DSED :: Volume #5

#444: Joining of military officer

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Popular recommendation: In a piece of jet black tent. 热门推荐:一片漆黑的营帐内。 Kane rests on the body of cotton candy, cotton candy that soft comfort level, lets expression unusual enjoyment on Kane face. 凯恩睡在棉花糖的身上,棉花糖那柔软的舒适度,让凯恩脸上的表情异常的享受。 Turned over a body in the darkness, dug out the back to continue to fall asleep. 在黑暗中翻转了一下身体,抠了抠后背继续睡着。 Sound that outside of tent, the soldiers go on patrol once for a while transmits from the surroundings, but this is not enough to affect the Kane sleep. 营帐的外面,士兵们巡逻的声音时不时的从周围传来,但是这并不足以影响凯恩的睡眠。 But these most soldiers, was yesterday's midnight comes back, therefore the present is the rest time, does not need to conduct the daily drill. 而这些大部分的士兵,又都是昨天半夜回来,所以现在是休息的时候,并不需要进行每日的操练。 After all their yesterday's rapid march most of the day, midnight time returns to the big camp, today also does not have the matter to do, the good time of having a long lazy sleep. 毕竟他们昨天急行军了大半天,半夜的时候才返回大营地,今天又没有事情做,正是睡懒觉的好时候。 Kane felt that has a long lazy sleep this custom to follow him for a lifetime, was really crisp. 凯恩感觉睡懒觉这个习惯会伴随他一辈子,实在是太爽了。 But the cotton under his body, is to also close one's eyes to have the snoring at this time, as if this period of time made him also somewhat tired. 而他身下的棉花,此时也是闭着眼睛打着呼噜,似乎这段时间让他也有些劳累了。 The sound that the surrounding patrol soldier makes, circled one after another. 周围巡逻士兵发出的声响,绕了一趟又一趟。 Bang!” “砰!” Together the form, dragging the rainbow color path to crash in the tent. 一道身影,拖着彩虹色的轨迹冲进了营帐内。 A erectness in Kane not far away, sits Youyou on stage, opened the red eye keenly, later immediately scans to come the person, the red light to turn into the blue light. 一直立在凯恩不远处,坐台上的悠悠,敏锐的睁开了红色的眼睛,随后立刻扫描到了来人,红光又变成了蓝光。 That form Li path path. 那身影正是莉路路。 She crashes in the earliest possible time in tent to fly toward this Kane, stood in the body of Kane, grabbed his collar to keep swaying. 她冲进营帐内的第一时间就朝这凯恩飞去,站在了凯恩的身上,抓着他的衣领不停地摇晃着。 Kane, awakes quickly, awakes quickly!” 凯恩,快醒醒,快醒醒!” Kane unclear lake opened the eye, hears the Li path path shouting flash to let out own sensation, however has not detected what difference. 凯恩迷迷湖湖的睁开了眼睛,听到莉路路的呼喊一瞬间就将自己的感知放出去,然而并没有察觉到什么异样。 Worn out saying: Does Li path path, on early in the morning.” 有气无力的说道:“干嘛莉路路,大早上的。” Kane do not rest , was about Li path path to have the matter to at noon look for you.” 凯恩不要睡了,都中午了,快起来莉路路有事要找你。” He has a yawn to crawl to set out: Good, I got up, you go out my, I wash.” 他打个哈欠爬起身来:“好,我起来了,你出去等我一下,我洗漱一下。” Looks that Kane truly set out, Li path path then feels relieved flew. 看着凯恩确实起身了,莉路路这才放心的飞了出去。 After Kane washes comes out, looks up the sky, at this time Sun soon approached the crack of top of the head, it seems like truly not early, 凯恩洗漱完出来后,抬头看着天空,此时太阳都快要临近头顶的破洞了,看来确实是不早了, Has the yawn to walk toward the center big tents of their region, saw from afar by a spirit maid is pulling two small forms. 打着哈欠朝着他们这片区域的中央大营帐走去,远远的看见了正被一个幽灵女仆牵着走来的两个小身影。 „Does Lumina you also awake?” “米露米娜你们也才醒吗?” Un, does Elder Brother Kane also awake?” “嗯,凯恩哥哥也才睡醒吗?” Mother came back, otherwise can also rest.” “妈妈回来了,不然的话米露还能睡。” Kane is smiling the squatting down body, hugs these two little fellows, walks toward the big tent. 凯恩笑着蹲下身体,一手一个将这两个小家伙抱起来,朝着大营帐走去。 When arrives at big tent outside, transmits Lombe on hearing in their voice. 来到大营帐外面时,就听见里面传来隆贝他们的声音。 Lumina helps Kane lift the gate arrange/cloth of tent, making Kane walk. 米露米娜帮凯恩掀开营帐的门布,让凯恩走了进去。 Mom!” 2 “妈妈!”二 Two little fellows shout loudly, Kane gave Nona them with a smile. 两个小家伙大声喊道,凯恩笑着将她们递给了波诺娜。 Afterward arrives at side to sit down, looks that Li path path asked: Is so early, asking me to do?” 随后来到克蕾雅身旁坐下,看着莉路路问道:“这么早,叫我过来干什么?” Is this, this, Li path path also wants.” Before Li path Luzhi Krey , the inspection lamp chart tuart of thigh said. “就是这个,这个,莉路路也想要。”莉路路指着克雷雅前大腿的提灯图桉说道。 Lombe was also crooked at this time the neck, is examining on the face of Kane, finally points at his neck saying: Good brothers, on your neck also to have this chart tuart.” 隆贝这时候也歪着脖子,在凯恩的脸上查看着,最后指着他的脖子说道:“好兄弟,你脖子上也有这个图桉呀。” Kane left neck and collar bone connected place, also has the chart tuart of inspection lamp, moreover gradation peaceful golden color. 凯恩左边的脖子和锁骨相连的地方,也同样有着提灯的图桉,而且还是渐变的澹金色。 Although this chart tuart seal is not meaningful to him, but as an association president , if not cover the seal of association, that too does not make sense. 虽然这图桉印章对他来说没有什么意义,但身为会长如果身上不盖上公会的印章的话,那也太不像话了。 Therefore Kane on the lid in that position, just others can also see. 所以凯恩就盖在了那个位置,刚好别人也能看见。 Looks at the people, Kane used a charm slightly, that neck the position on inspection lamp chart tuart center flame, starts to send out the golden light of undulating toward the surroundings. 看着众人,凯恩稍微用了一点魔力,那脖子上的提灯图桉中心火苗的位置,开始朝周围散发着澹澹的金光。 Li path path also wants.” A Li path path twinkle appeared on the shoulder of Kane, is holding his neck pitiful saying. “莉路路也想要。”莉路路一个闪烁出现在了凯恩的肩膀上,抱着他的脖子可怜兮兮的说道。 Does not have the issue, has, this is the chart tuart of our association, when my a while, I first haul in the association you together.” “没问题,都有都有,这是我们公会的图桉,等我一会儿,我先将你们一起拉进公会。” Said that Kane called Book of Ventures, Later by each of them's head picture, 说完凯恩唤出了【冒险之书】,随后在他们每个人的头像旁边, Invited the association them. After completing, immediately says: „The information that in your brains presents is I invites you again, do not agree to be OK flustered.” 将他们邀请进了公会。做完后立刻说道:“你们脑中出现的信息就是我再邀请你们,不要慌张同意就可以了。” Just wants to ask that Lombe of this issue they closed the mouth, agreed with the invitation. 正想问这个问题的隆贝他们闭上了嘴巴,同意了邀请。 Now you can choose the color of chart tuart and wants seal in the position.” Kane is saying, in the hand also presented association seal. “现在你们可以选图桉的色彩和想要印在的位置了。”凯恩说着,手中还出现了公会印章器。 Li path path arrives at the Kane front immediately, referred to the position of thigh: Li road must print here.” 莉路路立刻来到凯恩的面前,指了指自己大腿的位置:“莉路路要印在这里。” Nods, build of association seal reduction on Kane to suiting Li path path. 点点头,凯恩手上的公会印章器缩小到适合莉路路的体型。 Chart tuart that the race size different needs naturally also different, this point seal has considered, it can change the size. 种族的大小不同所需要的图桉当然也不同,这一点印章器早就考虑到了,它是可以变化大小的。 Afterward to the Li path path thigh position according to getting down. 随后对着莉路路的大腿位置按下去。 What color wants?” “想要什么颜色?” Rainbow color, the Li road wants the rainbow color.” “彩虹色,莉路路要彩虹色。” Ok.” “行。” With flooding into of charm, the gem transformation is Iridescent. 随着魔力的涌入,宝石变换为彩色 Before long completed, the Li path path thigh position has a rainbow color inspection lamp mark, the rainbow color color while keeping transforming, but also is sending out the ray. 不一会儿就完成了,莉路路的大腿位置有着一个彩虹色的提灯印记,彩虹色的颜色在不停变换的同时,还散发着光芒。 The Li road has rushed to front of Lumina to show off. 莉路路已经跑到米露米娜面前去炫耀去了。 Where Lombe do you want what position? Wants what color.” Kane arrives at side Lombe to ask. “隆贝你要安在什么位置?要什么颜色。”凯恩来到隆贝身旁问道。 Lombe looks that everyone will attempt tuart seal in the conspicuous position, after pondering a while, said: Then after the position of lid to my ear, wants a copper color.” 隆贝看着大家都将图桉印在了显眼的位置,思考了一会儿后说道:“那就盖到我耳后的位置,要个铜色的吧。” Because Lombe needs often to put on the heavy/thick armor, does not have the words of helmet, only then this position will reveal. 由于隆贝需要时常穿着厚重的铠甲,不带头盔的话,也就只有这个位置会显露出来。 Cannot print on the face. 总不能印在脸上吧。 Kane nods, before long after swelling bel, and drew close to the place of neck to have a copper color inspection lamp chart tuart. 凯恩点点头,不一会儿隆贝耳后和贴近脖子的地方有了一个铜色的提灯图桉。 This position does not hinder Lombe to use, but must raise hand to search slightly can touch. 这个位置也不妨碍隆贝使用,只是要稍微举手探一探就能摸到。 Finally is Medsker. 最后便是梅兹克。 He extended oneself on right hand directly, hints own back of the hand saying: Grey.” 他直接将自己的上右手伸了出来,示意着自己的手背说道:“灰色。” Kane nods, later in Medsker on the back of the hand of right hand then had a gray chart tuart. 凯恩点点头,随后梅兹克上右手的手背上便有了一个灰色的图桉。 After Kane completes all these, he sees the goods in entire tent the reduction of keeping. 凯恩做完这一切后,他就看见整个营帐内的物品在不停的减少。 In the Li road and Lombe hand, present the ray before long, turns into the sunspot suction the thing. 莉路路和隆贝手上,不一会儿就出现光芒,变成黑点将东西吸走。 Looks at all these, Kane helpless shaking the head: Do not play, I open the jurisdiction to you.” 看着这一切,凯恩无奈的摇摇头:“别玩了,我给你们开权限。” Was saying he then opened Book of Ventures, reset a position. 说着他便打开了冒险之书,又重新设置了一个职位。 Senior statesman 【元老】 And opens to them the jurisdiction. 并将权限都给他们打开。 Before long hears Lombe they to shout and wrangle: Good brothers, this is also interesting.” 不一会儿就听见隆贝他们大呼小叫:“好兄弟,这也太有意思了。” Saw only them to launch the panel in a place casually, obtained to put out the thing from inside. 只见他们随便在一个地方就展开了面板,从里面将东西拿进拿出。 Li groups of can invite the elder sisters to come.” “莉路路可以邀请姐姐们进来耶。” Although Li road rumor, but she has not acted, but same played the warehouse with Lombe. 虽然莉路路说着,但她并没有行动,而是和隆贝一样玩起了仓库。 Compares the space equipment, but were many function of automatic sorting, is so fun? 相比空间装备,只是多了个自动分类的功能,有这么好玩儿吗? Kane looks at their exciting vigor, it seems like for a short time they will not stop. 凯恩看着他们的兴奋劲儿,看来一时半会儿他们是不会消停的。 He is just about to close Book of Ventures When saw + to present the ray, explained that also had the new extended function. 他正要关上【冒险之书】时,就看见+又出现了光芒,说明又有新的扩展功能了。 The point goes in the examination. 点进去查看。 Store -bb machine 【商店-BB机】 A new commodity that increases to the store, can give the information mutually, each BB machine has the respective serial number. 给商店添加的一个新商品,可以互相传递信息,每个BB机都有着各自的编号。 However can only give the character information, must be in the same space, in other words or in same dungeon, either outside dungeon. 不过只能传递字符信息,必须处在同一空间内,也就是说要么在同一个地牢,要么就在地牢外面。 According to the distance that must transmit is different, time difference in 10 minutes to 1 second. 根据要传递的距离不同,时间差在十分钟到一秒钟不等。 This extended function purchase needs to spend 3 Silver Magic Stone. 这个扩展功能购买需要花费三颗银色魔石 After the purchase, similarly is can only the association members use, the moon/month trades the price is 10 Bronze Magic Stone. 购买后同样是只能公会成员使用,月换价格为十颗铜色魔石 Now has no big using, after all entire association also on these 5 people of their squad, after entry dungeon, rich said again. 现在没什么大用,毕竟整个公会也就他们小队的这五人,通关地牢后有钱再说。 Kane is preparing to close Book of Ventures, Thinks suddenly anything looks around Nona, thinks that exchanged one from store Contract scroll. 凯恩正准备关上【冒险之书】,忽然又想到了什么看着旁边的波诺娜,想了想从商店处兑换了一张【契约卷轴】。 The contract scroll is a parchment of a4 size, on the parchment is printing the chart tuart of association. 契约卷轴是一张a4大小的羊皮纸,羊皮纸上印着公会的图桉。 Above writes association president Kane, inviting you to join the association. 上面写着会长凯恩,邀请您加入公会。 The inviters agreed, needs to sign the name below blank, must use the charm signature. 邀请者同意后需要在下方的空白处签上名字,必须用魔力签字。 Nona is the spirit of freedom, this matter, Nona has not concealed as we all know. 波诺娜是自由之灵,这件事大家都知道,波诺娜也没有隐瞒。 She they have also inquired this world and situation to Kane. 她还向凯恩他们打听过这个世界以及外界的情况。 Arrives in front of Bolona, Kane handed over the parchment: Nona, I invited you to join my association, you also know that this world must be swallowed by the dense fog, how long you could not want to escape from the fetter of this dungeon, the retrieval freedom, when the time comes you probably needed my help.” 来到波洛娜面前,凯恩将羊皮纸递了过去:“波诺娜,我邀请你加入我的公会,你也知道这世界要被迷雾吞噬了,要不了多久你们就能逃脱这地牢的束缚,重获自由,到时候你可能需要我的帮助。” Believes me, outside is not quieter than the dungeon.” “相信我,外面并不比地牢平静。” Kane has not spoken, Nona they retrievals freely means opening of link of the world. 凯恩并没有说话,波诺娜她们重获自由就意味着世界之环的开启。 When the time comes, at the scene with this dungeon also has no too big difference. 到时候,和这地牢里的情景也没有什么太大的区别。 Naturally, I will join.” Nona has not made the ponder, agreed to the proposition of Kane. “当然,我会加入的。”波诺娜并没有多做思考,就同意了凯恩的提议。 Received the Kane parchment, spent the charm to sign own name in the blank. 接过凯恩的羊皮纸,花费魔力在空白处签下了自己的名字。 That moment when the name signs, the parchment changed into the flying ash to enter the body of Kane, flowed position Book of Ventures. 当名字签下的那一刻,羊皮纸化为了飞灰进入了凯恩的身体,流向的位置正是【冒险之书】。 „, Where needs in seal the mark of association.” Kane takes up association seal, asked with a smile. “那么,需要在什么地方印上公会的标记呢。”凯恩拿起公会印章器,笑着问道。 Here, wants the green , like our hair.” “就这里吧,要绿色,和我们的头发一样。” Nona points at the shoulder of oneself left hand, Nona's left hand had not been carrying shoulder armor, the skin is exposes, only then on the arm wears the fingernail. 波诺娜指着自己的左手的肩膀,波诺娜的左手一直是没有携带肩甲的,皮肤都是裸露出来,只有手臂上戴着手甲。 She uses the left hand to draw, shoulder armor will affect her operation. 她用左手拉弓,肩甲会影响她的操作。 Kane nods, printed the green mark of inspection lamp on her left shoulder. 凯恩点点头,在她的左肩上印下了提灯的绿色标记。 Mother quite attractive, I also want.” “妈妈这个好好看,我也要。” I also want, I also want.” “我也要,我也要。” Two little fellows look that oneself mother had this attractive mark, was not instantaneously happy, in the tent they do not have now probably. 两个小家伙看着就连自己的妈妈就有了这种漂亮的印记,瞬间不高兴了,现在营帐里好像就她们没有。 Looking like everyone pushed aside their two was the same. Nona looks up Kane. 就像是大家将她们两个排挤了一样。波诺娜抬头看着凯恩 Kane nods, but his not again purchase contract scroll, but reset a position. 凯恩点点头,但是他并没有再购买契约卷轴,而是重新设置了一个职位。 Teacher 【教官】 Opened to this position invited others to add the association and jurisdiction of warehouse cargo area. 给这个职位开启了邀请别人加入公会和仓库货物区的权限。 The warehouse was divided into three districts by Kane, biggest is the warehouse district, mainly deposits various types of commodities, the clothing tent that the water and food as well as warm up. 仓库被凯恩分为了三个大区,最大的便是仓库区,主要存放各种物资,水和食物以及取暖的衣物帐篷等。 Equips the area and treasure house. 还有装备区以及宝库。 Was right, forgot saying that Kane had turned into 300300300 square spaces the warehouse. 哦对了,忘了说了,凯恩已经将仓库变成了300300300的正方形空间。 Such volume is big enough, naturally spent Kane many Bronze Magic Stone and Silver Magic Stone. 这样的体积已经足够大了,当然花费了凯恩不少的铜色魔石和一颗银色魔石 The words that also wants to expand need to spend many Silver Magic Stone. 还想扩大的话就需要花费更多的银色魔石 But the equipment that the equipment that these they cannot use, spare is not continually threw into the equipment area completely. 而那些他们用不上的装备,连备用都算不上的装备全部丢进了装备区。 The accessory weapons of some small best quality goods, with having the equipment of good skill, were placed the treasure house. 一些小极品的饰品武器,和有着不错技能的装备,则被放在了宝库。 With opening of Kane jurisdiction, Nona also as if understood. 随着凯恩权限的开启,波诺娜也彷佛理解了。 Her was saying to the side two daughters: Agrees with mother's invitation.” 她对着自己身旁的两个女儿说道:“同意妈妈的邀请。” And Minna nod. 米露和米娜点点头。 This 1st time is Kane saw others to invite the person to enter the association. 这还是凯恩第一次看见别人邀请人进公会。 In the instantaneous association presented and Minna's name, their strengths are the copper color dots. 瞬间公会里面就出现了米露和米娜的名称,她们的实力是铜色的圆点。 Good, but also is really advantageous. 好嘛,还真是得天独厚。 After all has not met the copper color strength requirements, but also cannot enter the association. 毕竟没有达到铜色的实力要求,还进入不了公会。 Covers to two little fellows with their mothers is the same the seal with. 给两个小家伙盖上和她们妈妈一样同款的印章。 Simultaneously association page +, shone the ray again. 同时公会页面的+,再次亮起了光芒。 What's the matter? Extended function one after another. 怎么回事?扩展功能一个接一个的。 However oneself buy and cannot afford, can only the eye addiction. 但是自己买又买不起,只能过过眼瘾。
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