DSED :: Volume #5

#439: New chapter

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The noontime ray, the crack from sky shines. 午时的光芒,从天空中的破洞边照射下来。 Ray of these from top to bottom projection, in the surrounding strange color sky as well as surrounds in all around dark cloud, just like light beams is the same. 这些从上往下投射的光芒,在周围奇怪色彩的天空以及环绕四周的乌云中,犹如一根根光柱一样。 In these light beams, but can also see the light blue glimmer to flutter upwardly. 在这些光柱中,还能够看见淡淡的蓝色微光在向上飘去。 Looks following the direction that these blue glimmer raise, the camp that blue matches colors white/in vain had been destroyed the larger part. 顺着这些蓝色的微光所升起的方向看去,一座蓝白配色的营地已经被摧毁了一大半。 The wooden wall of shatter collapse, ignites the roaring flame the tent. 破碎倒塌的木墙,燃起烈焰的营帐。 And between camp, that on flagpole that is hanging the blue white flag, the flag of fluttering does not see, only remains one group burned black to attach above. 以及营地中间,那根悬挂着蓝白旗帜的旗杆上,飘扬的旗帜已经不见,只剩一团焦黑附着在上面。 In the camps does not have the war cry, only then the flame ignites flip-flop sound. 营地中也没有喊杀声,只有火焰燃起的噼啪声响。 Can see in the ground to have dust one after another. 能够看见地面上有着一堆又一堆的尘埃。 In these dust has is glittering the golden ray gold coin, but also has to send out various magic equipment of charm ray. 这些尘埃中有着闪烁着的黄金光芒的金币,还有着散发着魔力光芒的各种魔法装备。 A palm that dresses the red and white armor to match colors, opened out the dust took inside gold coin and a small glove. 一只穿戴着红白铠甲配色的手掌,拨开了尘埃将里面的金币和一件小手套拿了出来。 Is looking at the gold coin and glove in hand, this is somewhat in a daze at the back of a soldier of tune bow. 看着手中的金币和手套,这位背着一把曲弓的士兵有些发愣。 What's wrong? The Mark, how was in a daze.” “怎么了?马克,怎么发呆了。” The Mark has turned the head, comes the person with a teammate of his squad. 马克转过头去,来人正是和他一个小队的队友。 I am thinking, if I before died, will present this type of thing?” “我只是在想,我以前要是死了的话,也会出现这种东西吗?” Does not know that we also live to be now turn into the luminous spot to rise into the sky.” “不知道啊,我们现在还活着应该是变成光点升入天空了吧。” Said that he also with pointing at referred to the midair these toward the blue luminous spot that in the sky raises. 说完他还用手指了指半空之中那些正朝着天空中升起的蓝色光点。 After these are their here soldiers died, the corpse turns. 这些都是他们这边的士兵死亡后,尸体所变成的。 As for the enemy, their dust are. 至于敌人,他们脚下的尘埃就是。 The entire camp also starts from blue white/in vain toward the red and white transformation, in the camp Kane is taking inventory front soldier, if opens Eagle-Eye to discover that the strengths of these soldiers have soon been close to the bottleneck. 整个营地也开始从蓝白朝着红白转变,营地之中凯恩正清点着自己面前的士兵,如果张开鹰眼就能发现这些士兵的实力已经快要接近瓶颈了。 But not far away also one team of soldiers, these soldiers raise had arrived at the bottleneck, but is led them by now temporarily. 而不远处还有一队士兵,那些士兵提的已经到达了瓶颈,不过现在暂时由克蕾雅带领他们。 You come with me now.” Kane said that then rides the side mechanical warhorse, leading the behind thirty bow rider to walk toward the camp outside. “你们现在跟我来。”凯恩说完便骑上自己身旁的机械战马,带着身后的三十几名弓骑手向着营地外走去。 But is directing in the camp. 而克蕾雅则在营地里指挥着。 They their front camps attacking, because feared that is the soldier loses again many, therefore Kane directly conducted bombing of saturated type. 他们已经将他们前方的营地给攻打了下来,不过由于怕是自己士兵再次损失过多,所以凯恩直接进行了饱和式的轰炸。 Spent the almost complete charm, directly the pulp that the camp explodes, leads own soldier to clash, acquired naturally also wins heartily. 花费了几乎全部的魔力,直接将营地炸的稀巴烂,才带着自己的士兵冲进去,获得的当然也是酣畅大胜。 However promotes as the soldier of silver bottleneck period 20, what are more is close to the limit the soldier. 不过升级为银色瓶颈期的士兵才20个,更多的是接近极限的士兵。 Also misses 25, therefore Kane is bringing Mounted archery that thirty are soon reaching the limit now, to Lombe's place support. 还差25个,所以凯恩现在正带着那三十几个快要到达极限的弓骑兵,去往隆贝的地方支援。 Clamps through the ruby lead(er) with Lombe's exchange, they also soon arrived at the front of camp. 通过红宝石领夹和隆贝的交流,他们也快要到达营地的前方了。 Kane now somewhat is also impatient. 凯恩现在也有些迫不及待了。 He really wants to have a look, how becomes the real association system is, what kind of function also has. 他实在想看看,变为真实的公会系统到底是怎样的,又有着怎样的功能。 Needs to make a long-range raid fast. 需要快速的奔袭。 In order to avoid behind soldiers when has not arrived at the camps of enemy side exhausted, Kane created a truck, making behind that thirty soldiers bring their warhorse to board the truck. 为了避免身后的士兵们在还没到达敌方的营地时就筋疲力尽,凯恩缔造出了一辆大卡车,让身后的那三十几名士兵带着他们的战马登上大卡车。 Youyou is controlling the truck, opens to fly on the flat land. 悠悠则操控着大卡车,在平地上开得飞起。 When close to dusk. 临近黄昏之时。 Lombe and Medsker are leading oneself soldier, crouches in hiding in the shrubbery. 隆贝和梅兹克正带着自己的士兵,蹲伏在灌木丛中。 The ear is the giant bicker that the river flows rapidly. 耳边是大河奔流的巨大流水声。 In their 1 km away, a camp of blue side stands impressively in the shore. 就在他们1公里外,一座蓝色方的营地赫然立在岸边。 They have waited to have 1-2 hours here. 他们已经在这里等候有1-2小时的时间了。 Suddenly, their back heard the giant bellow. 忽然,他们的背面传来了巨大的轰鸣声。 The horsepower opens the full sound to pass on. 马力开足的声响传得很远。 After Lombe and Medsker hear this sound, on the face showed the smile, this sound in their memories, only then the Kane mechanical divine creative force will send. 隆贝和梅兹克听到这声响后脸上露出了笑容,这声音在他们的记忆中只有凯恩的机械造物会发出来。 But in this dungeon does not have any mechanical attribute, was needless to say much, certainly was Kane must arrive. 而这地牢里又没有什么机械属性,不用多说,肯定是凯恩要到了。 They stand up toward the distant place wait and see. 他们站起身来朝远处观望。 Sees only a black lusterless metal structure the giant vehicles, fast toward their direction long-range raids. 只见一辆黑色哑光金属构造的巨大车辆,正快速朝着他们的方向奔袭而来。 What meaning is structure so big a vehicle is? What thing does behind think of?” Lombe about asking that Medsker is having doubts. “构造这么大辆载具是什么意思啊?后面装着什么东西吗?”隆贝对着自己身旁的梅兹克疑惑的问道。 What trades is Medsker shakes the head lightly the form that. 换来的是梅兹克淡淡摇头的身影。 Sees only that greatly giant vehicle, does not conform to the speed drifting of his size, stopped horizontally in their not far away. 只见那辆大巨大的载具,以不符合他大小的速度一个漂移,横停在了他们不远处。 At this time on the vehicle the thing of carrying/sustaining also entered Lombe's view. 这时候载具上所承载的东西也进入了隆贝的眼帘。 Originally is the warhorse and soldier. 原来是战马和士兵呀。 Why however can drive? Riding a horse to be good? 不过为什么要开着车来呢?骑着马过来不好吗? Before Kane gets out not such as such, wields to disperse the vehicle directly. 凯恩下车并没有如以前那样,直接挥散掉载具。 After all are carrying these soldiers may not have the custom, therefore is the honest opening strobe, asking them to leave one by one. 毕竟身后载着的那些士兵可没有习惯,所以还是老老实实的打开闸门,让他们挨个挨个的走下来吧。 However looks at these soldier that pale complexions, wants to come this rushing about to make them not feel better. 不过看这些士兵那苍白的脸色,想来这一路的奔波让他们并不好受。 Kane lets them after rested same place a while, then arrived at Lombe side them. 凯恩让他们在原地休息了一会儿后,便来到了隆贝他们身边。 „Do you lead such soldier to support us?” Asking that Lombe has doubts. “你就带这么点士兵来支援我们吗?”隆贝疑惑的问道。 He also thinks the support that Kane said is belt/bring many soldiers, the result has not thought that led more than 30 bow rider. 他还以为凯恩说的支援是带许多士兵的,结果没想到就带了30多个弓骑手。 Hears Lombe's issue, Kane said: I lead them to come am because they soon arrived at the bottleneck period, but also missed the last victory.” 听到隆贝的问题,凯恩说道:“我带他们来是因为他们快要到达瓶颈期了,还差最后一场胜利。” Hears the explanation of Kane, Lombe then nods, originally is the belt/bring soldier brushes the experience. 听到凯恩的解释,隆贝这才点点头,原来是带士兵刷经验呀。 He also knows after the Kane soldier promotes to become, will become the spirit of freedom, he also thinks that Kane to let his soldier is a bit faster free. 他也知道凯恩的士兵升级成为后会成为自由之灵,他还以为凯恩是为了让他的士兵快点自由呢。 „Was there the camp of enemy?” Kane asked. “那里就是敌人的营地了吗?”凯恩问道。 Right, was there, our final destinations, prepared to come tomorrow again, but has not thought that you were so anxious.” “对,就是那里了,我们最后的目的地,本来准备明天再过来的,只是没想到你这么急。” Anxiously is not good, tomorrow you will know, gives you a pleasant surprise.” “不急不行啊,明天你就知道了,给你个惊喜。” Said, Kane turns the head to look at Lombe to ask: What kind of? What has to attack the strategy of camp?” 说完后凯恩转头看着隆贝问道:“怎么样?有什么攻打营地的策略吗?” Strategy? What strategy? Hits to calculate directly?” Lombe has doubts to ask. “策略?什么策略?直接打进去算吗?”隆贝疑惑得问道。 Ok, that attack?” “行吧,那进攻?” Kane just said, Lombe stands directly, shouts loudly: Brothers, attack!” 凯恩刚说完,隆贝直接站起来,大声喊道:“兄弟们,进攻!” Said that then pushed to the front. 说完便一马当先冲了出去。 In the sky the cotton candy also fluttered, making Lombe step in own body, carries to fly toward the sky of camp him. 天空中棉花糖也飘了下来,让隆贝踩在自己的身体上,将他载着朝营地的上空飞去。 Medsker is swaying particle bottle in the hand. 梅兹克则挥洒着自己手中的微粒瓶。 Eh...... 额…… Should say that is the particle barrel? 应该说是微粒桶? What because in Medsker hand is hugging is a glass jar of big bottle, probably a keg is the same. 因为梅兹克手中抱着的是一个大瓶的玻璃瓶,像是一个小桶一样。 Inside luster or half are red and half earth yellow. 里面的色泽还是一半红和一半土黄。 The middle was used a partition board to separate. 中间被用一个隔板隔开。 He first holds glass to sway, scattered inside two color particle, these particle even sprinkling to these soldier who followed Lombe to charge, adhered to stick cohere on them. 他先是抱着玻璃头挥洒一下,将里面的两种颜色的微粒撒了出来,这些微粒均匀的洒向了那些跟着隆贝冲锋的士兵,附着在他们身上。 The brown color strengthened the defensive power for them. 土黄色是为他们加强了防御力。 But the red particle forms streamers to float in their sides, waits for them injured. 而红色的微粒则形成一个个飘带在他们的身边漂浮着,等待着他们受伤。 It seems like Medsker also to reduce the damage of soldiers, made trying hard. 看来梅兹克也为了减轻士兵们的损伤,做出了努力。 Kane without demur, the side constructed large-scale machinery armor directly, was the ruins manufacturer, taking off, depended on the nozzle of under foot to flush away toward the hostile camp. 凯恩二话没说,身边直接构建起了一座大型机甲,正是废墟制造者,一个起跳,靠着脚下的喷口朝着敌营冲去。 That more than 30 bow rider who he leads follow immediately. 他带过来的那30多个弓骑手立马跟上。 Lombe who first arrives at the hostile camp, he jumps down from the body of cotton candy directly, the body from the sky became 5 meters high gray giant, both hands and both feets conducted multiplication. 最先到达敌营的正是隆贝,他直接从棉花糖的身上跳了下来,身体在空中变为了五米高的灰色巨人,双手和双脚都进行了倍增。 Therefore his present appearance looks somewhat funnily, but truly made him bigger. 所以他现在的样子看着有些滑稽,但确实让他变得更高大了。 He fell in the camps of enemy side directly, the weapon and shield in hand brandished directly toward the surrounding soldier. 他直接落在了敌方的营地内部,手中的武器和盾牌直接朝着周围的士兵挥舞过去。 The camp that can only see the enemy hears the pitiful yell sound, was flung the scene of camp with several soldiers once for a while 只能看见敌人的营地内部传来惨叫声,和时不时有几个士兵被甩出了营地的场景 Also only then Lombe depends the body defensive power to be extremely strong, dares to be like this dry. 也就只有隆贝仗着自己身体防御力极强,才敢这样干。 The archers who these are preparing to shoot arrows do not dare to project toward here, then attacks Lombe in camp. 那些正准备射箭的弓箭手都不敢朝这边抛射了,转而攻击营地内的隆贝。 Kane has also been driving the ruins manufacturer, advanced the front of enemy side. 凯恩也已经驾驶着废墟制造者,突进到了敌方的面前。 Still is the familiar magic Fu and Wen charm defense cover. 依然是熟悉的魔法符文配魔力防护罩。 However with is no different, disassembled a crack that Kane meets to clash directly. 但是和凯恩遇到的没有什么不同,直接拆开一个破口冲了进去。 Afterward is the classical picture. 随后便是经典的画面。 A mechanical giant and limestone giant's crazy wreaking havoc in camp, every strikes create is the giant casualties. 一个机械巨人和一个灰石巨人在营地里疯狂的肆虐,每一击所造成的都是巨大的伤亡。 Side also has the soldier and crossbowman crazy sickleman these of does not have the life of death soldier. 旁边还有着士兵和弩手疯狂的收割者那些没有死亡士兵的生命。 These people are injured are surrounded in their red particles give the treatment restore. 这些人一受伤就会被环绕在他们身上的红色微粒给治疗修复。 With such coordination , without the enemies of 10 minutes of entire camp to be eliminated cleanly. 在这样的配合下,没出十分钟整个营地的敌人都被肃清干净。 Kane falls to the ground to wield to disperse the machinery immediately, and will bend the rider to convene. 凯恩立刻落地挥散掉机械,并将弓骑手召集过来。 Great, no one is injured.” “好样的,没有一个人受伤。” On the face of Kane showed the smile, what is main leads 35 bow rider, all arrived at the bottleneck of strength. 凯恩的脸上露出了笑容,最主要的是带过来的35个弓骑手,全部到达了实力的瓶颈。 In addition in the camp that 20, sufficed completely. 再加上营地里那20个,完全够了。 Walks! Boards!” “走!上车!” Kane direct constructed the previous that truck same place, making these soldiers ascend. 凯恩直接原地构建起了之前的那辆大卡车,让这些士兵登上去。 These bow rider look that the truck face started to turn white, but has to ascend under the order of Kane. 这些弓骑手看着卡车脸都开始发白了,但是迫于凯恩的命令不得不登上去。 Good brothers, to walk quickly?” Nearby Lombe asked. “好兄弟,这么快就走啊?”旁边的隆贝问道。 This was also too anxious, just hit the camp, Kane hurriedly wants to leave. 这也太急了,才刚刚将营地打下来,凯恩就急匆匆的想要离开。 The truck started, is relying on the speed that and build did not tally to run out of the camp. 卡车发动,凭借着和体型不相符的速度冲出了营地。 Distant also broadcasts the sound that Kane and they said goodbye. 远远的还传来凯恩和他们告别的声音。 Opportunity must not be lost, the time does not wait for the person, returns sees.” “机不可失,时间不等人,回见。” Lombe looks at the gone far away vehicle, in his heart has started to expect. 隆贝看着已经远去的载具,他的心中已经开始期待起来了。 Can let the matter that Kane worries, that definitely is the important matter, has not seen Kane to worry. 能让凯恩这么着急的事情,那肯定是重要的事情,从来没有见过凯恩这么着急过。 Good brothers, you to guess that is what matter?” Lombe turns the head to ask to oneself Medsker. “好兄弟,你猜是什么事情?”隆贝转头对自己身旁的梅兹克问道。 What received is Medsker shakes the head to depart the background that. 收到的是梅兹克摇头离去的背景。 Kane helps Lombe the time that the camp attacks is the night. 凯恩帮隆贝他们将营地攻打下来的时候已经是夜晚了。 When Kane returns to the beforehand camp again, talent hazy slightly bright, looks pitch-dark. 凯恩再次返回之前的营地时,天才朦朦微亮,看着还是黑漆漆的。 Through the ruby led the clip, Kane to give the information notice that soon came back. 通过红宝石领夹,凯恩已经将自己快要回来的信息通知给了克蕾雅。 At this time outside the camp, led that 20 bow rider to wait there for some time standard. 此时营地外,克蕾雅正带着那20名弓骑手等候多时。 Success?” “成功了?” Success!” “成功了!” In the Kane words, the exciting sound cannot keep. 凯恩的话语中,兴奋的声音根本藏不住。 Hears the excitement in Kane words, smiles, later said: That has not walked quickly.” 听到凯恩话语中的兴奋,克蕾雅笑了笑,随后说道:“那还不快走。” Un!” “嗯!” As a result of present 55 bow rider, but the Kane vehicle is impossible to install, in addition these bow rider rested enough, the direct horse fast rushed toward the altar. 由于现在有55名弓骑手了,而凯恩的载具不可能装得下,再加上这些弓骑手都休息够了,直接架马快速朝着祭坛奔去。 Also accompanies in the Kane side. 克蕾雅也陪在凯恩的身边。 Noontime, the sky is bright. 午时,天空明亮。 Kane they had also arrived by the long-distance altar. 凯恩他们也已经到达了远程祭坛旁边。 You come up quickly.” “你们快上去吧。” Under the order of Kane, these 55 bow rider stood directly the altar. 凯恩的命令下,这55名弓骑手直接站上了祭坛。 The altar is very spacious, after more than 50 bow rider bring their warhorse to ascend, but also seems somewhat spacious. 祭坛还是非常宽敞的,五十多名弓骑手带着他们的战马登上去后,还显得有些空旷。 But the badge on Kane chest already in slightly flash. 凯恩胸膛上的徽章已经在微微闪光了。 Put out a hand to knock knocking. 伸手敲了敲。 The light beam that soars to the heavens covers the altar. 冲天的光束将祭坛笼罩。 On difference last, was irritable two days of Kane, instead tranquil. 就差最后一步了,急躁了两天的凯恩,反而平静了下来。 The time passes slowly. 时间慢慢流逝。 50 minutes of a while then passes by. 50分钟一会儿便过去。 Finally, the ray removed. 终于,光芒褪去了。 Greeted is one time Book of Ventures Brushing screen. 迎接的又是一次【冒险之书】的刷屏。 Links fetters with Acher 【与阿克链接羁绊】 Links fetters with Patsch 【与帕奇链接羁绊】 Links fetters with Siku 【与斯库链接羁绊】 ...... …… New chapter is writing 【新的章节正在书写】 Writing is completed 【书写完成】 You have new chapter to read 【你有新的章节可以阅读】 Wished you to take risk happily 【祝你冒险愉快】 Waited there for some time the thing, came! 等候多时的东西,来了! 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