DSED :: Volume #5

#437: Free

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Popular recommendation: Faced front is brushing the screen the information, Kane somewhat compelled ignorant, but he started to clear off oneself mentality instantaneously. 热门推荐:面对着面前刷屏的信息,凯恩有些懵逼了,但他瞬间就开始理清自己的思路。 Regarding this situation, the 1st suspicion that Kane in the brain emits now is , like Callian their situations. 对于这种情况,凯恩现在脑中冒出的第一个猜想便是,跟卡莲他们的情况是一样的。 Why the issue is only to happen after these soldiers promote, Callian they are the branch of the services that the open country camp recruits are also most higher. 问题只是在于为何发生在这些士兵升级后,卡莲他们是野外营地招募的兵种也是最高等的。 The beforehand soldier branch of the services are most preliminary after promotion intermediate branch of the services, they link the fetters with Kane immediately, turned into the spirit of freedom instantaneously. 之前的士兵兵种是最低级的在升级中级的兵种后,他们立刻就和凯恩链接了羁绊,瞬间就变成了自由之灵。 The meaning was also very obvious, the beforehand soldiers have not achieved some condition, was the rank is insufficient. 意思也就是很明显了,之前的士兵们没有达成某种条件,也就是级别不够。 Manifestation of low level branch of the services lies in they are created, possibly when created at that time the essence of life is insufficient, the subsequent promotion unearths their talents, strengthens their life essences, these know from Callian there. 低级兵种的体现就在于他们是被创造出来的,可能是当时创造时生命的本质不够,后续的升级是挖掘他们的天赋,增强他们的生命本质,这些都是从卡莲那里知道的。 In other words Kane own subordinate, after these low level branch of the services promote to intermediate completely, their life essence promotes, will therefore turn into the spirit of freedom completely. 也就是说凯恩将自己的部下,这些低级兵种全部升级到中级后,他们生命本质提升,所以全部都会变成自由之灵。 Kane looks after the altar the ray vanishes, appears in the above bow rider, their present appearances compared the beforehand difference to be too big. 凯恩看着祭坛上光芒消失后,出现在上面的弓骑手,他们现在的模样相较之前差别可太大了。 First is the warhorses under their body looks before comparing, wants to be stronger, body big, armor piece also slightly became heavy/thick, but still used the leather to be connected, did not affect the activity of warhorse. 首先是他们身下的战马看着相比之前就要强壮许多,身体大了一圈,身上的甲片也稍微变得厚重了些,但依然用皮革相连,不影响战马的活动。 The body of soldiers also is still light armor, but looks is finer. 士兵们的身上也依然是轻甲,只是看着更为精致了。 Especially on the shoulder also has a wolf head. 特别是肩膀上还有一个狼头。 Change biggest is that in their hand draws a bow, before was ordinary short bent/tune bow. 变化最大的便是他们手中的那张弓,以前是普通的短曲弓。 Now also is still short bent/tune bow, the light looked that the semblance can feel the change of material quality, and also enclosed magic rune/symbol writing. 现在也依然是短曲弓,光看外表都能感觉到材质的变化,并且还附上了魔法符文。 Their waists the short-sword, another side be not hanging three gleaming jars. 他们的腰间别着短剑,另一边还挂着三个亮闪闪的瓶子。 However what is most obvious is all bow rider in altar, looked up completely to the sky. 不过最明显的是祭坛上的所有弓骑手,全部抬头看向了天空之中。 In direction sky that they look at that huge fissure, as well as behind central place that for the giant cavity of white dense fog. 他们所看的方向正是天空中那巨大的裂痕,以及中央处那背后为白色迷雾的巨大空洞。 On the faces of some soldiers obviously presented the frightened expression. 一些士兵的脸上明显的出现了恐惧的表情。 Before this very obvious sky scenery and them, knows is not same. 这很明显天空的景色和他们以前所知道的不相同。 They just became the spirit of freedom, had had some time before to become the spirit of freedom, was only promotes in their senses simply, in the sky then cracked suddenly. 他们是刚刚成为自由之灵的,在成为自由之灵前就已经存在了一段时间,在他们的感官中就是只是简单的升级了一下,天空中便突然就开裂了。 But has paid attention to focus in them, not only Kane, including. 而一直注意把注意力放在他们身上的,不只是凯恩,也包括克蕾雅。 After the Kane soldier promoted the change is really obvious, they looked completely to the sky. 凯恩士兵升级后的变化实在是太明显了,他们全部看向了天空。 Before Kane, had told them such change, the spirit of freedom can see. 凯恩之前就跟他们说过这样的变化,只有自由之灵能够看见。 At that time when sky to split open that 8 dense fog spirit maids on oneself, scared on then expression personally saw. 当时天空开裂时处在自己身上的那八只迷雾幽灵女仆,当时的表情上的恐慌自己可是亲眼所见。 Now such expression appeared in the above these soldiers, was not one two, but was more than 200 soldiers all showed such expression. 现在这样的表情出现在了上面的那些士兵中,不是一个两个,而是200多名士兵全都露出了那样的表情。 This is explicit on behalf of anything, the Kane subordinate soldier rose a level, becomes the spirit of freedom completely. 这代表着什么已经非常明确了,凯恩麾下的士兵只是升了个级,就全部成为了自由之灵。 Discovered she who this point turns the head to look immediately to Kane. 发现这一点的她立刻转头看向凯恩 Because he knows that the promotion is impossible to make the soldier the spirit of freedom, at least completely will not become, otherwise before Medsker these crossbowmen, just after promoting, why won't have to turn into the spirit of freedom? 因为他知道升级并不可能让士兵成为自由之灵,至少不会全部成为,不然的话梅兹克那些弩手之前刚刚升级后,为何没有变成自由之灵? Has not become. 一个都没有成为。 They give loyalty to with the difference of above bow rider in Medsker and Kane respectively. 他们和上面的弓骑手的差别就是分别效忠于梅兹克和凯恩 Moreover the branch of the services of that more than 30 open country Kane recruits also similarly are the spirit of freedom. 而且凯恩招募的那30多个野外的兵种也同样是自由之灵。 The military officer who he recruits is also the spirit of freedom, even including military officer two children. 就连他招募的将领也是自由之灵,甚至包括将领的两个孩子。 Regarding the final indictment, Kane knows that certainly must shout to be unjust, finally this has not really related with him. 对于最后的这一项指控,凯恩知道肯定要大喊冤枉,最后这一项真跟他没有关系。 Kane also detected vision that inquired, has been pondering these soldiers become the issue of spirit of freedom, causing him not to know that now how to explain. 凯恩也察觉到了克蕾雅询问的目光,一直在思考这些士兵成为自由之灵的问题,导致他现在不知道如何解释。 However also has nothing to explain that told the facts on the line. 不过也没什么好解释的,实话实说就行。 They became the spirit of freedom. “他们成为自由之灵了。 „, I know, I saw.” ”“嗯,我知道,我看见了。” Hears words reluctantly, Kane sighed saying: Why I not am quite clear they to become the spirit of freedom, is not quite clear the soldier who why only then I recruit becomes the spirit of freedom, but truly is possible and I recruits their some relations.” 听见克蕾雅的话,凯恩无奈的叹了口气说道:“我也不太清楚他们为什么成为自由之灵,也不太清楚为何只有我招募的士兵成为了自由之灵,但是确实是可能和我招募他们有一些关系。” Hears the Kane virtue to explain that was crooked the head carefully to look at him, later nods saying: Then the issue comes now, what to do now should? Will these soldiers also give loyalty to you?” 听见凯恩德解释克蕾雅歪着脑袋仔细的看了看他,随后点了点头说道:“那么现在问题来了,现在该怎么办?这些士兵还会效忠于你吗?” Does not blame to ask that such issue, the most major characteristics that the spirit of freedom most displays are they no longer receive dungeon certain regular fetters, became free. 不怪克蕾雅问出这样的问题,自由之灵最表现的最大的特点便是他们不再受地牢某些规则的束缚,变得自由了。 Their meeting, they are same as Callian as well as Roshal.” Kane replied, and gave a look of Ya'an heart. “他们会的,就和卡莲以及罗莎莉她们一样。”凯恩回答道,并给了一个克蕾雅安心的眼神。 First they want to become the spirit of freedom, must first maintain is to giving loyalty to of Kane, without this premise could not become the spirit of freedom. 首先他们想要成为自由之灵,最先要保持的就是对凯恩的效忠,没有这一份前提是成为不了自由之灵的。 After becoming the spirit of freedom, this premise still is also exists, the information ball that otherwise the fetters link will not come out. 成为自由之灵后,这个前提依然也是存在的,不然羁绊链接的信息可不会弹出来。 But was just looking brushes the screen at present the information, he has counted, in the soldier quantities of these promotion with the altar is exactly the same, but the last information has not examined with enough time. 而刚刚在看眼前刷屏的信息,他可是数过,和祭坛上那些升级的士兵数量是一模一样的,只是最后一则信息还没来得及查看。 He bore, now is not the examination time. 他忍住了,现在不是查看的时候。 You know in heart well, that present is about to comfort your soldier, evidently they by the real world frightening.” Moves to say with a smile. “你心里有数就好,那现在快上去安慰一下你的士兵,看样子他们被真实的世界给吓到了。”克蕾雅调笑道。 Did not need saying that Kane also knows, on above these soldier faces panic-stricken and flustered revealed completely in the surface. 不用克蕾雅说凯恩也知道,上面那些士兵脸上的惊恐和慌张完全显露在表面。 The Kane half step arrives under the altar, looks that the above soldier said: Do not be flustered, this is the real world, congratulating you were free.” 凯恩快步走到祭坛下方,看着上面的士兵说道:“不要慌张,这就是真实的世界,恭喜你们自由了。” The above soldier has the beforehand memory, they were also recruited dead in the samsara that kept, samsara that later was recruited. 上面的士兵是有着之前的记忆的,他们也是不停的在轮回着被招募出来死亡,随后再被招募出来的轮回。 Before the world was shattered the death possibly really died, when this fragment changes into the dungeon, their deaths also no longer died. 世界破碎前的死亡可能是真的死亡,但是当这块碎片化为地牢时,他们的死亡也就不再是死亡了。 These information clear seal in their brains, including giving loyalty to the Kane memory. 这些信息清晰的印在他们的脑子中,也包括效忠于凯恩的记忆。 Must know that the Kane powerful strength left behind the huge mark in their mind, as the soldier will have the worship to the powerhouse. 要知道凯恩的强大实力在他们的心中可是留下了巨大的印记,身为士兵就是会对强者产生崇拜。 Let alone such powerhouse is the object who they give loyalty, this will only make them happier. 更别说这样的强者还是他们所效忠的对象,这只会让他们更开心。 Even if restores now freely, this point still has not changed, if changed were unlikely to regain the freedom. 即使现在恢复自由了,这一点依然没有改变,如果改变了就不太可能恢复自由。 Facing the comfort of Kane, Abbey as well as Mark these two first calm down. 面对凯恩的安慰,艾比以及马克这两人是最先冷静下来的。 One is the Kane ordered by the emperor personally assistant, without this promotion ceremony, will also become the role of spirit of freedom in the near future. 一个是凯恩钦定的助手,如果没有这场晋升仪式,在不远的将来也会成为自由之灵的角色。 Another is the Kane soldier, has stepped onto the distance of becoming the spirit of freedom. 另一个是凯恩的士兵,已经走上了成为自由之灵的路程。 Yes!” “是!” Their two first responded to the Kane words, pulled warhorse in the hand to go down the altar. 他们两个首先回应了凯恩的话,牵着自己手中的战马走下了祭坛。 Had two examples and lead goats, others also suppressed the panic in heart temporarily, pulled the warhorse to walk. 有了两个榜样和领头羊,其他人也暂时压制住了心中的恐慌,牵着战马走了下来。 Another side Lombe and Medsker also noticed here situation. 另一边的隆贝和梅兹克也注意到了这边的情况。 In Medsker eyes flashes through together none, seemed like thought of anything. 梅兹克眼中闪过一道精光,似乎是想到了什么。 Only then Lombe's cheerful running over, patted the thigh of Kane saying: Good brothers, after your soldier hand/subordinate promote, how to feel much powerful?” 只有隆贝乐呵呵的跑过来,拍了拍凯恩的大腿说道:“好兄弟,你手下的士兵晋升后,怎么感觉强大了不少呀?” Yes, on the scene only then he had not seen that felt grateful these soldiers to become the spirit of freedom. 是的,在场就只有他没有看出感恩这些士兵成了自由之灵。 Kane looked down saying of his undulating: Because they became the spirit of freedom.” 凯恩低头看了他一眼澹澹的说道:“因为他们成了自由之灵。” „, Is this.” “哦,原来是这样啊。” What?” “什么?” He as if responded, the words that Kane spoke were what meaning. 他似乎反应过来了,凯恩说的话是什么意思。 The meaning that however Kane completely do not explain, said immediately: Why I do not know, do not ask.” 然而凯恩完全没有要解释的意思,立马说道:“我也不知道为什么,别问。” The Kane words stop up incessant that Lombe then possibly can present like a plug. 凯恩的话就像一个塞子一样堵住了隆贝接下来可能会出现的滔滔不绝。 In the mouth has the innumerable words to say, the stopped up feeling, making Lombe very uncomfortable, he arrived in front of Medsker rapidly. 口中有无数的话语想要说出,被堵住的感觉,让隆贝非常难受,他迅速来到了梅兹克面前。 Good brothers you to know? These that Kane just promoted completely become free......” “好兄弟你知道吗?凯恩刚刚升级的那些全部成为自由……” Is facing Lombe's words, Medsker visual front, motionless, can see the blue brilliance in his both ears indistinctly. 面对着隆贝的话语,梅兹克目视前方,一动不动,隐约能够在他的双耳中看见蓝色的光辉。 Kane not with all soldier conversations, but called Abbey. 凯恩并没有和所有的士兵交谈,而是将艾比叫了过来。 Looks that front Abbey Kane asked: What's wrong, felt after the freedom, and before , differently what has? Does not use so seriously, looks like chatting between old friends equally on the line.” 看着面前的艾比凯恩问道:“如何,感觉自由之后和之前有什么不同吗?不用如此严肃,就像是老朋友之间的闲聊一样就行。” Listened to the Kane words, Abbey nods. 听了凯恩的话,艾比点点头。 Before the innumerable experiences appeared from the brain, looked like the locked in memory opened, feeling the whole world clear was the same.” “以前无数的经历都从脑中浮现了出来,就像是被锁住的记忆打开了,感觉整个世界都清晰了一样。” Listens to Abbey's words, Kane to frown to ask: Locked in memory? The convenient words can say that with me is what memory?” 听完艾比的话,凯恩皱着眉头问道:“锁住的记忆?方便的话能和我说说是什么记忆吗?” Yes!” “是!” Looks appearance that Abbey is also serious, Kane helpless shaking the head, but has not said anything. 看着艾比又严肃起来的样子,凯恩无奈的摇摇头,但也没有多说什么。 These sudden memories, before are , the experience that goes on an expedition, can feel that oneself died, was recruited, later died, was recruited, till was recruited by Chief Kane.” “这些突然出现的记忆,就是之前征战的经历,能够感觉到自己死亡了,又被招募出来,随后又死亡,又被招募出来,直到被凯恩长官招募出来为止。” Listens to Abbey's words Kane to nod, originally their experiences are such, no wonder. 听完艾比的话凯恩点点头,原来他们的经历是这样的嘛,怪不得。 The meaning in other words, in their brains has the memory of beforehand world, but also after having the world was shattered, becomes the memory after dungeon, now therefore they display is not so ignorant like Rosanna. 意思也就是说,他们脑中有着以前世界的记忆,还有着世界破碎后成为地牢后的记忆,所以他们现在表现的并没有如罗莎娜那样懵懂。 Because they were often recruited, as the most common soldier, frequency high oddness that in addition the explorations of so many Adventurer, they were incurred. 因为他们时常被招募出来,身为最普通的士兵,再加上这么多探索者的探索,他们被招出来的频率高的离谱。 But Roshal they can be imagined, Callian they were possibly also recruited, Roshal's such spirit maid one time is recruited evidently. 而罗莎莉她们可想而知,卡莲他们可能还被招募出来过,罗莎莉这样的幽灵女仆看样子是一次都没有被招募出来过。 Even possibly, when the beforehand world destruction, they was just also born. 甚至可能,在之前的世界毁灭之时,她们也才刚刚诞生。 However now the issue also comes out, becomes the soldier of spirit of freedom, after the death, may really die, such as the beforehand saintess is the same. 不过现在问题也就出来了,成为自由之灵的士兵,死亡后可就是真死了,就如之前的圣女一样。 Cannot seem like other dungeon life such again, after the death, can return to the dungeon the energy storehouse, needed time was condensed again. 不能再像是其他的地牢生灵那样,死亡后还能回归地牢的能量库,需要的时候再被重新凝聚出来。 This issue needs consideration well. 这个问题需要好好的考虑考虑。 Solved the problems of these soldiers, now is the matter of primary importance, what then the information that finally that prompt represents is? 解决了这些士兵的问题,现在最重要的事情,便是最后那一项提示所代表的信息到底是什么? Kane has not examined. 凯恩还没有查看。 Thinks of here, Kane was saying to nearby Lombe: Lombe, Medsker we first left, in the camp also has the matter to need to process.” 想到这里,凯恩对着旁边的隆贝说道:“那隆贝、梅兹克我们就先离开了,营地里还有事情需要处理。” They consider with Lombe since parting, Kane nods. 和隆贝他们告完别后,凯恩对身旁的克蕾雅点点头。 Two people bring to become the spirit of freedom rapidly, that more than 200 bow rider who and promote to become the intermediate branch of the services, return in the direction of camp. 两人迅速带着已经成为自由之灵,并晋升成为中级兵种的那200多个弓骑手,朝着营地的方向返回。
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