DSED :: Volume #5

#443: Close combat altar

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Popular recommendation: In the morning around the tent transmitted the clear bird cry, a night of insect called is also stopping suddenly at this moment. 热门推荐:清晨营帐周围传来了清脆的鸟鸣,一夜的虫鸣也在此刻戛然而止。 In the entire camp, the soldiers also start to get out of bed are doing the respective matter one after another, earliest is and soldier of patrol conducts the changing shifts. 整个营地内,士兵们也开始起床陆陆续续干着各自的事情,最早的便是和巡逻的士兵进行换班。 But at this time Sun has also raised. 而此时太阳也已升起。 Most soldiers started the daily morning exercise. 大部分的士兵开始了每日的晨练。 The sound and uniform howling that the armor collides, spread in the entire military compound. 铠甲碰撞的声音以及整齐划一的吼叫声,在整个军营里蔓延开来。 But Kane also in this sound moved opened the eye. 凯恩也在这一声声响动中睁开了眼睛。 Sets out, washed simply, then left the tent. 起身,简单的洗漱了一下,便离开了营帐。 Even rests, besides the heavy/thick armor, other clothing must put on, whenever will envy Original Skill at this time. 即使是休息,除了厚重的铠甲外,其他的衣物都要穿好,每当这个时候就会羡慕克蕾雅的本源技能 When arrives at outside has seen in the neat soldier, she is achieving the rewiring knight of bottleneck to select completely these strengths. 来到外面时已经看见克蕾雅在规整士兵,她正在将那些实力达到了瓶颈的重装骑士全部挑出来。 Mainly to seek for the altar to promote a while, after all group in the front not far away of this camp. 主要是为了等会儿去寻找祭坛晋升,毕竟集团就在这营地的前方不远处。 Came, naturally must rise a level to be good while convenient. 来都来了,当然得顺便升个级才行。 Moreover their routes have been completed, the way forward was also prevented by that river. 而且他们的路线已经完成了,前进的道路也被那条大河阻挡。 Needs to return to the big camp to conduct the next wave of rotation. 需要回到大营地进行下一波的轮换。 First conducts a promotion the soldier before going back, this can also reduce the losses of these soldiers with every effort. 在回去之前先将士兵进行一个升级,这样也能尽力的减少这些士兵的损失。 After all the successful battle comes, was not easy to the bottleneck, because if loaf for a while, but does not have to promote, the next fight died, that was extremely a pity. 毕竟一路胜仗过来,到了瓶颈也不容易,如果因为一时偷懒而没有进行升级,下一场战斗死亡了的话,那就太过可惜了。 How? Did the soldier who must promote elect?” Kane had a yawn, slow Youyou arrived by to ask. “克蕾雅怎么样?要升级的士兵选出来完了吗?”凯恩打了个哈欠,慢悠悠的来到了克蕾雅旁边问道。 Nods saying: Has elected, can pass.” 克蕾雅点点头说道:“已经选完了,可以过去了。” Listens to words, Kane to nod, later put out a hand according to clamp in own ruby lead(er). 听完克蕾雅的话,凯恩点点头,随后伸手按在了自己的红宝石领夹上。 The charm transmits the ruby, Kane starts to pass on the information with Lombe. 魔力传输进红宝石内部,凯恩开始和隆贝传着信息。 Lombe us prepared, did you draw near?” “隆贝我们这边准备好了,你快到了吗?” Because them leaves the position that the altar to be nearer, moreover they also are completely the cavalries, therefore makes Lombe they advance. 因为他们这边离祭坛所在的位置更近,而且他们还都全部是骑兵,所以让隆贝他们先行过去。 Will draw near, the good brothers you to come?” “就快到了,好兄弟你们过来了吗?” We came.” “我们过来了。” Kane subconscious saying, although they have not started to go out of the camp. 凯恩下意识的说道,虽然他们还没有开始走出营地呢。 „, That is good.” “哦,那就好。” After hanging up, Kane then leads the soldier who is electing to rush toward the camp outside with. 挂断后,凯恩便和克蕾雅带着选出来的士兵朝着营地外奔去。 Youyou in the front withstand/top the propeller to fly, is directing the way forward for them. 悠悠在前方顶着螺旋桨飞行着,为他们指引着前进的道路。 Because them leaves the position of altar to be near, in a while must reach the destination that the altar is. 由于他们这边离祭坛的位置非常近,没过多久就要到达祭坛所在的目的地了。 But by far, saw Lombe they, is going round and round in that place. 而远远的,也看见了隆贝他们,正在那地方绕来绕去。 The hoofbeat that Kane they come also alarmed Lombe they, they are waving toward Kane. 凯恩他们过来的马蹄声也惊动了隆贝他们,他们正朝着凯恩挥挥手。 Kane just stopped by them, Lombe runs over to ask: Good brothers, that map to give wrong? How not to see like previous that altar.” 凯恩刚停在他们旁边,隆贝就跑了过来问道:“好兄弟,那地图是不是给错了呀?怎么没有看见像上次一样的那种祭坛。” Hears Lombe's issue, Kane knows that they are also definitely same as previous are looking for the altar. 听到隆贝的问题,凯恩就知道他们肯定也和上次自己们一样在找着祭坛。 Mentions arrives at Kane not to know now why these altars bewildered was hidden. 说起来到现在凯恩还不知道为什么这些祭坛会莫名其妙的被隐藏起来。 Is because after the dungeon stakes everything on a single throw of the dice, using some simple riddle topics to hide to increase the difficulty the altar? 是因为地牢孤注一掷后,用了一些简单的谜题将祭坛隐藏起来增加难度吗? Said because of other conditions. 还是说是因为其他的状况。 After all if the dungeon will does, that explained that this dungeon has certain wisdom, rather than depends on an instinct of mold lake to act. 毕竟如果是地牢意志干得,那就说明这地牢有着一定的智慧,而不是靠着一种模湖的本能行动。 However now this dungeon is swallowed quickly, has not seen him to have too surpasses the operation of instinct. 但是现在这地牢都快被吞噬了,也没有看见他有太多超出本能的操作。 The information is too deficient cannot think through, first put down said again. 信息太缺乏也想不通,先放下再说。 That is because the altar was hidden, required the spend some time to find, the map has not had problems.” “那是因为祭坛被隐藏起来了,要花点时间找到才可以,地图并没有出问题。” Hears the explanation of Kane, Lombe then nods, in the heart cannot help but relaxes. He also thinks that they ran mistakenly, white to come. 听到凯恩的解释,隆贝这才点点头,心中不由得松了一口气。他还以为他们跑错了,白来一趟。 white to come a matter is small, if finds fault road matter to be known by Li path path, that was uncomfortable. 白来一趟事小,如果找错路这件事被莉路路知道的话,那就让人难受了。 She will definitely ridicule herself taking advantage of this matter before oneself crazily, 她肯定会借着这件事在自己面前疯狂的嘲笑自己, Regarding this matter, the Li road will not be polite. This is the reason that he relaxes. 对于这种事情,莉路路可不会客气。这才是他松了一口气的原因。 Then, in the hand of Kane condensed the silver compass, Skill Rune of this skill when coming to have been cut by Kane. 说完,凯恩的手中凝聚出了银色的罗盘,这技能的技能石在来时就已经被凯恩切换了上去。 Looks appearance Lombe who this compass they knows Kane must do, the number of times that although after all this thing Kane uses are few, but made the profound impression on them each time. 看着这罗盘的样子隆贝他们就知道凯恩要干什么,毕竟这东西虽然凯恩用的次数少,但每次都给他们留下了深刻的印象。 It can be said that came out to help them be busy each time. 可以说每次出来都帮了他们大忙。 Is following the indicator, finally arrived by the small sands of not far away. 跟随着指针,终于来到了不远处的一片小沙地旁。 Looks that after going forward a step, indicator to reverse immediately, Kane knew the position in own under foot. 看着前进一步后指针立刻反转,凯恩就知道位置就在自己的脚下了。 Where periphery looks has looks strangely.” “找找周围有没有什么地方看着奇怪。” Kane is saying, then looks around in the surroundings with, their two have certain experience. 凯恩说着,便和克蕾雅在周围张望起来,他们两个已经有了一定的经验。 Lombe somewhat has doubts: Strange matter?” 隆贝有些疑惑:“奇怪的事情?” But looks besides him, everyone has looked around in the surroundings, inquired that embarrassed again also follows to examine everywhere, although he does not know what must look is anything. 但看着除了他以外,所有人都已经在周围张望起来,也就不好意思再询问也跟着四处查看,虽然他也不知道要找的是什么东西。 What can the strange thing be? Lombe looks up the sky. 奇怪的东西会是什么呢?隆贝抬头看着天空。 Pitch-black clouds, from ground very near, has fluttered from his head. 一朵乌黑的云朵,距离地面非常的近,从他的脑袋上飘过。 Appearance that yeah, this cloud how must fall. 哎,这云怎么一副要掉下来的样子。 In Lombe's brain flashes through this thought that his body started to have the change. 当隆贝的脑中闪过这道念头时,他的身上开始出现了变化。 Three loyalty appeared in his top of the head, his body also presented a light iron armor, a tall and slender iron needle is extending from his back upwardly. 三颗红心出现在了他的头顶,他的身上也出现了一层薄薄的铁质护甲,一根细长的铁针从他的背后向上延伸着。 But that low dark cloud in sky, has started the thunder clouds to be billowing, exuded bang the sound. 而天空中的那朵低矮的乌云,已经开始雷云滚滚,发出了轰隆的响声。 Kane they also discovered such condition immediately. 凯恩他们也在第一时间发现了这样的状况。 Looks the appearance that a Lombe face compels ignorant, Kane tells him immediately: You had triggered the altar decipher flow.” 看着隆贝一脸懵逼的样子,凯恩立刻告诉他:“你已经触发了祭坛解密的流程。” Lombe looks at oneself, immediately says: But I do not know that must do! How now should I do?” 隆贝看着自己的这一身,立刻说道:“可是我不知道要干什么呀!现在我该怎么做?” Kane is observing his present appearance, as well as thunder clouds billowing dark cloud in sky. 凯恩观察着他现在的样子,以及天空中的雷云滚滚的乌云。 Your head has three loyalty, the body also has one to direct the thunder same iron needle, should be other in sky meets downward the lightning, you must pay attention to avoid, only have three opportunities.” “你头上有三颗红心,身上又有着一根引雷一样的铁针,应该是等一下天空中会向下噼闪电,你要注意躲避,只有三次机会。” This a series of outward appearances, unify should with near perfect that Kane thinks, because expressed very obvious. 这一系列的外观,结合起来应该和凯恩想的八九不离十,因为表达的非常的明显。 The Kane words just said, arrived at the lightning. 凯恩的话刚说完,一到闪电就噼了下来。 But the Kane words had also entered in Lombe's ear, he wants to avoid toward side in a flash. 凯恩的话也已经进入了隆贝的耳朵里,他一瞬间就想要朝旁边躲避。 However the lightning as if has certain range, on him directing thunder needle, attracting the lightning is crooked on his body. 然而闪电似乎有着一定的范围,他身上的引雷针,吸引着闪电歪斜着噼在了他的身上。 A special effect of unusual computer game appeared on his body. 一种非常电子游戏的特效出现在了他的身上。 Flash, Lombe becomes transparent, and revealed skeleton. 噼中的一瞬间,隆贝就变得透明,并且显露出了身上的骨架。 Whole person rapid transforms between the skeleton and physical body back and forth, appears very exaggerating, but also sends out to incite the loud lightning sound. 整个人迅速的在骨架和肉体之间来回转换,显得非常的夸张,还发出滋滋响的闪电声。 However such situation only continued for three seconds. 不过这样的情形只持续了三秒钟。 Lombe then falls from the float condition in the ground, head red star also reduced one. 隆贝便从悬浮的状态掉落在地面,头上的红星也减少了一颗。 The hair of whole person assumes the shape of explosion, burned black of face, in the mouth also coughed dark clouds. 整个人的头发都呈爆炸的形状,一脸的焦黑,口中还咳嗽出了一朵黑云。 Good...... good hemp!” “好……好麻!” Lombe pays attention to make your behind that direct thunder needle, as far as possible far away from range that the lightning gets down, even if otherwise evaded, if directs the thunder needle to be near by the lightning, should still introduce your body the lightning.” “隆贝注意让你身后的那根引雷针,尽量的远离闪电噼下来的范围,不然就算躲过了,如果引雷针挨着闪电较近的话,也会将闪电引入你的身体。” Lombe Station patted the body, is nodding to Kane. 隆贝站起来拍了拍身上,对着凯恩点点头。 Afterward the brow tight wrinkle, serious is staring at the sky. 随后眉头紧皱,一脸严肃的盯着天空。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Also is together the yellow lightning straight under. 又是一道黄色的闪电直噼而下。 Lombe jumps immediately backward, later a foot straightens increases rapidly, withstood/top the distant place him, that directed thunder needle, left the range that the lightning got down by far. 隆贝立刻向后跳去,随后一只脚伸直迅速变大,将他顶到了远处,身后的那根引雷针,也远远的离开了闪电噼下来的范围。 Obtained the lightning successfully in the ground. 得到闪电成功地噼在了地面上。 Does attractively!” Kane adds the oil lead in side! “干得漂亮!”凯恩在旁边加油道! Hears the Kane words, Lombe said with a smile immediately loudly: Haha, who also does not have a look at me is.” 听到凯恩的话,隆贝立马大声笑道:“哈哈,也不看看我是谁。” However finishes speaking, a lightning fell directly on his body. 然而话音刚落,一道闪电直接落下噼在了他的身上。 This...... the lightning, did not speak the custom.” “这……闪电,不讲规矩。” Lombe crawls tremblingly, body hemp. 隆贝颤颤巍巍的爬起来,身上更麻了。 Kane did not say a word in side, he felt good that quite now do not speak. 凯恩则在旁边一言不发,他觉得现在还是不要说话的比较好。 Now Lombe only remains the last life. 现在隆贝只剩最后一条命了。 Because did not have the disturbance, Lombe's all energy placed in the avoidance lightning completely. 由于没有了外界的干扰,隆贝所有的精力全部放在了躲避闪电上。 At his reaction speed, although his action speed is slow, but has also undergone the avoidance training after all, therefore also calculates smooth hid completely. 以他的反应速度,虽然他的行动速度较慢,但毕竟也是经受过躲避训练的,所以还算顺利的完全躲了过去。 But that group of dark clouds in sky also shrink in lightning within, more are smaller, until vanishes finally does not see. 而天空中的那团乌云也在一道道的闪电中越缩越小,直到最后消失不见。 With disappearance of dark cloud, Lombe iron-covered thin armor as well as makes thunder needle also disappear similarly does not see. 随着乌云的消失,隆贝身上的铁皮薄甲以及引雷针也同样消失不见。 The under foot broadcast bang the sound, Lombe immediately is taking off, hid. 脚下传来了轰隆的声音,隆贝立刻又是一个起跳,躲了过去。 Has completed, does not use such excitedly.” Kane walked to pat Lombe's shoulder, drew him. “已经完成了,不用这么激动。”凯恩走过去拍了拍隆贝的肩膀,将他拉了起来。 But vibration also raising of slowly ground, is a altar, the surrounding soil also starts to the altar central gathering, condensed a knight appearance that held the sword to knee down. 而地面的震动也缓缓的升起,正是一座祭坛,周围的泥土也开始向祭坛中央汇聚,凝聚出了一个持剑单膝跪地的骑士模样。 Besides the central weakness models, has no difference from the long-distance near body altar. 除了中央的凋塑外,和远程近身祭坛没有任何的区别。 Comes, the brothers, line up quickly.” Lombe impatient is calling to behind soldier loudly, was urging they are on the altar a bit faster. “来来来,兄弟们,快排好队上去了。”隆贝已经迫不及待的对着自己身后的士兵大声吆喝着,催促着他们快点登上祭坛。 Kane discovered soldier who at this time they carry very many, as if took their all soldiers. 凯恩这时候才发现他们携带的士兵非常的多,似乎将他们所有的士兵都带上了。 Nearby Medsker also saw the Kane vision, to his simple saying: On the way.” 旁边的梅兹克也看见了凯恩的目光,对着他简单的说道:“顺路。” Listens to Medsker's words and expressions, nod that Kane understands clearly. 听完梅兹克的词语,凯恩了然的点点头。 Truly, after they can promote when the time comes, converges directly, returns to the following camp to keep the soldiers of camp to bring to return to the big camp together. 确实,他们可以到时候升级完后直接汇合,返回后面的营地中将克蕾雅留在营地的士兵一起带着一起返回大营。 Their this lines, want near to the big camp many. 他们这条线路,离大营地要近不少。 Nearby Lombe has knocked the badge on his chest. 旁边的隆贝已经敲了敲他胸口上的徽章。 The ray that soars to the heavens covers the altar. 冲天的光芒将祭坛笼罩。 Then, what need was only the waiting enough. 接下来,需要的只是等待就够了。 Crossed more than 30 minutes of ray to vanish. 过了大约30多分钟光芒消失。 The soldier in altar also revealed their appearance. 祭坛上的士兵也显露出了他们的模样。 Because these soldiers have fought in the place of forefront, therefore their casualty rates have stayed at a high level, this causes to live is being scarce to the quantity of bottleneck period. 由于这些士兵一直战斗在最前线的地方,所以他们的伤亡率一直居高不下,这就导致能活着到瓶颈期的数量稀少。 Compares is close to 300 soldiers who this time brings, Lombe here only has more than 150. 相比这次克蕾雅带过来的接近300名士兵,隆贝这里只有150多个。 The blade shield soldier above altar( holds lance), most conspicuous is the shields in their hand, at this time in the hand the original big shield turned into the tower shield directly. 上方祭坛上的刀盾兵(持矛),最显眼的便是他们手中的盾牌,此时手中原本的大盾直接变成了塔盾。 Lance on another hand also turned into the sharp rifle, the whole body armor also becomes heavy/thick. 另一只手上的长矛也变成了锋利的钢枪,浑身的铠甲也变得更加的厚重。 Became the attention defense from the balanced branch of the services. 从均衡的兵种变得更加的注重防御了。 This should be the order that and Lombe issues frequently is related, Lombe each stand is almost makes own soldier attention defend, pays attention to protect behind long-distance branch of the services. 这应该是和隆贝经常下达的命令有关吧,隆贝每一次站的几乎都是让自己的士兵注意防御,注意保护身后的远程兵种。 Afterward is these heavy cavalries who and she brings. 随后便是克蕾雅和她带来的那些重骑兵。 These heavy cavalry people suffer the troops crowded horse, complete disposable stand with great difficulty altar. 这些重骑兵人挨人马挤马,好不容易的全部一次性的站上了祭坛。 Under knocking, covered in the ray. 在克蕾雅的敲击声下,笼罩进了光芒中。 The time of this promotion arrived for more than 50 minutes. 这次升级的时间就来到了50多分钟。 When the ray vanishes, the appearance after heavy cavalry promotion also mapped their view. 当光芒消失时,重骑兵升级后的样子也映入了他们的眼帘。 First most conspicuous is the warhorses under their body, because the promotion build expanded completely. 首先最显眼的便是他们身下的战马,因为升级体型全部扩大了一圈。 Said is the warhorse, looks more like the large-scale wild animal. 说是战马,看着更像是大型野兽了。 Promotes the warhorse under bow rider body also to be bigger than after Kane. 凯恩升级后的弓骑手身下的战马还要大一些。 On these warhorses is also throwing over the armor. 这些战马身上还披着铠甲。 On the soldiers a change is not too many, but armor looks more excellent, the defense is stricter, the weapon in hand also the build of becomes more suitable present warhorse. 士兵身上则变化不是太多,只是身上的铠甲看着更精良,防御更严密,手中的武器也变得更适合现在战马的体型。 However depends on these great horses, charges also can be underestimated. 但是就凭这些巨马,冲锋起来也不容小觑。 Promoted the branch of the services, they then have the respective soldier convergence same place, returns camp that beforehand they came, this was on the way. 升级完了兵种,他们便带着各自的士兵汇合一起,返回了之前克蕾雅他们过来的营地,这是顺路的。 Will remain behind the soldiers in camp to carry off completely, returns to the big camp when toward the road. 将留守在营地里的士兵全部带走,向着来时的路返回大营地。 Because the present had Lombe their these infantries, the speed of march was also slowed. 由于现在有了隆贝他们这些步兵,行进的速度也就被拖慢了。 According to distance, the words of rapid march, midnight time can arrive at the camp. 按照距离来看,一路急行军的话,得半夜的时候才能到达营地了。
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