DSED :: Volume #5

#441: Members, warehouse, store

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Popular recommendation: Finally, the long-waiting association is founded successfully. 热门推荐:终于,等候已久的公会创建成功。 The inspection lamp association official foundation is completed. 提灯公会正式创建完成。 At this time frame column most above, above character already, since Association is founded Turned into the inspection lamp association. 此时边框栏的最上方,上面的字符已经从【公会创建】变成了提灯公会。 Side were many a design button of association icon. 旁边多了一个公会图标的设计按钮。 Kane clicks. 凯恩点击进去。 Foundation association icon Side also has question mark in a circle. 【创建公会图标】旁边还有一个圆圈里的问号。 The information that the click question mark comes out then only needs attempting the tuart recalled in the brain, then can input, later can revise, finally determination. 点击问号出来的信息便是只需要将图桉在脑中回想,便能录入进去,随后能够进行修改,最后确定。 Once determined that revises again needs to spend the magic stone change. 一旦确定再次修改就需要花费魔石更改。 Really dies to ask for money. 真是死要钱。 Kane reads the magazine in hand, the inspection lamp mark on cloak is recalling in the brain. 凯恩看着手中的杂志,披风上的提灯印记在脑中回想起来。 But on Book of Ventures on hand, in that side frame the chart tuart of inspection lamp also appears. 而手上的冒险之书上,那边框中提灯的图桉也同样出现。 Kane looks at the above inspection lamp chart tuart. 凯恩看着上面的提灯图桉。 The entire chart tuart is comprised of the simple the simple chart tuart of line and packing, piecing together is a chart tuart of inspection lamp, the above color is the gradation golden color. 整个图桉是由简易的线条和填充的简易图桉组成,拼凑起来就是一个提灯的图桉,上面的颜色为渐变的金色。 Attempts among the tuarts the place of lamp, as if really ignited one group of flame the same as send out the ray outward. 图桉中间灯的地方,似乎真的燃起了一团火焰一样朝外散发着光芒。 This icon was interesting. 这图标就有意思了呀。 Unexpectedly turned directly moved the chart, moving chart that can shine. 居然直接变成了动图,还是能发光的动图。 Will attempt the tuart to determine. 将图桉确定下来。 Afterward the background of p. 5 entire page, opened the color to turn into the style of association icon from the ordinary withered and yellow chromo paper. 随后第5页整个页面的背景,就从普通的枯黄色纸张颜色变成了公会图标的样式。 After determining the good icon, Kane rubs hands. 确定好图标后,凯恩搓搓手。 Now key. 现在就是重点了。 First then click in Member In column. 首先便点击在【成员】栏目上。 The flash after click, the entire page conversion turned one page to be the same. 点击后的一瞬间,整个页面变像是翻了一页一样。 In the above association name frame, turned into the member two characters. 上方的公会名称框内,变成了成员两个字。 Under turned into the trabecula of blank, only has the frontline to have a name of person. 下方则变成了空白的横条,唯有最前方有着一个人的名字。 Association president 【会长】 Kane. Laflein 凯恩.拉弗雷恩 Machinist 【机械师】 Silver sphere 【银色的圆球】 From left to right respectively is the position in association, own name, own occupation, as well as has a silver small sphere finally, is representing the present rank. 从左到右分别是自己在公会里的职位,自己的名称,自己的职业,以及最后有着一颗银色的小圆球,代表着自己现在的等级。 Understands simply easy to understand. 非常的简单明了易懂。 Kane clicked on an own column above. 凯恩在上面点击了一下自己的栏目。 Really, name side had the expansion. 果然,名字旁边有了扩展。 Position transfers 【职位调动】 Detailed information 【详细信息】 Establishment change 【设置更改】 Kane clicked on a position to transfer to demonstrate was whether must change own position. 凯恩点击了一下职位调动显示出来的便是是否要对自己的职位进行更改。 Position that can change only then association president and member two types. 能够更改的职位只有会长与成员两种。 If clicks is Kane own attribute column that the detailed information comes out, with is exactly the same in the attribute of teammate on the teammate column looks. 如果点击详细信息出来的便是凯恩自己的属性栏,和在队友栏上看的队友的属性一模一样。 After the meaning is , if some people become oneself good friend, does not need to haul in the teammate column him, only needs to invite the association him, then can examine his detailed information. 意思是以后如果有人成为了自己的好友,不用将他拉进队友栏,只需要将他邀请进公会,便能够查看他的详细信息。 Became his good friend to link the fetters, should not refuse to join his association. 都成为他的好友链接羁绊了,应该也不会拒绝加入他的公会吧。 Finally is nearby establishment change. 最后便是旁边的设置更改。 In the establishment change, can change the position the name, increases the new position, what kind of jurisdiction the position has. 设置更改中,可以更改职位的名称,添加新的职位,职位拥有怎样的权限。 Then the issue came, how can invite others? 那么问题来了,要怎么样邀请别人呢? Kane looks at the button that the half of the day had not seen to invite others to come, or is a place. 凯恩看了半天都没有看见能够邀请别人进来的按钮,或者说是地方。 Suddenly thought of anything, Kane turned one page of positions that again upward arrived at the good friend column. 突然想到了什么,凯恩重新往上翻了一页来到了好友栏的位置。 Clicked on 1st of below good friend column, head picture. 点击了下方好友栏的第一位,克蕾雅的头像。 Side really presented an option Invitation joins association 旁边果然出现了一个选项【邀请加入公会】 Clicks directly above. 直接点击在上面。 What form will this matter in appear in front? 这种事情将会以什么样的形式出现在克蕾雅的面前呢? Kane is curious. 凯恩非常好奇。 Click from now on flash, then turns the head to look. 点击过后的一瞬间,便转过头来看着克蕾雅。 Can obviously see to stare, later turns the head to look at Kane to ask: In Kane my brain presented a news: Said Kane, inviting me to join the association, asked whether I agreed.” 能够明显看见克蕾雅愣了一下,随后转过头来看着凯恩问道:“凯恩我脑中出现了一道讯息:说凯恩,邀请我加入公会,问我是否同意。” Such crude direct? 这么粗暴直接? Listened to words, Kane to have some compels ignorant, he thinks that can be some really more realistic method, has not thought simply like this direct. 听了克蕾雅的话,凯恩有一些懵逼,他以为会是某种更真实更现实的方法,没想到这样的简单直接。 To playing the game is the same. 就跟打游戏一样。 Eh...... you agree on the line, “额……你同意就行, Is I am inviting you. ” Listened to the Kane words, nods, later agrees to join the association. 是我在邀请你。”听了凯恩的话,克蕾雅点点头,随后同意加入公会。 【The new member has joined the association.】 【新的成员已加入公会。】 Kane Book of Ventures gave the prompt. 凯恩冒险之书给来了提示。 Has not managed the prompt, Kane looks that continues to ask: What strange feeling has?” 没管提示,凯恩看着克蕾雅继续问道:“有什么奇怪的感觉吗?” Hears the Kane words, after closes the eye felt a while, carefully opens the eye: Does not have any feeling, as usual.” 听见凯恩的话,克蕾雅闭上眼睛仔细的感受了一会儿后睁开眼睛:“没有什么感觉,和以往一样。” Right?” “是吗?” Kane no longer spoke , to continue to examine Book of Ventures On association system. 凯恩不再说话,继续查看着【冒险之书】上的公会系统。 Still in the column of member, but Kane under presented information. 依然是在成员的栏目上,而凯恩的下方出现了克蕾雅的信息。 Member 【成员】 【. Perec 【克蕾雅.佩雷克】 Weapon Grandmaster, blood lion knight 【武器大师,血狮骑士】 Silver sphere 【银色的圆球】 Has no differences from the Kane information. 凯恩的信息没有什么不同之处。 The point opens information section. 点开克蕾雅的信息栏目。 Position transfers 【职位调动】 Detailed information 【详细信息】 Kicks association 【踢出公会】 Compares the Kane information section, being short of the establishment change were many to kick the association. 相比凯恩的信息栏目,少了个设置更改多了个踢出公会。 These were all information of member column. 这些就是成员栏目的所有信息了。 Returns to a column , to continue to click on member nearby column. 返回上一栏,继续点击成员旁边的栏目。 Warehouse 【仓库】 After clicking, directly demonstration is one just like the backpack same region in game. 点击进去后直接显示的就是一个犹如游戏中的背包一样的区域。 However a backpack same expression of column column in all goods to the warehouse conducts a clear performance. 但是一栏一栏的背包一样的表示只是对仓库中所有的物品进行一个清晰的表现。 Actually the size of warehouse is 505050 square spaces. 实则仓库的大小是一个505050的正方形空间。 To expand must spend magic stone . Moreover the method of using is also very tedious. 想要扩大就得花费魔石,而且使用的方法也很繁琐。 How others use Kane not to know, but he himself must open Book of Ventures to turn p. 5, then clicks on the warehouse column, clicks goods that oneself want, can take. 别人如何使用凯恩并不知道,但是他自己必须得打开冒险之书翻到第5页,然后点击仓库栏目,点击自己想要的物品,才能取出来。 It can be said that unusual trouble. 可以说是非常的麻烦。 However this warehouse belongs to the association warehouse, besides the association president, others can only put the thing toward inside, cannot take the thing from inside. 但是这仓库属于公会仓库,除了会长外,其他人只能往里面放东西,不能从里面取东西。 Kane can also divide the management and entire space, for example branches out a small space, then establishes it. 凯恩还能够对整个空间进行管理和分割,比如说分出一个小空间,然后对其进行设置。 Then Kane can establish this space, the person of what position can take inside thing, the person of what position cannot take. 然后凯恩就能够设置这片空间,什么职位的人可以拿取里面的东西,什么职位的人不可以拿取。 But these are the position jurisdiction, Kane see in the establishment change in member column. 而这些都属于职位的权限,凯恩在成员栏目中的设置更改里面有看见。 He really wants to know how such function on them manifests. 他实在想知道这样的功能在克蕾雅他们身上到底是如何体现的。 All members can put in the thing toward this space. 所有的成员都能够往这片空间里投放东西。 However the issue came. 但是问题来了。 Has no strange feeling, how can she put in the thing toward this space in? 克蕾雅并没有任何奇怪的感觉,她要怎么往这片空间里投放东西呢? Kane starts to seek around the warehouse whether has what information cue. 凯恩开始在仓库周围寻找着是否有什么信息提示。 Saw a circular question mark in page most right bottom. 在页面的最右下角看见了一个圆形的问号。 Clicks to know, because association systematization to be real, therefore they agreed enters the association, has not calculated that joins the association completely. 点击进去才知道,由于公会系统化为了真实,所以克蕾雅他们同意了进入公会,还不算完全加入公会。 Also needs to cover the symbol of association with the association seal, can through the certain functions of symbol use association. 还需要用公会印章盖上公会的符号,才能够通过符号使用公会的某些功能。 Looks at the above explanation, Kane nods, right, this was more reasonable. 看着上面的解释,凯恩点点头,对嘛,这样就合理多了。 Then the issue came, where can the association seal come? 那么问题来了,公会印章从哪里得来呢? Kane withdraws from the column of warehouse, looks around last column Store. 凯恩退出仓库的栏目,看着旁边的最后一个栏目【商店】。 Click store. 点击商店。 A chart tuart of similar shelf appeared in the page. 一个类似货架的图桉出现在了页面上。 On the shelf altogether has three columns, is putting three different things respectively. 货架上总共有着三个栏目,分别放着三件不同的东西。 Association seal 【公会印章器】 Contract scroll 【契约卷轴】 Magnifying glass 【放大镜】 These three types of things look that is strange. 这三样东西看着就非常奇怪。 1st was needless saying that was the thing that just information cue mentioned, almost it can be said that must buy. 第一个不用说了,就是刚刚的信息提示所提到的东西,几乎可以说是必买。 Kane clicks. 凯恩点击上去。 Silver Magic Stone 2 银色魔石二】 Gan! 淦! The core function of system must spend unexpectedly, this was excessive. 系统的核心功能居然要花钱,这就过分了啊。 Good Kane saved 9 magic stone not to use, moreover this period of time spoils of war did not have with enough time the sufficient energy. 还好凯恩存了九颗魔石并没有使用,而且这段时间的战利品也没有来得及充能。 In don't even go there, equips from the space takes two Silver Magic Stone in the hand, direct purchase. 没什么好说的,从空间装备里将两颗银色魔石拿在手中,直接购买。 magic stone in hand vanishes, what appeared one. In exactly the same goods with page. 手中的魔石消失,出现的是一个。和书页上一模一样的物品。 On a metal cylinder the mark the dense and numerous magic traces, the intense charm is appearing from above. 一个金属圆筒上面纹着密密麻麻的魔法纹路,强烈的魔力从上面显现。 To the first feeling of person, this is a very high-level magic equipment. 给人的第一感觉,这就是一个非常高级的魔法装备。 The front is a circular small cavity, behind is the semicircle transparent crystal stone that mounts. 前方是一个圆形的小空洞,后面则是一个镶嵌进去的半圆透明晶石。 But the method of use has also appeared in the brain of Kane. 而使用的方法也已经出现在了凯恩的脑中。 Was needless saying that direct use. 不用多说,直接使用。 „, Comes.” Kane is greeting. “克蕾雅,过来一下。”凯恩招呼着克蕾雅。 Walked, looks at Kane to ask: What's wrong? What matter has?” 克蕾雅走了过来,看着凯恩问道:“怎么了?有什么事吗?” Saw this?” Kane shook association seal in hand: This thing can cover a mark of association to you, then you can use some abilities through the mark, came from my Original Skill.” “看见这个了吗?”凯恩晃了晃自己手中的公会印章器:“这东西能够给你盖上一个公会的印记,然后你能够通过印记使用一些能力,来自于我的本源技能。” Looked, thinks saying: Attempting the tuart is attractive? Has what color to choose.” 克蕾雅看了看,想了想说道:“图桉好看吗?有没有什么颜色可以选择。” „?” “啊?” Kane gawked, later said immediately: In that chart tuart with magazine is the same . Moreover the sense of reality has promoted, the color can decide.” 凯恩愣了一下,随后立马说道:“和杂志上的那图桉一样的,而且质感有所提升,颜色可以自定。” Right.” Starts to rack one's brains. “是吗。”克蕾雅开始苦思起来。 That takes blood red , like my lion fictitious shadow, covers here.” “那就要一个血红色的,就和我的狮子虚影一样,盖在这里。” Saying, referred to the position of oneself former thigh. 说着,克蕾雅指了指自己的前大腿的位置。 Because that place needs to remain flexible, therefore has the skin that a piece reveals. 那个地方因为需要保持灵活,所以有着一片露出来的皮肤。 Kane nods, later took up seal in hand then to cover. 凯恩点点头,随后拿起自己手中的印章器便盖了上去。 The charm input the rear crystal. 魔力输入了尾部的水晶。 The color of crystal changes gradually, finally arrived at the blood red, the entire crystal becomes seems like one to be been same by the gem of blood invasion. 水晶的颜色渐渐改变,最后来到了血红色,整个水晶都变得像是一颗被血液侵染的宝石一样。 This color how?” Kane asked. “这个颜色怎么样?”凯恩问道。 Carefully observed a while, after all this is relating artisticly, therefore cannot decide rashly. 克蕾雅仔细的观察了一会儿,毕竟这关系着美观,所以不能贸然决定。 Slightly shallowly.” “稍微浅一点。” The color of blood red gem slightly becomes peaceful, being insufficient to seem like the dark-red to be the same. 血红宝石的颜色稍微变澹,不至于像是暗红色一样。 Right, this.” Said immediately. “对对对,就这样。”克蕾雅立马说道。 This time gem probably fresh venous blood is the same, the bright red desire drops. 此时的宝石像是新鲜的静脉血一样,鲜红欲滴。 Heard words, Kane to nod, later according. 听见了克蕾雅的话,凯恩点点头,随后按了下去。 The peripheral pattern of seal also shone the ray of charm, the blood red color in end crystal seemed like the fluid the same as flow, after one second, then vanished does not see. 印章器的周边花纹也亮起了魔力的光芒,尾部水晶中的血红颜色像是流体一样流了下去,一秒钟后便消失不见。 The blood-color ray in ruby also vanishes similarly. 红宝石中的血色光芒也同样消失。 So then successfully covered. 如此便成功盖上了。 If later needs to change the color and position, only needs to cover in other spots, on a spot will then vanish. 如果以后需要更改颜色和位置,只需要在其他部位盖上,上一个部位便会消失。 If withdraws from the association, this chart tuart will then dissipate automatically. 如果退出公会,这图桉便会自动消散。 At this time before , on skin that the thigh appears externally, there is a simple inspection lamp chart tuart. 此时克蕾雅前大腿外露的皮肤上,有了一个简易的提灯图桉。 The color of entire chart tuart, is gradation blood red. 整个图桉的色彩,是一个渐变的血红色。 The inspection lamp central spot is sending out the blood-color ray of undulating. 提灯中央的部位散发着澹澹的血色光芒。 Traces above with the hand, the blood-color ray then vanishes does not see, it seems like that this gadget can control. 克蕾雅用手在上面摸了摸,血色的光芒便消失不见,看来这玩意儿能够控制的。 Has saying that this symbol seems like also very charming. 不得不说,这标志看上去还非常的帅气。 What kind of?.” “怎么样?克蕾雅。” Hears the Kane words, nods: Is attractive.” 听见凯恩的话,克蕾雅点点头:“非常漂亮。” Kane asked: Felt that what difference has?” 凯恩问道:“有没有感觉到有什么不同?” Nods, later touched in the symbol with the hand. 克蕾雅点点头,随后用手在标志上摸了摸。 In the hand then presented the blood red ray. 手上便出现了血红色的光芒。 She the ray according to front wooden table, a sunspot revolving attraction, the wooden table then followed the sunspot distortion to disappear outward does not see. 她将光芒按在了面前的木桌上,一个黑点向外旋转吸引,木桌便顺着黑点扭曲消失不见。 Kane opens the warehouse to examine immediately, really in the 1st column of warehouse, presented a chart tuart of wooden table. 凯恩立刻打开仓库查看起来,果然仓库的第一个栏位上,出现了一个木桌的图桉。 Side also enumerated an information of wooden table simply. 旁边还简单的列举了一下木桌的信息。 Originally is such manifestation. 原来是这样的表现形式。 After completes, said: I can feel, I can deliver to a space something, I can the approximate sensation to that space size.” 克蕾雅做完后说道:“我能够感觉到,我能将一些东西送到一片空间内,我能够大致感知到那片空间的大小。” Should after to prevent the space is full, but also some people force toward inside to give the thing. 应该是为了防止空间满后,还有人强制往里面送东西。 Let alone, this is very intimate. 别说,这样还挺贴心的。 Spending to be different? 花了钱就是不一样吗?
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