventures On is inviting one by one. 说完凯恩便在【冒险之书】上挨个挨个的邀请着。 Near the ear also non-stop resounds the young blood to join the prompt that. 耳边也不停的响起新成员加入的提示。 After completing all these, is the activity of stamping. 做完这一切后,又是盖章的活动。 According to fondness of each soldier covers to them in the different places. 根据每个士兵的喜好给他们盖在不同的地方。 Perhaps sees the position that Kane stamped, they also all seal seal on various appearing externally skins. 或许是看见了凯恩盖章的位置,他们也全都将印章印在了各种外露的皮肤上。 They and give loyalty to the object to be proud at the same association regarding themselves. 他们对于自己和效忠对象处在同一个公会而自豪。 Kane starts to examine, their detailed information. 凯恩则开始查看起,他们的详细信息。 Abbey 【艾比】 Bow rider 【弓骑手】 Rank: Silver 51 【等级:银色51】 Feat of arms: The bow and arrow is skilled, soldier sword technique 【武技:弓箭精通,士兵剑术】 Demon technique: The wind element attaches the demon( low level)】( Expenditure charm, micro promotion weapon sharp , to promote attack speed , to promote traveling speed.) 【魔技:风元素附魔(低级)】(花费魔力,微量提升武器锐利度,提升攻击速度,提升移动速度。) Technique: Horse-riding( high-level)】( Warhorse looks like blood brother to be the same, just like even on horseback.) 【技艺:马术(高级)】(战马就像是亲兄弟一样,在马背上犹如平。) Bloodlines: Does not have 【血脉:无】 Skill standard: Spatial( Has not obtained dense fog approval, in seal.) 【技能格:空】(未获得迷雾认可,封印中。) Original Skill: Spatial( Has not obtained dense fog approval, in seal.) 本源技能:空】(未获得迷雾认可,封印中。) Looks at such attribute. 看着这样的属性。 How can I say, expected. 怎么说呢,意料之中吧。 With the Kane impression, Silver Dungeon these main force monsters is almost same. 差不多就和凯恩印象中,银色地牢的那些主力怪物一样。 Adventurer of copper color bottleneck period, depends Original Skill and equipment can fight with these soldiers has to have. 一个铜色瓶颈期的探索者,仗着本源技能和装备都能和这些士兵打的有来有回。 Naturally, Original Skill at least suits of fight. 当然了,本源技能至少得是适合战斗的那种。 Only these soldiers can praise possibly is the physical quality of silver rank, other on does not have any highlight. 这些士兵唯一能够称道的可能就是银色级别的身体素质吧,其他的就没有任何的亮点了。 When he looks around plus sign, really the plus sign shone, joined so many association members one time, definitely obtains some new functions to be good. 当他看一下旁边的加号时,果然加号又亮了起来,一次性加入了这么多的公会成员,肯定得出些新的功能才行。 Although Kane not necessarily buys, but can not have? 虽然凯恩不一定买,但得有不是吗? Has a look also to receive money inadequately? 看看还要收钱不成? The Kane point opens. 凯恩点开。 This time presented three function extensions unexpectedly directly. 这次居然直接出现了三种功能扩展。 And two main columns, are not the child columns. 其中两项还是主要栏目,并不是子栏目。 Association hall Protects to teach the army Store- bottleneck secret medicine 【公会大厅】【护教军】【商店-瓶颈秘药】 First is Association hall, When Kane sees this thinks, always felt association system almost anything, seeing this thing he to feel to the taste. 首先便是【公会大厅】,当凯恩看见这个时才想起来,总感觉公会系统差点什么,看见这东西他就觉得对味了。 Right, an association does not have the hall, this resembles what appearance? 对嘛,一个公会没有大厅,这像什么样子? This function also small advantage extremely, so long as Bronze Magic Stone can the unlocking. 这功能也极其的便宜,只要一颗铜色魔石就能解锁。 How such conscience? Kane inexplicable was vigilant. 怎么这么良心了?凯恩莫名的警惕了一下。 But put out Bronze Magic Stone its unlocking. 但还是拿出了一颗铜色魔石将它解锁。 Perhaps is because this should be a function of comparison foundation, with Gain Same. 或许是因为这应该算是一种比较基础的功能吧,就和【增益】一样。 2nd Protects to teach the army Must spend 5 Silver Magic Stone. 第二个【护教军】要花费五颗银色魔石 But the function of this project, Kane suspected that has custom-made. 而这项目的功能,凯恩怀疑是定制的。 Joining to protect to teach the army first to request is or is association president stays loyal to the association, and gives loyalty. This ordinary will Adventurer, how possibly give loyalty to the association? 加入护教军首先的要求便是对公会或者是会长其中一个保持忠诚,并且效忠。这普通的探索者,怎么可能会效忠于公会呢? It looks like in most Adventurer, the association is one has a common goal to gather together influence. 在大部分的外界探索者看来,公会就是一个志同道合聚在一起的势力。 For everyone together a goal or is one ideal and struggles. 大家一同为了一个目标或者是一个理想而奋斗。 What are more is the friendship and fetters. 更多的是友谊与羁绊。 Rather than the upper and lower layer, is not will give loyalty to such relations. 而非上下级,更不会是效忠这样的关系。 After joining protects to teach the army, can have all kinds of strength rises and functions, after being more concrete much the unlocking to get down, knows. 加入护教军后,能够拥有各种各样的实力提升和功能,具体得完全解锁下来后才知道。 This function extension, before it seems like must leave the dungeon , the unlocking comes out to be good. 这个功能扩展,看来必须得离开地牢之前解锁出来才行。 Last new function extension, is an only sub-item. 最后一项新的功能扩展,则是唯一的一个子项目。 Store- bottleneck secret medicine The name of this thing has indicated the function of this goods. 【商店-瓶颈秘药】这东西的名称就已经表明了这物品的功能。 The expenditure of unlocking similarly is 10 Silver Magic Stone, but Kane thought that can be joined to such expenditure completely. 解锁的花费同样是十颗银色魔石,但凯恩觉得完全是配得上这样的花费的。 His function is, lets the association member 100 breakthrough bottlenecks, but can only use one time. 他的功能便是,让公会成员100突破瓶颈,但只能使用一次。 Must know that Adventurer has the bottleneck, some people can only halt since birth in Tongji, some people halt in the silver rank since birth. 要知道探索者是有瓶颈的,有些人生来就只能止步于铜级,有些人则生来止步于银色级别。 But this secret medicine can make them force to break through one time. 而这秘药就能让他们强制突破一次。 If Kane lets out this news, joins the person of his association, will then be stranded by these in the person of bottleneck period steps on the rotten threshold. 如果凯恩将这个消息放出去的话,加入他公会的人,便会被那些困在瓶颈期的人踩烂门槛。 He even can become the regiment with the largest number of people. 他甚至可以一跃成为人数最多的战团。 secret medicine the purchase is not exaggerating, the copper level wants to rise the silver, only needed to spend Silver Magic Stone enough. 秘药的购买也并不夸张,铜级想要升到银色,就只需要花费一颗银色魔石就够了。 The silver promotes to the golden color likewise, golden magic stone. 银色升级到金色同理,一颗金色魔石 Why will present such commodity? 为何会出现这样的商品? Kane thinks that should be in the association, the aptitude limited person was certain quantity. 凯恩认为应该是公会中,资质有限的人达到了一定的数量。 But was these people are also self-evident. 而是那些人也已经不言而喻了。
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