DSED :: Volume #5

#442: Ma association

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Popular recommendation: Kane in tent, but also is experimenting the new system that are obtaining. 热门推荐:营帐中的凯恩,还在试验着自己获得的新系统。 To familiarize all functions of association all-around, Kane will also need the thing that will want to experiment to experiment completely. 为了全方位将公会的所有功能摸透,凯恩还需要将自己想要试验的东西全部试验一遍。 After all this is a very important system, must careful earnest comes, cannot have little careless, makes every effort its function perfect display. 毕竟这是一个非常重要的系统,必须仔细认真的来,不能有一点点的马虎,力求将它的功能完美的发挥出来。 First behind own information strip, conducted the establishment to change, increased a position. 先在自己的信息条后面,进行设置更改,添加了一个职位。 Vice-chairman 【副会长】 And Vice-chairman position promotion to become, the jurisdiction that can clear clears completely. 并将克蕾雅的职位升级成副会长,将能够开通的权限全部开通一遍。 Although said that the jurisdiction that but can clear are actually not many. 虽然这么说,但能够开通的权限其实不多。 The movement completes, obviously felt gawked. 动作一做完,明显感觉到克蕾雅愣了一下。 What did you make? Kane.” “你做了什么吗?凯恩。” Yes, the experience has a look.” “是的,体验看看。” Nods, later the hand touched in the mark again. 克蕾雅点点头,随后手再次在印记上摸了一下。 In the hand presented the red ray again, she placed on the ray nearby another small wooden table, later drew toward side horizontally. 手中再次出现了红色的光芒,她将光芒放在了旁边的另一个小木桌上,随后朝旁边横拉了一下。 A symbol of inspection lamp same association appeared on the desktop. 一个提灯一样的公会的符号出现在了桌面上。 Afterward the symbol of inspection lamp starts to expand the transformation outward. 随后提灯的符号开始向外扩展变换。 A clear panel that is made by the charm, appeared on the wooden table. 一个由魔力制成的清晰面板,出现在了木桌上。 Above compares the Kane association page to want simple. 上面相比凯恩的公会页面要简易许多。 Even the frame does not have, only has two words. 连边框都没有,只有两个单词。 Looks very seems like with the information of charm constitution, the entire frame became reasonable. 看着非常像是用魔力构成的信息,整个边框都变得合理了起来。 One is a member, one is a warehouse. 一个是成员,一个是仓库。 Kane sees the flash of here frame, in the brain also presented the information. 凯恩看见这边框的一瞬间,脑中也出现了信息。 Such frame appearance, only then the association members can see. 这样的边框样子,只有公会成员才能够看见。 The non-public meeting member sees, the association symbol of inspection lamp style but is constituted by the charm. 非公会成员看见的,只是一个由魔力构成的提灯样式的公会符号罢了。 But the panel does not need to operate, is only in the brain is thinking the panel then moved automatically. 而面板并不需要克蕾雅操作,克蕾雅只是脑中想着面板便自动动了起来。 The warehouse with is the same, similarly has the block columns that Kane sees, above has the wooden table that just received, selected, pulled out the wooden table directly. 仓库就和凯恩看见的一样,同样有着一个一个方块栏目,上面就有着刚刚收进去的木桌,克蕾雅点了一下,直接将木桌抽了出来。 Then a member column, can see her own information and Kane information. 然后成员一栏,能够看见她自己的信息和凯恩的信息。 However cannot examine the detailed information. 不过并不能查看详细信息。 If there are other members, should be able to kick out other members through this panel. 如果有了其他成员的话,克蕾雅应该能够通过这个面板将其他成员踢出去。 Kane remembers that gave back to her to check option that invited other members. 凯恩记得还给她勾选了邀请其他成员的选项。 However above had not demonstrated. 然而上面并没有显示。 You should be able to invite other members now to be right, can feel?” “你现在应该能够邀请其他成员才对,能够感觉到吗?” Nods saying: I can feel that I can invite others to join the association, but can who I invited limited, respectively was Lombe, Medsker, Li path path, my parents as well as stewards and several maids.” 克蕾雅点点头说道:“我能够感觉到自己可以邀请其他人加入公会,不过能够让我邀请的人有限,分别是隆贝,梅兹克,莉路路,还有我的父母以及管家和几个女仆。” It seems like should with own is the same, can only invite to link the person of fetters. 看来应该和自己的一样,只能邀请链接羁绊的人。 The Kane fetters are appear, but the meaning of representative is the same, trust and sentiment. 凯恩的羁绊是显现出来的,但代表的意思都是一样的,相互之间的信任和感情。 However on the Kane good friend column appears with him links the compulsory requirement of fetters, must be the copper rank. 不过凯恩的好友栏上出现与他链接羁绊的一个硬性要求,要必须是铜级别的。 These person of strengths that said also reached the copper level. 克蕾雅说的这些人实力同样达到了铜级。 If only calculates with the fetters, should have more people to invite, but in Kane good friend column not after only then these he will become Adventurer, friend who will hand over. 如果仅以羁绊来算的话,克蕾雅应该还有更多的人可以邀请,而凯恩的好友栏中也不会只有这几个他成为探索者后交到的朋友。 Therefore can the members of association probably be the proliferation -type invitations? 所以公会的成员必须得是扩散式的邀请吗? Namely the core must be Kane. 即核心必须是凯恩 The person who the 1st batch enter the association must be Kane has certain trust and sentimental person. 第一批进入公会的人必须得是和凯恩有着一定信任和感情的人。 Also links the person of fetters. 也就是链接羁绊的人。 Then the surface enters, must be 1st group of people who link the fetters, naturally the premise is Kane gives them the jurisdiction. 而后面进入的,必须是第一批链接羁绊的人,当然前提是凯恩给他们权限。 If Kane wants to invite other not to link the person of fetters to become the member is not good. 那如果凯恩想要邀请其他没有链接羁绊的人成为成员的话就不行了。 It is not right, should have other possibilities. 不对,应该还有其他的可能。 Kane clicks on the page of store immediately. 凯恩立刻点击商店的页面。 Is examining the 2nd goods. 查看着第二件物品。 Contract scroll 【契约卷轴】 This thing really thinks with Kane is the same. 这东西果然和凯恩想的一样。 If Kane wants to invite these not to link the person of fetters to enter the association with him, 如果凯恩想要邀请那些没有和他链接羁绊的人进入公会的话, Can pass the contract to invite them to enter. After all linked request truly some of fetters is too high. 就可以通过去契约去邀请他们进入。毕竟链接羁绊的要求确实有些太高了。 Without touching bottom line, with Kane stands unconditionally. 在不触碰底线的情况下,无条件和凯恩站在一起。 Such trust and sentimental request excessively are truly high, is not that can hand over easily. 这样的信任和感情要求确实过高,不是那么容易就能交到的。 Had this goods to be able very good solved the problem. 有了这件物品就能很好的解决问题。 Moreover the price also unusual small advantage of this goods, regarding Kane. 而且这物品的价格也非常的便宜,对于凯恩来说。 Only needs Bronze Magic Stone. 只需要一枚铜色魔石 To be honest, this gadget, really does not lack now. 说实话,这玩意儿,现在真的是不怎么缺。 However now does not have the demand temporarily, therefore Kane has not exchanged. 不过现在暂时还没有需求,所以凯恩也没有兑换。 Starts to examine nearby that goods. 开始查看旁边的那个物品。 Magnifying glass 【放大镜】 This thing is used to appraise the goods unexpectedly. 这东西居然是用来鉴定物品的。 Can perfect a rank, attribute and skills assessment equipment. 可以完美的将一件装备的级别、属性和技能鉴定出来。 Compares the appraisal of Kane, was only bad the introduction. 相比凯恩的鉴定,只是差了介绍。 Sometimes although introduced that will also provide very good information. 虽然有时候介绍也会提供非常好的情报。 But most equipment the introduction does not matter, what after all Adventurer needs to appraise is the attribute and skill. 但大部分的装备有没有介绍都无所谓,毕竟探索者需要鉴定的是属性以及技能。 However this thing also stipulated that only then the members of association can use. 不过这东西也规定了,只有公会的成员才能够使用。 Can regard a benefits of association. 可以当成一种公会的福利吧。 After all the outside world, probably such perfect appraisal item is very expensive/noble. 毕竟外界的,像是这样完美的鉴定道具可是很贵的。 Most appraisal items are like most appraisers, appraisal is not completely far-fetched. 大部分的鉴定道具都和大部分的鉴定师一样,鉴定的不完全也不靠谱。 Especially rank more dungeon upward, is this necessary item. 特别是等级越往上的地牢,越是需要这样的道具。 Because in the middle of the process is very difficult the opportunity to withdraw from the dungeon, but the equipment that makes at the scene if appraises, exchanges at the scene , is to enhance the strength the good method. 因为过程当中很难有机会能够退出地牢,而当场弄出来的装备如果鉴定出来的话,当场换上,也是提升实力的好方法。 Only feels the disparity of equipment with the feeling is very difficult, especially defense capability and demon anti- as well as skill. 光靠人凭感觉去感受装备的差距是非常困难的,特别是防御能力和魔抗以及技能。 Price of exchange also very beautiful. 兑换的价格也非常的美丽。 Bronze Magic Stone can trade three. 一颗铜色魔石能够换三个。 So the basic function of association then roughly understood. 如此公会的基本功能便大致了解了。 The person who at this time was sharp-eyed will discover that the function of this association extremely in the simplicity, fully was not worth such anticipation. 这时候眼尖的人就会发现这公会的功能也太过于简易,完全不值得这样的期待。 Except for warehouse, the magnifying glass in store. 除了仓库,商店中的放大镜。 As if had no function. 似乎就没有什么作用了。 That is because of the present shape, is only the shape of association most foundation. 那是因为现在的形态,只是公会最最基础的形态。 Meets the pit money with the game is the same truth, wants to give the association to add more practical functions? 就和游戏会坑钱是一样的道理,想要给公会添加更多更实用的功能? Without the issue! To money on line. 没问题!给钱就行。 But the column of final that plus sign is such function. 而最后的那个加号的栏目就是这样的作用。 Hopes should not be too expensive, hopes that should not be too expensive. Kane in own heart silently is talking over. 希望不要太贵,希望不要太贵。凯恩在自己的心中默默的念叨着。 After the store the strengthening of purchase as well as warehouse, needs magic stone. 经过商店购买以及仓库的强化,都需要魔石 Kane has determined, adds the new function also to need the magic stone purchase. 凯恩已经确定了,添加新的功能同样也需要魔石购买。 He only hopes now, the price should not be extremely odd. 他现在只希望,价格不要太过离谱。 Put out a hand to click in + above. 伸手点击在了+上面。 What demonstrates is the check one after another. 显示出来的是一块一块的方格。 Above writes the feature name of each check, but only on three checks has the name, and assumes Gao Liang's expression, other checks write the question mark completely. 上面写着每一个方格的功能名称,但是只有三个方格上面有着名称,并且呈高亮的表示,其他的方格全部写着问号。 Writes the meaning of question mark is being, wants the unlocking and purchases these function extensions, needs the prerequisite function. 写着问号的意思是,想要解锁并购买这些功能扩展,需要前置的功能。 Gain Jurisdiction- store jurisdiction Store- furnace stone 【增益】【权限-商店权限】【商店-炉石】 This is the extended function that three can purchase. 这就是那三个能够购买的扩展功能。 First yes Gain This is a brand-new column. 首先是【增益】这是一个全新的栏目。 After the purchase , will then increase a column of gain by the store column. 购买后便会在商店栏目旁边增加一个增益的栏目。 Can choose all kinds of gains to give all kinds of personnel in inside, these gain effects are permanent. 可以在里面选择各种各样的增益给各种各样的人员,这些增益效果都是永久的。 However also needs to cover the seal to be good. 不过同样需要盖上印章才行。 That seal as if became all association members, accepts the association benefits one medium. 那印章似乎成了所有的公会成员,接受公会福利的一种媒介。 However the purchase price unusual small advantage, imagines is much cheaper. 然而购买价格非常的便宜,比凯想象中的要便宜得多。 Unexpectedly only needs Bronze Magic Stone. 居然只需要一颗铜色魔石 Don't even go there, direct purchase. 没什么好说的,直接购买了。 What other two extended functions represent them to expand is the child column. 另外的两个扩展功能代表着他们扩展的是子栏目。 Has added more functions to some column functions. 给已经有的栏目功能添加更多的功能。 For example Jurisdiction- store jurisdiction Can make Kane be able to other association members to clear the jurisdiction of store. 比如【权限-商店权限】就是可以让凯恩能够给其他的公会成员开通商店的权限。 Expenditure magic stone, takes 5 silver unexpectedly. 花费的魔石,居然要五颗银色。 Mental illness. 神经病。 Disregards, next. 无视掉,下一个。 When oneself do not lack Silver Magic Stone time, comes to see again. 等自己什么时候不缺银色魔石的时候,再来看吧。 Store- furnace stone Increases one to the store newly can purchase the goods, must know that the goods in store can purchase infinitely. 【商店-炉石】便是给商店添加一个新的可购买物品,要知道商店中的物品都是能够无限购买的。 But the furnace stone of increase, is a very important item. 而添加的炉石,便是一件非常重要的道具。 Before Kane them the returning to the city scroll that purchases is the same. 凯恩他们之前购买的回城卷轴一样。 After the use, can ejection escape from the dungeon, naturally the price also with returning to the city the scroll is the same, cannot continue to conduct the entry to the current dungeon again. 使用后能够从地牢中紧急脱离,当然代价也和回城卷轴一样,不能再继续对当前地牢进行通关了。 However at least the life preserved. 但是至少命保住了。 Moreover the time of spending be shorter than the return trip scroll, only takes 3 seconds. 而且花费的时间要比回程卷轴短,只需要三秒钟。 However similarly must be the association members can use. 不过同样必须得是公会成员才能使用。 Cannot make money with it, but also is really loopholes does not give the person to exploit. 不能用它来赚钱了,还真是一点空子都不给人钻。 Expenditure magic stone, similarly is 5 Silver Magic Stone. 花费的魔石,同样是五颗银色魔石 This is quite puzzled, is good to give him the unlocking to fall. 这就好纠结呀,好想要给他解锁掉。 After unlocking success, only needs 5 Bronze Magic Stone in the store, then can purchase one. 解锁成功后,在商店只需要五颗铜色魔石,便能购买一个。 After all this is the thing of maintaining life. 毕竟这是保命的东西。 However now a short time does not need, therefore behind said. 但是现在一时半会儿也不需要,所以后面再说吧。 Then Kane only purchased an extended function. 那么凯恩只购买了一项扩展功能。 Immediately returns to the previous page, examines is coming out newly Gain Column. 立刻返回上一页,查看着新出来的【增益】栏目。 After the point goes , is checks, can increase the gain effect toward inside. 点进去后便是一个又一个的方格,可以往里面添加增益效果。 Above only then three gain effects began using. 上面只有三种增益效果被启用了。 Is micro increases the spirit respectively, micro increases the physique, micro increases the strength. 分别是微量增加精神,微量增加体质,微量增加力量。 Is micro, but can promote. 都是微量,但是能够提升。 From micro promotes middle-grade, only needs Silver Magic Stone. 从微量提升到中等,只需要一颗银色魔石 Also is Silver Magic Stone. 又是银色魔石 Micro increases now in any case does not need, even if promotes to middle-grade increases still also has no promotion to their strengths. 反正现在微量增加并不需要,即使升级到中等增加也对他们的实力也没有什么提升。 Ok, ok, later said. 算了,算了,以后再说。 Kane returns to the previous page directly. 凯恩直接返回上一页。 Then sees + column, is sending out the glimmer, is prompting itself 然后就看见+栏目,正散发着微光,提示着自己 In some project with the game has the tilak to be the same. 就和游戏中某个项目上有着小红点一样。 Kane clicks. 凯恩点击进去。 Except for before, 4 new function extensions appeared. 除了之前的,又有四个新的功能扩展出现了。 Gain- is partner Gain- makes me have a look Store- blank magic stone Jurisdiction magic stone 【增益-都是伙伴】【增益-让我看看】【商店-空白魔石】【权限-魔石 It seems like starts used the gain effect in gain column, therefore had the new function extension to appear. 看来是自己启动了用了增益栏目里的增益效果,所以就有新的功能扩展出现了。 After all you want the child function of gain column, must first need the upper function to be good. 毕竟你想要有增益栏目的子功能,肯定得先需要上一级的功能才行。 Gain- is partner After this function purchases, will then increase a new gain effect in the project gain column. 【增益-都是伙伴】这只功能购买后,便会在项目增益栏目当中添加一个新的增益效果。 The effect lets the member of association, after striking enemy, kills the dungeon the magic material that explodes, 10 probabilities can by the magic stone absorption of Kane. 效果就是让公会的成员,击杀地牢的敌人后爆出来的魔法材料,有十的几率是能被凯恩魔石吸收的。 ? ! ! Lying grass! 卧艹! Forgives Kane to explode the swearing, this is the essence of association! 原谅凯恩爆粗口,这才是公会的精髓啊! This is the association should have the appearance that calls...... my meaning me is the partners. 这才是公会该有的样子,都给我打……我的意思是都是伙伴。 You think , the member appraises the equipment to the association, item that also the personnel escapes to the association, increases the effect on them, gives back to their space equipment use. 你想想,又给公会成员鉴定装备,又给公会人员逃生的道具,又给他们增益效果,还给他们空间装备使用。 But the price lets their exploding the magic material can imitate can magic stone. 而代价只是让他们的爆出来的魔法材料能够充能魔石 I really had the spirit of selfless risk, thought of silently Kane in heart. 我真是太有无私风险的精神了,凯恩在心中默默的想到。 Certain things in heart as if started to awaken. 心中的某些东西似乎开始觉醒了。 Kane looked at the price of exchange. 凯恩看了看兑换的价格。 10 Silver Magic Stone. 十颗银色魔石 Quite expensive/noble, but is also good to want. 好贵,可是又好想要。 However expensive/noble must exchange again, naturally is not now, after all now also in the dungeon, this thing not too big use. 但是再贵也要兑换出来,当然不是现在,毕竟现在还在地牢中,这东西没有太大的用处。 Has not known that freedom from whether to be invited the association, no matter can, these soldier his subordinates, they strike the percentage of killing hundred to fall and can absorb in any case. 还不知道自由自离能否被邀请进公会,不管能不能,反正这些士兵都还是他的部下,他们击杀的百分百都会掉落并能够吸收。 Therefore does not need to worry completely. 所以完全不需要着急。 After going out, recruited other association members, when the time comes definitely first exchanged this function. 等出去后,招募到了其他的公会成员,到时候肯定第一时间就是将这个功能兑换出来。 Otherwise the feeling owed was the same. 不然就感觉亏了一样。 It seems like made money in this dungeon well. Kane thinks like this. 看来在这个地牢得好好赚钱了。凯恩这样想到。 Function that continues the examination next to expand. 继续查看下一下扩展的功能。 Gain- makes me have a look Similarly increases a new gain to the gain column. 【增益-让我看看】同样是给增益栏目添加一个新的增益。 The new gain effect was to let the members of association can find that which materials can imitate can magic stone. 新的增益效果为让公会的成员能够发现哪些材料是能够充能魔石的。 Understood, uses with a on gain effect coordination. 懂了,和上一个增益效果配合使用。 Wait. 等等。 Kane looks to the following two jurisdictions. 凯恩看向后面两个权限。 Store- blank magic stone Jurisdiction magic stone 【商店-空白魔石】【权限-魔石 Can't? 不会吧? Looks at these two names, obviously these 4 extended functions serve for the same goal. 看这两个的名字,明显这四件扩展功能是为了同一个目的服务。 Store- blank magic stone Like his name, increases blank magic stone that can purchase to the store. 【商店-空白魔石】就和他的名字一样,给商店添加一个可以购买的空白魔石 Moreover is free. 而且是免费的。 Jurisdiction magic stone Obtains newly jurisdiction that can control , is to make the others of association also be able to magic stone to conduct the sufficient energy. 【权限-魔石】获得新的可以操控的权限,也就是让公会的其他人也能够对魔石进行充能。 The entire flow forms a complete set. 整个流程配套下来。 Doubts blows out one pile of materials, which materials examines to imitate can magic stone, then buys blank magic stone in the store, and has the jurisdiction to conduct the sufficient energy to magic stone. 打怪爆出一堆材料,查看哪些材料能够充能魔石,然后在商店里买一颗空白魔石,并拥有权限对魔石进行充能。 Finally, magic stone that is full of the energy was born. 最后,一颗充满能量的魔石就诞生了。 The entire journey does not need Kane to present. 全程无需凯恩在场。 Perfect! 完美! However, the issue came, do these 4 functions knead together because of the same place are not good? 但是,问题来了,这四个功能揉合在一起不好吗? Also must be divided into 4 to purchase respectively. 还要分成四份分别购买。 Really has your. 真有你的。 However fortunately, such as 1st jurisdiction such, does not need to spend 10 Silver Magic Stone. 不过还好,并没有如第一个权限那样,需要花费十颗银色魔石 Gain- makes me have a look 5 Silver Magic Stone. 【增益-让我看看】五银色魔石 Store- blank magic stone 2 Silver Magic Stone. 【商店-空白魔石】二银色魔石 Jurisdiction magic stone 2 Silver Magic Stone. 【权限-魔石】二银色魔石 In addition the 1st jurisdiction, altogether must spend 19 Silver Magic Stone. 加上第一个权限,总共要花费19颗银色魔石 However first does not worry, after all now also in dungeon. 不过先不着急,毕竟现在还在地牢里。 Waited for the dungeon to say again. 等出了地牢再说。 The present stage all functions of association, then showed. 公会的现阶段所有功能,便展现出来了。 How can I say, has not at least disappointed Kane. 怎么说呢,至少没有让凯恩失望。 But magic stone also had the new consumption, returned just became Adventurer that time, crazy lacking magic stone. 只不过魔石又有了新的消耗,又回归了刚刚成为探索者的那段时间,疯狂的缺魔石 Couple days ago when had not opened the association system, Kane was still sighing that Silver Magic Stone were a much less, now, he only wants to say the more the better. 前几天还没有开启公会系统时,凯恩还在感叹银色魔石有点多了,现在嘛,他只想说多多益善。
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