DSED :: Volume #5

#438: Condition that needs to achieve

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Popular recommendation: After returning to the camp, is makes these defending soldiers of spirit of freedom to return to own team. 热门推荐:回到营地后,便是让这些已经成为自由之灵的守士兵们回到自己的队伍中。 Has become them of spirit of freedom, will not discriminate is to or harm their beforehand allies, instead the help they will take to become the path of spirit of freedom with every effort. 已经成为自由之灵的他们,并不会歧视或者说是伤害他们之前的战友,反而会尽力的帮助他们走上成为自由之灵的道路。 On this path, only then Abbey is clearest, because he was only bad the shooting. 在这一道路上,只有艾比是最清楚的因为他只差临门一脚了。 However now does not matter, so long as follows Chief Kane, naturally can become the spirit of freedom, this is the present all these has become the goal in the soldier of spirit of freedom believing. 不过现在也无所谓了,只要跟着凯恩长官,自然就能成为自由之灵,这是现在所有这些已经成为自由之灵的士兵中所坚信的目标。 Settles Kane after soldier, after greets, then urgently returned to the central tent. 安顿好士兵后的凯恩,和克蕾雅打了个招呼后,便火急火燎地返回了中央的营帐中。 Enters, sits down, calls Book of Ventures. 进入,坐下,唤出【冒险之书】。 drawing to the recent information that just prompted. 拉到刚刚所提示的新的情报。 ( Secret intelligence section: Congratulates you, linked the fetters with you and has the person of good friend head picture to achieve over 200, this also made us detect that the method of new chapter opening, the material had progressed your good friend information column, please note to examine.) (秘密情报部:恭喜你,与你链接羁绊并有了好友头像的人已经达到了200以上,这同时也让我们察觉到了新的篇章开启的方法,资料已经递进了你的好友信息栏,请注意查看。) Looks words that the secret intelligence section institute spoke. 看着秘密情报部所说的话。 The excitement on Kane face, has hidden cannot keep. 凯恩脸上的兴奋,已经藏都藏不住了。 The good friend head picture had 200, new chapter. 好友头像有了200个,新的篇章。 What do two types of elements put together the new chapter that is going to open are? Is self-evident. 两种元素加在一起将要开启的新篇章是什么?已经不言而喻了。 Kane turns the page to that page of good friend column rapidly. 凯恩迅速将书页翻到好友栏的那一页。 Below good friend column the quantity of head picture, increased more than ten times suddenly, the following progress bar can draw is very long. 下方的好友栏中头像的数量,突然增加了十几倍,下面的进度条可以拉很长。 Most conspicuous was side had a circle middle question mark. 最显眼的便是旁边有了一个圆圈中间的问号。 Kane puts out a hand to click above. 凯恩伸手点击在上面。 Looks at the above information, the smile on Kane face is getting more and more abundant, really the new chapter said is the association system. 看着上面的信息,凯恩脸上的笑容越来越盛,果然新的篇章说的就是公会系统。 Opens the association system the condition, has written above. 开启公会系统的条件,已经写在了上面。 Very simple, was makes Kane link the fetters to have the person of head picture to achieve 300, this was the condition that the new chapter opened, Kane has been close to this condition. 很简单,就是让凯恩链接羁绊拥有了头像的人要达到300个,这就是新篇章所开启的条件,凯恩已经非常接近于这条件了。 Almost it can be said that shooting. 几乎可以说是临门一脚。 First is the head pictures of new these soldiers has 220. 首先便是新出现的那些士兵的头像有220个。 In addition young girl branch of the services 30, Lombe and Burton these 5 people. 再加上少女兵种30个,以及克蕾雅,隆贝和伯顿这五人。 He only misses 45 people to 300 numbers. 他离300的数目只差45人。 According to the present, the quickest method, that is to make the subordinate soldier promote the bottleneck, then leads them to promote. 按照现在来说,最快的方法,那就是让自己麾下的士兵提升到瓶颈,然后带他们去晋升。 45 can achieve with ease. 45个非常轻松就能够达到了。 To be honest, 300 good friend conditions are true are make Kane have a scare. 说实话,300个好友条件属实是让凯恩吓了一大跳。 Rejoicing in heart, it goes without saying. 心中的庆幸,不言而喻。 Must know becomes Adventurer from Kane to the present already one year, but that 5 people of good friend position, 4 are oneself teammate. 要知道从凯恩成为探索者到现在已经一年的时间,而好友位的那五人,有四个都是自己的队友。 Other just became Adventurer ignorant time, gave itself very many help Burton. 另外的一个还是自己刚成为探索者懵懵懂懂的时候,给了自己非常多个帮助的伯顿 To achieve the conditions of 300 good friends, to be honest, if not this dungeon, Kane thought that possible this whole life not to have the opportunity. 想要达到300个好友的条件,说实话,如果不是这地牢的话,凯恩觉得可能这辈子都没机会了。 How this can make him not rejoice. 这怎能让他不庆幸呢。 However now thinks, condition that this achieves actually very reasonable. 不过现在想想,这达成的条件却又非常的合理。 When played the game before the system of association to certain rank, crossed the new duty to open naturally. 在以前玩游戏的时候公会的系统是到了一定的等级,过了新手任务自然而然就开启了。 But before then the duty is clear, that is to make you add a good friend. 而在这之前有一个任务非常明确,那就是让你加一个好友。 However now became real, wants to open the association you at least to have the member. 但是现在变为了真实,想要开启公会你至少得有成员吧。 If your good friend cannot be certain number, what significance you do open the association also to have? 如果你的好友达不到一定的数目,那你开公会又有什么意义呢? Truly, is reasonable. 确实,非常合理。 Kane sets out toward own to bend the soldier tent that the rider to go. 凯恩起身向着自己弓骑手所在的士兵营帐而去。 His eye had turned into Eagle-Eye, he now is to pass to examine some oneself subordinate soldier also many soon becomes the bottleneck period. 他的眼睛已经变成了鹰眼,他现在是要过去查看自己麾下的士兵还有多少快要成为达到瓶颈期了。 He has wanted to see the new chapter now impatiently, association's systematic opening. 他现在已经迫不及待想要看见新的篇章,公会系统的开启。 However Kane turns over to disappointedly. 然而凯恩失望而归。 Their front have a camp, in other words a war, but by one win to achieve the soldier of bottleneck to only have more than 30, but also misses more than ten. 他们的前方有着一处营地,也就是说还有一场大战,而靠一场大胜能够达到瓶颈的士兵只有30多名,还差十几名。 The impatient mood was thrown basin cold water, 迫不及待的心情被泼了一盆冷水, In other words Kane at least also needs to fight two successful battles to be good now. When Kane returns to the soldier tent, already in inside. 也就是说凯恩现在至少还需要打两场胜仗才行。当凯恩回到士兵营帐内时,克蕾雅也已经在里面了。 Kane that looks, asked: What kind of, why was making clear?” 看着进来的凯恩,克蕾雅问道:“怎么样,搞清楚是为什么了吗?” Hears issue, Kane nods: Has almost made clear, but currently has a very important matter.” 听到克蕾雅的问题,凯恩点点头:“差不多已经搞清楚了,但是现在有一个非常重要的事情。” What matter?” Question and answer that has doubts. “什么事?”克蕾雅疑惑的问答。 My Original Skill must transform, I can feel, but also misses the final shooting.” “我的本源技能要蜕变了,我能感觉得到,但是还差最后的临门一脚。” This matter has nothing to conceal, after all after increasing its association system, 1st becomes the association members definitely is also they. 这种事情没什么好隐瞒的,毕竟增开其公会系统后,第一个成为公会成员的肯定也是克蕾雅他们。 Calls the preventive inoculation them ahead of time. 算是提前给他们打好预防针。 Original Skill?” Somewhat has doubts, but thinks of anything immediately. 本源技能?”克蕾雅有些疑惑,但是立刻又想到了什么。 In a flash in her mind flashes through unexpectedly is Kane, that condenses various mechanical divine creative force the skills. 她一瞬间脑海中闪过的居然是凯恩,那凝聚各种机械造物的技能。 After all Kane Original Skill in the thing that in the team needs to conceal extremely, they will not basically go many thinks this matter. 毕竟凯恩本源技能在队伍中是需要极其隐瞒的东西,以至于他们基本上都不会去过多的想这件事。 After Kane this reminder, thinks that Kane Original Skill is anything. 经过凯恩这一提醒,克蕾雅才想起来凯恩本源技能是什么。 However Original Skill will truly promote, but hasn't Kane become the gold now? 不过本源技能确实会升级,但是现在凯恩还没有成为黄金啊? However thinks that Kane that odd Original Skill, has such condition, as if also has nothing at the worst. 不过想到凯恩那离谱的本源技能,出现这样的状况,似乎又没什么大不了的。 Odd that compares the Kane skill, this situation as if cannot be counted any serious matter. 相比凯恩技能的离谱性,这种情况似乎并不能算作什么不得了的事情。 Like this thinking, is not surprised. 这样想着,克蕾雅又不惊讶了。 She looks up Kane to ask: What kind of condition also misses?” 她抬头看着凯恩问道:“还差怎样的条件?” „The spirits of 45 freedom.” “45名自由之灵。” Hears the Kane words, said: You should determine, so long as your subordinate soldier promotes to become the intermediate branch of the services, can become the spirit of freedom.” 听到凯恩的话,克蕾雅说道:“你应该已经确定了,你麾下的士兵只要升级成为中级的兵种,就能成为自由之灵吧。” Un.” “嗯。” Meaning in other words, our also need many victories make among the remaining soldiers present the strength to achieve the soldier of bottleneck, but also misses several to win?” “意思也就是说,我们还需要更多的胜利来让剩下的士兵当中出现实力达到瓶颈的士兵,还差几场大胜?” Understood the key point of issue instantaneously. 克蕾雅瞬间就理解到了问题的重点。 Two.” “两场。” Listens to the Kane words, looks at the maps as well as their front routes on nearby table, their front have a camp, later is a promotion altar of close combat soldier. 听完凯恩的话,克蕾雅看着旁边桌子上的地图以及他们前方的路线,他们的前面还有着一座营地,随后便是一座近战士兵的晋升祭坛。 The following camp left their distances to be far again, liuqibai km away, the middle also river stopped their route. 再后面的营地离他们的距离就非常的远了,六七百公里之外了,中间还有一条大河阻拦了他们的路线。 Their beforehand plans were first to wipe out these two camps, upgraded to return to the close combat soldier, forded next time from other lines. 他们之前的计划就是先将这两座营地拔除了,给近战士兵进行了升级就返回,下一次就从其他线路渡河过去。 However currently Kane has two winning needs, starts to search in the surroundings. 然而现在凯恩有两场大胜的需要,克蕾雅开始在周围查找起来。 They and Lombe offensive direction is the same, in Lombe's their routes also has two camps, final that camp in the river shores of their line. 他们和隆贝进攻方向是相同的,隆贝他们的路线上也同样有着两处营地,最后的那一处营地就在他们那条线路的河边岸。 Then only needs them fast tomorrow attacks and occupies their here camps, then rushes to that side Lombe to help them immediately. 那么只需要他们明天快速的将他们这边的营地攻占好,然后立马赶往隆贝那边帮助他们。 Rather appears snatches the situation of experience, when the time comes will make Kane bring few parts soon to achieve the soldier of bottleneck, aids Lombe they. 未免出现抢经验的情况,到时候让凯恩带着少部分即将达到瓶颈的士兵,去援助隆贝他们。 This can the maximum guarantee present the bow rider who 45 strengths are the bottleneck period. 这样就能最大限度的保证出现45名实力达到瓶颈期的弓骑手。 They must rest for two days in this camp, then lets this camp their soldiers and Kane they attacks the next camp the tie together. 他们本来是要在这营地里休息两天,然后让这营地的将领带着他们的士兵和凯恩他们一起去攻打下一座营地的。 Because the soldier quota of entire camp recruits fully, requires about one all day time. 因为整个营地的士兵额度招募满,需要大约一整天的时间。 It seems like can only tomorrow continue to lead the remaining soldiers to attack by them. 看来只能明天继续由他们带着剩下的士兵去进攻了。 After Kane and reached an agreement the plan, then gets the clip to inform Lombe using the ruby. 凯恩和克蕾雅商量好了计划后,便利用红宝石领夹通知到隆贝。 Hey, what matter the good brothers to have?” “喂,好兄弟有什么事吗?” Lombe, you will rush to your that side final camp tomorrow fast, but do not attack, waits for me to come the support.” “隆贝,你们明天就快速赶往你们那边最后的一座营地,但不要进攻,等我过来支援。” „? Without issue, good brothers, when the time comes we and others you.” “啊?哦,没问题,好兄弟,到时候我们等你。” Lombe had not asked why Kane does that he does that to have his truth in any case. 隆贝也没有问凯恩为什么这么做,反正他这么做自有他的道理。 Kane does not have many explanations, otherwise Lombe will ask him to chat for quite a while when the time comes. 凯恩也没有过多的解释,不然到时候隆贝又会找他聊个大半天。 Let him first store up his words, association system opening draws him to go in any case when the time comes, will definitely also keep saying. 让他先将他的话储存起来,反正到时候公会系统开启拉他进去的时候,肯定也会说个没完。 Regarding suffers hardship one time, is divided suffers hardship twice respectively, Kane obtains very clearly. 对于是一次性受罪,还是分成两次分别受罪,凯恩还是分得非常清楚的。 ...... …… In the morning. 清晨。 The sky shines slightly, Kane and leads their soldiers hand/subordinate to leave the camp, hurries to toward the front that hostile camp. 天空才微微发亮,凯恩和克蕾雅就已经带着他们手下的士兵离开了营地,向着前方的那座敌营赶去。 Rides on own mechanical warhorse, Kane still in examining the map in hand. 骑在自己的机械战马上,凯恩还在查看着手中的地图。 Although in examination map, the issue and map that but in the Kane brain ponders have no relations. 虽然是在查看地图,但凯恩脑中思考的问题与地图没有任何的关系。 He was pondering own subordinate, these have become spirit of freedom the safety of bow rider. 他在思考自己部下,那些已经成为自由之灵的弓骑手的安危。 If they had not become the spirit of freedom before, that died naturally also died. 如果之前他们还没有成为自由之灵,那死了自然也就死了。 After all they could not have been regarded at that time are the lives, because they were duplicated by the dungeon. 毕竟他们那时候还算不得上是生命,因为他们是被地牢复制出来的。 But now they have become the spirit of freedom, was free, let alone also connected the fetters with Kane, gives loyalty to him. 而现在他们已经成为了自由之灵,也就自由了,更别说还和凯恩连接了羁绊,效忠于他。 That present died may really die, without opportunity of resurrecting, because they were also the illegal residents of dense fog, the item that even can resurrect cannot use on them. 那现在死了可就是真死了,没有复活的机会了,由于他们还算是迷雾的黑户,甚至连能复活的道具都不能用在他们身上。 This is Kane unacceptable, others died with looking at not too big relations, but these are his subordinate, fought for him. 这是凯恩所不能接受的,其他的人死了跟看没有太大的关系,但是这些已经是他的部下了,为他而战。 If trades the life with these enemy soldiers is to make Kane completely unacceptable, this death was also unworthy. 如果和那些敌军小兵换命的话是让凯恩完全不能接受的,这死的也太不值了。 Now what he ponders, how to strengthen these soldiers, making their strengths go a step further. 他现在思考的是,如何强化这些士兵,让他们的实力更进一步。 The strength, the life naturally also preserved. 实力强了,命自然也就保住了。 However, he still has not found out a reason why. 不过嘛,他依然还没有想出个所以然。 Fortunately these bow rider mortality rates of his subordinate were very only low, after all is the long-distance shooter of equitation. 唯一值得庆幸的是他部下的这些弓骑手死亡率本就很低,毕竟是骑马的远程射手。 Most death tuart cases came from the military officer of enemy side. 大部分的死亡桉例都来自于敌方的将领。 Kane, looks at his appearance. 凯恩旁边的克蕾雅,看着他的样子。 You are thinking these have become the soldier of spirit of freedom?” “你是在想那些已经成为自由之灵的士兵吧?” Un.” “嗯。” Has treated for a long time with Kane, the clear understanding Kane character, he to the person on one's own side is the unusual enthusiasm. 已经和凯恩待过许久的克蕾雅,清楚的了解凯恩的性格,他对自己人是非常的热情的。 Naturally this premise is a person on one's own side, if the bystander, looked like in Kane died, was very indifferent. 当然这个前提是自己人,而如果是外人的话,在凯恩看来死了就是死了,是非常冷漠的。 But after spirit of death freedom, characteristics that will not resurrect, knows. 而自由之灵死亡后,不会复活的特性,克蕾雅也是知道的。 She was also clear, Kane is worried about anything. 她也就清楚了,凯恩在担心着什么。 Because these ordinary soldiers promote to become the intermediate branch of the services, however their strengths have not been increased is too many. 因为即使这些普通的士兵升级成为了中级兵种,但是他们的实力并没有提升太多。 Does not seem like these open country branch of the services that Kane recruits to be the same, each one strengths draw fully. 不像是凯恩召募的那些野外兵种一样,个个实力拉满。 Regarding the ordinary soldier, simply is the dimensionality reduction attack. 对于普通的士兵来说,简直就是降维打击。 Once hits, the casualty rate can be imagined. 一旦打起来,伤亡率可想而知。 Kane this morning has also discussed with these soldiers, in the spoken language makes them first treat the safe place unintentionally, but was rejected with stern words by these soldiers. 凯恩今早也和那些士兵商谈过,言语中有意无意让他们先待在安全的地方,但被那些士兵严词的拒绝掉了。 Regarding these soldiers, they live for the war since birth, they give loyalty to Kane go on an expedition for him, won the victory for him. 对于这些士兵来说,他们生来就是为战争而生的,他们效忠于凯恩就是为了他征战,为他赢得胜利。 Let alone in their memories also has the samsara that kept dying, this caused in their hearts routine disregarded own life and death. 更别说他们的记忆中还有着不停死亡的轮回,这就导致他们心中习惯性的将自己的生死置之度外。 Is the difference of spirit and ordinary soldier freedom. 就是自由之灵和普通士兵的区别。 They are the same on such as Callian, after these soldiers gain the freedom, had own will. 就如卡莲他们一样,这些士兵获得自由后有了自己的意志。 They are no longer following the order of Kane as before, under certain circumstances, they will make according to oneself will violate the Kane order the matter. 他们不再像以前一样遵循着凯恩的命令,在某些情况下,他们会根据自己的意志而做出一些违背凯恩命令的事情。 Naturally, here said is not the betrayal. 当然了,这里说的并非是背叛。 The matter that but is in spirit of hearts these freedoms accepts the matter that does not tally. 而是和这些自由之灵心中所接受的事情不相符的事。 On such as Callian they, must protect the determination of Kane. 就如卡莲她们,要保护凯恩的决心。 On such as these soldiers, must for the determination that Kane fights. 就如这些士兵,要为凯恩而战的决心。
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