DSED :: Volume #5

#440: Founds the association

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Popular recommendation: New chapter is writing 热门推荐:【新的章节正在书写】 Writing is completed 【书写完成】 You have new chapter to read 【你有新的章节可以阅读】 Wished you to take risk happily 【祝你冒险愉快】 The notice of new chapter has appeared in own front, the present was the time examines the association system that Kane most anticipated. 新章节的通知已经出现在了自己的面前,现在是时候查看凯恩最期待的公会系统了。 Looks the subordinate who in the altar has promoted the intermediate branch of the services, Kane first presses down the excitement in heart. 看着祭坛上已经晋升成中级兵种的部下,凯恩首先按下心中的激动。 Here does not examine the new system the good place, first led these soldiers to return to the camp to say again. 这里不是查看新系统的好地方,先带着这些士兵返回营地再说。 Looks that in the altar these promote the successful soldier to become the spirit of freedom similarly, when their first movement and beforehand Abbey they become the spirit of freedom exactly the same. 看着祭坛上那些晋升成功的士兵同样成为了自由之灵,他们首先的动作和之前艾比他们成为自由之灵时一模一样。 Is looks up the day, the panic and shocking of whole face. 都是抬头看天,满脸的恐慌与震惊。 Kane is comforting them, because does not have Abbey and Mark is the lead goat, they slow perceived the Kane words some little time, constrain the panic in heart. 凯恩重新安慰着他们,由于没有艾比和马克做领头羊,他们缓了好一会儿才将凯恩的话听进去,压抑心中的恐慌。 It seems like when next promotion soldier, must they also take Abbey is good, otherwise comes this truly to make people think troublesome each time. 看来下一次升级士兵时,得将艾比他们也带上才行,不然每次都来这一出确实让人觉得麻烦。 Must often with them live together the senior official persuaded to be good. 还是得时常和他们生活在一起的长官去劝说才行。 Nearby looks at the pleasant surprise on the Kane face having, was repressed by his compulsory. 旁边的克蕾雅看着凯恩脸上出现的惊喜,被他强制性按耐住。 Afterward looks the behavior that he a series of comforts the behavior, cannot help but showed the smile. 随后看着他一系列安慰行为的行为,不由得露出了笑容。 It seems like your Original Skill promoted successfully.” “看来你的本源技能升级成功了。” Hears words, Kane turns the head, smile nod of ruthlessly over the face: Naturally, first does not say these now, we first go back in the camp, I have wanted to experiment my new skill impatiently.” 听到克蕾雅的话,凯恩转过头来,满面的笑容狠狠的点了点头:“当然,现在先不说这些了,我们先回去营地中,我已经迫不及待想要试验一下我的新技能了。” That also waits for anything, walks.” Then, then directly toward returning the route ran, Kane brings own army to follow immediately. “那还等什么,走吧。”说完,克蕾雅便直接朝着返回的路线跑了起来,凯恩立刻带着自己的部队紧随其后。 Because these soldiers promoted the intermediate branch of the services, when the remaining horses also obtained the strengthening returned to the time the speed to recently on quick many, the endurance also obtained enhancement. 由于这些士兵晋升成了中级的兵种,剩下的马匹也获得了强化返回时候的速度要比来时快上许多,耐力也获得了加强。 Therefore in the afternoon not near dusk, Kane they had returned to the camp. 所以下午未近黄昏之时,凯恩他们就已经回到了营地。 Returned to 1st matter Kane in camp then to give Abbey these soldiers. 回到营地里的第一件事情凯恩便是将这些士兵交给了艾比。 Afterward was fast with returned to the middle big tent. 随后快速和克蕾雅回到了中间的大营帐中。 A Kane arrow step arrived on the central seat to sit down. 凯恩一个箭步就来到了中央的座椅上坐下。 Calls rapidly Book of Ventures. 迅速唤出【冒险之书】。 Front is still that familiar 4 pages, as the last page of p. 4, finally can change. 前面依然是那熟悉的四页,身为最后一页的第4页,终于能够翻动了。 With the change of gently finger, the complete picture of p. 5 showed in the Kane front. 随着手指的轻轻翻动,第5页的全貌展现在了凯恩的面前。 Constitution of p. 5 very simple. 第5页的构成非常的简单。 First page on most the platoon is a frame of blank, in the frame is writing several large characters. 首先书页的最上排是一个空白的边框,边框里面正写着几个大字。 Foundation association 【创建公会】 Meaning, now the association system opened, but tacitly approves not to found the association. 意思就是说,现在公会系统开启了,但是默认还没有将公会创建起来。 But under is the perch of column bar. 而下方则是竖条的横栏。 And has the emission of order frames, the above character was expressing the function of each frame, the size of each frame is exactly the same. 其中有次序的排放着一个又一个的边框,上面的字符表示着每个边框的作用,每个边框的大小都是一模一样的。 The characters on these frames are as follows. 这些边框上的字符分别是。 Member Warehouse Store + 【成员】【仓库】【商店】【+】 Besides in the 1st row of three frames has this on behalf of the character of function, the following frame is represents this + the symbol. 除了第一排的三个边框里面有这代表着作用的字符外,下面的边框全是代表这+的符号。 How even did this system return to original state? This system really does not need to return to original state. 怎么连这种系统都还原了呀?这种系统真的不需要还原。 Founds the association most original three expansion fences is the member, warehouse and store, but an association obviously not only then these functions, can use expansion column expenditure certain amount to have more functions its expansion. 创建公会最原本的三个扩展栏就是成员、仓库和商店,但是一个公会显然不只有这些功能,可以使用扩展栏花费一定的金额将其扩展拥有更多的功能。 Before Kane, plays the game time is to join others' association, few found, therefore these things have not worried. 凯恩之前玩游戏的时候都是加入别人的公会,很少自己创建,所以这些事情从来就没有操心过。 Only hopes that this system the krypton gold/metal should not be beyond his range area of competence. 只希望这系统的氪金不要是他范围能力范围之外。 Has been able to foresee, is a big magic stone expenditure, does not know how long own present magic stone can insist. 已经可以预见,又是一大笔的魔石花费,也不知道自己现在身上的魔石能够坚持多久。 Had the little spare cash by oneself with great difficulty. 好不容易才让自己有了一点点的闲钱。 However below expansion column is not all workable, must first found the association to use, only has on most arranges Foundation association highlight can click. 不过下方的扩展栏全都不可使用,必须要先创建公会才能进行使用,唯有最上排的【创建公会】高亮能够点击。 Kane on most a row of column. 凯恩点在了最上排的栏目上。 Founds the association?】 【是否创建公会?】 Is No 【是】【否】 The click is on. 点击在是上。 Founds association for the first time free 【首次创建公会免费】 Thanks, the real conscience, oneself are also unlikely to found other associations in any case again, moreover probably also can only found appearance a time. 哦,谢谢,真良心,反正自己也不太可能再创建其他公会,而且好像也只能创建一次的样子。 After all is real, is not the game. 毕竟是真实的,并不是游戏。 Please input association name 【请输入公会名称】 (......) (……) This perplexed Kane, he has not thought their association name must name. 这就将凯恩难住了,他从来没有想过他们的公会名称要叫什么名字。 Is cannot help but frowning to ponder tightly. 不由得紧皱着眉头思考起来。 Nearby, looks the appearance that Kane frowns tightly asked: What's wrong? What problem had?” 旁边的克蕾雅,看着凯恩紧皱眉头的样子问道:“怎么了?出现什么问题了吗?” „, Also is not the major problem, if we must found the association, what kind of name chooses to be good?” Kane looks, hopes that she gives a proposition. “啊,也不是什么大问题,只是如果我们要创建公会的话,选择怎样的名字好呢?”凯恩看向克蕾雅,希望她给一个提议。 Eh......” Kane the issue also perplexed, although they were saying must found the regiment and association, but has not achieved the condition, therefore has not pondered this issue. “额……”凯恩的这个问题将克蕾雅也难住了,他们虽然说着要创建战团和公会,但并没有达成条件,所以也没有思考这种问题。 After all their team names are called the Kane squad. 毕竟就连他们的队伍名称都被称为凯恩小队。 But if the association is also called the Kane association, to be honest this was also too stupid. 但如果公会也称为凯恩公会的话,说实话这也太蠢了。 Kane will completely not agree that such association name, some where people do take oneself name to work as the name of association? 凯恩也完全不会同意这样的公会名称,哪有人拿自己的名字当公会的名称呀? The squad like this name is only in order, after all team leader. 小队这样称呼只是为了方便罢了,毕竟还是队长嘛。 Thinks, finally the decision throws to everyone this issue: Might as well ask that others were good, moreover is not our things, can clamp the relation through the ruby lead(er) in any case, not.” 克蕾雅想了想,最后决定将这个问题抛给大家:“不如问问其他人好了,而且也不是我们两个人的事情,反正可以通过红宝石领夹联系,不是吗。” Heard saying that Kane also nods. 听到克蕾雅这么说凯恩也点点头。 Truly, this matter truly should not be decided by their two people, should decide by their squads together. 确实,这种事情确实不应该是由他们两人来决定,应该由他们的小队一起决定。 Nods, puts out a hand to search ruby on the collar to get the clip, the charm flooded into the ruby. 点点头,伸手探了探自己衣领上的红宝石领夹,魔力涌入了红宝石内。 Even if although does not put out a hand to touch are not related, but Kane be used. 虽然即使不伸手触碰也没有关系,但凯恩习惯了。 With having the bluetooth earphone telephones to be the same, even can answer through the earphone, but routine pulls out answering to be the same the cell phone. 就跟戴着蓝牙耳机打电话一样,即使可以通过耳机接听,但还是习惯性的将手机掏出来接听一样。 Hey, can hear? The heard person first puts down in the hand the unimportant matter, now something must discuss, our squad needs to hold the symposium.” “喂,听得见吗?听见的人先放下手中不重要的事情,现在有事情要商量,我们小队内部需要开个讨论会。” After the Kane words saying, waited for a while. 凯恩的话说完后,等待了一会儿。 First transmits is the Li path path voice, unexpectedly is not Lombe, it seems like she is truly idle. 首先传来的便是莉路路的声音,居然不是隆贝吗,看来她确实很闲。 Can hear, to hear, Li path Lulai.” “听得见,听得见,莉路路来了。” Lombe's voice meets immediately in behind: Come, come, what matter has? Unexpectedly must call everyone.” 隆贝的声音立马就接在后面:“来啦,来啦,有什么事情吗?居然要将大家都叫来。” Came.” Does not need to think that this is Medsker's voice. “来了。”不用想这是梅兹克的声音。 After hearing everyone comes, Kane then starts to speak: „To ask your, if must found the association, what kind of name you do want to choose to come as the name of association?” 听到所有人都进来后,凯恩这才开始说话:“想问你们一下,如果要创建公会的话,你们想要选择怎样的名字来作为公会的名称呢?” Fairy tale world “童话世界” You have a world to call the fairy tale world!” “你已经有一个世界叫童话世界啦!” Melts hot mine “熔火矿山” Too dwarf style!” “太矮人风格了吧!” Pharmacist “药剂师” Medsker, do you want to steal away of business with the association of pharmacists?” “梅兹克,你是要跟药剂师协会抢生意吗?” Listened to three people of speeches, the Kane whole person to put the ground to exhibit the grayish white condition. 听完三人的发言,凯恩整个人都扑在了地上呈现灰白的状态。 Help that three people of suggestions have no completely. 三人的建议完全没有任何的帮助。 Kane turns the head to look at: „, What good idea do you have?” 凯恩转过头来看着克蕾雅:“克蕾雅,你有什么好想法吗?” Why didn't say your Kane? You must be the association president not? Your opinion is also very important.” Has not thought, threw to Kane the issue directly. “为什么不说说你的呢凯恩?你肯定要当会长的不是吗?你的意见也很重要。”克蕾雅也没有想好,直接将问题抛给了凯恩 Hears words, the Kane instantaneous spirit: Then everyone listens to my idea to be good.” 听到克蕾雅的话,凯恩瞬间精神起来:“那么大家就听听我的想法好了。” Lovable and charming villain role, what kind of? Is this name good?” “可爱又迷人的反派角色,怎么样?这个名字行不行?” After Kane said the association name, the entire channel fell into a silence. 凯恩将公会名称说出来后,整个频道陷入了一片寂静。 Good strange name.” “好奇怪的名字。” Good brothers, this name is too long.” “好兄弟,这名称太长了吧。” Ok.” “行。” Except for Medsker, others very tactful gave the opinion of opposition, after all Medsker wants is a name, he will approve. 除了梅兹克,其他人都很委婉的给了反对的意见,毕竟梅兹克只要是个称呼,他都会认同。 Kane has turned the head to come to see, looks at expression, his disheartened low head. 凯恩转过头来看一下克蕾雅,看着克蕾雅的表情,他丧气的低下的脑袋。 Good, no one approves. 好嘛,没有一个人认同的。 Might as well call the inspection lamp, inspection lamp association how?” Said. “不如就叫提灯吧,提灯公会怎么样?”克蕾雅说道。 Inspection lamp? Why can call the inspection lamp?” “提灯?为什么要叫提灯呢?” Asking of Kane doubts. 凯恩疑惑的问道。 Thinks saying: „Do you still remember? Mark that on machine armor cloak that your 1st has the name inspection lamp.” 克蕾雅想了想说道:“你还记得吗?你的第一台有名字的机甲披风上就有一个提灯的标记。” „, You said that.” Kane patted the head to think. “啊,你说那个呀。”凯恩拍了拍脑袋想了起来。 The inspection lamp mark of that cloak, but Kane thinks temporarily, at that time bewildered felt good on seal above. 那个披风的提灯印记,只是凯恩临时想的,当时莫名其妙的觉得不错就印在了上面。 Has not thought that still remembers. 没想到克蕾雅还记得嘛。 Perhaps you do not know, the mark of this inspection lamp has actually printed in many mind, at that time you drove that machine armor to kill the four directions greatly.” “或许你不知道,这个提灯的印记其实已经印在很多人的心中了,当时你可是驾驶着那台机甲大杀四方呢。” Heard saying that Kane also pondered seemed like this. 听到克蕾雅这么说,凯恩也思考起来似乎是这样的。 Because then machine armor truly too bright eye, moreover modeling also unusual fashion. 因为当时的这台机甲确实太亮眼了,而且造型也非常的时尚。 Almost all reported at that time the title page of their newspaper and magazine, is almost Kane drives this machine A picture. 几乎所有当时报道他们的报纸和杂志的封面,几乎都是凯恩驾驶这台机甲的图片。 But Kane machine armor, on cloak that huge inspection lamp mark also similarly very conspicuous. 凯恩机甲,披风上那巨大的提灯印记也同样非常的显眼。 If not Kane they have the title of whole staff dense fog squad, possibly to called the inspection lamp squad them at that time. Moreover the residence of spirit maids is not raises? Looks that is attractive. Perhaps this can also be the fate, not? ” Continues to say. 如果不是凯恩他们有着全员迷雾小队的称号的话,可能到当时就把他们叫成提灯小队了。而且幽灵女仆们的住所不也是提的吗?看着还非常漂亮。这或许也算得上是缘分,不是吗?”克蕾雅继续说道。 Li path path feels.” “莉路路觉得可以。” Inspection lamp is listening well.” “提灯听着也不错。” Ok!” “行!” In the channel transmitted Lombe their opinion, it seems like their name also unusual approval to this association. 频道内传来了隆贝他们的意见,看来他们对这公会的名称也非常的赞同。 Kane naturally also feels good, since everyone agreed that that decides like this. 凯恩当然也觉得不错,而且既然大家都同意了,那就这样决定吧。 Good, that decided called the inspection lamp, the icon of association before use chart tuart on our aircraft armor cloak.” “好,那就决定了就叫提灯吧,公会的图标就使用之前我机甲披风上的图桉吧。” Kane waves, decides. 凯恩挥了挥手,决定下来。 „, Right, who had me to drive machine the picture of armor, what kind of I forgot that symbol am.” “哦,对了,谁有我驾驶机甲的图片,我忘了那标志是怎么样的了。” Nearby flips the supercilious look, turned in own space looks quite a while took a magazine came out to give Kane. 旁边的克蕾雅翻了翻白眼,在自己的空间里翻找了半天将一份杂志拿了出来递给凯恩 The title page of magazine is the Kane driver incantation dragon Jijia appearance, but also is just the side appearance, the cloak is following the wind to wave toward here. 杂志的封面就是凯恩驾驶者咒龙机甲的样子,还刚好是侧面的样子,披风正顺着风朝这边舞动。 Cloak above inspection lamp symbol exceptionally conspicuous. 披风上面的提灯标志异常的显眼。 Graceful! 帅! Above also horizontally title that the huge typeface forms. 上面还有一个横着的巨大字体形成的标题。 The dense fog squad, kills the four directions greatly. 迷雾小队,大杀四方。 After hanging up the communication, Kane looks to oneself Book of Ventures. 挂断通讯后,凯恩看向自己下方的【冒险之书】。 The inspection lamp two characters, wrote. 将提灯两个字,写了上去。 【The association name( did inspection lamp) confirm?】 【公会名称(提灯)是否确认?】 Is No 【是】【否】 The click is on. 点击在是上。 Once confirmed, next time will change will spend magic stone.】 【一旦确认,下次更改将会花费魔石。】 Kane continues is on. 凯恩继续点在是上。 Inspection lamp association is founded successfully 【提灯公会创建成功】 You have become the first association president 【你已就任第一任会长】 【The present invites your 1st union member 【现在邀请你的第一个工会成员吧】 Wished you to take risk happily!】 【祝你冒险愉快!】
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